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 May 2015 izzi3
 May 2015 izzi3
who knew doing singing for a subject would be hard?
hold a melody, hold a harmony, keep time.

now name the melody's key and the harmony's chord
keep the time and know what you're doing.

watch, listen, repeat, now give it a year to forget
and now write a thousand words on it.

and now, with a month until our exams
we have to learn it all again.

 May 2015 izzi3
 May 2015 izzi3
Whoever said scars were beautiful
Wasn't really looking.
Scars aren't meant to be pretty,
They're meant to prove something.

They prove that you have lived,
That you were hurt.
Scars show the screaming truth
That life is hard but *possible.
One of our pets got caught in some barbed wire and has obliterated his tail, chest and sides. He was stunning but is likely to have scars
 Apr 2015 izzi3
 Apr 2015 izzi3
my heart aches for things that have not happened,
will not happen,
and will never happen again.
 Apr 2015 izzi3
Liz And Lilacs
I ripped open the night sky
to see the mysteries behind the facade.
But the constellations wrinkled
and the moon was torn
the stars winked out
and fell from the sky
and I ruined the beauty
looking for something real.
 Apr 2015 izzi3
Sally Tsoutas
Oh Allyn what
a state we're in.
how every drip and
gush is owed you.
eddies rushing,
with water new,
are carving paths
through, yearning
just to wildly run
the banks as you do.
rolling boulders,
sounding like a
sunken drum too,
pounding down
by roiling fathoms,
all as one you wait
for none, and on
forever you
From the archives. Posted tonight as it is wild and wet outside just like it was back when the Allyn flooded big time. The formidable power of moving water.
 Apr 2015 izzi3
Sally Tsoutas
My dearest tea
you greet me sir,
take my left hand
your spoon astir.
i let you stand until just so,
beloved sip of company
i've come to know.
your brim is steaming,
and from behind you
early rays of glory
streaming through
a dawn awakened
window to a world
where life is teeming.
but wait, a few more
minutes with you...
let me lose your steady
brew just slow and quietly
as the glistening dew
appears, and winks
me from my
 Apr 2015 izzi3
 Apr 2015 izzi3
Reaching my third year in college and still remembering the past easily really means that time spares no one or no memory. We could all grow out of our old skins to realize that our new shells are just as hollow as ever, deeming hopeless in life and its travesty. Nevertheless,  that's what makes us so human, bleeding out our murderous thoughts and spilling it onto paper. The feeling of wanting to empty yourself to be a coreless vessel again, void of any emotions, unreadable to a living soul. Some of us get there faster with a pen, or even a blade, each of us digging deeper to our own little numb world, to ease the pain of conflict within or to put out the flames that are thirsty for oxygen, until the very wicker within us crumbles to dust. Back to where we started off. Fine as the dirt beneath our feet with no sign of life and no capsule of memory.
 Apr 2015 izzi3
Sally Tsoutas
Dark heavens
slapped my state
of blues today.
the sky was grey
and green, and
seething in between.
it spat cold rocks
on me and made
me see alacrity,
defeat my sheets
of drenched
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