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i want to be alone
for its bliss is lovely

but i hate the feeling
of no warmth beside me

the dimness of the lamp
my only saving friend
why don't you stay
so we can grieve together
for we are too similar

this is the part where someone comes to mind
but truth to be told
my someone has always been a lie
the words were true
but my mind has been blank
all i know
is i crave for a warm

©Words of a withering soul
You’re not a poet because you know those ‘fancy’ words
You’re a poet because every word you write comes straight from your heart

You’re not a poet because you feel alone
You’re a poet because pen and paper are your biggest companions

You’re not a poet because you understand emotions better
You’re a poet because you let them flow freely

You’re not a poet because people admire your work
You’re a poet because you write for your own contentment and not for people's consent

You are not a poet because you’ve failed in love
You’re a poet because you’ve been in love deeper than anyone else

You’re not a poet because you are strong
You’re a poet because you don’t hide your weaknesses

You’re not a poet because you can heal hearts
You’re a poet because you know what it means to be broken

              ©words of a withering soul
  Dec 2020 Words of a withering soul
You have a place in my heart
A special place indeed
And as well as a place
In this bed of ours

We share cigarettes
We share blankets
We share cuddles
We share kisses
We share feelings
We share our
Darkest emotions
We share ****
We share tea
We share food
We share a home

We share the bad days
And the most beautiful
Romantic nights
Of our entire life

Our love is based on
Trust & commitment
His positive vibes
I look upon
As true

This guy sees my worst
Still calls me the best
Greatest boyfriend
I have ever had
The chance to have
© Natali Veronica 2013.
You meant a lot to me until I realised your body runs cold.
You meant a lot to me until I recognised the ways you are bold.

You meant a lot to me until I heard the number of times your voice cracks throughout the day.
You meant a lot to me until you spoke of things you were initially afraid to say.

You meant a lot to me until
I saw some of your chosen paths
You meant a lot to me until
I saw the way you laughed.

You meant a lot to me until
You told me the secrets you forgot to keep inside.
You meant a lot to me until
I stood by you while you cried.

You meant a lot to me until
I heard the mistakes you made in the past.
You meant a lot to me until
I discovered how different you were from the last.

You meant a lot to me until all your flaws were laid out to see, but after all this time I've realised you don't mean a lot,
You mean everything to me.

© Words of a withering soul
You mean more to me than you think
Lovely little sister
Inseparable friend
Through the sweet and bitter
You are here to the end

To me you are an angel in disguise.
Full of intuition, you are intelligent and wise.
You are my guiding star.You are my shining light.
You are my everything, what helps me through the night.

Always giving and helping through good times and bad.
You are the best friend I've ever had.
Through trials and tests, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.

You're in my heart and my prayers.
I'll wipe your tears, I'll get rid of your fears.
Whenever I have gone through some cloudy days,
You've been my sunshine in so many ways.

You are my heart.You are my soul.
You are my savoir,who makes me feel whole
If I had one wish, it would surely be
To give you as much as you've given to me.

You are many things, but most of all you're my sister and my friend
My gratitude for you has no end

          ©Words of a withering soul
I only wish you were my real sister
Cuts on my wrists,hands curled into fists
Wondering that will i even be missed
Scars on my heart might never heal.
This is what a person must never feel.

You played my heart like it was a game.
Now I know you never felt the same
You stabbed my soul, ripped my heart.
You took my hope, tore it apart.

You shattered my heart in the times of need
Although you realised, you let it bleed.
Slowly you made my heart stop beating.
The pain you created quickly began repeating.

You killed my hope; I stopped dreaming.
When your love for me ceased, my heart began screaming,
You told that you love me, that you'd always be there,
But now those are just words floating in the air.

Slicing my heart, the heartbreaking rain.
When you tore my heart, I couldn't stop the pain.
Now I truly see,
That you never actually loved me.
You never loved me, did you?
It's your birthday and I sit down to write,
Reminiscing those times so bright.

Here it is,Your special day,
So I thought I'd take this time to say
How nice it is to have a friend
Who listens and understands.

The kind of friend who's always there,
Ready to show that someone cares.
You've cheered me up when I was down Just by simply hanging around.

And oh the times we 've spent in laughter
Have made me chuckle for many days after.

Within you, I've found the perfect friend,
A mind that I can comprehend,
Within you, I've found the perfect friend
With whom I can be real and never pretend.

I make you mad and you drive me nuts,
But we have the thing that is called trust.
 We laugh, we cry, we make time fly.
Together we smile, together we sigh

Hoping that all your wishes comes true,
and your day is as sweet as you!
Wanted to share this thought with you
Having you as a friend makes it my special day too.

Happy birthday to you again,
And I hope that you soar.
I'll always wish the best
Because you know I love(hate) you more!
Happy birthday to my best friend.... You've been with me through thick and thin... And helped me get up when I feel down.... So thank you for everything❤️
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