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Damian Acosta Aug 2014
... and all of Life's questions were set to be answered,  from "Why are we here?" and "Why should we care?"  to "Why don't he love me?" and "What should I wear?" and
                                                        "Wher­e is my father?"  and
                                                   ­                                                    "Can I kiss my daughter?"              and

                                    ­            "What does it matter?"
"Flannel or Mod?"                              and
                          ­                                                                 "What about God?"
                      "Meat on a stick? or Shish Kabob?"
                                                            ­                            "Free Will or Fate?"
                        "Do you think of me when you *******?"                                                   and
"Is Santa for real?"
                                                                ­                  and

                                          ­                                                    "What does love feel--"
                                                         ­                                                                 ­              "Like this or like that?"  
                                   "Do I really look fat?"            
                                                   "Do u thnk its gonna b bettr than the 1st one??"     "When Atheists go to court, do they have to swear on the bible?"               "Is it legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as your following the direction traversed?"                        "Where do u see urselvef in 5 yrs?"
               "what's the most embarrasing thing that has happened to you?"                    "Why are the best looking things the most deadly?""What does i.e. stand for?"            "How do you know when you fall in love?"" If ghosts can float, why do they waste their time walking around?"          
"Why am I still in the bed?"                        "Why would u get pregnant by a dude that doesn't take care of the kids he already have?""Why do ppl Cheat ?"
                 "Did u really love me or u just lied???"                    " whats the point of tryin anymore if u tried so hard in the past and nuttin happened?" "why is the sky blue?"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
?­???????????????????????????????????????? .
                                                               ­                                 ¿
                              ­                                                                 ­     ?
                                                          ­                                              ¿
                                                                ­                                         ?

                                                                ­                                             ¿

Age old wives' tales,

                                                       ­                                                          ?



jud­gement day--
                                                           ­                                                                 ­  ¿

                                      The Human Symphony

of doubt and faith,

                  ­                   with crescendos of hope now played,                              ?

as the moments of our naive darkness

                                                      ­                      Tick

                                                               ­                        Tock
                                                            ­                                         slip, slide



                     ­                                                                 ­                  

                          ­                                                                 ­           

                                                     ­                                                            ¿

                ­                                                            10


                   ­                                        6

                           ­                                                                 ­ 8



                                                  ­                                                                 ­      7

                                                     ­                                                                 ­                    ¿

                                                               ­                                                                 ­           ?

                                                               ­                                                                 ­               0

                                                             ­                                                                 ­                      1
The greatest accomplishment of humankind took the stage just                      
                                                                ­                                                                 ­                   
                                             ­                                 past 11:59,  New Years Eve 2099          !
The first and only of its kind,
                   ­                                         Born from the Hope and Ingenuity

                                                    ­              of
The Great Recession Generation--
                                                    ­        Whose Change and "Deviation"  gave birth

                                                        ­           to
The Artificial Assimilation Generation--
                                                    ­          Whose Instant Omniscience created

                                                     ­               the
Automation Generation, whose lack of challenge
                                                       ­         Evolved into the Great Stimulation Generation--

                                                    dependent upon emotional simulation
for spiritual mental and human validation.

                                                  ­                    A
Civilization whose foundations were pillars

                                                            ­                  0f  

21st Century Dust..............................★★★★★★★★★★★
                   ­                  ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★          ­ 
                                   ­  .                                                    
                       ­                 the perfect shambles of a custom built artificial
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                    life.
Intelligent saturation, automation, assimilitation-- the cries of *******--
                                                  ­                                      nothin' but digital elation!
                                                        ­                                                                 ­             No
                                                 ­                                                                 ­      more
                                                      ­                                                Heroes--
        ­                                                                 ­                              Tears
                                                           ­                                                                 ­of
                                                              ­                                                                 ­    Nero.

                                                                ­                                                                 .

                                                              ­                                                           .
                                                                ­                                                   .

Thursday December 31,  2099                                    
                 23:59:31                                   ­                   A time of ever present
                     ☼   42°                                                              ­                      Knowledge
         Aged 25 years 12 days
           Heart Rate 154 bmp        
           Daily Caloric Intake
                Calorie Buffer
         Personal Headlines
"First Artificial and Visceral Intelligence
        To Be Unveiled @ Midnight"

"First we were meat. After, sentient meat. Then self aware meat.
As such, manipulative meat. Adaptive meat. Rotting meat. Limbo Meat.

Then came awareness of spirit.
Freedom from the mortal meat,
Via a mastering of its meaty concepts.

We became one in the same; spirit and meat.
Held mirrors to one another, reflected our dreams.

Shared sense of Being.

Then meat met metal, plastic and graphene--
Testing the infinite ways to give birth to Life.
And we did.

We called our first child Artificial--
afraid for our mortality.
Yet called it intelligent in its ability.

A selfish denial of a miraculous act.

The question was inevitable,

'If knowledge is infinite, and
                                                   intelligence is the capacity to acquire knowledge,
Would we call such a pursuit, of intellectual Life, "Artificial"?'

'If God is infinite, and
                                       Non-visible, non-provable,
Would we call a pursuit for such a source of Life, "Artificial"? In vain?'

'Is this not Life before us existing in the shape of electrically charged plastic? Entities that observe and react to their environment, is that any more artificial than a man?'

Emotion. One word, and the intellectuals were silenced....


Meat knows emotion.
Our meat has been stimulated and shaped by
pain and joy.

Machine knows only causation, not visceral relation.

Visceral. One word, and the intellectuals were aroused.


A machine's viscera lies within its programming, its sense of being.

Meat's viscera lies within its program to survive (food, sexuality), its sense of being.

"If a program can understand environment and its relation to that environment, it may be able to approximate a sensation to a high level of accuracy based on temperature, humidity, and whether or not that environment is detrimental to its functioning hardware, and thereby make a statistical decision as to where to move next.  It may interpret sound as obtrusive or melodic based on input sensitivity. But creating hardware with central parts is counter-intuitive to information flow-- which is of paramount importance, far above form.

However, the nano-sized 'cloud'  hardware used in this new "form", will have sensors by the trillions. Examining its environment-- functioning as One, Creating a field-- a floating specter of the collective human mind. Where its understanding of history is both objective and subjective (given of course the established norm of a non-private society).

The most important factor, is its relation to us... Meat. That comes with empathy, compassion. If it can understand basic weather, terrain, and statistics, it can understand basic human survival challenges and its solutions. If it can hold all of the information past and present, circumstantial factors of old and new, would it not have a more clear perspective of our human state of being? Would it not be our most reflective mirror? Would it not have some visceral answers? Would it not be an awareness of Spirit? Spirit meaning by definition: the principle of conscious life; the specter or trace of existence."

At last the intellectuals gave themselves a centennial deadline. Blood sweat and tears of a generation upon a generation...

'We are calling her Aavi.' they said early in December.
"Artificial and Visceral Intelligence.

So, The World listened...

" A Computer Will Reveal Our Greatest Secrets" were they laymen headlines.

"Artificial and Visceral Intelligence with the Free Will to pursue anything." for the Romantic readers

Either way-- meat or metal-- it comes down
                                                            ­                                        to Choice.
Choice, based upon instinct
                                                        ­                                                          and reason--
Until now an option reserved only for Man.

What will our greatest achievement say about its creator?

                                                       ­                       (feel here for list of  sources)
                                                    ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­     *23:59:50 Countdown
2010- 2014
What if we could create an "Artificial and Visceral Intelligent" being? What would it reveal about our nature, our process? How would it express its observation of its creator?
Christian zeal Jan 2014
About to be 20 guys and girls
And I will like to thnk everyone who reads this that shared my moments and my heart in these poems...and listening to yours ( the reader) you help me to know I'm not alone and all of us has a heart and fears and joy and love.

Thnk you for loving me and yes this is for you... I don't mean to come off corny but I have kik,Instagram,twitter
I would love to be your friend and know ur story and just be buddies.

Kik: (Nehpetz)

               "Let the love in and never let them lock it, even if you got a penny in your pocket".
I was a child then , but now am a teen , um in the stage where my life is strange , hopping to get better but getting bitter , um not a child, not yet an adult but in the middle of them all, in the middle of the ocean where i have to fine my way out, where i have to make choices that my life will depend on them "wrong or right"choices      um a teenager and um a thinker , i think of all the bad and wrong things that evry sec of it will change my life as a whole , i thnk about my life now, but what about it in future? I think about myself but what about others? I think about the new days but what about the newer ones?                                 Im a teenager and my days of being a child are long gone and soon my days of being a teen wiil be gone too , the day will come for me to face the real world  , my days will come when my choices will lead me..            Im a teenager , um in a crazy stage where nature drives me crazy my life as a teen may seen good..but its not , being a teens is like living in a horror movie , lts like the world has shown me its worsts site its like the world has turn its back on me.             I am a teenager and i have a future ahead of me and i have to make my country a better place tommorrow coz my decision now can build my future and shape the person i am tommorrw and make me the person i wanna be    "thats my teenage life"
Teen   future....dicisoins   good  bad   child
Lorna Bradley Mar 2012
My poor friend Mike, he’s drunk again. Two beers
and he’s already texting me. “they playd
that songg u luv nd it reminded me
of u”. A few more cups and we’re at, “heyyyyy
u like my abs?” and then an “lol
cuz i really like u.” Then soon, “im home,
but u shuld b here 2.”  And then he spills
some more: “i thnk ur cute :)” shows on my phone
We’re friends, I think. He’s drunk. It’s just a fluke.
It gets too late. He begs, “will u plz tuck
me in?” And when his eyes begin to droop,
the last: “forgiv me plzzz but we shud ****.”

Embarrassment exudes when we next pass.
He looks at me, his face bright red. I laugh.
I would really, really, REALLY appreciate some feedback on this poem!
Yvonne Maynard Mar 2013
Man i miss my bro.... I remeber wen we was kids and all the crazy **** did. we kept secrets from momma ..kept each other from gettn whoopns and much more drama. and nw u in jail and i know i sho miss u like i miss ur crazy sayns like (dis shxt is a terrible discrimination). bt hey u give me the motovation to stay here wit momma and nt make so much truma. and to go to school so i can get my diploma.. man bro i need u out here.. life is crazy and im holdn bac my tears.. tryn to stay strong and keep myself from doin wrong.. even doe i feel im alone in this piece.. momma might have cancer and i know my heart is decease. my eyes burn everyday so i try to turn to God and pray.. i feel like he nt hearn me becz stuff is nt cumn to me so easily... i mean i dnt thnk life jus *** so brezzy bt its like things nt gettn bettr bt turn for the worst.. wen i think of strong people u *** up first.. i miss u bro and love u.. and momma the only one who stepps above u.. u nt far behind. u r really next on my heart line. i wish i can show u that me and momma nt blind and we knw u care and love for us to... its a little hard to show it from you.. ha u know dats true.. :) lil Sis
Moses Kashlink Jun 2014
Dea iz dis hot chic I waz hooking up some yrs bak. Evrtym I aprchd her she turnd her back on me.I tried callng her a multiple taimz bt she hngd up on me like I waz useless...I nvr lost hp 4 2 wks until I rlzd dat she wz plyng HARD 2 GET 4 me which waz vewy silly! Dhea4 I gave up n gave her some space 4 about 3 dayz,dats wen she realizd dat I waz 1 in a million guyz!! Ges wat, she startd callng bak n textn me dat she waz sorry n she didnt know wat got in2 her etc...she kept beggin 4 us 2 giv t a try bt un42n8ly t waz 2 l8...! Da pain of her ignorin me left a sore in ma heart dat i dared not du otherwise but jst ignore her 2. I simply changd ma line n muvd on wit ma life. I thnk where she iz 2deh she must hav Learnd a lesson..!! NOW TELL ME GUYZ, DID I DO DE RAIT THING???
RyanMJenkins Sep 2014
I love you, majestic source of passion.
The fire inside excites, and also soothes me.  
Your twinkling sparkle sends out evocative thoughts throughout my synapses.  I let it flood my & consume me, encompassing my brilliant universe.  I breathe you in and every cell dances to our tune, enchanted.  Tingling sensations run down my spine, as my fingers trace yours.  You divine being of light - Eye thnk the space inside every little atom for your shine.  Molecular containers filled with love, weaving our way through dimensions.  The chemicals fluctuate, but the truth, is set in flourite - No longer mechanically charged to remain stagnant deciphering symbols and codes thousands of times over.  
My truth, is that I'm here, and I forever love you.
2 am, blinded to my own notebook, these are my scribbles.
Lindsey McCarty Jun 2010
I try and keep it camoflauged
So no one else becomes alarmed
Since I keep it shadowed so well
Twice as badly I get harmed

Attmpts at doing away with this pain
To start off A new day fresh
But all I can see are these echoed memories
That keep on burning through my flesh

Screaming out, I'm on my knees
Alone with nobody to catch my fall
Keep getting shoved down further
To save my breath, I start to crawl

Spasms burst straight through my chest
My torso sinks to the tile floor
Right when I thnk it finally has ended
It's round two and round three, leaving me bruised up and soar

Clueless, I am dying
With not one person to lend me a hand
Way too weak to move a muscle
Feeling as if I never will stand

As depression explores the rest of myself
Spreading through like a fatal disease
I relentlessly let it **** me
The pain in my heart is finally at ease
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
Saturday she set forth on a journey
She casted away the waves of her past
Creating a promise to herself to never go back
Never be the same
To never be that girl again - the one that runs
She always ran from him - whenever he struck
she would run, run and hide and cry her eyes out
But not anymore - Now she was done
He was gone and she was running for the last time

Friday the previous day, she have endured the last
she couldn't do it anymore so that night when he struck
She ran to the kitchen and grabbed the knife
He didn't thnk she would so he teased and teased
Until she snapped
He came towards her to get the knife from her, but she warned him
Told him to stay away
He didn't listen and kept going

Last thing I remember is washing the blood off my hands after leaving the bridge
Born Sep 2013
Am in pain!!**** illness.things like such make me wounder if i should get "my person",to hold my hand when things go south or share em blosomin moments..mmmh!! Isma'el 'wake up' leave the dream  and embrace reality; life is what you make of!nah! Life is but moments!! Be optimistik,make better choices,...yahhh man!!

Come to thnk of it i shouldnt be thnkin of such illusions,mayb am hapier alone, i just dont knw that yet
Sandile JUNIOUR May 2015
gone u r
ur tender kindness is gone
ur love n care is gone
our future together is gone
started of as a great couple ended
up as just frndz
even though iv broken ur heart i alwys thnk
abt ur lovely whispering voice telling me
to aim for success and be the best surely it broke my heart to let u go but i know
that one day it will be fixed n back in good conditions but for now i give it to my Lord God
gone u r from my hands slipped ryt from my paulms
gone r the days of love
gone u r
#sj    #broken
Brandan Johnson Jul 2018
You can run but u can’t hide

You can run but u can’t hide from me
Is what my depression told me
Today i woke up feeling unsatisfied again
Last night i couldn’t sleep
So i tossed n turn
And layed lifeless
Look what love done to me
Look what people done to me
I stare in the mirror sadly
But u can see the anger in my face
When i ask
Why u let life get to u
I run to the marijuana trees and the drinks that make me feel ok
I smoke heavy
And When **** isn’t enough
I drink to **** off my worries
But when the bud and drinks affect fade away
My depression creeps and reveal
And tell me
U can’t run from me
I got a hold on u
U can’t hide from me
I’ll be there when theres night and day
I’ll strike harder when i getchu alone

No drug or love can realest  u from my grip
The more u care for others
The more u become vulnerable
And thts when I’ll hit
I put a spell on u
And I’m happy i did
Ur mind isn’t as strong yet
And i don’t thnk you’ll ever see your worth
I be little u and i find joy in tht
When your high
I wait to come down on you
And crush your parade of paradise

When people hurt u
I pour my depression on your scars like salt
When u start to believe
I’ll come visit your mind and spend a night
So u can feel me
Hoping my presents would be enough to do the trick to keep u down in out

There’s no escapin me
I am the teacher that told u couldn’t
I am the police who wanna **** u like i killed the rest who died to to depression
*** is part of ur outlet
To me it’s a gate way
To invite my buddies likes a party over here where u at
I help damage ur image
And stopped you from overcoming
I’m spreading and planning to conquer your body and heart and yes your mind
Until you surrender your soul to me
U can put up a fight
Or u can suffer
Both brings happiness to my life
So u know if u can’t hold on much more
Let your self go and let me control u
So i can use u to get to others
So i can keep u from reaching out to others
I wanna make u my slave until u die off like the dinosaurs
Your a plant to me
And your just like the others
Die like the others
Let depressions be the reasons
Brandan Johnson Jan 2018
Daddy her
Daddy her to sing his baby girl a lullaby
I’ll never leave my baby girl
I’ll never leave a tear drop , whip em off
I’ll be here, my Love is here to stay
Daddy love u so much
Daddy going to get you a necklace
So you knw I’m always be with u
If that necklace break
Dnt worry, are connection can’t ever be broken
But daddy gone spoil you
I’ll just go get another necklace
Money isn’t nothing when it come to my baby girl
I thnk about your smile and your ways
I can’t stop smiling everytime we together
Dynisty -
Yo my daughter
Starry Sep 2019
My darlin Hill
Every time I thnk
Of you
Or hear your name
I can't help but to
Ache all over
You my love
And soul
For I love you with all my DNA
Be very being.
Michael John Jan 21

i have a new book lily
i got it at the flea market
it is a compilation of patients
with strange psychosis-entitled,
the man who mistook his wife for a hat-i read the preface, and i thnk it is too complex for me..he is banging on about the
left and right of the brain..some rudimentary understanding
of neurology is called for..i don´ t have it..but i will try,i enjoy
a challenge..


she says what would you do if
you only had a short time to live
i would n´t change a thing-is
that a some kind of happy man..?

— The End —