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r Nov 2020
1.    chapped lips turn to cracked lips, teeth marks etched into the front bottom.

2.        eyes sink with tiredness from racing late night thoughts

3.       fingernails raw, short and painful

4.   pain in your chest travels to your fingers much too quick

5.    when you leave yourself - just for a minute or two but at that point, your body has decided this for you...
tell me yours...
EmB Nov 2020
kiss me to draw out the poison
of those who came before.
Run your fingers on my skin
to erase greedy hands and stolen strokes.
Possess my body,
entrance me with your mouth,
with hungry lips and burning hands.
I’ll rise to meet you,
let my skin meld to yours,
until we’re bound together to meet
the ugliness of the world.
Spriha Kant Aug 2020
A person with physical beauty lacking
insight is like a seashell without pearl.
LL Hamilton Jul 2020
It is the absence of air - of space.
A twoness made out of oneness, that slowly becomes oneness again.

It is fire.
The light graze of HEAT along the edges of your suddenly tight knuckles. Every pore in your body falls in love in a vivid blur of life.
It's all-encompassing, like how the lazy sunset spreads and pools its searching golden fingers across every living thing, clinging to the earth.

It is a lazy ripple striating across the surface.
The stress leaving your body in waves as they rub your shoulder. It's an intense, firm awareness of every atom in your being, every breath and shift of your limbs a story waiting to be told.
It's a prison and a release when they hold your hand for the first time.

It's earthy comfort and flickering excitement. Heavy heat and grounding warmth. Lightning nerves turn to steady assurance.

Love Languages Series: I. Touch
E Jul 2020
New pair of shoes
New way of thinking
New type of coffee
New summer camp

So why can’t we adjust
To this new way of life
Physical distancing
And wearing masks

Sure, Plexiglass might be a pain
Back in the office, but
It’s better than working from home
With your kids hyped up on sugar

If you’re stuck in a rut
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Sure, it might be embarrassing
But rent won’t pay itself

I hope you have learned
Check the CDC website
If you have any questions
During this time
The starlight like a wind races to cover the sky
Spilling the sands of time into the oceanic blue tides
When the moon comes to bring the inside of a bellied whale to shore
The ocean, crystalline, dazzles in the greatness of such lore
Almost as if a dream of nerves less and muscles more
Part 2
Atta Apr 2020
everything that will happen tomorrow
is a blueprint of yesterday's ignorance
help the one in needs by stay at home and do physical distancing
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