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 Oct 2016 Nicky
Xiao - SparKticas
You can't
You couldn't
You won't
and you wouldn't

But I need help

Not your help
not yours either
Definately not your help
You couldn't

But I need help

It's a bit much
A lot much
More than I want much
I shouldn't

I just need help

Should ask him what's up
Maybe get him to talk
He can trust me
No you shouldn't
I hope you wouldn't

He doesnt
He can't talk
He can't trust you
He just needs help

You can't
You couldn't
You won't
and you wouldn't
I seriously need help, only you're not gonna be the one to do it. Period
 Oct 2016 Nicky
Xiao - SparKticas
Surprise surprise you'd think so

Sorry I dont think I said it right
You think you know me?
Surprise surprise you thought you did

You talked to me for a bit
Learnt my name
What I like and who I am
Dont demean our relationship with pathetic lies
Saw what I wanted to show you
Know all in which I've told you

Surprise surprise

* don't...
You have no idea what it's like to be me
To wake up, knowing this is who you are
Powerless, helpless and pathetic
You, think you know me
But you don't
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Asim Javid
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Asim Javid
If we  peek into our souls,
We'd find broken lovers feeding despair to opportunities.
Hidden under the mask of compassion is our selfish nature.
We think we are either trying to heal our souls or cure the souls of those we love .
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Xiao - SparKticas
I try so hard
To lose it all
In the end
*It doesn't even matter
Work so hard, put your all in
It doesn't even matter, time reworks itself
It's like you never did anything at all...
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Ignatius Hosiana
I would go through the hurt again
if it meant having you back in my life
I would still believe your beautiful words
even after I have learnt that none of them were true
I would still smile at how perfectly  you constructed them
well aware that the joy was just a thing of the moment
because that short spell of joy was like an eternity to my soul.

I would use the same road whence our
encounter happened,
I would... I would still ask you out
without a single doubt

I would, not because I enjoy pain
not because I pleasure in my despondence
not because I prefer the past to the future
It's because you lit a flame in me
that even after you extinguished our passion
still shines bright... you made me believe in myself
you gave me a friend and made me feel safe
you gave me a whole new dimension
to live my life, the only downside being
you are not here to share in the glory
of my self-discovery.
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Asim Javid
"Lying in the colors of our soul are the  drops of our insanity.  
A single trapped drop carrying the ocean inside .
We are always ready to unleash the oceans.  
We just need some currrent which touches our soul , and  shakes our roots.
It can be love,  passion , adventure or any person.
As long as our souls are disturbed by these home like feeling we are ready to become storms "

 Sep 2016 Nicky
Asim Javid
The definition of beauty is surrounded to one's perception.
Lose the perception, every flaw is a beauty.
Lose the definition, everything & everyone becomes beautiful*

# asim.javid
 Sep 2016 Nicky
Xiao - SparKticas
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I've had enough madness,
**Wish my hellish days were through.
I mean... I just... I only... I... I'm sorry...
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