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 Aug 2020 Richard Frank
Varsha K
Your laugh used to
Synchronize with mine,
What seemed inseparable
Was just the trick of time.
It seems the Universe has made
all the stars it can.
Black holes gobble up
ribbons of gas
to frustrate any star making plans.

So, Not today and not tomorrow,
but someday, bye and bye,
we will look up at  the cosmos
and see a nearly empty sky.

For, like us, stars are mortal;
They are born they live, then die.
Their nurseries are  nearly empty.
Only God could tell you why.
Scientists predict the end of the star making epoch of our Universe
 Aug 2020 Richard Frank
ok okay
Draw me the stars
And I'll write us to the moon
Draw me some tears
I might write you some blues
Colour the roses
From which I write about
Our dreams can be remembered
With pictures and a plot
I'll write what you couldn't
If you draw what I can not
 Aug 2020 Richard Frank
LS Martin
I had a fondness for star gazing until our eyes met

(~for R.A.~)
pour la Canadienne

The inside flat of
the upper left arm,
“the arm proper,”
a body part,
held in
low regard,
for it is not
easy visible,
nor is it the arm of
Jerusalem cunning.^

Few realize
it alone,
the only skin
that can be
pressed direct
upon the
beating (dis)heartened

upon it,
upon you,
I’ve inscribed in
richest blue India ink,
these words
ready for transfer,
s k i n  to  s k i n,
an instant injection,
more powerful

◄ Psalm 137:5 ►
“If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem, Let My Right Hand Forget Her Cunning”

as is sometimes the case,
these words came to me
fully formed
in the mid of night
some say upon the same place,
but on the right arm was drawn
“a map of Canada
Oh, Canada
With your face sketched on it twice”
 Jul 2020 Richard Frank
do you ever just wonder
and ponder on death?

do you ever look to the sky
and envision your last good bye?

do you ever just look to depths above
and picture the end of love?

do you ever flirt with ideas
and wish the truth existed in tiers?

i wonder where my body resides when i die
will it be up in that same alleged heavenly sky?
or will i be ash particles
or will i be washed away at sea
or will i be surrounded by soil

regardless of wherever i lay
the real question is
whether above, in ashes, in the ground or at sea
will i be at peace?
will i finally be free to be me?
 Jul 2020 Richard Frank
This empire's time
Is now to be built
Drop all the games
Forgive all the guilt

All the illogical, "The fact is this."

These are the days of
Witches who ride lions
With marvelous wardrobes

These are the times my empire rose
 Jul 2020 Richard Frank
 Jul 2020 Richard Frank
lost my head
while searching for
my mind
so wrapped up in seeming well
insanity in vanity
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