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 Apr 2018 Xan Abyss
is this what it seems like
or is my vision only blurred?
we take a step away from each other
with every painful, stinging word

they say May showers bring April flowers
but there's no sign of life still here
at night I lie awake for hours
the end of us is what I fear

I thought this bleeding heart was invincible
but right now I'm feeling shattered
I think my veins are running empty
you were all that ever mattered
 Apr 2018 Xan Abyss
Will you look up to the sky?
I know you would not
Those stars are so tiny
Just like the possibilities
I long for happiness—
And fantasy of “us”
Got hit by the reality
It does not really exist
Even in the parallel universe
That we deeply believe
That red string, we held on
Hoping you would grab onto—
The hand or the pinky finger
You used to make promises
For us to meet someday
Hug me one last time
So, I can check one off my list
In this sad fantasy of “me”
As I move on with reality of “you”
I could not sleep and had deep thoughts that inspires me to make this poem
My fantasy damsel

My caring confidante

What do I do without the glow of your love to lead the way

What would I listen to without the sweet words you say

When I'm with you I don't want to go I just want to stay

I need you to know that your love makes my day

Without you I will be lost in the shadows of despair

I will be facing the deadly gallows breathing without air

The depth of your love leaves me with a flair

On the earth I stand with bare feet and think Love is fair

Through death I can defeat and thank you cause Life is fair

It's only people that are cold hearted, unkind and unfair

This world is cruel I know but true love is our fuel

I am careless and grateful because you make me feel well

Yeah they don't know what love is

Let's show them

Yeah they don't know how to love

Lets teach them

They will never love to see us love

I know them

But you and me have passed the test of time

We love like children and make love like teenagers

We are immovable and superbly adorable
An old poem I wrote for my imaginary girl friend, perfect people only exist in tales...
 Apr 2018 Xan Abyss
Miru Eirudy
An imaginary world where anything exist.
One’s imagination it all you need.
To write is to create - an endless possibilities.
Word by word, phrase by phrase, a reality within one’s mind.
A swing of a pen and it shall become.
Line between line, a story is made.
A reality to the characters within.
A world where her story begins.
With the stroke of my pen, I created a world.
A world where my character would live.
A peaceful town, bountiful of blessings.
And thus, she was born - safe and healthy.
Continuously writing with my pen in hand.
I skipped the details until she’s nine.
Grown to be a pretty little girl everyone adores.
But now it has come - it is time to get the story done.
The enticing blank paper allures my imagination.
An empty space where everything is possible.
A swing of my pen is all I need.
And it shall be done, created, thus shall happen.
My hands moved without even thinking.
Slowly and slowly, the conflict will be done.
For out little girl, trapped inside an unknown ground.
Finding her way out, crying while calling for someone.
Seeing this in my own imagination.
I can’t help by to make her suffer more.
It is my story and she’s my character.
Whatever I wrote shall be her fate.
I moved my pen once more.
And make it rain for her to feel cold.
Enlarged the forest, and make her hopeless.
Seeing her dull eyes makes me what to hurt her more than twice.
Hearing her scream with her lifeless voice.
It is nothing but a music into my ears.
I made her more and more hopeless - a chill on my spine.
Slowly taking her life had never this so fun.
As she took her last breath, I feel empty.
I never thought my story meets and ending.
To see my own creation lived until I end it.
I couldn’t help but to think that I would like to switch places.
And now I’m back being an ordinary girl.
To which I am nothing but an average human.
Living in a world where it is bound by rules.
Where I wonder, is there a writer behind it all?
Whoever it may, I have my pen.
That’s all I need to create my ideal end.
A pen that can make anything possible.
A world where I am the character of my own.
The first poem I published publicly on my Facebook Account. :)
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