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Michael Humbert Jan 2015
Whirlwind romances only mean subsequent tepidity
No flames, no anxious vomiting
A disservice to beautiful women who deserve to be worshiped,
Adored as goddesses,
Instead relegated to convenient ***** and Netflix nights
Lies will be drawn,
"She's just not the one"
But I'm the culprit
A coward, a fool,
And I am sorry
Simon Monahan Nov 2017
O Fortitude! Strength of the wav’ring heart!
Steadfastness summoned when the blood runs cold!
When allies flee and none will take our part,
Where honor and friendship are cheaply sold,
Thine aid divine makes the trembling soul bold!
When terror would invade our feeble frame,
Thy subtle power puts the foe to shame!

O Fortitude! O encouraging voice!
When darkness attempts to blot out the sun,
And slav’ry’s law to deprive us of choice,
You brace the nerves of the poor frightened one,
Reminding that the vict’ry can be won:
If to perseverance we should hold fast,
We shall the adversaries all outlast!

O Fortitude! Come, and run in our veins,
Fire our tepidity and make us brave!
As long ages pass, ‘tis thee who remains,
Long suff’ring Patience, who never shall cave!
Come, Resolution, from all weakness save -
Where the frail man falls, and in despair lies,
You reach out your hand, and bid him to rise!
Florivee Jan 2018
Three shades of leaves are resting on my face, saving me from the warm touch of the sun while I'm basking in its tepidity. Take me, I mumbled. I'm tired. While coldness on my feet tells me I should shake and knock on some texture of wood so that it doesn't come true, the line between wishing I'm no longer here and holding on to the hope of every empty space I inhale, is paper-thin-- thin as a paper slightly saturated by water that sometimes I wish can drown these fears away.
NR Pim Jul 2016
Under a chilly cloudburst
You hold my hand

I feel the tepidity
I feel the affection
I felt your love

We talked.
We laughed.
And then there was silence---

A clearer thought
Came to my mind,
We can no longer
Be together

You said, “I love you”
I whispered goodbye
And we both took
The other way
Andrew Philip Nov 2023
And as I lie next to her I feel as though I’m falling
From the stars down to an earth I don’t recognize
At a speed faster than terminal velocity.
I don’t know if I can’t sleep or don’t want to,
The lights of the skyscrapers ooze through
The bedroom window
And cover her anatomy
Like the dusting of the first snow
On new dahlia,
Earlier than it came last year,
Or the year before,
Or any year I can remember.
She need not dream about me,
So long as she awakens to me.
Her chest rises and falls,
My body throbs in waves of merciful tepidity
And colors drip into her dreaming mind.
I don’t feel scared.
For the first time I’d rather sit than run.
I listen to her with my eyes.
I see her in split seconds when I blink.
There are people who don’t know each other who want to go to war.
We don’t know each other, but maybe we could end one.

— The End —