Day 534
Waking up to a bright sun
But the day's bleak.
Hundreds around me.
I feel so alone.
We've heard news.
The boy who washed ashore.
It's gathered the masses.
Help is coming, we hear.
Help is coming. We Hope.
Tired, bent, we trudge,
Broken, *not yet.
But before long.
Forced from our homes
We bear on.
For it's all we can do
All we can do
Till help comes along
Day 534.
I want this to end.
**Please. Find me a home.
The Syrian civil war has affected millions of innocent people.
Millions dead. Millions displaced. and Billions in shock.
The cruelty and insanity is being witnessed by the world.
Some of the worst days in Human History are upon us.
This is when the world must stand and help.
If not for the sake of helping a country in need.
At least for the sake of humanity and hope.
The war might not end soon.
But must the suffering take the same course?