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tangshunzi Jun 2014
<p><p> Io non so voi .ma il mio calendario è pieno zeppo di occasioni speciali di questa primavera - bambino docce .lauree .matrimoni - è il nome .** intenzione di esso !Mi piace aiutare gli amici impostare i loro eventi .così ** sempre prendere nota di eventuali tutorial per composizioni floreali .Questo fresco .succulento centrotavola fai da te da Bare Root Flora \u0026 Laura Murray fotografia è esattamente quello che sto cercando !Non perdere nessuna delle graziosa nella galleria .<p> Condividi questa splendida galleria Da Robyn : Primavera offre una tale generosità incredibile di bellissimi fiori che non abbiamo potuto resistere alla possibilità di riunire alcuni dei nostri preferiti per creare un lussureggiante primavera centrotavola perfetto per i tanti incontri che accadonoin questo periodo dell'anno : docce .feste di laurea .festa <b>abiti da sposa 2014</b>  della mamma e altre occasioni speciali !<p>è? nostro preferito opacoènave ?pezzo di filo di pollo abbastanza grande da creare una forma abbastanza stretta nel vostro contenitoreè? nostra di cinque tipi di vostri fiori preferiti .Provate a variare la forma un po 'così che alcuni sono morbidi e soffici.alcuni hanno una linea più lunga .alcuni sono più grandi .alcuni sono più piccoli .alcuni sono viney in natura.Variety rende la disposizione bellissimo !Abbiamo usato peonie.lillà .rose spray.tulipani .clematis e rami apple blossom .è? Ne o due tipi di fogliame.Sentitevi liberi di foraggiare dal vostro giardino di fiori e foglie !Abbiamo usato Dusty Miller e geranio profumato .è?coltello floreale o alcuni tagliatori -no forbici!Forbici danno gambo di un fiore .che vieta da bere correttamente .<p><p> Il primo passo per qualsiasi composizione floreale stupendo è quello di preparare i vostri fiori !Assicuratevi di pulire fuori qualsiasi fogliame che cadrà al di sotto della linea di galleggiamento .Foglie in acqua incoraggeranno la crescita di batteri .che accorciare la vita del vostro arrangiamento .<p> successivo .preparare il contenitore .Piegate il filo di pollo per adattarsi perfettamente all'interno del contenitore .Il filo di pollo agisce come una griglia per tenere i vostri fiori dove vuoi .dando il vostro disegno la forma desiderata .<p> Iniziare con la raccolta e l'immissione alcuni dei vostri grandi .soffici fiori in un gruppo qui .peonie e rose a spruzzo.Dà la disposizione  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa 2014</b></a>  un bel punto focale .Successivamente.aggiungere in alcuni dei vostri fiori lungo linea ( nel nostro pezzo abbiamo usato il lillà e tulipani ) .Utilizzare i fiori lungo linea per creare una forma giardino - esque selvaggio .Il movimento è fondamentale .lasciate i fiori raggiungere e picchiata !Darà il suo  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa corti</b></a>  pezzo così tanto la vita !<p> Trasforma il tuo imbarcazione in cerchio lenti come si progetta .continuando ad effettuare i tuoi più grandi.soffici fiori un po 'più basso .con i vostri fiori linea leggermente più alto .Inizia a riempire con le tue chiome .<p> Abbiamo terminato il nostro accordo con rami di mele e clematidi .La clematide viney è il tocco finale perfetto .Abbiamo lasciato la nostra sbirciare sopra le nostre altri fiori per dare al pezzo un aspetto molto selvaggio .Fotografia <p> : Laura  <p><a href="" target="blank"><img width="240" height="320" src=""></a></p>  Murray Fotografia | Fiori: radice nuda FloraBare Root Flora è un membro del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Bare Root Flora VIEW</p>
DIY Lush Primavera Centrotavola_vestiti da sposa
Poemasabi Aug 2012
Hidden under the honeysuckle
and hibiscus
Lies a stone.
And as I sit, drinking a gin and tonic
Looking over the spent plates
where crusty bread
fried calamari, which is a fancy word for squid,
and two Oysters Rockefeller
until recently consumed by two parents
both in that awkward state of freedom
and longing
when their child is at camp,
out past the ducks on granite rocks
puffing themselves up
flapping their wings
towards afternoon sun on Winnipesaukee
my thoughts and eyes are drawn back
to the wheel of stone
leaning against the rotting wall of railroad ties
covered in a remoulade of Honeysuckle
Rose of Sharon
and other viney things
that are unidentifiable to me.
It has been painted during its time
but the paint is faded and chipped
and the feeling is that the stone
has outlived the painter.
Yet I do wonder.
What was its job 50, 100, 200
years ago?
Was it in a mill?
Did it lie flat, grinding?
Did it roll, upright, crushing things?
What else did they use round stones for?
Is this what retirement for a working stone is?
Cast to the side,
hidden under the honeysuckle
and hibiscus
in an alley next to a waterside Wolfboro restaurant
where parents sit
Looking at Winnipesaukee
over spent plates of bread, squid and Oysters Rockefeller
thinking of a child at camp.
Ayeshah Jan 2014
Feeling like quicksands surrounding me,
trapped here sinking into the unknown,

grasping at flimsy vines- like branches
from this willow tree near by.

The more I move to catch a hold
of it's long flowery vine- like branch,

the more I'm swallowed up
in this murky quicksand...

I need to get out & move on from here.

It's not so cold & a bit comforting to me,
scary as it is to be sinking to my death.

Like those strong arms
which once held me closely- so tightly,
I almost suffocated...   almost.

I had a dipsomania for those arms,
like those vine- like flowery branches.

A curiosity brooding over me
for a need I'd hardly allow,

like the longing to move out of this pitted hole
where slowly I'm being devoured...

Sadly for me, I seem to have a lack of
romantic-relationship acumen.

I've fell into your trap yet noticed you were
a master at excogitating reasons not to do

the assigned requirements for what would
of been a everlasting affair.

You've sinking me faster into the depths of loneliness
lies welling up and surrounding me in darkness.

Sandy banks seems with in reach,
yet I can't get a firm grip on this branch- like vines,
omnipresent swinging gently in the breeze.

Like those strong arms
which once held me closely- so tightly,
I almost suffocated...   almost.

I had this painful self-injected
craving for you like taken ******
for the first time,
only drug of choice though was you.

In my mind eyes, your succumbing
to my wicked desires where

I put you into un-rational thoughts,
guess you'd say it was

to think of you in such a poisonous,
concupiscent way.

Knowing as I do that you've
yet to quench me or fulfill this

painful  burden of need,
not of late and not for a long time now.

I'm stretching out my arms,
all the while the slightest movements causes me to
descend deeper into this murky slushy quicksand...

Seemingly it's rising up,to cover my chest
I'm finding it hard to concentrate,  

I guess it's the same for you
with your  irascible disposition,
ever since you've found out,

I'm no longer willing to be your victim .

I'm not going to let you swallow me whole
leaving my bones to surface later

once you've dried up
from the magnitude of your collections,
with in your murky lugubrious quicksand.

I've fought this long & I'm winning,
I have the willow's finger-like viney flowery
branch,  firmly with in my hands.

I've grasped on so tight, because,
because- I know what it's like to be free,
to live and not be ****** in,

to forever & never able to reach
that bank which always seemed more like
a mirage,

I knew to be more real then the many sandy
"I love you's"
you've plead & fibbed out to me,

I felt what it's like to laugh & dance
as the sun beats humidly down on me,

I know what I want & it's not to be with you
or die in your*


Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright ©
K.C.L.N 1977 - Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved ®
Liz May 2014
The silver
Birch trees flaunt
Their glitz as I 
Stroll through 
Deep pearl 
And sand

Gorgeous green
Mansions swirl
Around and
Blackbirds pick
Seeds from 
The posy bunches
And sparkled

I pass a 
Pink butterfly house 
With large Daisy 
Heads protruding from
The diamond fencing.

The next house, a rather
Pretentious 'Cordillera',
Sounds like a disease.
A farm gate shields 
4 by 4s and I'm 
Now passing the weird
House with the crocodile
And gorilla and 
Coloured Cow 
And dog statues.

Coming to the
End of the lane
Of silver I pass
'Lane end'
Cottage with its viney
Stature and freshly 
Manicured front lawn. 
High cube hedges forming 
A pathway to the porch.

In The final 
Mansion if
Nosy passers
Have a peek you
Can see a 
Swimming pool,
Fluffy Towels draped over
The Silver pool chairs.

Flitting to 
The end of the 
Dappled birches,
A wide country green
Covered in bunting
Bathed in buttercups.
Sarina Oct 2012
What man would buy me a ticket,
and into a cocoon where moss bites?

I would sting like bees on buds,
or ***** rushing to fertilize, create
an angel no other gentlemen touches
with white hair, eyes like sesame seeds:
she seems more attractive than the
woman he made love with, for certain.

Looks unnatural to swim in a pool
when a waterfall can pour ice onto his
head: just as viney-things drape me.

I am but a fair girl, have no color.
He could not love me beneath green,
there is no comparison, me and trees,
but he does, and I feel April will return
sooner and ruddier than anticipated.

May will bark like a dog: on my knees,
cradling children who hold vanities up to
my forehead, I boast a bellyful of bugs,
brick-hued and even with red stripes;
I think they must wear sweaters to bed.

How noble in our thirty-six months!
We cuddle baby slugs, not counting sap,
then burp their brothers, spout-mouths.

He is, in fact, the man that would do
the unthinkable grey-lipped love,
authors gather inspiration from and
snakes slip, spiders webbing shapes of:
cocoon with our metamorphosis in mind.
AJ Mayfield Aug 2014
I was given, at my first birthday party,
a gift sublime, a lovely, lush garden
I played among its fonts and flowers,
traded baseball cards with Atlas and Athena,
rolled in high grass with iridescent dragons

Then one fine day through leaflets high,
I spied a fat juicy fig, haloed by Summer sun
The tree was poison, I knew, its sweet fruit
most likely bad as well, but in my arrogance
I climbed the trunk, got tangled in its branches

I lost control, lost something never truly held,
and fell, through viney snarls and vicious thorns
Fell farther than I ever rose, to putrid death,
moldered slime beneath the canopy
of verdant paradise on gentle hillside above

I crawled about in mud and earthen warrens
Slowly, year by year, learned to walk again
But arrogant I remained—had not my
lesson learned, and so I doubled-down,
made mockery of this chance for redemption

All the sweet virgins did I ****, and teach
our children sin, in crystalline waters
I did shat on mulched fields, amber and green,
with cigarette butts and baggies blowing
listless on Autumn winds

When Winter finally came, as winters must,
to **** off weakened souls, and make
the garden ready for new attendants,
I did not learn, I did not take the blame...
It's Him, I cried, I have not power to do this!

But then my youngest daughter sobbed
She watched, sadly, out clouded, grimy windows
and, looking up at my limpid, sullen eyes
crawled into my arms one last, lonely time
to face what I could not...

Behold, the Silent Spring
TJ King Sep 2013
Over the heads of 3am stoplight dancers
through the viney brick pub where Verily
bleaches the bar-tops by beersign fluorescents,
past the last streetlight to blink off where Hope
is marching brisk-ly through the muddy dark,
under the first confused crimson leaf to fall of autumn
with not an eye to see,
upon the sill where Early leans/
checks the time and sighs smoke behind the window,
through the Oaken Chapel doors where young Clöse
writes his first sermon and cries,
out in the alfalfa field where the fireflies whish
and Sol says goodbye to them again
hoping one day they’d take him too.

Beyond the yellow hill
Where the homeless sleep alone,
Illumination strikes the lens white
And they are new.
vhcgjhf Jul 2015
an uninterested archaeologist studied the bones of eight
dead citizens who had a gradually tightened their grips around our dreams, tapering
as furling curtains swathed the incoming light, swirling, forcing it into nonentity
one would steer the ill-fated course of all.

bury the hatchet that was used to hatch you
put all of your eggs into one spermicidal basket
only the heavy-handed preamble to my funeral
could weigh against such lofty comparisons

we commuted to separated isles, each with their own emulation of truth
with cathartic perspectives, trees wait to abed in your predestined lynching
placing viney nooses into mother nature's scrapbook, a cherished keepsake,
your freckled dna, an infinitesimal page in her tattered cookbook

only in an afterworld will you be allowed to read your book's foreword
know that there is no snooty producer to create for you a cash-in sequel
they all watch you from afar, hungry, salivating
failing to make a distinction between your life and demise

their story's nothing but an interminable sad ending
a null conclusion with nothing to conclude
it holds its breath, crosses its fingers
hoping again to come through
as I placed defeat to my temple and squeezed

I veered into a claustrophobic brick encasement
colored with lifelessness, detachment
and learned infinity is combustible;
an unfolding polygonal paper
forever unwrapping

I've walked with wrecked leagues
casually entered fiery caverns
and the chilling daytime before me,
never is it compelling

I resigned my mind, contemplated grave comprehensions
redid everything, coughing opuses, deftness, drugged insight

my tactics turned to taciturn. no one was conducting
the open metaphor of your eyes, rendering
internal captions. endless captive renditions

my adoration:
the thickly-caked rust in the kitchen faucet
if you catch my spotty, deposited
despot eyes in direct sunlight,
you'll realize their dimness

staring vacantly
into oncoming traffic,
looming passages
Sam Temple Apr 2015
Squat, under a Viney-Maple,
    bursting with orange…
        the Fall Chanterelle.


Pine needles mound;
    perfect little rolling hills
         cover the forest floor,
Chanterelles are coming!

Her eyes shine bright,
     the excitement of the hunt.

Five buttons in the bottom of the bucket…

Quick movement out of the corner
    of my eye;
       squirrels like Chanterelles too.

Buzzing becomes the only reality
   as another bees nest has been disturbed…
    There are many perils
        involved with Chanterelles.

Closed eyes bring forth
   images of fields,
     orange and extended,
        as there are more Chanterelles in this patch
            than anyone has ever seen.
A cold sweat follows.

A blackbird sits high
   on a Fir limb,
      lookin’ like a muthafucker in the club,
          below him, a Chanterelle.

The scrambled eggs smell divine
     when one cooks them with a fresh Fall Chanterelle.

I throw a steak knife
    with a barbeque brush duct taped
      to the handle
          into an old bucket I drilled holes in the bottom of
                and toss it into the back of my 1984 Nissan 4x4.
                          Today I find Chanterelles.

The smell of musk fills the air.
     A giant pile of bear ****
          next to a Chanterelle.

Three sets of tracks lead into the undergrowth,
     cut butts jut up from the floor,
         someone already found
               these Chanterelles.

Stopping by a dear friends,
    I leave with them my treasure…
      three pounds of fresh
        Fall Chanterelles.
Ren Moulaison May 2015
There we were,
a pair of inseparable
young souls,
blissfully skipping
through the tall
and viney garden
Our hearts were
full of promise
back then,
and there existed
within us an
unwavering sense
of hope and loyalty
that begged for
At least I did

I was your handicap,
a blind and ignorant
who lacked direction
without hearing the
sound of your footsteps
beside me,
to give me security
and a crutch to fall
back on
Without your gentle hand
to guide me,
I knew I would potentially
in my dreadful lack
of perception
And crumble I did

You led me to
the fountain
in the center of
the maze,
where my faith
in us still flourished
in its wishful state
You sung me to sleep
with your sweet lullaby,
a most peaceful slumber
if there ever was one,
and it let my dreams
give me one last
glimpse of limbotic
before waking up
to a world
of sudden abandonment

As the clouds turned
to gray,
in a mass that covered
the once blissful
afternoon sun,
I let my hands take over
the role of my eyes,
patting the ground
in search of my
sighted companion
But I soon realized
you weren't there,
and I called your name
in isolated trepidation,
hoping to God
that you were still near

Your voice answered back
with a reassurance
meant to defuse,
telling me you were
only a few strides away
But there was an
absence of depth,
of concern
in your voice,
as you encouraged me
to step forward
with no arms to
catch me,
and no insight of
surrounding dangers
And as I stood up
and took each hesitant,
terrified step,
I could feel your
voice growing more
and more distant,
despite your insistent
promise that you'd
make your way back
to my side

Soon you were gone
and I could no longer
hear you
I was left there,
to my, all the more
weakened defenses
Left to wallow in
to recoil in deep-seated
Asking to myself why,
why did this have
to happen?
How could you have been
so cowardly,
so as to not tell me
of your departure?
For you see,
there was no way it
could've been said
But the least you
could've done,
was simply to be kind
and save me from
the torment of deceit

Somewhere in the vastness
of the puzzling twists
and turns,
I made my way
to new territory
I cried out one last time,
knowing you wouldn't say
anything in return,
but holding out for the
unlikely chance of redemption
And when I heard a
voice not too far away,
one that wasn't yours
but one that gave me
enough of my hope back,
I started running
toward the sound

I stumbled
in the rush of
from forgetting,
even just for
a moment,
my disadvantage,
my lack of a
Because I had
a sense of potential
that this voice,
right in front of me,
would be my new
source of solace
following the bitter
the pain I felt in your wake
I was ready for a new beginning

The stranger rushed over
and caught hold of
my arms
to halt the loss of
my balance
I heard their low,
comforting voice as I
crashed into their embrace,
telling me everything
was okay,
that I was safe now
And I wasn't sure if it
was the hope talking,
but somehow I knew that,
from that moment on,
the torture was over
They guided me over
to a nearby stump,
their sensitive hands
supporting me all the way,
their soft voice uttering
encouraging words
with every step forward
And all the while,
they never left my side

As I took my seat
in front of the campfire,
with their hands still
holding onto me
to ensure I didn't
stumble and fall,
they took the liberty
of offering me
something hot to drink
I graciously accepted,
overwhelmed by this
stranger's complete and
utter kindness,
and within half
a minute,
my shivering palms
welcomed a small
cup of fresh tea

I then felt the all-encompassing
warmth of a soft blanket
being placed around me,
as the stranger proceeded to
inquire about my injuries,
whether they were the
bruises from the numerous
falls, in my journey
through the confusing avenues
of the maze,
or the unseen scars
left on my heart
And as I rehashed all
the heartaches of the
tumultuous event,
taking a sip of tea
here and there
to calm my heightened nerves,
a single thought entered
my head,
and for the first time,
I came to recognize
the stranger
as none other
than my inner voice

And with that,
a sense of peace
began to flow over me,
and I no longer
held onto the desire,
to know why you left,
to be reassured
of a presence
outside of myself
to rely on, for all things
and blame for all misfortune
Because that presence
that I desired,
that promise of love and
had been inside of me
all along
This is a very long Epic Poem that I started working on at the end of October last year. I've put a lot of thought and emotion into this one, as it describes a very intense experience I went through in the past few years that significantly changed the way I look at my friendships, and the things I value within them. It has taken me a long time to get to the point of forgiveness and emotional healing, but now that I have, I feel much more like I will be able hold my own, without need for closure beyond what I can control, in a situation like this poem will describe (but hopefully to a much less severe degree). My hope in sharing this poem is that you can get some sort of positive message out of this, whether you identify with the speaker or with either of the two subjects, that will help you to gain more understanding and compassion for those who endure this kind of emotional turmoil. And of course, I sincerely hope that you enjoy it, despite its serious tone.
KieraYale Oct 2019
Beams of summer light pierce through
the viney entanglement
that rests upon a worn white trellis

The lush green and yellow fruit
Leaks a sweet and viscous nectar
For the iridescent blue monarchs that take refuge

Petrichor and the trill of cricket ignite the neurons
Of an old Honduran man
As the storm cleanses the distant mountains
and his wondering mind

— The End —