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Ellis Reyes Apr 2020
Thirty Four Years Ago


I scrambled from the back of a 5-ton Army truck and landed in a different universe

Before me stood men
Whose disdain for my existence was visceral

Though I had excelled in all of the tests required to arrive at this place – none of it mattered.

I hadn’t proven my worth to THEM.

And… until I did

I was nothing

Welcome to Day Zero
The arduous road to reach the Ranger Battalion was smooth and downhill compared to the climb that I would undertake to remain there.
Ceyhun Mahi Jun 2017
Angel Grove shines summery with its bays,
In the winds each and every palm tree sways.

It is time to chill out after winter,
With moves and ways under the brightful rays.

At summery days shining in bright beams,
To the Youth Center there are many ways.

A long time ago or just previously,
The trends and fashions breeze throughout this place.

From colorful shows to glittering fights,
The river of Gihon saw here the plays.

At times of twilight, between day and night,
Is this city like a divided maze?
Showing my fondness for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!
Who knew
A twitter hash tag
Would inspire me into new heights
Totally unexpected twitter
The #NeverEverQuit hash tag from the Texas Rangers is my favorite thing of all time. Or at least one of them.
Coming home late
Ranger game on until one pm
All hell I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow
Ellis Reyes Nov 2015
There he is
the loudest guy in the bar
Boasting about clandestine OPS
and battles he’d ‘prefer not to remember’,
But he does,
because he has an audience

There he was in Ramadi, Korengal,
Tikrit, Kandahar, pinned down by dozens,
no hundreds, of enemy fighters.
His best mate, was hit by shrapnel or an enemy round.
He screams for Doc
But no help comes
The barroom hero
applies a compression bandage,
but the blood continues to flow through his fingers
Minutes pass, his buddy worsens.
Doc arrives, finally.
The buddy is stabilized and loaded onto a stretcher
He’ll be on the first bird out

The battle hardened warrior continues his tale,
regaling his table with airstrikes, CQB, and
taking the battle to the enemy.

Someone asks, “What unit were you in?”
He replies proudly, “The Second Ranger Battalion.”

You set your own beer down and spin from your chair.
You make your way from your table to his.
You place a silver coin upon it,
“Second Ranger Battalion,” you say,
“Coin Check.”

The color drains from his face
Fear in his eyes and an ‘Oh ****’ expression on his face,
He stammers something about being ‘attached’
and having orders for Ranger School once.

Your icy glare tells him that he’d better
**** and **** before he is no longer able to do either.

He throws a $20 onto the table and finds his way to the door.

******* ****.
Ellis Reyes Nov 2015
In Battalion,
Misery is served in a thousand ways.

Misery is served in buckets of rain
and hours of wind.
Unyielding, soul-******* cold and wet.
Porous jungle boots that invite the frigid water in and soften your feet for a relentless 30 mile march.

Misery is served in a stifling aircraft flying Nap of the Earth.
A nauseating rollercoaster ride that never fails to elicit
chain reaction vomiting from the paratroopers rigged to jump.

Misery is served at pool PT
When your arms and legs feel like lead
and drowning is a better alternative
than the aquatic torture that you’re enduring.

Misery is served during blistering Company runs
led by the Commander
who was a college decathlete.
Runs where the strongest of us
pulled aside, emptied our stomachs,
and rejoined the formation.

Misery is served by no warning alerts
separating families and lovers
for indefinite periods,
sometimes forever.

Misery is served by the Spec 4 Mafia
Unleashing Hell on new Rangers
testing their threshold for ****.

Misery is served by road marches, prickly heat,
Black Palm, and sawgrass. It’s served by desert heat,
Arctic cold, and the stench of the world’s worst places.

Misery is served by the loss of brothers in war and training,
gone too soon to join the Great Ranger in the Sky.

Through it all, misery hardened my body and strengthened my soul.
It made me a warrior and ushered me into a Brotherhood that will be with me until we all sit at the great table in Valhalla.

So on this Veteran’s Day
Embrace the ****
Endure the pain
Invite the Misery
For that’s what makes us
Men amongst Men

Rangers Lead The Way.
Marcus White Mar 2014
It been 20 year in the making
there well still anit breaking
they have face many foe
never lost a bro
it may start slow but
by the end you well be beging for mo

We have had
01:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 1)  02:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 2)  
03:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Season 3)  03.5: Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers  
     04:Power Rangers Zeo  05:Power Rangers Turbo  06:Power Rangers in Space  
07:Power Rangers Lost Galaxy  08:Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
09:Power Rangers Time Force  10:Power Rangers Wild Force  11:Power Rangers Ninja Storm  
        12:Power Rangers Dino Thunder  13:Power Rangers S.P.D.  14:Power Rangers Mystic Force  
EX:Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Re-version)  18:Power Rangers Samurai  
       19:Power Rangers Super Samurai  20:Power Rangers Megaforce  

All of the ranger have protected the earth
now its up tp #21 Power Rangers Super Megaforce
to save the day
being the power of all 20
that come before them
to fight the great evil earth has
seen to this day
it all up to them to bring
peace some way

If they can win the we well bring in
#22 to hype you up
here come
Power Rangers Dino Charge
in to to save the day

This is the mega ranger flow
I have NO right to power ranger I just gave the Mega Flow

— The End —