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Middy Oct 2017
The Bell’s ringing again
Another day of torture
Another walk of shame
And another crowd to follow

I’m standing in line
Everybody is laughing
Everybody is smiling
But I’m not
I’m covering my ears
I’m starting to cry
The words they say
Are echoing again
  It’s another long day

My classmates say
They understand my pain
That they’ll stay quiet for me
then why am I having a meltdown
In the middle of corridor chaos

My heart is pumping
I’m humming loudly
But nothing can block out the noise
I’m being pushed and shoved
In the long narrow room

I   C A N ‘ T  T A K E  IT

Stay SILENT For Me
What hidden meaning does it have?
Rearrange the letters in Silent
Here is my message
LISTEN to me
This is real stuff that often happens when I’m paranoid
Due to my autism,  I often struggle in corridors as I have a few sensory problems. Combined with the loud noise and I will just have a complete meltdown
Yanamari Sep 2017
A cube exists around me.
A cube of darkness closing in,
A cube of walls unknown;
Walls that are endless and confining.
A cube isolated and alone.

A cube of turbulent motionlessness,
Intertwining in my veins,
A cube of perpetual poisoning,
A cube of living death.

Light does not enter it,
Nor does it escape.
Rather, it is ****** in,
And implodes at sanity's end.
Noah A Aug 2017
Imagine a new world
With brilliant colors everywhere
The light, blinding
You cover your eyes
It is too much, you want to disappear

Imagine you've been caught
You are trapped under a net
Rusty stakes dominate each corner
There is no where to go

Imagine you are stuck
Between invisible walls
You become frantic
You pound on the walls

People go through this every day
This fear
I am claustrophobic and I wrote this poem for others to relate to it.  Hope you like it!
H Phone Aug 2017
I don’t do well in small places
Claustrophobia of the mind
Cause my mind is vast as space is
Yet space is hard to find
ICN Jul 2017
I just need a little space
to get clarity
I just need a little room to breathe
Cause haven't you noticed
I get a little
And the room caves in on me
Please, oh please
Don't be offended
That I need a little break
It's not you, it's me
I swear
//i take comfort in my solitude\\
Jamie Lee Jul 2016
Do they know, what it’s like?
Visuals emerge, inside my head…

People everywhere, pushing,
No one watching, no one caring.
My throat…closing.
Suffocation. Anxiety.

The noise - there’s too much.

Screaming, laughing, yelling,
It fills every space in my mind.
I have no escape.
Claustrophobia. Anxiety.

They’re everywhere I turn…

Those noticing ask, are you okay?
Everyone looks at me. Stop staring!!
I can’t breathe...something’s rising inside.
Anger. Embarrassment. Anxiety.

There’s no where to go, no place to run.

Questions, Questions, Questions…
Why? Why not? You have to…
The pressure, the force –  it's building within.
Overwhelmed. Ashamed. Anxiety.

Do you really know, what it’s like?

Be thankful you don’t walk,
Even a mile in these shoes.
Because then you might understand,
What it’s like, to have to choose...

Alone in my empty home,
Because I just couldn’t embrace,
A tradition in which family partakes...
No Stampede Breakfast, just isolation.
Sadness. Depression. Anxiety.

Do they really know…..what it’s like?
Sam Nov 2016
The fear of small spaces,
confined spaces.

Back against the wall,
the walls are closing in.
There is no escape,
from the rake on the skin.

Balled in a blanket,
desiring to be confined.
Pulling in closer,
and quieting the mind.

Sounds of screams,
blare in the ear.
Music gets louder,
trying to make everything disappear.
I am claustrophobic
Yet lately the tighter ball I wrap myself in
the more comfortable I feel
Crimsyy Oct 2016
I do not like the feeling of
of eyes burning on my back
as if you are a small match
and I am the bushfire
you wish to light...
I do not like the feeling of
obssessive observation,
I do not like privacy violation,
I do not like the feeling of claustrophobia,
I do not like claustrophobia because
it doesn't cease to exist by simply
removing ten people from one room.
I do not like claustrophobia because
sometimes your own mind is enough
to provoke a certain type
of wanderlust,
the kind where you run away
and leave everyone to rot and rust.
I do not like claustrophobia
because when I am alone,
it can never be enough alone,
it feels like the walls of my room
are breathing on my neck;
they're laughing at me,
declaring this poet insane,
it is the most crowded type of alone
until somebody, something
sedates my brain
and you call me "suggestive anxiety"
it's all in your head,
you're a game of chance
and I'm taking a guess;
you know my face but
you know nothing about my name.
TKO Sep 2016
eyes peel open             
my nostrils tingle
as the smells of soil and sweat
                          permeate the air

the heat is unbearable    
breathing shallow
            movement restricted

I only wish to wipe the sleep
from my eyes
who would prevent me           
              such a simple request?

anxiety billows for                
a brief moment      
surrendering complacently
as the frequency of
my rising chest

I sense my sightless eyes
resting shut

 *I am so tired...
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