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 Aug 2016 Ash
Stu Harley
gray ghosts of
our past
 Jan 2015 Ash
Submerge Me Deeper
 Jan 2015 Ash
"You love them
With all your heart and soul
Yet, you can't be with them
But you'll never let them go...
And it hurts..."*
- The Girl Who Loved You

Submerged and gasping
Swept away by the immense wave
Thoughts of you I'm painfully drinking
To my heart I'm but a slave

Caught in the undertow
Find myself submitting carelessly
Brushed aside all that I used to know
Drowning in emotional debris

There's strength in me yet
I need not be killed today
I could break free, I could forget
But fight I do not, instead still I lay

Because you see... You are the ocean
And I am but an invisible speck
I, too, want a place in heaven
Not wallow an inconsolable wreck

I'd get washed over but I'd swim deeper
So we could exist only in memory
My heart betrays but never will I sever
Even if you're the love that was never meant to be
Line taken off TGWLY's "To All The People Who Can't Have The One They Love:", for Frank Ruland's "Let's Do A Line!" challenge.

TGWLY is one of the first friends I made here and she's such an incredible writer!

This line of hers bears so much that I'd shed a tear everytime I read it. It rings so true for most of us. It made me made me feel human.

Thank you TGWLY for the inspiration and Frank for setting up the opportunity for me/us to acknowledge and give credit to those who've penned down solid lines embedded within amazing writes.
 Oct 2014 Ash
Maximilian Ilagan
One day, I will look at the

s    t     a    r    s.

How they shine,
how they make me smile,
how they add a wonderful hue to the pitch black sky.

But as of now, all I have to do is to look at

y    o    u.

How you shine,
how you make me smile,
how you add a wonderful hue
to a darkness-consumed person like
random notes. thought of this one night last week. enjoy your day! and look at the stars! Haha
 Oct 2014 Ash
Argentina Rose
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
 Oct 2014 Ash
Maximilian Ilagan
Can you ever stop
doing what
you do?

Making me smile-
replacing my

Making the stars swirl-
even if they don't
want to.

Making my heart
scream the name that
belongs to you.

Loving you was the
hardest choice to

Even though I knew
my heart was to

And even after all those times
convincing myself that
my love you wouldn't take,

*I can never stop.
Inspired from one friend's situation. #Leaf
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