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 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
Et cetera
And when the waves retreated
The sea refused to accept them
Pushed them back out
Each time they receded

It never understood
Even when it pushed them back out
It owned them and made them
A part of itself

For one can only push away
That which is theirs
One can only disown
That which they command

Because if they actually left
A flood would ensue
The city would be destroyed
And guilt would **** the sea itself
 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
I had a fight with time
it broke its promise
to erase the love I have
*for you
people angry at
their difficulties act like
******' idiots
 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
JR Falk
I want to get so drunk I forget my own name.
The problem is, I think I'd still remember yours.
I've done everything I can to forget you except forget you,
and I don't think it's ever going to work.

 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
my father broke my heart
before any guy ever had a chance
it’s hard to trust someone
and to let people in
not because you are scared
that they will break your heart
because part of you know they will
i mean, that’s what you’ve grown up with, right?
but also because you don’t wanna
risk that chance of hurting yourself
you’ve learned to protect yourself
by distancing people from you
it’s the easy way out, but also
the safest for yourself

 Sep 2015 Tiki Cagilaba
Growing by the moment
when hearing fortune
when seeing happiness

Feeling even weaker
when hearing luck
when seeing love

Just by others
never happening to you
never seeing your own good
I did this
I did that
Means nothing in the end
*Without love
They say black cats bring bad luck.
Three white kittens just crossed my path.
**Does this mean triple good luck?
Watching water drip
Is boring
Still it can keep you awake
*All night long
Be unique
Like a leopard
In a city of zebras
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