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Oh yes, where to start….
                 A Kiss behind the ear
             trailing across the jaw
                  a light sweep of lips across lips
                       a catch of breath…

                               moving down….

Fingers tracing every move….
    soft wet kisses to the neck
           ….are you feeling the groove?

                 Slowly lips move from neck to chest
                             as they lovingly adore
              fingers lightly travel down
                                           eager to explore…

      Wet trailing kisses to the navel
               fingers circling around chest
      bringing forth trembling lightheaded sensations
                    lips against skin, pressed…..

                              Moving ever so slow….

                                        finger traces
                                           circling tongue
                                              lips adoring
                                                 wet embraces
                                             intensity flowing
                                          curling toes
                                        twitching muscles
                                      heart pounding
     ­                                     out of body
                                            a second of clarity
                                              Sweet Release….

                                   Good morning baby, shall we go on……..
© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
A little different for me, but it was fun :)
wordvango Sep 2017
moist eyes

shining in the candlelight
sheen like a being
green like my verve
moist as the clouds burst
more beautiful

the moss on the bark
in the dawn lights waving
I am a caring person
loving to the core,
serious and mysterious
sometimes hard to ignore.

That’s who I am….

I like the cool breeze of fall
loving whispers in the night,
strong arms around me
a midnight walk in moonlight.

That’s who I am…

I am a sensual woman
I love roses and lace,
the softest of a touch
caressing gently my face.

That’s who I am…

I’ve had a broken heart
have held dying hands,
I’ve been hurt beyond repair
but my heart loves, I stand.

That’s who I am…

I’m sometimes hard
stern and then mild,
I can be clueless
and at times a little wild.

That’s who I am…

My heart sometimes cries
teardrops in the night,
I sometimes get scared
when things don’t seem right.

That’s who I am…

Sometimes I am weak
at times very strong,
will fight for the ones I love
when they’ve been wronged.

That’s who I am…

I will love with my last breath
with love that’s pure and true,
and when let into my heart
I will forever love you.

Right or wrong, that’s who I am…*

© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
wordvango Sep 2017
ever follow the sprinkled bright spots of sun through
a path in a freckled forest? How the leaves in
the wind bend at their stems and look flapping?
How wither we go our ways with blood
and sap our very sameness.
Transpire the leaves give us our breath and
we give to them the green majesty
breaths back.
Ever saw a sunrise overcome a cloud and race through the sky
beating down the long away covering, like she Sol,
knows there are worshippers
on earth:
a small animal I followed once through a woods
and saw it continuously look up
around wriggle its ears.
And sniff.
I might as well have
looked in the mirror.
I think the small animal was a squirrel, who knows. Might have been a man once.
I hadn't expected someone there
already before me.

Only lonely men come here
I heard him through my heavy breath
lonely with nothing and everything.

Down there was the sea rumbling faintly
with the froths painting themselves on the shore
like a sketch in a child's drawing book.

Height does amazing tricks, the man continued,
makes you feel invincible
stimulates you to be ****** into gravity
to fall as light as the feather.

The dusk was wrapping up the light
when I remembered having promised her
not to be late to descend.

There's a man up there, I told the gateman,
Nope, he said,
you were the only guest this evening.
Deep in the forest
where the wild fern grows,
in a secret little meadow
blooms the Cherokee Rose.

Planted many years ago
by many mothers fallen tears,
blessings are given
where the bloom appears.

A promise of white flowers
to give courage and strength,
to all who would see them
during their journeys length.

Over years the winds blew
carrying seeds everywhere,
planting these tiny blessings
in natures loving care.

Sheltered deep in the forest
grows the Cherokee Rose
blooming courage and strength
as it tenderly grows.
© 2017 Brianna Love/SA/DBMA
Oklahoma Cherokee Legend of the Cherokee Rose
This version of the Cherokee Rose legend comes from the Oklahoma Cherokees.
Retold by Barbara Shining Woman Warren

In the latter half of 1838, Cherokee People who had not voluntarily moved west earlier were forced to leave their homes in the East.

The trail to the West was long and treacherous and many were dying along the way. The People's hearts were heavy with sadness and their tears mingled with the dust of the trail.

The Elders knew that the survival of the children depended upon the strength of the women. One evening around the campfire, the Elders called upon Heaven Dweller, ga lv la di e hi. They told Him of the People's suffering and tears. They were afraid the children would not survive to rebuild the Cherokee Nation.

Gal v la di e hi spoke to them, "To let you know how much I care, I will give you a sign. In the morning, tell the women to look back along the trail. Where their tears have fallen, I will cause to grow a plant that will have seven leaves for the seven clans of the Cherokee. Amidst the plant will be a delicate white rose with five petals. In the center of the blossom will be a pile of gold to remind the Cherokee of the white man's greed for the gold found on the Cherokee homeland. This plant will be sturdy and strong with stickers on all the stems. It will defy anything which tries to destroy it."

The next morning the Elders told the women to look back down the trail. A plant was growing fast and covering the trail where they had walked. As the women watched, blossoms formed and slowly opened. They forgot their sadness. Like the plant the women began to feel strong and beautiful. As the plant protected its blossoms, they knew they would have the courage and determination to protect their children who would begin a new Nation in the West.

Southeastern Legend of the Cherokee Rose

The Cherokee Rose plant first grew in the Carolinas, the home of the Eastern
Cherokee Indians. This version of the legend is from the rose's first home.

Years ago, a Seminole warrior was attracted to the Cherokee tribe by the beauty of an
Indian maiden. After surmounting many difficulties, he won her as his bride.

As she left her childhood home for the fragrant orange bower of the Seminole Indians,
she plucked a trailing stem of the wild rose, the flower she had always known and loved, and hiding it in her *****, she carried it to the land of the Seminole, which we know as Florida. She placed the rose beside the orange tree at the door of her husband's lodge.

Today the beautiful white rose is trailing over the decaying walls and falling timbers of
the ancient lodge of the Seminoles. Wherever it grows, its fragrance is wafted on the
breeze as incense to the memory of the Cherokee Indian maid.
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