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Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Don’t plant no seeds if you anit ready to garden yet, cause too many uncared for plants leaves the farm in debt, the “rotten”seeds always seem to harm the rest, we can point out the issue why we anit fix the problem yet? Cause anything healthy in nature always get harvested.
LalaineGumiran Sep 2019
Parang isang babasagin
napakarupok ko sa iyong mga mata
at sa iyong mga ngiti na bilang sa daliri.
Marupok ako sa mga pasimpleng lambing
na dumudurog sa malamig na puso.
Sa balikat **** sinasandalan,
sa yakap at amoy ng iyong anit kahit maghapong pawisan,
napakahina ko.

Natutuwa sa simpleng kwentuhan
at kahit di mo pa subukan,
dalang dala ako sa agos mo.
Kahit wala ka pang gawin para ako'y suyuin
nanlalambot ang Marupok na ako sa Marupok na ikaw

Marupok pati ang isip ko
na laging lumalakbay papunta sayo,
lumilipad sa kalawakan mo,
ramdam ang grabidad na lalong humihila
sa pusong tila nalalaglag na.

Kaya ba?
Kaya bang saluhin ng marupok na ikaw
ang marupok na ako?
Michael McCurdy Dec 2010
Why did you have to rip our child from the womb ?
Why did you have to send him to his eternal tomb?
Why couldn't you let me be a happy father?
You say you have an explanation but don't even bother.

Would having our child having their first breath really be a crime?
Why do you look at it as stopping it just in time?
No matter how you look at it you took a life
Doesn't matter if it was by scalpel or knife.

You ended a gift from God
You act like it doesn't bother you
But I know that's a facade
Because that could never be true.

Now I pick up my pen
So that you can see the beauty within
For a child is a beautiful gift
If you take it away you create a permanent rift.

Some say it is a choice
But I say we need to hear their unspoken voice
Let them live
For we do not know if your sin God can forgive.
This was a poem written because of my challenge and because I read a story where despite the father's protests a mother had their unborn son aborted because she did not want a kid at that time. A fetus is a life so no one should end it.
A Thomas Hawkins Mar 2010
All it took was a suit in DC with a word,
on the back of a lie that everyone heard.
We were sold on the threat of mass destruction,
a war just to fuel our massive consumption.
"We're giving these people democracy no less"
but when we stand up and raise our voice in protest,
for our brothers and sisters that die over there,
it gets spun in our face to make out we dont care.

Whilst Wall Street and senators sit home and get rich,
my brother was killed by a bomb in a ditch.
Why do we let those with nothing to lose,
be the ones who decide, be the ones who choose,
what happens to children other than their own,
who go off to fight but dont always come home?
The world is in chaos and everyone's right,
but can't even agree on the cause of the fight.

So we sit here at home by the phone and TV,
just waiting to hear and just waiting to see,
a glimpse of our loved ones so far far away,
or their voice telling us they survived one more day.
Fear not my brothers who leave home shores,
to fly round the world and fight in their wars,
you are as much in our thoughts as you always have been,
long before yellow ribbons and magnets were seen.

One day you'll be home and back in our lives,
our brothers and sisters and husbands and wives.
But sadly not all will come home alive,
in caskets with flags on dead heroes arrive.
And I pray for justice for those that we've lost,
that someone will answer for this terrible cost,
that one day war will be a thing of the past.
Let the world live in peace, and a peace that will last.
©A Thomas Hawkins 2010
Marcus White Mar 2014
It been 20 year in the making
there well still anit breaking
they have face many foe
never lost a bro
it may start slow but
by the end you well be beging for mo

We have had
01:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 1)  02:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 2)  
03:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)  03.5: Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers  
     04:Power Rangers Zeo  05:Power Rangers Turbo  06:Power Rangers in Space  
07:Power Rangers Lost Galaxy  08:Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
09:Power Rangers Time Force  10:Power Rangers Wild Force  11:Power Rangers Ninja Storm  
        12:Power Rangers Dino Thunder  13:Power Rangers S.P.D.  14:Power Rangers Mystic Force  
EX:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Re-version)  18:Power Rangers Samurai  
       19:Power Rangers Super Samurai  20:Power Rangers Megaforce  

All of the ranger have protected the earth
now its up tp #21 Power Rangers Super Megaforce
to save the day
being the power of all 20
that come before them
to fight the great evil earth has
seen to this day
it all up to them to bring
peace some way

If they can win the we well bring in
#22 to hype you up
here come
Power Rangers Dino Charge
in to to save the day

This is the mega ranger flow
I have NO right to power ranger I just gave the Mega Flow
Poetic T Oct 2020
I never drove by that was the ***** way,
             half time trying to hit a wet spot blind.
or killing the time of those who were never
meant to fall...

Got honor between the lines, I'll stop the car,
              open the door, walk out suited
not you average gangster, look like the others
and no one running till I pulls out your
friend it anit here for a meet and greet.

More like say hello to, goodbye...
   you bleeding on the floor, I'm a good shot...
One to the chest, you fell now one to the head,
   you aint paid you bills now your blood
                                           stained in the wind.

Casually walking back to the car signing
         autographs of his followers.  
This meet and greets been productive,
   Family signing you off on the morgue...

I aint going to lie the only necktie I be
           tightening is yours...

Tied to a chair, if I need information,
   asking as politely with a ball hammer
                                   and some pliers...

I had a few mouths shout off,
now they walk the street silently,
  never **** disrespect.

Show what silence sounds like,
respect is fear
         and I'm the scarecrow in the

And you crows,
    you worm eaters ain't seen nothing yet..
Debbie Lees Dec 2016
I got stabbed in the back
They weren't there
The ones you call friends will not always be there
Because now look im locked up
Hurt but yet learning
Learning can't call everyone my friend because they anit always gonna stand by your side like they said they would
or you thought they would.
Stay strong beautifuls don't loose your life over any boy girl friend any **** like that cause they anit always gonna stand by you cause at one point they gonna let you down and your heart so wake up from your dumb silly dream of they gonna be there cause not all of them are
CynQuavia Sep 2011
People say that tears mean a lot be do you see in all it in this snot
Don’t know how I feel and you say what’s the big???
Big deal if or is it not why do you say stuff that’s make me hot!
I cry cry cry and people always fear me not
Cussing screaming stressing over this stuff
Making me bald Anit that enough!
You may not know this not know this at all but I care
Way too much for me to just fall down the drain to come back tomorrow get away from all this pain.
Who cares? No One cares!
Seven Socrates Jun 2014
Look at what we value and praise. We a seek better days yet refuse to mend our ways.
If you avoid conflict and treat others kindly you’re a *****, but if you act savagely you’ll have a hard time keeping people off your ****, now anit that some ****?
This isn’t a rap. Look at what’s happening in the world and look at your actions. Why does a “good life” have to include detrimental acts? I’d rather have the hippes back then the **** yall on.
You gonna wish u listened when u see the good guys all gone.”
Cedric McClester Mar 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Israel is our ally,
Not our 51st state
But you might think it is
As highly as it rates
It’s one nation, among many
In the Middle East
Although it’s highly favored
To say the very least

It’s a bully tactic
That truly is pathetic
Criticize Israel
And you’re labeled anit-Semetic
Semites can be found
Throughout the Middle East
It’s not limited to them
Though they have added yeast

But we’re made to believe it is
By supporters of the Jewish State
So those who are critical of them
Are accused of blatant hate
But there’s plenty to criticize
If you care to debate
Though the label you’ll be given
Gives it added weight

Some view Israel as she is
With blemishes and all
And others hide her imperfections
While praying at the Wall
Though constructive criticism
Just might be the cure
For everything that ails her
And causes her endless war

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Poetic T Sep 2019
We live on the same street,

but you anit nothing like me,

This isn't a 12A,
    The kids in this will **** you for

disrespecting the other side of the street..

Eternal outlaws, as kids we knocked and run
                                    each others doors..

But i knock your door,
          you lucky if you survive,

              the third knock that is off the safety...

A hole fills your vacant look, holes at the front,

                    smudges that cant clean off your regrets..

I'll knock your memory into the past..

          mothers will cry.. but you'll never realise

that we aren't just one street.

But you look at me wrong, I'll knock some sense
                   into your frame..

Bruised moments..

You cross my gaze,
                   my street…
                               I'll make the black
vison of bow heads grace the road..

   But you'll not see,

             your the one closed eyed,
                                     while others weep...
Julian Sep 2015
This isn't a poem but a place I'd call home ,my shelter when I'm shredded by rain and when I'm alone.

Are you aware that you are rare? There isn't another specie that's like you in this atmosphere ,instead of peeping and copying other people's paintings focus on your own painting you don't know if you might create a master peace and unleash the definition of humility

Are you aware that you are rare?
Move with love not fear
Sit down and give your brother a chair
Never be at bottom of the face of thee earth "you anit a beard"

Are you aware that you are rare
The stuggle of being black
Red stimulates my world
More than just my pants
The sound of its music
Makes me crazed and dangerous
I can hear it scream my name
My heart becomes suicidal
Do I say what l feel
No feelings are for the doc
I anit got time for this
No I would  rather watch golf

Suddenly blue enters the picture
Consuming my whole
Knocking on my door
I run to answer it
It takes me in its arms
Gives me a good night
Turns around and ***** on my face
Tells me I’m pretty
And then lives me to die

Yellow passes by and shows me a good time
Gives me what I wanted
In exchange for its heart
I know I should care
But I care for it like ****** cares for Jews
I crushed it
But it feel good beneath my heel
Especially when Blue reared its handsome head

Green came in my hour of need
Blue broke my heart and left me barren
In the lights of the city
Green nursed me back to health
Illumining what was dead within
Out of rage I found it
Put in pleasure I praised the moment
Green was gone never to be seen again

Purple was violent with my soul
Striping me of innocence
Leaving me wounded and bleeding
God condemned me there
Or at least his idea did
When I think of purple
Armies of rage erupt in fire

No matter the hue Blue will return
Courting me to ecstasy
Robbing me of pride
The cursing my name
Yet red doesn’t not do this
It brings me to euphoria
Blue fights for my body
Red longs for my heart
Hear I stand a stagnate white
Caught in the spectrum
That Colors my world
Julian Feb 2015
Chasing feelings leaves you ****** up

you anit gotta always live up to your emotions.

When you're sad ; smile , when you're angry ; calm yourself

Nobody wakes up happy , we all wake up ****** up , we choose to be happy
And we choose to be sad.

Don't let the world change your view of life , the world has become a system.
And they say you're not matured when you don't join it. Then you the victim

Souls are just driven about how they feel. Don't Live in sadness ; sad. Live with a open mind life won't always be hooray cause life is a game and you and only you ; chooses how to play.

What do you do behind close curtains
#Emotions #ForTheSad
Julian Nov 2015
I guess being different anit really different since everybody claims to be different "I'm not different" ,not being different is the new different.
Marcus White Mar 2014
There is a point when  you get so close
then it all just goes away
what can I say
that life

A price
it my be easy to
just run away but that
that anit the right of way you do it anyways

You leave your family and friends sad
there fell bad becasue you mad
it up to you on what to do
this life is hard

You can't give up
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
When I look at my pathetic, chubby, anti-body, reddish spheres glistening on my face - something strange desolation flies over me and settles on me. Why couldn't I be worthy of you? - are you asking this? How could I have built a glass palace for you from the tears of my pure, hopeful heart? I would just sit with a sure, warming awareness that your angelic being fills all the essentials, and while our two hands: A kindly watchful swan hand intertwine their dreams with my oak and rugged hands.

Now, with a stifled, bitter, self-hatched mood, I think of how you ended up on the island of desire of your dreams, and I stay here now like a lost person left in the woods, whose heart is bleeding from several wounds! My intellect is now still weak with pity and broken will for your pity, and he begs: Oh! How much I wanted to whisper only to you, softly and softly,

so that only your fairy-ears can confidently listen to my secrets, all that is sweetened, attracted like an electromagnet to you. you stood before me and bewitched me with your unquenchable desire, always my tutyimutyi mood, and I tried to feed my fire consciously, boldly, so that the proud and one-time cop of our passions would never go out,

juror chained to the kisses of your love like a prisoner, and I couldn’t, in my desperate, vulnerable pain, even give up on you forever! "At that time, they're still guarding with roaring light, staring at my dreams with rhinestones." I would run away if I could but I am with you in your mind too!
myranda Mar 2019
How can you sleep at night
Knowing  your tearing a family apart
Do you think your saving someone
Saving them and giving them a better life
In reaity YOUR NOT!!!!
She says
"You need to get stight A's"
"you need to change who you are"
And you cant stay stay who you are or where you belong
How can you sleep at night
When you used her for sexaul things
Then up and left
Useing her like a toy
Want to be left alone and loved at the same time.
How can you sleep at night
When you left , came back and left again then came back
"Your so bipoler"
My soul feel like a pit of blackness
broke many times now stronger
wanting to float away because been hurt many times
Anit it funny how you can sleep at night and the other person can't
Its hard to let go!
Not right now I wanted us to grow!
But now I feel so slow
Because of your little show!
I thought this was gonna flow
But it’s all a big show

How can I forget the long years spent
You got me ******* bent
I can still smell your scent
Everyday we spend together is like the main event

I love you so much
I love your touch  
But you rather flush
For a big time crush
Let me just **** hush

I gotta let go!
I gotta let go!
I anit slow

Yes this is hard
I didn’t think this would happen from the start

I gotta let go!
I gotta let go!
My QUEEN You have to let go!

— The End —