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Fletcher Oct 2013
I found you.
Among the dust and water that makes up each one of us, I found you in all of your uniquity.
For a lifetime I loved you without knowing it.
And then I met you,
knowing immediately it was you I had loved all along.
Eventually life, pride, ambition took me away from you
to worlds where people sit strangely, eat strangely,
even walk strangely and sleep strangely.
But strangely enough, we were all the same.
And we laughed at this realization.
I took you with me.
We walked along the Bosphorus drinking pomegranate juice,
listening to the drums and strings and rhythmic Ottoman voices that caused our souls to ache.
We tasted sand, brought in on the wind from that barren desert rich in so little but greed.
We visited cities in jungles, where local fare made us thankful for our many hours spent cooking, and perfecting the flavors that help define us.
I took you with me, my love.
You helped me don my suits and tie my ties and kissed me as I held you close before another day's harangue.
But in your mind, you were never there.
And you made me see:
A world separated us. And so I moved it.
blue mercury Oct 2016
tell me a story, my dear, ill fated lover. my white dress floats in the bath water. i want you to stand next to the tub and tell me about the first time you saw me. you were a prince, and i just a girl. tell me about how you fell in love with my walk and my curled toes and my cinnamon smile. sickening spices. uniquity. grace.

biting my bottom lip, i ask if you will say hello again, blooming.
why is it that you always whisper goodbyes like autumn leaves?

you are catastrophic, and i a mad, young, silly girl. but you used to be perfect and i used to be wise, and our most promising traits are announced to the tides as i pull the drain stopper out. wait! i laugh. i put the stopper back into tub. row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.

i’m wondering as you look at me with those empty eyes.
i wonder, if i know i have gone mad, am i mad after all?

i don’t see it in your eyes, my dear, ill fated lover. i only see death, death, death and love. you used to utter sweet words with warm breath in my ear. i’d dance for you until my back hurt and my heels were sore, until i wanted to cry and laugh, for you were so enthralled by the movements of my body. I don’t dance anymore. and your breath is cold, your words sour.

the tub overflows and i shut my eyes, although they beg to see.
will i laugh when you scream my name, saying you can’t swim?
ophelia version two
Wayward Sep 2018
A fallen angel, is what you are.
They cut off your wings and left a scar.
Uniquity was a crime that was unforgiven.
And forever you were banished from heaven.

What dragged you down to the depths of hell?
Was it really necessary to rebel?
It was your courage to take a stand.
Even when you knew you’d receive reprimand.

Fallen or not, angel you remained.
Follow your dreams, love, don’t be ashamed.
You don’t need wings to rise high,
You are your own limit, it's not the sky.
I'm at a cross roads in my life right now. I recently dropped out from an engineering college to follow a field of my interest. Somewhere in the middle of all the drama around me, I whipped this little poem out.
So, for anyone going through a similar situation, don't let anything stop you from following your dreams/passion.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Sometimes a bit obscure
Almost free association
Flickers of memory
I serve the Secret Flame

I am obsessed with her
But know I'm ridiculous
37, 72
The coincidence of names

Sleep feels so good
Tomorrow right back at it
Tonight a little quiet
Some say local fame

Maybe long forgotten
Maybe Chicago
Maybe Arizona
In Indiana: Notre Dame

        Not the same.
Jacobo Raymundo May 2013
Never ceasing to shed light upon my dreary days, you're the sun to my sky, the flower to my garden
Endlessly loving and caring, feeling and seeing, you have the heart of an angel and the face of a goddess; divine duality
Vast degrees of beauty emanate from you, meet my eyes, and melt my heart
Early hours of my mornings are filled solely with thoughts of you such as this moment while I compose
Rarity, uniquity, you're one of a kind my rose. You hold a place in my heart that no other can hold simply because nobody else is vaguely comparable to you

A** lthough the earth is treacherous and destructive to your pristine beauty, I have great faith that you will remain purely innocent
Loneliness should never be felt by you for if you look to your side I will be there whether in spirit or in body
Olfactory senses tingle with delight as you draw near; your scent is one I have yet to forget
Never fear the night for I will stand guard with a lantern in hand: no demon shall trespass your glorious soul; even if the cost may be my life, I shall fight for you to my last breath and beyond
Every day I'm here with you, oh it is so so true look around, you're *never alone
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Father Greeley was so unique
Never seen another priest like him

If you play with Irish setters
You can surely spike 'em

Me near the Book of Kells
Quite far from Chicago

I mentioned him to the man
Mystery? Now they know

TheConcretePoet Sep 2019
often leave
us hypnotized

their grouped
or relevance
to selfishness

words are... ..

couriers of
seduction or
couriers of

words describe
seasons they,
they describe

words descibe
actions that
have been
left seasons
ago for

words are
as we
plunge into
darkness on
the frills
and lace
of your

"I am just writing....
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
The first time tonight
Appear here:

One albino deer.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Father Greeley was so unique
Now he's dead and gone

Can't find words; hard to speak
Her taste still on my tongue

Ridiculous, this lonely life
Solo 52

Back to the boys if I can
Again before I'm through

    Taming of the Shrew?
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
A (very small) number of people on the planet are talented enough to play NBA level basketball.

A (very small) number of people on the planet are talented enough to write an engaging novel about Mycroft Holmes, the smarter, older brother of Sherlock, and so mysterious that he is said to be the secret power behind the British government.

To my knowledge, the only person on the planet talented enough to do both of these things is Kareem Abdul-Jabaar.
lionheartlion Nov 2015
He is something else. Something beautiful. Something clean. Something that shines with uniquity.
Jennifer McCurry Nov 2021

Dance to graves ..
to Rogers and Waters
And Dens of Uniquity

To moments a capsule
The spread

Poison or living
It does not matter...
but into the marrow
It’s seeping

Into the marrow
Through concubine flesh

Flesh and bones ..
To marrow

A harrowing beat..
by Rogers and Waters
The lamp light still comes pleading

To garnish the cheeks of thin women wearing musk
Men in hats and dark ..

Dance to graves..
rivers among men

Dance to graves at once.
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2023
Father Greeley was extremely unique
No one remotely like him
Thomas Aquinas falls silent
Thomas More goes it alone

My stomach is upset
My life agitation
No God to help us
Honeymoon in Rome

Rain, misty rain
Seattle, Dublin, Portland
With a mask do I fare forward
Wind in the sandy loam

               foreign home
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
I am quite familiar with Neverland
Quite familiar with fire
Asia has the bullet trains
Suffering is caused by desire

I showed her my Uniquity
Truthful - not a liar
Carolina Inn
Where I'd like to fly her

But I live alone
No longer 17
Her eyes are ocean blue
My eyes Seattle green

I wish her the very best
I toast what might have been
Before I take my rest
Some good thing between

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Ignatius insight
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Don't do it like I do it
Do it like you do it

That which makes you different
Makes you Spiderman

Thus spoke Peter Parker
To Miles Morales

Uniquity in New York City
Uniquity in Corvallis
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
My 7th grade English teacher
His name was Brian Katz
Billionaire Bruce Wayne
The man who learns from Bats

The desire to protect
The terror in the Night
You can't consult the maps
When new music is in sight

I believe in Uniquity
But don't wanna be a party of one
Wanna be myself
Like Thy will be done

         Love Born to Run
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2019
Ishmael lives to 137
       my middle son is now 11
                 Seattle in summer - nearly heaven...

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
I know the little way is right
Love is patient and kind
No literal life after death
I wanna travel blind

Susan on the DC metro
Flickers in my mind
Darling Nikki on Facebook
Yes, she kick your behind

Mr. David Markson
Yellow. Vincent. Green.
Slept all afternoon
She is always 17

Georgetown today
Grey. Thea Bowman tween.
Uniquity. Divergent.
Chicago. Things Not Seen.

             wait and hope
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
To find a little uniquity
You have to do it different
Postcards and stamps
Warrior Poet fight

I go down quite lonely
Sleep away the sadness
Solitude is painful
The Princess Bride delights

Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
It took my 35 years
But I finally told her
Unrequited love

I never saw a goddess go
Gentle grace

Driving home alone tonight
Stars above

High School
Her face

                    green light
                     black lace
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2023
I actually do blame Thomas Jefferson
When Founders and geniuses
Make mistakes
They cast shadows that last for centuries

The beauty of Augustine's Latin
His ****** torment
His ditching of his girl for God
His Dark Shadow hovering, hovering ...

John Brown is fascinating
Harper's Ferry a bit like Europe
No chain stores

Columbus has to go
Cristobal Colon-izer
Progress, not replacement
Name changing is Game changing

Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
I listened to the Writer's Almanac
Tried to do it myself
For years I was a teacher
Now I walk alone

Why do I so like poems?
Uniquity I guess
Suffering in my heart
My children far on phones

The silence is the sadness
And also comforting
No more arguments
No insults, just Unknown

Death will be release
God, I miss my boys
Peace for them, please peace
Ordinary own
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
There have been unusual times
And even mysteries
But so much is just unknown
And chaos all around

I liked Ireland
Saw the Book of Kells
Walked Beckett Bridge
Post office we four found

Still quite dark and quiet
Thank you for my brothers
Indian burial ground

Oh! that David Markson
What uniquity!
Hello, Joan of Arc
Goodbye, Ezra Pound.
Ian Dec 2024
I am but one ash of many,
Remnant of a by-gone fire
Quelled by wind.
I am but of body liquescent,
Mid the showers that brings the mighty tempest.
I am but a leaf of divers,
Anon to fall from agéd branch
As Autumn arrives, and the erst warmth retires.
I am but of common nature,
Who has not the beauty nor uniquity
Of Summer’s flowers,
Nor bids the eye inquisitive
Of the wanderer.
Lo! By dint of Winter’s dawn
Alas, I am to wither.
Supplanted by life anew
And forgotten thereafter.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Red eyed albino owl
Aliens among us

Cliff Pickover twitter account
Taipei music sung us

Uniquities on Franklin Street
Uniquity is the Whale

Albino is the truly owl
Uniquities prevail!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
I am not wealthy or famous or powerful
But he said I was a gift

Which Dr. Cohen said of Shakespeare
So my soul does lift

The Giver is a great book
Jonas can see beyond

Sometimes I can too
Of uniquity I am fond

Both here
And across the Pond
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2024
saturated fragments
stamps, amps, tramps,
two green lights

an original, not an echo
San Francisco Zen
un pequito mystic flight

                Well, alright!
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2020
a gift, a gift
in Louisville: The River

a gift, a gift
Jonas and The Giver

uniquity, not sameness
be your true best self

David Markson + the nameness
Professor Pasulka on my shelf


— The End —