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Barbara R Maxwell
F    Former career librarian with over 25 years in libraries and media. Previously served as chief of staff to a former NFL player. Poet and writer. …
Thomas Alan
M/Newcastle, UK    A child of November. Sign in to view censored words.
23/usa    Instagram: @bighogpoems
Maggie Georgia
20/F    I write when My heart hurts
Masha Yurkevich
20/F/Far, far away...    Trying to keep on smiling, even when life stabs at the heart. Please do not plagiarize any of my hard work.
here    - thanks for listening -
Mystic Ink Plus
M/Nepal    An anonymous humanist. Nothing more, nothing less. [DOB for HP: 6th Feb 2018] Visual Poetry IG Link: @mysticinkplus
Chuck Kean
23/F/roundabout city    meddlesome quirks fret in an introverted mind
j a connor
It's a strange life or so it seems, they have their plans you have your dreams
23/F/Washington, DC   
Ms L
Veda Laurenski
35/F/Australia    Present.
20/M/Home    Took the shackles off my feet so I can dance -- dancing in His light
M    Melodramatic hobby
19/M/Here, There, & Everywhere   
16/F/NSW, Australia    :) Life is good
Michaela Marie Dolly
24/Albuquerque    Journalistic and fond of nature, I write so as to not forget.
by Versecles
F/The Past   
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