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2.4k · May 2014
Aerrick V Marcks May 2014
Medication is our only Sedation
Exchanging sadness for nothing
I'm sorry Therapist, but little Johnny isn't insane
Its a societal disease spreading like a plague
Look into those deep blue eyes
question the emptiness he holds behind the eyelids
was there ever a light for him to see
Or has the light been smothered by
Greed, savagery and propaganda.
Medicate the young
They will see the world as molded for them.
Teach them to step in histories tracks
And I promise you, The world will Rotate.
888 · Feb 2014
An Uncommon Outlook
Aerrick V Marcks Feb 2014
Strip you of your resources,
Growing exponentially with time,
Only to be left as our scars to nature
Mother Tree why do we treat you so Poorly.

Is Humanity here to show the end
To the objects that give us life.
From Oxygen producing plants
To the water that sustains our life

Is it our job to destroy the Mother
Who has nurtured us since we suckled
As a virus on this beautiful planet
Depriving Gaea of her own necessities

No Human wisdom can lead my answer
So tell me please.
An answer to one true question worth asking..
"Are we only existing to destroy you,
Or shall we live WITH Earth rather than ON?"
This poem has been floating around notebooks around my room for years, It appears I found the time to finally line it out in a way I saw fit.
787 · Mar 2014
Aerrick V Marcks Mar 2014
Ultimate Truth,
Tree of Life
Spiritual Force,
god, Odin, Zeus
Give it a nickname
or let the name remain.
No matter it is the Unknown
All life can do is create Tolerance
for the misunderstood,
War, Hate, Differences, Loss
Engage in acceptance
and create
Peace, Discussion, Wisdom.

Argument became a part of nature
When Knowledge was mistaken
for tools against humanity.
A man that questions nothing
can only learn Ignorance
those who refuse cooperation
refuse reality
Understand nothing while
Questioning everything and
731 · May 2014
Aerrick V Marcks May 2014
There is a door in each mind
Where things will hide
Beneath every corner and shadow
To protect itself the room fills with toxins

So to protect the human outside this mind
a fictitious character is made
The only thing that can be grasped
is the heart no longer the mind.

Only if she would allow one to understand
Read her schematics, and try to make sense.
That behind those shattered eyes
is a view of the world falling around her.

The scattered pieces tear any man apart
Breathing in the toxic air one can wish
to be unbreakable
to hold her pains inside themselves.

That door in her mind
has never been entered
With a trefoil hanging from the door
as a warning to never enter.

No one will ever return
when that door shuts
Know that the shadows
allow no life inside.
A poem from a long time ago
362 · Feb 2014
That Red Light
Aerrick V Marcks Feb 2014
The story starts many years ago
Where the love began to grow
He hung a red light,
just above the bed
Only to remember the loss inside of love

She ignites a blue bulb
Just above her head
Just so she knows the sorrows
That are to come from the beautiful trauma

It spread like fire through them both of them.
Yet the fear of losing that, is what stops them both
They are as if deer in headlights.
Afraid to move any further
For their shadows might intersect
And when those shadows cross
Could it be?
They shall never find out
Eyes remain locked
On each other just hoping
the other will take the reins
Steering their paths away from the fear
And into the red glowing Light

— The End —