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 Jun 2018 Geanna
Just have enough courage to go
Up, high up and
Make the final step
Plummeting down into oblivion.

Death would be so wellcoming
Opening its arms
Widely for me
Never letting me go.
 Jun 2018 Geanna
Moon Flower
Every time that things go on,

Every time that I cry,

It reminds me of you

So you know what I did is that

I went outside and looked up

I made sure the wind was touching my face

And I screamed and yelled at the top of my lungs


Then I laughed in the rain

I danced and I splashed and I finally realized

I'm over you...the thought gave me release

I was finally happy

Finally okay inside

I was absolutely free from the curse of you
 Jun 2018 Geanna
 Jun 2018 Geanna
And despite it all she kept going, and that was her greatest strength.
 Jun 2018 Geanna
Do you see those shattered bricks on the ground?
The ones you kick every time you pass by?
That broken mess that you joke about with your friends?

That was my safe place.
Those ***** bricks were once much more.
They made up the walls around my heart.
A sanctuary.
Beautiful and gold.
They kept me safe from the harm that you bestowed upon me.
Thunder, storm, a hurricane,
Nothing was capable of breaking it down.
It saved me from fire and from ice.
It helped me live, survive.

It could not be broken from the outside.
But you knew a way in.
You fooled that shy little girl into believing that you were the one.
Her naive nature let you inside, with hopes
That you would bring flowers into that lonely sanctuary,
And fill it with Love.

You desired none of that.
You pulled her into the darkness
Where no moon and stars could reach her.
She was alone with a monster that she let inside herself.
And there, the deed was done.
Before she knew it, you were gone.
Leaving her empty and even more alone.

The walls fell slowly.
Breaking everything in their sight.
Leaving no mercy.
Taking down her heart too.
Leaving it like a rotten fruit.
Dark and *****.
With scratches and bruises.
Completely demolished.

Years went by.
She had all the time in the world to rebuild her safe zone.
But no strength was left.
Her will was gone.
Her power vanished.
So she waited.
For someone to come and help her recover from the pain and trauma.
But no one wants a broken doll.
A misused, beaten, little doll.

Alone she lived while years went by.
Without you, or them, or anyone, by her side.
Her tears dried up.
Her peachy fresh body turned to sharp edgy bones.
She no longer believed in Love.
And no longer cared about Life.
She just waited for it to all pass by.

And so it did.
Her only joy now is seeing her own ribs.
She doesn't let her cuts fade away.
She talks to no one-
Makes them all stay out of her way.

She is dying.
A slow painful death.
Look what you did to her.

Look what you did to me.

I am dying.

You are killing me.

 Jun 2018 Geanna
a reverse poem.
 Jun 2018 Geanna
i don't deserve nice things
don't tell me
i am enough
i know
you're lying
i wrote this on Christmas 2017 hihi
 Jun 2018 Geanna
Tyler Roberts
When *** said
I hate myself
It won't show
I felt that

I remember the first time
I wrote my suicide note
I never tried
After the day I wrote it

I read it back to myself
And all I could feel
Was the urge
To my make mother
My wife
My father
All of them

I didn't leave one
The first time I tried
In fact
I was too far gone
To know
How to write
My own name

And now I look at these hands
The ones that wrote
That note for me
I had intended
To leave behind

These hands
So scarred
Like the rose
That grew from concrete
With its scratched
And hardened petals

And I wonder
How I ever brought myself
To make them
Grip that cold
Gun metal

They didn't deserve that
These hands
That were here with me
Through everything
All the rain
All the pain
All the grips
All the strain
I feel the shame
I feel a change

And now
I'm learning
To love myself
For the first time
I found strength
I found hope
Within these rhymes

I don't know
If I can ever bring myself
To truly believe in God
Without a single thought
Of doubt
Lord knows
I want to believe
But I've always had my doubts

Every day
That I'm awake
I still thank
That I'm alive
And I made it out

Even though
I still hate myself
It won't show
I remember the first time
I wrote my suicide note
It goes

"I'm sorry.
Please don't blame yourself.
I did this.
I promise I will always love you.
I just could never
Love myself, too."

These hands
Didn't deserve
To have to write
Those words

Neither do yours
 Jun 2018 Geanna
Tyler Roberts
Cries for help
Are not cries for attention
I mean
A little attention
Is all that person
Ever really needed
Just to know
You're not alone
You're not the only one
Who lies awake at night
And waits to die
I'd be a lie
If I said
I haven't tried
And these people
With their masks on
They tell me
All you ever write about
Is suicide
But they're wrong
I write
For hope
I write
To cope
I write
To let you know
You're not alone

It's ok not to be ok
 Jun 2018 Geanna
 Jun 2018 Geanna
There's more to suicide than what we think it is.
It's not just unanswered questions,
sometimes, it's unasked ones.
For all those out there who self harm, please don't do it. Please don't do it, for me. For your family, for your friends, for all those who care, for yourself. You're not alone in this, trust me❤
For all those out there who are battling self harm, I'm so proud of you, keep going. I love
you, and I'm always here for you if you need me❤
For all those out there who help people that self harm, you're doing a great job. You're beautiful and you're going amazing❤
For all those out there who know people that self harm, please help them out. Tell them they're brave. Tell them they're not alone. Tell them you care. Tell them you love them. Give them your hand, they need it❤

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