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Duzy Sep 2017
"This one ain't about you"
He says trying to rescue his pride

"This one ain't about who?"
She says, smiling on the inside

"It's just me creating art! My tools to distract, to endear, to have fun."

"It's OK to think you are smart my love, but it's a fool who thinks all others are dumb"

Inspired by a small exchange this very morning
  Aug 2015 Duzy
Sierra Smith
Tickle fancies with your tentative dreams
Tripping on a break you could never catch
Abort the kindred companionship you
carried full term only to
Pierce the air with
For your innocence in abandonment

If pain can make you feel more than what your cigarettes burn, light another
For an emptiness that's comfortable and complacent

If a cackle gives you more comfort than compassion go to your oblivion that you call peace, where the longing dwells for eternity  

As I caress the hardened scares
My gentle heart lets breath
I promise you one thing
At least I looked back,
Before I started to leave.
Duzy Aug 2015
"LEAVE ME ALONE" She hissed. It was clear she was ******, her heart closed like a fist.

Even with feelings dismissed you're too hard to resist. So to you I insist that our love should exist.

I recall when we first kissed and my eyes start to mist.

I know I'd strain my wrist if I wrote a list of all the things about you I've missed.
Duzy Jul 2015
The truth is organic
Time will change it without you knowing

Lies are a machine
That just keeps going and going

Flattery's not included
Duzy Jul 2015
I don't travel for a living, I travel to feel alive.
And I've learned that nothing will better illuminate the path ahead of you than a burned bridge behind you.
Duzy Jul 2015
Life goes on, or so they say
Bad things are gonna happen anyway
Come what may you can always drink the night away
Dance and sing until it cancels out the day

And every once in a while when reality gives way
That's when you'll really feel at home

So come on and raise your glass and sing
Let's be young and let's be wreckless like we don't give a **** about anything
Let's be wild for the whole world to see
Let's laugh in the face of danger and smack the *** of mediocrity

Pushing forward, making tracks
Do the best you can so that you don't ever look back
Pain doesn't hurt if you can just relax
Do whatever gets you by until you fade to black

But every once in a while when reality gives way
That's when you'll really feel alone

But then...
One day...
If you're lucky
Just maybe love will find you standing at the bar.
You'll look into those eyes
You won't see the usual lies
And you'll feel those things you never knew you could

So come on and raise your glass and sing
Let's be young and let's be wreckless like we don't give a **** about anything
Let's be wild for the whole world to see
Let's laugh in the face of danger and smack the *** of mediocrity

Let's do anything we want to, raise a glass to those we miss
Parents and siblings, friends and lovers
And even people who habitually take the ****

Be eternally grateful. Thank your lucky stars
Because it's them that make us,us.
And get another round in at the bar.
This was originally a song I had written shortly after losing a parent and my partner cheating in quick succession. I was trying to be upbeat and avoid the easy option of wallowing.
It's old now. And the pain is too. But these words will always resonate with me.
Duzy Jun 2015
You are my sunshine and I was singin in the rain until you stole my thunder and left me under the weather.
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