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 Mar 2015 Yaya Glez
the promises that are broken
have only been yours
unfaithful relationships
is a habit you adore
i am locked up here
and i can't be anything else
but your sweet prisoner
and that prisoner is myself
 Mar 2015 Yaya Glez
Jordyn Dennis
My first mistake was letting the hands of an unfaithful man touch me in ways a faithful mans should’ve.

My second mistake was letting the unfaithful mans words take my broken heart and break it even more.

My third mistake was letting the unfaithful man convince me to think being ignored is okay and to expect everyday he’d call back,

But my last mistake was letting myself believe he would’ve stayed if i did everything he wanted me to.
warning: dont try to convince yourself youre in love just to please the peson trying to *******.
 Mar 2015 Yaya Glez
Chan Dy
 Mar 2015 Yaya Glez
Chan Dy
It's been three months
since the very first day
you said "Hi." with a smiling face.

It was until three in the morning
and we're still up
talking about the most stupid things on earth
to most earnest matter
There's no inbetween

Three days have gone and past,
You are a rabbit hole
And i am Alice-
I fell
I know
I did

It was your three words that caught me off guard.
Little did I know,
It was a love shared by three.

instagram: @chandyspoetry
I feel empty inside
Consumed by the lies
That you told me
You went and did it like everyone else
You cheated
You ******* cheated Cheyenne.
I tried to forgive you
I tried to push my anguish aside and look at you
In the same light that I used to before all this
Before my brain was torn into a million pieces
That all began arguing with each other violently
The sea of opinions and feelings could drown a fish
I treated you like gold babe
I wanted to give you the world
Or the little pieces of it that I could offer you
I can't stand the Idea of what you did
But its even worse picturing life without you
Such a huge impact in this two month period.
You became the light of my life
The sun to my earth
My troubled head always revolving around your center
A cosmological scale couldn't fit the potential we had together
So many unmade memories
So many moments that will never be shared
So many kisses of warm lips under a tangerine sunset
And that just unsettles me
I can't imagine the things that will never be now
Because forgiveness was never my strong suit
But we're taking time now
Because I believe in second chances
Just do this
Prove yourself to me
Because all I want to feel is your touch
And it's ghost doesn't satisfy
I miss the taste of your lips on mine
But I can only imagine yours on his
And it makes me sick.
Just show me I can trust you
I'm begging you , please,
Because the thought if losing you is petrifying.
Easy to describe
I'm not really anybody
I'm angry
I'm arrogant
I try too hard
I am like everyone else
I want to be what everyone is
I'm crazy
I'm stupid
I'm nobody else
Nothing new
And I know now
That's okay
 Mar 2015 Yaya Glez
Hayley Anders
I love you,
and I hope we can stay friends,
but I don't want any romantic ties with you...

You love me?
How can that be true
When you just broke my heart in two?

Because I've decided to pursue a relationship with someone else.
I want to be honest with you and let you know,
because you deserve to know.

I deserve to know?
You tell me now
After you've trashed and bashed my heart!

I still love you

Shut up!
Just shut up!
I can't listen to this anymore!

I value our friendship too much.
I won't care if I lost her
Because we haven't known each other long.*

You should value you her more than life
If you can choose her over me!

I pushed guys away.
I didn't want you to feel like an option.
I wanted you to feel like THE option,
But you couldn't give me the same respect.

You went to her with our problems.
You let her comfort you.
You let her take my place.

Now you have no place.
I hope she makes you as happy as you say
Because I'm done giving you the time of day.
It was never you
It was me who was fooling
Toying with emotions
I don't even know how to play em
Pulling strings quick
Nothing lasted
You have your sights on something
That was never me
If truth was ever to find you
You would have me
But lies are what you follow
So you'll never have it
The world is in my palms
Ready to give to you
What more could you ask for
Its not about the desire
But you're the girl that I'd die for
I put my trust in you but never faith
You don't believe in yourself
So why should I believe you
Instead I wanna leave you
I can't forget what you gave me
Debts are due and I owe you the world
So its only fair to stick around until its over
For me it was over before it started
You still haven't seen what I held in store for you
The things that blind you
The things you lose
Don't let the light guide you
The reward in the end is no use for you
Though I was never worth it
I still loved you
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