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 Aug 2014 MRR
Corina Gina Papouis
one by one
they are pressing the button for more
I nod and
talk to them with my mouth shut
(my mouth is full of popcorn and wisdom)

I tell them to walk through fire with grace
save your words and
bring me an edelweiss - my eyebrow says
show me how you catch a ray
your bullets are buried in the snow above me
stop shooting blue birds
they’re made of plastic and
no thunder can save you

now and then
my cave is filled with the helium of silence
there you may take me hostage
while you dunk your biscuits in a cup of peace
magnolias grow without asking questions
do you think my big stick is a silly-Billy
or God is wearing white socks?
...dedicated to my team <3
 Aug 2014 MRR
Corina Gina Papouis
Motto: "There's a little girl's voice that sings lullabies in my guest room closet but don't mind her; she died years ago. Here's your blanket"*

the night squeezes moon juice into my dreams
and I lemon my way through thick syrupy words
going round and round above, in my head
like a dotto train
ding ding ding!!
(Luna-land here, everyone off!!)

fantasies of the weak
begging like potato chips in a bag to be crunched
at least once
in a commercial with a second hand banner and no pride

trouble was waiting in paradise
like paint in a ***
ready to be splashed over an Aston Martin’s window

how we laughed at this scenario, oh, baby!
how many times
we giggled thinking God is away on business
and this time He is, He must be
and He must have left in charge
Brahms’ lullaby, her frail mind
and someone’s little finger
 Jun 2014 MRR
3am thoughts
 Jun 2014 MRR
I am the one
who stayed awake
to listen to your problems,
I lost sleep for your affection,
for you to feel like
you had someone.
I wrapped your loneliness
around my
whilst you injected your pain
in my bones,
but when things got better,
you decided to make your own world
 Jun 2014 MRR
dolphin ghost
 Jun 2014 MRR
dolphin ghost
numbness is a mysterious tyrant
because it’s hard to fix something
you don’t understand,
and it’s hard to paint the sky
when black clouds silently swallow the stars

and it’s hard to speak
when my thoughts can’t survive
the trek through my anxious lungs,
and it’s hard to be heard
when my words can only shake the air
around your jaw

and i’d be shocked that the quake of my voice
didn't shatter your bones like glass,
if that didn't suggest
i could feel anything at all

and i’d be shocked that the things i said
didn't crush you where you stand
if i didn't already know
that my words will bear more weight
when i'm dust

 Jun 2014 MRR
Paul M Chafer
 Jun 2014 MRR
Paul M Chafer
You were in a tail-spin, (You remember?)
Of course you do, endlessly falling,
Churning dark clouds for company,
Every silver-lining has a cloud.

So I reached right in, (you were so blind.)
Placed your trembling hand on the controls,
Although, you did not trust me, (did you?)
Not at first, although with good cause,
Because you were dizzy, disorientated.

But slowly, ever so slowly, we relaxed,
Pulled you out of the dive, up and away,
Banking, climbing, power ramping up,
Juddering through the stutter-stall,
Until we were purring, a throaty growl.

A big cat in a poorly constructed cage,
Bursting free, guided by rainbows,
Flickering smile insinuating itself upon your face,
(So lovely) on your beautiful lips.

Without really noticing, (smooth as silk)
We coasted along in open skies,
Rah, French kissing the gentle swell of the sea,
Transforming everything into a mirror,
Reflections captured in burnished bronze,
Can I release your hand now? (don’t gasp)
Yes, my love, you are flying again.

© Paul Chafer 2014
I have tried to emulate the style of Azaria here (Thank you Azaria) her writing so impressed me, kind of, first person narrative, with a second voice in brackets passing comments. I love this style, you decide if it works or not.
 Jun 2014 MRR
Charles Bukowski
poetry readings have to be some of the saddest
****** things ever,
the gathering of the clansmen and clanladies,
week after week, month after month, year
after year,
getting old together,
reading on to tiny gatherings,
still hoping their genius will be
making tapes together, discs together,
sweating for applause
they read basically to and for
each other,
they can't find a New York publisher
or one
within miles,
but they read on and on
in the poetry holes of America,
never daunted,
never considering the possibility that
their talent might be
thin, almost invisible,
they read on and on
before their mothers, their sisters, their husbands,
their wives, their friends, the other poets
and the handful of idiots who have wandered
from nowhere.
I am ashamed for them,
I am ashamed that they have to bolster each other,
I am ashamed for their lisping egos,
their lack of guts.
if these are our creators,
please, please give me something else:
a drunken plumber at a bowling alley,
a prelim boy in a four rounder,
a **** guiding his horse through along the
a bartender on last call,
a waitress pouring me a coffee,
a drunk sleeping in a deserted doorway,
a dog munching a dry bone,
an elephant's **** in a circus tent,
a 6 p.m. freeway crush,
the mailman telling a ***** joke
 May 2014 MRR
Charles Bukowski
the women of the past keep
there was another yesterday
arrived from out of
she wanted to see
I told her

I don't want to see
I won't see them.
it would be
gruesome and

I know some people who can
watch the same movie
more than

not me.
once I know the
once I know the
whether it's happy or
unhappy or
just plain

for me
that movie is
and that's why
I refuse
to let
any of my
old movies play
over and over again
 Oct 2013 MRR
Skyy Blu
In order to truly enjoy the company of someone else, We must learn to enjoy our own company. Before, we can truly love anyone else, We must learn to truly love ourselves. Two halves in a relationship or friendship, does not make it whole: it takes two whole people to make a whole friendship or relationship. Stop, Looking for someone else to make you whole or even complete you, and look to God for He's the only one who can. Learn to be the kind of friend that, you would like to have. Sow good seeds like: Compassion, Understanding, Love-Without- Conditions, Trust, Respect, Kindness, Peace, Hope, Tenderness, Truth, Honesty, Forgiveness, Help-Just-Because, Joy, Long-suffering, Grace, Mercy, and Laughter: and watch as the seeds are watered with grace and with love. They, will produce after their own kind. Long-Story- Short,  Whatever, kind of seeds that you sow... Be they good or bad, those are the ones or kind that, You are going to reap; so why-not, sow good seeds and reap that-which is good. Yeah! You Reap What You Sow!!
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