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xavier thomas Apr 2021
I can’t wait
For all the love to come

I can’t wait
I’m thankful for your mercy & that your “Will”, will be done

I can’t wait
To glorify Jesus for my sins, paving the way as your son

I can’t wait
To meet you in person in heaven, as we chat one-on-one
They say you’ve already given us the answer to our questions.
So how come it takes a long time to see that?
xavier thomas Apr 2021
Lady, Queen of moonlight
Let’s just dance, in the starlight
Won’t you stay, till the sunrise
Cant you see, I’m your sunshine

Lady, stuck on my mind
I can’t let you, out of my sight
Have my love, in this lifetime
Give your all & your truth
Then you’ll see our future in my eyes
xavier thomas Mar 2021
with drunk words
Sober thoughts
forming generational curse
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Two different hearts joint together in the same time zone

Our chemistry is strong, we’re in control of setting the tone

She love the way I treat her, have her mind blown

I like the way she hustles, she has her own goals

Next year we’ll be living on 500 acres in our new home

Express my commitment through this rose gold

Born a natural leader, I set those milestones

Beginning to end I’m here for the long road
Power. Trust. Secure. Delivered
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Baby I’m sorry...
That you’re upset at me
Which doesn’t make sense???

But I’m sorry.
Not because I tell you no
Not because I forgot to let the toilet seat down
Not because I did anything crazy, which I didn’t...

I’m sorry that I didn’t wait for you like I was suppose to.
At the time I thought she was you.
Only to discover that she wasn’t enough & I was wrong.
How could I have known?
To be sent a mere false images of my one true love that I once called my own.
I understand if you decide to leave
But I’m not over you
Yet, whatever decision you make
Don’t wait to long,
You don’t have wait around for me

So I’m sorry that I was wrong
xavier thomas Mar 2021
Where’s your faith for me?
Where’s all that energy transferring from you to me?
What ever happened to
“I believe in you Zay”
“Let’s go Zay”
“Praying for you Zay”...
It’s so funny how I can cheer you on in your darkest hour
When your light becomes dimmer & dimmer into the pitch black void
When your demons surround you in your bedroom attacking you in your dreams.

I can lead us in prayer & God, himself, gives us power to overcome obstacles together.

Yet, when I’m down
I receive a closed mouth full of sand & a mind of emptiness from you.
You are only here to absorb energy
xavier thomas Mar 2021
I’ve heard stories about the men in my family
Who were once kings to the wrong woman,
Become slaves as their dreams were taken away

I’ve watched the men in my family
Struggle through drugs & back-child support only to find out the child may/may not have been theirs

I’ve talk to the men in my family
That allowed a woman’s body to be known first, rather than know her. First reason why they’re divorced

I’ve lost many men in my family
Who souls were filled with goals
Corrupted by the world & it’s materialistic things, trending like followers.
Now their body is no more than a sleeping hollow
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