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 Sep 2017
B Chapman
Magic comes alive for and before her.
Dreams and love are born in her name.
She dominates the night sky,
blinding and bold.
Oceans kneel to their Queen-
destructive and wild to match her rage.
 May 2017
Harley Hucof
What is waiting for me? I hate the unknown
Does this what makes life beautiful? Or the tomb?

Darkness sets in and i bleed again
I close my eyes and wait for my end

I lost faith in humanity and myself
A tear escapes my eye before my last breath

I hold my wound and curse my luck
Coward or brave? I know not

A shining silver nail and my stitched veins
A story of a lonely kid experiencing numbness and pain

Words Of Harfouchism
 Apr 2017
Harley Hucof
Here i now sit beside the river
Awake yet in a deep sleep however
For i am swallowed down by this beautiful mirror

How it opened its mouth and i fell in, down, straight through, untill i saw you
Without a future, without memories
You sweetest creature of my fantasies
Walking like a dancer dangerously

Awake yet wet and in pain
For i am swallowed down by this invisible rain
Unheard comforter that willfuly has to lie
For the river reflects my buried will to die

Words Of Harfouchism
 Apr 2017
Akira Chinen
She carried the sun and the moon in her hands and as her tears fell from her cheeks they turned into the stars that filled the night sky
She knew every fish in the ocean and named every dream that slept in a cloud and the sands of time flowed to the rhythm of the pulse of her blood
Her heart beat with the thunder beneath an angels wing and her feet danced and set the fires in hell
She was in the longing of the hope of lust and in the ravenous desire of love and you could always find her in the dreams of the moon and the sun
 Feb 2017
Night is like a black fox, prancing and gliding about
His black fur iridescent with the stars that come out
His large brush of a tail sweeps over the earth
His phasing eyes a moon full of mirth
 Jan 2017
Ola Radka
I looked at the Moon
I knew
That everything
My heart was telling me
 Nov 2016
Nishu Mathur
Sweet sounds of waves softly lap
On flecks of sun dipped copper sands
With gentleness the water swirls
In a kiss of frothy love on land

Splash of oars on a cobalt sea
While songs of sailors wane and fade
Aboard the ships of destiny
A cruise on an ocean's serenade

The sea gull swoops, oh hear the cries
Flap of wings fluttering the dock
Ferries roll on routes of spice
Midst the clap of waves on rocks

Crests of water heave and ebb
Touched by scales of coral scents
Whispers born in the wind
Sing of pirates, silk legends

In murmurs 'twixt rippling waves
Dreams float 'neath a setting sun
Whisked like boats in a river's flow
That sail across to meet oceans

Love notes of romance in the waters
Rhythm at feet, soaking wet
Dancing waves stir the heart
In a melody from the ocean's breath

In cadence pleasant when tis dark
On a night when moon and stars are laid
When the sky shines with silver light  
The breeze plays music of mermaids  

Though now no storm, 'tis serene
Soon the winds will ravage, rave
On this quilt of aquamarine
In a cacophony of thunderous rage

But for now, 'tis the conch, the shell
That sings those songs of the sea
I close my eyes and drift away
Swept by its magic and mysteries
 Aug 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi
Poets, like
madmen and prophets,
are banned from
the Kingdom of Reason,
as they are
the progeny of the sun
(the sun who illumines as he blinds)
and the siblings
of the rays
who never tire
of beating
the world into
magnificent new shapes
that fascinate us
all – including
Unwavering Moon whose
lonesome secret is to be
madly in love
with the rainbow.

© LazharBouazzi, May 26, 216
 Apr 2016
what if i don't want to be a wildflower
or a rose waiting to be plucked
dying for your entertainment
with broken stems
and withered petals
telling fates, "loves me not"
but to be able to grow
in the muddiest of waters
without the sunshine
staying afloat
when the waters get too rough
i don't want to be
the prettiest flower in the garden
just because
you picked me

i want to grow on my own.
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