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Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why does suffering come to the weak and feeble?
Misery doesn't come to us simply
Whatever fruit we plant, will grow on the tree

Why do we see good people suffer?
They pray to God, but are denied supper
The result is not God's decree
It's a Universal Law, you will soon agree

The bad you do, comes back to you
As you sow, so shall you reap
If you want apples, you must plant apples
Otherwise, there will be no apples on your tree

People think that it is God in heaven
Giving cruel orders from cloud eleven
Is it true that God is passing the decree?
Or is it a law unfolding that we see?

The law is known as the Law of Karma
It is this law that causes all the drama!
If you understand the law, you will agree
That apples can't grow on a mango tree!

There will be no reaction, unless there is an action
There will be no effect unless there is a cause
Apples or mangoes, be it one, two or three
What we plant, is what we will see on the tree

But why do bad things happen to good people?
We hear people question, but the logic is feeble
It is expecting apples to appear on a mango tree
But how can apples grow on a mango tree?

Is this something difficult  to understand?
Is it unique or does it happen in every land?
The fruit you plant, will be the fruit on the tree
Just like there are mangoes on every mango tree

Have you seen a new born suffer?
Some are born fortunate, the circumstances differ
There must be a reason, you will agree
Otherwise, why would this ever be?

We may not remember, but the law remembers the past
Whatever we do, will be counted till the last
Good or bad, whatever be the degree
Will appear as the fruit that we planted on the tree

Some people question, “Is there life after death?”
Or is the story over when we take our last breath?
When we watch some children born with a smile and glee
We realize this is no magic, nothing happens for free

All this happens by a law on earth
There is no luck or chance involved in our birth
Fortunate or unfortunate, doesn't come randomly
The circumstances of our birth don't just happen simply

Who is in charge, who controls our destiny?
Is there a power that is issuing the decree?
Happy or unhappy, can prayer make it be?
Or is it our own deeds that will make our destiny?

Till when will we live in ignorance and cry?
Looking at our misfortune and then asking why
As long as we don't realize the law of destiny
Whatever are our deeds, our future will be

If we want to live in bliss and peace
If we want all our miseries to cease
Our life can be a jamboree
If we learn the Universal Law of the tree

Bad things can't happen to good people, you must know
This is the law that exists in our life show
If there is tragedy, then don't disagree
It is what we planted that is appearing on our tree
What is Life, have you ever thought?
It is not just to exist, have you forgot?
Is there a greater purpose for us here on earth?
Is there more to achieve in this human birth?

We humans want to be happy, but why are we sad?
We live in ignorance and feel that Life is bad
When will we stop and go on a quest?
When will we be enlightened and in peace will we rest?

We are all prisoners, we are not free
We all live in cages, suffering is our fee
Because we don’t find out what is the Truth
We live in ignorance and we face the brute!

I too lived in ignorance for 40 long years
I lived with anxiety and I lived with my fears
Until one day I found out what was true
And then my Life changed with happy colours and hues

My Spiritual Master asked me to go on a quest
To put every belief of mine to test
“Wake up,” he said, “and realize the truth
Ask and investigate till you get to the root!”

I found that happiness has 3 little peaks
But man is so petty, just pleasure he seeks
Few of us are lucky, we are content with our need
And don't become prisoners of our lust and our greed

The ego and the mind, they both make us sad
We think these are us, but they are the ones who are bad
They are our biggest enemies, they stop the realization
From ignorance and suffering, our Life’s liberation

When we realize who we are and why we are here
We become free from ignorance and every possible tear
We can then live blissfully with happiness and cheer
Today and tomorrow, and right through the year

Happiness is all about being in the now
Not shuttling in thoughts and losing a Life that’s wow
The past is gone, the future not yet born
But we waste our Life as this shuttling goes on

What is Life, have you ever thought?
“Are you just existing?” this question you forgot
If we are liberated from myth and ignorance
Then our Life will have a new fragrance

There are many beliefs that create unhappiness
We live with superstitions, the truth we miss
But because these are things that we all have been taught
We accept these things which in fact must be forgot

Don't we see that nothing is ours at death?
Life is a journey and lasts till our breath
The fact is that we have just a few years to live
Why hate and regret, why not just forgive?

We all want to be happy and we chase success
We think that success is happiness
But when we look around, we find the rich are sad
If money could create happiness, then the rich should be glad

Fools we are, in ignorance we live
We can be happy if we just learn to give
Instead, we earn and earn and earn
Only for others to burn what we earn

We don’t realize that death is not the end
The body dies but for the mind, it’s just a bend
There is a Universal Law on earth
As per our actions, will be our rebirth

I learned about things that make people cry
We wail in misery without asking questions, “Why?”
Life is a treasure, and this gift we lose
Because we don’t discriminate, because we don’t choose

Our goal is Liberation, to be free from the myth
The purpose of Life is to realize the truth
I learned that if we go on a quest, we will find
Joy, peace, and bliss of a very different kind

But instead, we are building fortunes that will not be ours
Sure, we may be rich and have monetary showers
But what is the use if our heart is full of tears
What is the use of Life if it is filled with fears!

Because we don’t understand the true meaning of Life
We live with misfortune, with misery and strife
Rather we must go on a quest, the Truth to find
And be Enlightened about Ego, Body and Mind

Our goal is just one - to merge with the Divine
Instead, we live chasing wealth, women, and wine
We go on and on like rats in this race
Don’t reach our destination, we get caught in the maze

There are in this world just a lucky fortunate few
Who wake up every morning before the sky turns blue
They meditate, they contemplate the true meaning of Life
They cut through the ignorance with a sharp little knife

They are the ones who live a Life full of bliss
They love all, knowing love is not just a kiss
They overcome the ignorance that envelops most of us
They find true enlightenment in Divinity that surrounds us

What is Life in the final analysis?
It’s about being peaceful and finding happiness
But far more than just living with bliss and Joy
Is to discover Life’s purpose before Life goes by

What is Life, the Truth we must know
It’s Liberation from Ignorance knowing this is just a show
It’s about Realization that gives us Liberation
Finding true Enlightenment and Divine Unification
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord
After Belief, Prayer,Faith,Hope&Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, we reap, we create our own food
But step ten on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn, how to God our Soul must fly

Importance of a Guru is the Ladder's step eleven
For without a Mentor, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to Overcome Ignorance, he helps us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step thirteen to Realize the Truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War within that can make us lame
Unless we transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery, sorrow, and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
What is the Soul, have you ever thought?
Or is it a mystery in which you are caught?
We all have a Soul, we seem to know
Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

It is the Soul that makes me live
But, is it the one that makes me forgive?
What is the function of the Soul?
What does it do to make me whole?

Body, mind, heart and Soul
Each has a specific role
The body moves and the mind does think
The heart beats, and the Soul? I blink

I have been taught that the Soul's in me
It makes me who I am meant to be
It is with me when I live, till I die
And then, I am told, it flies in the sky

Where does the Soul go and how? I wonder
It goes to heaven, how? I ponder
Everybody says, “We have a Soul”
To search for it is now my goal

My eyes and nose I can touch and feel
My mind, it wanders, my peace it does steal
Aha! Now I know what my Soul does do
It gives me life, I have got the clue

The Soul is a power that gives me breath
Without the Soul, there would be death
It comes to me just as I am born
And it leaves me when life is gone

Without the Soul, I would be dead
I wouldn't talk, wouldn't eat bread
My Soul is alive in every cell
It makes me pray and ring the bell

The Soul is energy, it gives me power
It makes me grow tall like a tower
But once it leaves, I can't even bend
And my life story comes to an end

What is the Soul? I stopped to think
So many tales that make me blink
The truth by now I am sure I know
It is Divine Life that makes me glow

What is our life's ultimate goal?
To find the truth about the Soul
Before life is over, and it is time to die
We must find the truth, not in ignorance lie

Is my Soul different from yours? I think
I question and try to find the link
Just like there is one power source in my house, I know
That makes both gadgets work and the lights glow

And so, there is just one life source
It appears different, but it is one, of course!
It is energy that creates all life
In me, my parents, my kids, my wife

Not just in human beings it is
In animals and plants, it's also this
It is this Power that makes birds fly
And everything alive on earth and sky

What is this Power, the Soul that we call?
What is this Power that is alive in us all?
To discover the truth about the Soul
Is our life's Ultimate Goal

The Soul is not mortal, it is Divine
It is not yours, it is not mine
It is the Lord that lives in us
To realize this truth, we have missed the bus

We never realize that God's in our heart
He never leaves us, never goes apart
It's strange through life for Him we search
In temple and mosque and in every church

God comes to us just as we are born
He creates life and life goes on
Until the moment that He decides to leave
We are alive, we must believe

He has blessed us with body and mind
But that He's within, we never find
We live in this world, we suffer and cry
Until one day, we finally die

The body of ours returns to dust
But our actions, of course, redeem we must
Therefore, while the body remains on earth
Our mind and ego takes rebirth

As per our Karma we are reborn
The universal law makes the circle go on
Happy or unhappy, it's not by luck
Our life’s circumstances does Karma pluck

And we, like fools, think it is the Soul
That is reborn and pays the toll
Know the Soul is only the power
That gives us life every hour

As long as we live in ignorance, we return
To suffer on earth, turn by turn
Because we think we are the ego and mind
We have to go through the rebirth grind

But once we realize we are the Soul
Not the body and mind as we were told
It is then from this cycle we are free
And with our Lord forever we can be

Then there is no Karma, it is not ME
I am the Soul, now I am free
There is no rebirth, once I know the truth
If only I get to the bottom of the root

At death, I will not return to earth
My mind and ego won't take rebirth
My Soul with God will then unite
And I will become one with the light

But how should I get Liberation?
It is only possible with Realization
I must overcome ignorance of the ego and mind
Then I will be liberated, I will find

It all starts by going on a quest
And putting all my beliefs to test
When I ask and investigate, I then realize
It's when I open my 'real-eyes'

I am the Soul, I can never know
This truth I must realize before I go
After realizing the truth, as a Soul I must live
Not as an ego, that will give and forgive

I am not 'I', this is how we must start
Everything is God, in body, mind and heart
When I live as Divine Energy
It is then from the world I will be free

We think that the Soul is in us
Of course, this is true
But what we don’t know is that it’s all around us
This news is new

We have a Soul, that’s what we’re told
It gives us life and we live
But the truth is we are the Soul
Old lies we must forget and forgive

It is not easy to live as the Soul
For in the body, there is many a hole
These senses are seeking, they desire, they crave
And they take us to our mortal grave

But if we have the Divine grace
That pours its blessings on our earthly face
Then we will live on earth but be free
And when we die, merge with eternity

This is the purpose of man on earth
To escape from death and rebirth
To realize the truth, we are the Soul
And to unite with God, is our Ultimate Goal
The whole world is in panic
The whole world is in fear!
They don’t know what the truth is
But they are zapped with what they hear

A virus has attacked us!
It is going to wipe out the world!
It is going to **** us all…
Through the media, we are told

Is it a danger, is it real?
Or is this just a myth?
As long as we live in fear
We will never realize the truth

Of course, it has killed thousands
And it’s mainly the old
The young will mostly get away,
With a fever, cough and cold

The Coronavirus is a champion
It seems to have a tactic
Though many it appears to infect
But for some, it is asymptomatic

Therefore, we don’t know the numbers
Who are actually killed by the virus
There are many with heart and lung disease
Are they dying because of this?

The whole world is in panic
They think of COVID they will die
They have locked themselves in their houses
Unable to enjoy the sky

Of course, we must take precautions
And stay away from one with a cough
But to shut down the entire world
That is way off!

Fear is the cause of this panic
It is making a mountain of a molehill
Far more than the Coronavirus
It is Fear that will ****

F E A R is False Expectations Appearing Real
The mind creates this thought
But once paralyzed by this panic
In anxiety we are caught

Why are we scared, why do we fear?
Why are humans given this gift?
God gave us this instinct for a reason
From real dangers, so we can drift

There are many types of fears
Some even fear a loud sound
Some fear to go up in the sky
Some fear a lizard on the ground!

Fear often grows into a phobia
An irrational fear of something
Dentophobia is a fear of the dentist
And claustrophobia, a crowd of anything

Some have zoophobia – fear of animals,
Some arachnophobia – fear of spiders
With aerophobia, there is fear of flying
And cyberphobia - fear of computers

Finally, the question that matters most
Is fear actually real?
Fear is not a danger, fear doesn’t ****
It’s just an Expectation that Appears Real

But when fear attacks us
And fills our body and mind
The rascal makes us suffer
And makes our life a grind

Fear is not a danger
There is a difference in these two
A danger can attack us
But fear just makes us feel blue

The consequence of fear is tremendous
It can bring our life to a halt
It can stop our intellect from thinking
By just finding fault

What is the cause of fear?
This killer is caused by our mind
It makes us see what is not
In anxiety, makes us blind

But there is a way to overcome it
With courage and with hope
We must wipe out every thought of worry
Then with stress and panic we will cope

But the first step is to wipe out
Ignorance from the mind
To differentiate the mind from the intellect
Both are of a different kind

The intellect can discriminate
It can realize the truth
We must ask questions and investigate
Till we get to the bottom of the root

It is important to flip our life over
From NEP flip to PEP
From negative emotions to positive emotions
From poison to power, step by step

After all, life is a drama
On the earth stage, it’s just a show
We are all actors in this theatre
We come, but we must go

Nobody can escape death
Life is in somebody else’s hand
There is a power we can’t comprehend
That created the sky and land

Because we fear we will die
We live with such panic
We get scared of a virus
That’s truly tragic!

Fear can lock us in prison
Fear can shut life’s door
Fear can frighten us to no end
Drilling into our core

The biggest Fear is that of death
Loss of all that is known
And then a greater fear still
What is beyond death, unknown

But Fear will make us suffer
Fear will make us sad
We must learn to overcome it
If again we want to be glad

There is a way to overcome
The ignorance caused by fear
It happens with Realization of the Truth
Not going by what we hear

We must ask and investigate
How real is our fear
Is it actually a danger
That’s coming very near?

Fear is an illusion
But is powerful and can ****
It can paralyze our entire life
And stop us from doing our will

Today, fear more than ever before
Has made the world come to a stop
In panic, stress, and anxiety
Forced people to shut their shop

Of course, the virus will **** a few
But all of us eventually must die
If not because of this virus
Something else will send us to the sky

So why be in panic of the virus?
We must realize the cause is fear
False Expectations Appearing Real
Is truly causing us dear

The economic crisis that is being caused
Is far greater than the virus
But fear is making us blind to the truth
And going in the wrong direction, in stress

Fear is making us blind
We can’t see the truth that is plain,
It’s projecting illusions that are fake
And will cause the world to be slain.

It’s time to realize what fear is doing
And **** it before it kills us
The virus will come, and the virus will go
But fear must not destroy us

If we remain ignorant of our ignorance
And live with fear and stress
Every such virus that comes in life
Will make our life a mess
True Love is bliss, it's not just a kiss
It's sad this truth in life we miss
We sing and we dance
And we enjoy the romance
But the bliss and the peace of True Love we miss

What is Love, seems a strange question to ask
Falling in Love is a very easy task
When somebody makes your heart dance
And you feel the romance
Life becomes beautiful and you live in that trance

Haven't you seen kids loving their mom and dad?
Friendship too is Love, it's not just a fad
When there is Love, there is bliss
Love is not just a passionate kiss
There are many different types of Love in fact

It's sad that people think *** is Love
Even without *** you can be hand in glove
With True Love, two become one
Yes, True Love is a lot of fun
It's happiness that takes you far above

When we speak of True Love, what exactly is meant?
In ignorance of True Love, our life is spent
True Love is really magic
That we miss it, is tragic
True Love is a gift that is God sent

Love is Love, but True Love is bliss
It is not just ***, it is not just a kiss
True Love is something great
But it is not everybody's fate
It is sad though we live, this treasure we miss

True Love is not just of body and mind
True Love is not something which the heart can find
What is our Goal?
Find True Love in the Soul
Then in True Love you will find two Souls will bind

With True Love you find that two become one
There are no disagreements and life becomes fun
When 'you' and 'me' become 'us'
Then there is no more fuss
And the treasure of True Love in life is won

The Greeks called Eros, the Love of passion
But Agape was True Love that was their mission
True Love was not just physical
And neither intellectual or emotional
True Love was to make Godly Love the obsession

If Love is so beautiful then why do we cry?
Why do lovers fight and then question why?
Because there is Love
But there is no True Love
The beauty of Love very soon does die

What makes you think that Love is a kiss?
What makes you believe that romance is bliss?
When you give away your heart
And you see it's torn apart
Then you realize that you made a miss

When you realize True Love in the Soul
There is peace in the Heart, and joy is whole
And you see beyond the skin
And you Love the one within
Then you have found True Love, your very life goal

In True Love, you are compassionate and kind, you give
True Love is such that you always forgive
True Love makes one free
And you live joyously
It is with True Love that one can truly live

True Love is a Divine Rainbow with Colours Seven
Colours that burst from White and make you feel you are in Heaven It is the Love of Body and Mind
The Love of Heart and Soul
True Love is Divine, it takes you to Cloud Eleven

It's time to stop and True Love to find
To go beyond body and to go beyond mind
True Love is in the Soul
What is the ultimate goal?
To discover True Love and put everything else behind

True Love is Spiritual, True Love is Divine
True Love is more ******* than *** and wine
True Love transcends the heart
And goes deep within the Soul
True Love is loving God and making life whole

When you discover True Love, you smile all the while
For you see the Divine, everywhere, all the time
You see beyond body, you see beyond mind
When True Love in every Soul you find
True Love makes life blissful, True Love we must find
People mistake Love for True Love, live deluded lives and suffer. ‘True Love is Bliss and not a Kiss’ examines the inherently Divine nature of True Love and encourages readers to aspire for the highest order of True Love.
There is a 4th Factor on earth
It controls our life, it gives us birth
It is beyond what man can know
It has laws that manage the show

Man thinks there are factors three
With a saw he thinks he can cut a tree
To him, the doer, the equipment and the act
Are enough to create any impact

But then sometimes, he blinks and thinks
The sails were fine, yet the ship sinks
They did their best, captain and crew
But the results didn’t happen, that is true

And still does man do his best
He puts every effort of his to test
But he is sad in the end to find
That the result that happened was a different kind

Why is it, then man does think
What stopped his desire? What made him sink?
It should have happened, why did it not
Where he wonders, his work got caught

Then he sees there are factors four
Not just three that he thought before
There is a 4th Factor he knows
That controls all results, it clearly shows

Despite man doing his very best,
He can’t understand what is the test
Till finally the 4th Factor he knows
He surrenders, he accepts, with it he goes

Why is it that we try but cry?
It did not happen, we question the sky
We do not understand how this Power acts
What are the laws, what are the facts?

The 4th Factor is a Power, of course
But how it works, nobody knows
The only way to live with it
Is to trust, to accept, to surrender to it

This Power is not ordinary, that we know
It’s the Cosmic Power that runs the show
With it the world goes round and round
And there is justice on the ground

We are helpless puppets in fact
Without it, we are nothing in the act
It is the Director that produced this show
We just come and then we go

We want to be happy, don’t want to be sad There is a way for us to be glad
If we want to live with joy and peace With the 4th Factor, it happens with ease
In the 4th Factor we must learn to trust
This power is fair, this power is just

We must not question, we must not ask
Why do we worry, why do we fear?
Why the misery, why the tear?
If only the 4th Factor we know We will truly enjoy the show

It’s sad that in ignorance we do live We live in greed, we do not give
We are anxious, jealous, we worry, we hate And never reach the happiness gate
We must do our best and then let go
To the 4th Factor that manages the show

A new way to live, we must not miss
You may of course be the best actor But you can’t beat the 4th Factor Every day
on earth you will see Whatever will be, will be, will be
A spiritual Poem By AiR
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