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Thomas Apr 2020
Thousand formless threads
lull tides in one who keeps such
webs of restless peaks.
Thomas Apr 2020
As I looked up,
under the night's blue overhung,
A moonlit hollow.
I could not know what the people were,
nor the things,
That grew within the garden walls.

But I was not saddened,
I was not cold,
Beyond a closed window's glow,
and hearing only the rustling
Of grass in the gutter.
Thomas Apr 2020
Steam rising upward
Blurs the lamp in your glasses,
The tea is perfect.
Thomas Apr 2020
Some faint lights' flicker
warms, once cold, the April earth
and the soul it's for.
Thomas Apr 2020
If, but a moment,
she's held by the air
steeping in the still light,
and decides it belongs not
to the bells or the Hands
of the wall or those to come --
but in hers.

If, but a moment,
she sees what's for
a thousand night's been sung,
And yet, it rests not
in the forms or firmament
pitched upon the dark of covered Eyes --
but in hers.

If, but a moment,
by her grace,
she may make herself
or more what she wills.

Then, but a moment,
may I be.

— The End —