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  Oct 2014 Shannon Wright
Eating is hard.
Not eating is hard.
It’s hard to be hungry,
and it’s even harder to be full.
It’s hard to say yes to food,
and to say no.
It’s hard to eat foods you know you shouldn't,
and not eat foods you know you should.
It’s hard to stare down a full plate and think,
“How am I supposed to do this?”
and it’s hard to stare down an empty one thinking,
“What have I done?”
Food is hard to deal with,
once you make it a situation
rather than a necessity.
Breakfast is hard,
lunch is harder,
and dinner is the hardest.
But maybe looking in the mirror is the hardest of all.
I wrote this a while ago and just found it
Shannon Wright Oct 2014
Why is it that when a girl calls herself beautiful, pretty, hot, or attractive, it gets looked upon as being self-conceited?
Why is it such a bad thing for girls to love themselves and recognize their own beauty?
Why do we always apologize for things that aren’t are fault?
Why do we use mirrors to point out every single flaw instead of using them to recognize every inch of beauty that is in you?
Why do we spend all our time wishing that we were someone else?
Why do we hurt ourselves in order to be successful in the eyes of society? Why is it so hard for us to accept ourselves and know ourselves?
intro to a piece titled "know yourself"
Shannon Wright Oct 2014
sometimes I wish I was blind because then I could never see what other people thought of me and all I would hear is the lies they feed my through their mouths. I wish I was blind so that I wouldn’t have go see their hesitant faces show unspoken word about how they really feel. I wish I was bind because I would see the real beauty in people: the invisible kind. I wish I was blind so that I would take more time to listen. I wish I was blind so that I could feel rather and see if I look good. I wish I was blind so that I wouldn’t have to compare myself to everyone else. I wish I was blind because I could match the darkness inside my head with my sight.
Shannon Wright Oct 2014
ideal: a person or thing regarded as perfect.
perfect does not exist.
perfect does not exist.
I stopped believing in the concept of being perfect when I started hurting myself while trying to literally squeeze into  the mold of the so called shape that was viewed as “perfect”.
Shannon Wright Oct 2014
I use the words "depressed" and "sad" interchangeably because there's something about the innocence of the word 'sad' that makes people listen
Shannon Wright Oct 2014
the plan was not to fall in love
never to fall into the embrace of you
never to long for the constant touch of your lips
never to crave your touch
never to get lost in your smile and laugh
never to adore your voice whispering thoughtful phrases
never to be consumed by your mind and ideas
never to want you so badly
and now I'm stuck
between my mind and my life
  Oct 2014 Shannon Wright
This is a note
To you.
I'm sure you'll know who you are if you read this*

You've become a weakness for me
Someone I can't stop thinking about
You're on my mind constantly
And I know this is crossing that line
That was drawn last night
But there's a chance you'll never read this
And I'm not telling you in person
So, really, this is alright to do

You're one of the greatest people I've ever met
And for some reason I can't get you out of my head
I can't focus on anything
Sometimes it's internally embarrassing
Also, I can't comprehend why
Someone like you, so wonderful and unique
Would ever even think of someone like me
Someone so drab and boring

I'm supposed to be doing math right now
But these thoughts kept nagging at me
And since I'm not supposed to tell you personally
This is all I can do
And at this moment i feel ten times better
Than what I used to
And you'll probably never see this..
But at least I got this off my chest.
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