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 Mar 2018 Jack
I would write you a poem
     about the stars and the moon
I would write you a poem
     about me dying soon.
I would write you a poem
     about my love everlasting
I would write you a poem
     about cymbals crashing.
I would write you a poem
     about how I want you so
but I can't write you a poem
     when you don't let me grow.
 Mar 2018 Jack
she says
that he is her drug of choice
and i agree

he is a dangerous
life ruining drug

he gives her the high
and when she comes down from it
she falls so hard
and he withdraws himself
messes with her brain
ruins her mental state

but she's addicted to him
so even though
he beats her up
on the outside and in
she will
come crawling back to him
until she won't have anything to offer him, and he'll throw her away just like he did everyone else
 Mar 2018 Jack
Ashly Kocher
I see it in your eyes
You try to disguise
The smile on your face
But there’s fear inside

Fear of not being good enough
Not giving 100%
Fear of losing
Not being the best

Just be happy
In all you do
Living life is more of a challenge
Even if you don’t show
The fear on the outside

We are all hurting somehow
In many different ways
It’s how you take actions
To climb to the top of the mountain
 Feb 2018 Jack
Facia Overkill
sometimes we have to trust that our friends know better than us
but why is it that everything is reminding me of you now?

i know the tip of your ***** better than you

why am i so caught up on someone i barely know

why am i craving your presence
when i barely know that feeling

why does the loss of you feel so dramatic to me

falling for you the way i wished i could fall asleep; quickly

why don't you feel the same?
 Jan 2018 Jack
Nigel Finn
There's a storm in my teacup,
An ache in my head,
A plethora of words,
That are better unsaid.

There's a monster inside me,
That never stops speaking,
Though I try to control,
The havoc it's seeking.

You think I'm a good person,
But I do not agree,
My friend: you only judge me,
Based on what you can see.
Definition of a monster; a creature, being, or entity that is terribly afraid, so much so that it lashes out at whomever approaches it. A common characteristic is a barbed tongue, which can be used to inflict severe damage on unsuspecting victims.
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