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As I rushed home, I thought about

The last thing that I'd read

"Can we go out to fly my kite?

Before I go to bed."

A text was sent by my young son

To go and fly his kite

I texted back "no problem son,"

"We'll go do that tonight"

Once I got home, I went to change

And he changed his clothes too

The sun was still up shining

And the kite would help the view

The wind was blowing briskly

Just enough to fly it right

And if others were out flying too

It would really be a sight

I told my son, to dress up warm

For the wind did hold a chill

But, flying kites with my young boy

Well, it gave my heart a thrill

He gathered up his kite

And then he raced me to the door

I picked up my hat that had

Been knocked upon the floor

He raced me up the street as we

made our way out to the park

He wanted to be first

to get there before it did get dark

He held his kite so tightly,

I myself thought it would break

It was a black and golden box kite

With a tail just like a snake

We bought it up in Chinatown

At a little antique shop

When the wind hit it just perfect

It would just hover and then stop

Of all the kites he owned

This was his favorite one

I think it was his favorite

Because it danced beneath the sun.

We got there, I let out the string

And I got it in the air

And once it became airborne

I tied it to his chair

My son, can't hold the kite string

Can't control the way it flies

He's confined to his blue wheelchair

Until the day he dies

He controls it with his finger

Races all around the place

And when we get out flying kites

There's such a smile on his face

He backs it up, the kite responds

Flying high up in the sky

"i wish that I could be that free"

"I wish that I could fly"

"One day son, you will be free"

"You'll be as mobile as that kite

You'll be moving like you used to do

"On your feet, you'll be so light"

He was injured in an accident

But, that's not here nor there,

He was hit by a drunk driver

He was too **** drunk to care

But for now, my boy is smiling

We're out flying kites at night

And as long as we're toghether

Then our world is still all right.
Marco Jimenez Mar 2010
why can't family be family again
we used to always be friends
we used to huddle together
whenever we got scared
we felt the warmth in one anothers arms
because we knew the love was there

we used to build forts out of whatever we had in our rooms
and wage sars
throwing pillows, books, and brooms

we used to have mini mosh pits
with just the four of us
we headbanged and pushed
we screamed and pretended to cuss

we used to protect eachother
we used to defend one another
we used to stand together like brothers and sister
when mom punished us we would all resist her

we used to be a family
a family that would always care
we used to be a family with more happiness than despair
we used to be a family that never hogged food or air
we used to be a family that told eachother we were there

we used to be a family
a family that sat down toghether and ate
we used to be a family full of our own ideas that we create
we used to be a family that got along without debate
we used to be a family with more love than hate

so why can't family be family again
and remember why those times were so good
why can't family be family again
and treat eachother the way we should

why can't family be family again
and throw the hate away
why can't family be family again
and invite the love to stay
Serena Lee Apr 2015
I looked into your Bright blues eyes when you started to explain
explain that your were breaking up with her again

I saw your eyes water as I gave you the hard truth
Baby you're the sugar to my sweetest tooth

I know this is wrong come on she's my friend
but we all knew right, that it had to end

It's  been going on for way too long time's up and this is the final song

I sit here tonight wondering what the outcome will be
we're not suposed to be toghether but
neither are you and she

This is wrong and I know it but I need an escape from all of this
I dont love you right now but what's one more kiss

I cant stop thinking about him

I dont love you, babe bevause that just   lies but wow you've got those
*Bright blue eyes
The river flows endlessly droning on
In its never ending song
Roaring like a train
As I flys with the grain
Rumbling swishing flowing
As one, accepting each drop, growing

The river splashes against the rock
The stationary weight
Pulled down by its heavy burdens
The roaring rivers freight

They are seperate elements
Toghether in the stream
The river a gentle blue gasp of life
A crowd of laughing joy
The rock a heavy grey sorrow
Pushing around the crowd
Cracks from the ages
Of river sweeping around
Now and then harsh or gentle
Waves lap against the rock
Smothing holes or cracking edges
Slowly wearing it down
Yet never joining
For they are seperate elements.
Repost if you ever feel like the rock in a river bed, neither with or against the crowd, simply there, forgotten yet constant. Slowly gaining cracks as your weighted down by the past.
Mona Jun 2011
Verse 1
When I saw you the first time,
Your smile made me smile...
I knew you're the one,
You make me laugh, you make me happy,
You are the sunshine of my life,
Oh, I swear I'll love you.

Eternal Love, for you and me,
Eternal Love, forever Love,
I swear I'll love you
Till death tears us apart.

Verse 2
Baby, I saw you one day,
You smiled and I knew it,
You are the one I dreamt of,
You came to me and coloured my life,
You are the light that shines in my life
I'll love you, baby, forever.

Verse 3
I love you so much, darling,
Please swear you'll love me,
Give me your love, I need you...
Let's sing this song toghether for our Love!
I actually wrote 2 song called 'Eternal Love', one is a duett version, for a female and a male singer, the other one is intended as a love declaration, sung only by one person.
Camila Jul 2013
Aren't you scared?
That right now you are looking at your future
right from the edge.

Open the bottles of wine,
bring some tequila shots,
cheers for the end
and hold on to the moments we have left.

We are toghether now
so let's celebrate,
let's get drunk 'cause we are clueless
of our days ahead.

Let's talk about the good old times
that seem so far behind
forget all the worries just for a while,
the rest of our life is about to start.
You my sweet angel your mine im yours you have me i have you toghether we are one we can do anything "your the sun to my shine" we are lovers your my sweet sweet angel your my sugar im nothing we have diffrences but we can do it we are impossible to take apart we are bonded we are one soul we are one your my angel and nothing will take us apart we can get through the hard and enjoy the easy we can walk on water or run through lava we are together im you sun your my shine we arr the impossible but easy

Love you my special angel.
Love is a puzzle
We each have a piece
When we work toghether
We destroy the beast
You told me
You said we would
Be toghether forever
And we still are
Do you love me? Yes
Am I sure?
Oh god what about me too
Do i love you
Will we love forever
Chloé Sep 2014
and if we are not suposed to be toghether why aren't we suposed to be apart ..
Ira lvisortiz Jul 2018
Puppy Love is consisting of two word, nine letters and three syllables that once hurt me
But then I met you
Everytime I see you, my eyes shines
And whenever I see you with other girls
My blood rise.
I'm getting jealous, jealous in the way that
I wish, I was in that girl's position.
Carrying her bags, carrying her stuffs
Giving her water, giving her foods
Fulfilling her with your love
I know that now I'm not in the position
I'm wishing for,
Because I'm the one who gave up
I'm the one who surrendered
Do you wanna know why?
"Because love is not only to fight but also to surrender"
I know you are a sweat person
And I personally experienced that
When we are both good toghether
And time passed day by day
Your love fadeads
Sweetness, Pampering, and Carrying
All of those just vanished, in just a blink of my eyes
I'm now just pretending that it doesn't hurt
But it hurts so.
I wanted to scream all those
But where?
Where to go?
I felt discriminated by you, everytime
And I just wished that I have never met you
But then that changes,
As time flies so fast
As everything changes
I've learned and I've appreciated that
It's not the real love I was thinking, all this time
Because I've learned that sometimes,
People don't just come into our lives just to spread love
But the real thing is, some just came
To teach us lessons
And learn how to stand still
And how to stay strong.
Last night we fought i know its my fault im guilty you should not have me you should have better but you have me you belive in me you love me were we are is here toghether we love we laugh we cry tonight i will make up to you babe.
erik lubbe Oct 2016
Is your love for me a
Is my love for you a
I can answer yes to one of those
But what about the other
Will you survive
Survive with me
Or toghether
Love can harm me
It can harm you
It can harm the reader
I speak for those
Those with strong love
The ones
Who love my poems
And those who have never
Never heard of them
Love is hard but will you be there
In the end
Tess Feb 2021
Walking along the sea shore
Twirling my hair
When a guy approaches me
His hair were so smooth
Just like silk....
I thought of him as an aquintance....
We ended up spending the entire noon toghether
He made me feel special.
We decided to meet up for dinner at my fav place
This made me feel special.
It was the perfect night under the moonlight, the perfect ambiance and the perfect man
This made me feel special.
The perfect food that made the night
It was special.
It was tym for goodbye,
The most difficult thing to do,
He hugged me.....
Our eyes met each other
I started to blush,
I think he felt it too,
It was strange,
Some vibe moving in my nerves,
I could not move,
He leaned ahead and kissed good night,
I knew that he was the one,
The special one......
It's been a month yet he is not changed,
This makes me feel special......

— The End —