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Father do you see your children?
They are searching for promised Eden
leaders where are our answers?
We lie sleeping in the illusion of justice
We wake and search for our liberties
but our youth is poisoned with ill ideas

The mother cries that she cannot feed her daughter
The provider worries about health as clone animals are slaughtered
We worry about dehydration as chemicals leave our waters doctored
Drugs and guns create a society that is insecure and faltered
Young brothers who have received little education and truth are martyred
Institutions limit us to transparent information about how it all started

The Weeping Eye reveals the hurt and all that leaves us ill
The Weeping Eye divulges elements that disturb our free will
  The Weeping Eye unmasks the men in suits who freedoms steal
The Weeping Eye opens the mind to the wars that leave us imprisoned
The Weeping Eye shakes us as our innocence dies
How this eye frustrates ambition as you find it hard to fly

hard to fly in a world that leaves you mostly to cry
Cry for you have no one by your side to help the pain subside
which side to reside as the colours of flags leave us blind
Nowhere to hide as our homes are surveilled and we're made to bow or they'll have us tied
tied and locked in that place which is of darkness inside

The Weeping Eye will change your mind
When we're left to pick cults and sides
When the big picture is not seen of divide
Divide and keep the hate alive
These tears should uplift your consciousness
these tears drop to ground and form into a mark of sound
a sound which is a voice
     the voice that compels you to make a choice
to be the rhythm of the Light and not of the Darkness noise

The Weeping Eye is a window and a reveltion of you and I. That soul is eternal and freedom bound.
John Leuven Apr 2014

April made port.
The hordes of sand stood ready; surveilled
the eccentricities of April with a judging
eye. Lightwinds seem to sturggle pathing as if
they were still learning cantrips. No blood no magic.
All is well with my soul.

The crooning of the bony earth woke the
slumbering April-bud. It sang in seismic trembles.
We danced with the needles that recorded this symphony.
The ticking of your hair. The elevated pulses of
sharp, angled red; we rejoiced in the every spike.

Ruminations preserved.


Sometimes, I wish there were
parking lots for ants in front of a bar
where they would swap stories while
drowning in vats of apple saliva.

Their antennae would sway to and fro,
and there would be proper queues which
would make the sight more stunning and
post-apocalyptic. There would be lots
of kissing. There would be courtesy and curtsies.
There would be stories about patriotism; how
they so love their Queen and would fight
for Queen and colony and breadcrumbs and peas.
There will be no discrimination; no one
shall look at one ant and say, “Hey, sugar-lover;”
the winged will fall in line as much as
the crawling red and black.

Ruminations reserved.


O cold, cold, Earth, t’was your day, in echoing chime!
The miters sanctified by satyr priests bore bare
relations succinctly longed for and wanted! Godspeed!
The atmosphere wears its gown, the Aurora, in celebration!
The drum-line needs no motivating, it goes ever on, the snares
rumbling in sync with the fire-ants marching in time,
the fire-ants marching in time! Never before had a white flag
been as unnecessary. O cold, cold Earth,
cruise the orbit with this enchanting chanting, ever-going on.

Ruminations deserved.


The Queen is dead.
Long live the Queen.

*Ruminations unheard.
Anais Vionet Apr 2023
You hope that university will answer all of life’s questions, but nope.

I don’t know, I.

There was a guy who’d been hanging around outside our residence lately. Too consistently. At first, I thought he was someone’s friend but he’s always alone. He wasn’t doing anything or bothering my roommates, but that asymmetry set off my alarms.

He looked at me once (which I suppose isn’t a crime), I think, it was quick - a blink of sharp curiosity. I mentioned it to Charles who took his picture. The next morning he said the guy’s a legit student who has no criminal record, so maybe I’m all wrong.

Every girl’s encountered a creep or two before. They’re seemingly everywhere, as if mandated by law, like auto insurance. Most girls develop a sixth sense, a creep-dar. Nowadays, creeps have a new name, “incel” ("involuntary celibate") and they’re a recognized, online subculture. Next, they’ll have a coat of arms proclaiming, “We Would if We Could.” It’s as if awkwardness, a normal human foible, has been distilled into something dangerous.

Although the campus looks like a garden or a perfectly manicured ‘stepford’ park, we joke that it’s really a locked-down, patrolled, surveilled compound, with guards, cameras and card-key access to everything. Which, I suppose, is all to the good.

Our creeper wasn’t there Friday, and he wasn’t there today, so maybe he was nothing.

I don’t know, 2.

I was in Sunny’s room. We were going shopping in a few. There was a little pink book on her bed - a diary!! I’d never seen it before and it was open, about three-quarters of the way. She too-casually moved to scoop it up, like the neglected book of a sorcerer.

My GOSSIP-dar Alerted like a class bell. “Hmm” I hummed, head-tilted, then I laughingly lunged for the book.
Sunny’s eyes went wide for 3-billionths of a second and she snapped it up with the speed of a striking cobra, “That’s MINE” she said, rigid with seriousness.
“What’s going ON?!” I asked, but she shoved it into her night table.
Another mystery!
‘Sleeping dogs,’ I thought to myself.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Foibles: a minor shortcoming in character or behavior.

When I say our “residence” I mean Pauli Murray, one Yale’s residential colleges where there are 800 students.
NeverAgain Jul 2018
Have you ever wondered why we go to war,
or why you never seem to be able to get out of debt,
why there is poverty, division, and crime
what if I told you there was a reason for it all
what if I told you it was done on purpose
what if I told you that those who are corrupting the world
poisoning our food,
and igniting conflict
were themselves about to be permanently eradicated from the earth
you might think that an idealistic fantasy
well let me tell you a story
we acknowledge there are criminals of course
they rob your house, they steal your phone
they can ****** you too if they think they can get away with it
we have all experienced criminals in one way or another
criminals as we know are those who choose personal gain over the rights of others
with no regard for the law
but here is where you need to expand your thinking
criminals can also succeed in business and politics
and can be elected as our leaders
if a criminal became the president imagine what they could achieve,
they could use the full weight of their executive power to commit much larger crimes
and ensure they and their friends were enriched to the fullest extent possible
a criminal president could make alliances with other criminal presidents
and collaborate on more global activities
anything goes drug running, human trafficking, whatever makes the big bucks,
the 20th century was turbulent with war economic disaster famines and displacement.
we have always accepted these things as just human nature
and simply the way the world works, something inevitable
and due to the weaknesses of human nature that drive us to these actions.
this is where we were all tragically wrong,
you are not a criminal, i'm not a criminal,
so how can we just assume that it is human nature that is driving all this pain and misery?
What if it wasn't human nature at all?
and as a result of something more deliberate.
we were taught that capitalism was the cause of a massive rich poor divide
and the reason for poverty which in turn is the reason for war crime and starvation.
others were taught that communism, the system of equal wealth across all people
was really to blame for the mess.
but you see folks, it is none of these things
it is not our nature to fight and be racist
it is not in our nature to rob from others
what you must learn is that it was the criminals all along,
yes they got power, more power than a criminal should ever have
they rose to the top of media companies that control our news and entertainment
they ascended to the top of the banking system,
also to the oval office, to brussels, to the vatican, to the crown,
they crept in quietly.
they became leaders of agricultural companies that have control over our food supply
also big pharmaceutical companies, the ones we trust to help us when we are sick,
nobody stopped them, they just recruited more criminals to help.
first they accumulated the worlds wealth,
they invented a system of money called central banking,
which lends money to government with interest that places countries into eternal debt
peoples death got less their wealth got more, much more,
when a criminal is already as rich as they can get,
protecting their ill-gotten gains becomes the priority.
angry citizens tired of being poor are a major obstacle
and can revolt if they suffer enough
the criminals needed to prevent this
so they diverted attention to the last remaining competitor,
the people of the world, you and me,
we were not happy being ruled by criminals
and having to work 3 jobs just to survive,
they know we won't accept it,
they use their control of the media to set black against white
woman against man
young against old
muslim against christian
they convinced us we were the ones who were the problem
so we would fight and destroy ourselves.
to get it done faster they attacked all aspects of humanity that make us strong,
like family,
using their influence over culture
they popularized lifestyle choices that led to a surge in broken homes,
lost youth, and substance abuse.
i could talk all day about how else they deliberately weakened us
and it would turn your stomach we were just trying to get on with living.
so where are all the good guys?
good people just want to get married, have kids, make a living, and enjoy their liberty,
well there were good guys, many, one became the president of the united states
in january 1961 he knew about these criminals and wanted them gone.
he knew their intentions for us all and he wanted to fight them sadly,
he had no idea how powerful they had become.
reagan also had good intentions for the american people,
he knew this criminal mafia controlled almost everything by this stage
including powerful rogue intelligence agencies
his economic policies were promising
but these criminals needed a weak america to hold on to their power
reagan was shown with a bullet
that a growing us economy and prospering citizens were not what the criminals wanted.
it was looking pretty grim for good people,
every time someone wanted to stand up and do the right thing
they got stopped.
were we ever to be freed?
these criminals are also known as the deep state or cabal
because of how they control things behind the scenes.
every president after reagan was one of these deep state criminals
and their empire got even stronger
with each bad president came new depths to which america and the world would sink.
the world collapsed into darkness,
do you need me to tell you how?
destroyed factories,
declining job numbers,
sicker people,
destruction of iraq,
syria, and yemen with pointless war,
displacement of people into europe,
isis, terrorism, collapsed governments, poverty and genocide,
total misery, do you think that was inevitable?
Hell no,
well here is where things start to take a new turn
when the full picture becomes known,
it will easily be regarded at the greatest story ever told.
well here is the top line.
some good people still held positions of power,
they valued humanity and the rule of law,
while criminals discussed their game plan at bilderberg meetings
the good guys were making plans of their own,
the information age was coming to change history forever.
as the internet flooded into every home
and appliances became smarter
and when people started carrying tracking devices,
an opportunity to put an end to criminals all over the world was emerging,
we became connected, trackable, and surveilled,
but so did they.
they became dependent, just like we did, on email, sms, instant communication,
it made crime much easier,
but it also put them on a grid that if accessed by the right people,
would expose their crimes to the public and end their iron grip on us once for all.
in this new age of information
it was thought that the military should also have its own intelligence agency
to focus on cyber crime and espionage,
they called this the NSA, the national security agency,
the relevance of the NSA in the story cannot be understated,
here we had every phone call, email, and text
from every device stored and archived
whether it be someone making a doctors appointment,
or the deep state setting up a massive ****** purchase from the taliban
in the right hands, it would be enough information to expose the entire sinister criminal plot
to rob us blind and wipe us out.
hold that thought,
now I need to explain, the plan,
the good guys were devising a plan,
to reclaim the world from the cabal,
return it to the people,
it would involve alliances with multiple countries,
since the criminals had global ratlines to train
and other infrastructure in place that would need cooperation.
it came down to two choices for america,
one, a military coup to seize the government
from whichever cabal puppet was in the whitehouse at the time,
or win legitimately,
take control of the nsa,
expose the criminals for what they are,
and arrest them all,
obviously the first option would be very troubling for the public,
with people still preoccupied with cabal engineered social issues,
they would likely revolt, and hurt themselves, and others,
no, it would have to be the latter,
so they needed a candidate who could win, and win big, many states like california had been so heavily inundated by criminals
that even the voting machines were electronically setup to swing votes whichever way.
it would need to be a very decisive victory.
good patriots in the us military and their global partners
asked trump to run for president
so they could take back control of america legitimately
without alarming the public,
trump was a good choice, obviously,
because he overcame the voter fraud and won
but he was a patriot, and he was loved and admired by the public
he was not interested in joining the cabal
mainly because they hated america and did not agree with them
on that point as soon as he showed interest in taking power,
they activated their media assets to viciously turn on him
thats when we saw the sudden hatred emerge
even when he won the cabal still had no idea what he was a part of
and the sophisticated plan that was about to unfold against them
shocked at their loss they mobilized their full arsenal
of intelligence, media, money, and technology
to try and take back power.
their people at the top of the doj and fbi put together a plan to frame trump
and have him impeached.
this is where we come back to the NSA again,
all the messages were stored and could be used to expose this plot
and prevent trump's overthrow.
and entire book will be written about the first two years of trump's presidency,
false flag terror attacks, downed planes, missile alerts, assassination attempts.
here is the point,
the world is currently experiencing a dramatic covert war of biblical proportions
literally the fight for earth between the forces of good and evil.
i can't put it in simpler terms,
but I can say it appears that the good guys are winning
the cabal had complete control over north korea,
they hijacked the kim dynasty took them hostage,
and worked to build up a nuclear arsenal to threaten the world,
kim jong un, suddenly embracing peace
was simply because the deep state was beaten and driven out.
isis was also destroyed in the year following trump's win
we are all starting to see the pattern
now that enough time has passed that our biggest global concerns are starting to recede
and peace is returning.
it is all evidence that the good guys are winning the war,
but we are still in the middle,
while a lot is improved,
it still puzzles many that known criminals are still free,
especially the higher ups like hillary clinton,
the bushes, and obama,
that is coming in the next chapter of the story
that's why we have Q,
the good guys with control over the NSA began the Q intelligence dissemination program
to invoke online grass roots movement that came to be called the great awakening.
it started on underground internet channels
and moved to the mainstream.
q has been a fun distraction for those who follow world events and desire truth
but it is about to begin a much more important and necessary phase,
keeping the public informed when the deep state war breaks out on the surface,
by this i mean high profile arrests, yes folks,
the criminals i'm referring to are famous politicians, actors, singers, ceos and celebrities.
people who have earned our trust, respect and admiration,
they have done very bad things that are all fully known and documented
and they will be severely punished,
those of us who have followed Q since the beginning
will be here to help you make sense of the coming events
we are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are trivial distractions
and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy
we realize that the problem was never capitalism or socialism, democrat or republican,
black or white, muslim or christian.
we realize it was criminals who had too much power,
fellow slaves, it's time to buckle your seat belts,
recognize your true enemy,
and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives
to achieve this victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever known.
Matt Sep 2016
The Incinerator
Does not care

How much money
You have
Or how many degrees

It does not care
About your family
Your hopes
Dreams or desires

It is the incinerator
And that is its function

The obese
And elderly
Will be the first

Taken from their homes
Tossed into the incinerator

There are limited resources
And a land
That was once plentiful
Has become barren

I've really grown
To love myself
More and more
Each day

After all
This is MY life

I have failed at many things
I don't have a strong muscular body

Why build up my muscles
Even more anyhow?

The overly large
Muscular and
Obese individuals
Will be the first to die

During the time of trials

With limited resources
Their bodies
Did not receive the
Necessary nourishment

I'm here
I'm here

Say it to yourself
And scream it out loud!

Run, Run from the incinerator

The snipers may get you
But a bullet is swift
And merciful

To burn in the incinerator
That's not a pleasant thought
Is it?

I don't know what
America stands for
Do you?

I think there are many good people
That live here

But I don't think much
Of our government
And our government

Thinks even less of us

Smart appliances
To record
Smart phones
To save data

London is the most
Surveilled nation
In the world

I hope it never becomes
Like that here

Every minute in a public space
Being recorded
On their CCTV cameras

The thought police arrested
John Middleton
Of 480 Ashbury Lane

For a thought crime
He was angry
At his employer

He believed he was dismissed
From his job

And so in anger
He imagined bashing
His face in

Such a violent thought

The evidence was reviewed

Of course by now all thoughts
Were being uploaded
To the super computer
And stored in the cloud

Each human being
Had to be chipped
There memories stored

Each waking thought
And sleeping dream

It's been terrible
Hasn't it?
Human life

I'd say so
But it could always be worse
And it has been for others

Run Mr. Middleton
Run from the incinerator

Such violent thoughts!
The orchestrators
Of this one world order

Will not allow such
Violent thoughts
In their society

Mr. Middleton's digital monitor
(That was required in every living unit)
Calmly read the recommended
Daily intake of nutrients

He could hear
The incinerator
Always came
In the early morning

At the waking hour

It's been terrible
I know John
Hard for the most part

Holy Holy Holy
Is the......
John remembered quickly
That any repeated thoughts
Of a Divine Being

Would move him higher up
On the incinerator's list

Fear not the fires that burn
The creators
Of the incinerator
Will one day learn...
Hope you enjoy
Pearson Bolt Jun 2017
wake up every morning with a jackhammer in my head.
think about you.
read the news.
whose kids did we bomb today?
what terror occurred half-a-world away?
or did another racist bigot stab someone in Portland?
gun shows at concert halls, schools.
protesters jailed, surveilled, beaten ******
on concrete streets we laid
after generations of genocide.
i struggle to find the poetry
in a world that's gone to ****.
wake up mourning, hoping today the world will do me in.
Beowulf Mar 2020
Big brother; surveilled; rat runs of pounds;
Instaweb orbs, tendrils confound,
Face timely chats across coded binary,
Clocked on, logged in let it begin;

Around and around the wheels about town,
The daily homage to tubes underground,
Whistlestop lunches, lanyards and passes,
Payslip available labour force saleable.

PIN, Password, Face recognition,
Upload, drawn down, robotic volition,
Subdural naked forced aspirations,
Chasing dragons of faked motivation.

Push and chug and push and chug,

The relentless surge of more from above,
Steady inbound for disembarkation,
Life's sourjourn of self realisation.
Uneasy thoughts commander in chief...

Will be elected president
(putative tsar of United States
forever long he lives)
until... he abdicates faux
official crown to Jared Kushner
will be handily elected
Tuesday November 3rd, 2020.

Said foreboding intimation
insinuates, percolates, undulates
within mine subconscious...
incumbent clinches Republican
presidential (rigged) election.

Afar off legion (aires)
herald and trumpet proclamation subjugation
heard within mine prescient mind,
yet amateur prognosticator (me)
gently suggests populace arise up in arms.

Analogous to extra sensory perception
awful fate would bestow
yours truly and/or the missus
when former 2009 Hyundai Sonata
exhibited unfamiliar noise,
though no mechanic,

I felt deep with these lovely bones
an apprehension... nay
strong aversion to drive,
whereby trusted automotive technicians
1405 S Township Line Road

Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468
validated hunch initially experienced
while holed at Notre Dame
courtesy ghostly encounter
with incorporeal spirit Victor Hugo.

He also offered safe haven
to avoid (and sit out onset)
think subsequent resurgence
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
and sanctuary when

Trump proclaimed king,
whose sixth sense (prescience)
chimed nsync with this beastie boy.

Though definitive ominous fate
yet to manifest as inevitable doom
best recourse would constitute
rousing rebellion to thwart
impending totalitarian control.

Become alert here and now
stark reality will find proletariat apprenticed
whereby sacred freedoms slated tubby scrapped,
and fidelity forced upon madding crowds
to bow down in obeisance
toward self anointed despot.

Savoir faire and square
every metaphorical morsel
relish exercising leftist rights
while still able, eager, ready, and willing
puncheon against expected restraints
slowly encroaching on American liberties.

Expect sacred enshrined inherited privileges
incrementally (barely discerned) undermined
with each passing day, week, month...
whereby an hour will arise
when strict mandatory obedience

violently enforced courtesy military
no merest hint of mutiny tolerated
as each surveilled individual
indeed monitored linkedin
near microscopic technologically

sophisticated electronic contrivances
think implanted microchips at birth
or rather requisite synthesized comestibles
mimicking texture, flavor, consistency...
blind taste tests could never distinguish

genuine animal products
versus plant based foodstuffs and drinks
expectant women forced to consume
formulated by products embryo absorbs
growing fetus subtly manipulated

chock full nutritious sustenance
effectively insinuating mind control
advanced biomedical engineering
sanctified integrated circuits
designed thru genius grants

offered **** kids
all other curriculums cost free,
ah.. at long last
free college/university education.
Morgan Apr 2022
I found comradory in the street cats

They amused themselves by batting a clutter of objects discarded and
blown away by a huff of coarse air

they pounce distractedly after hours
away from the skew of ‘not name’ names given
by those who entice them out for affection during working hours
(whom, with distrustful eyes and elongated spines
they surveilled carefully, of course)

As I noticed the cats lingering outside and in my head
You noticed me
your huntress batting around at the strands of objects over her head
tumbling with the crumpled up receipts of memories
scratching up the snapshots of past times
fiercely engaged in technicolor yarns of tangled thoughts

You left your bowl out for the pantheress
scavenging the abandoned parking lot in her mind
and listened to her hiss transform into a mew

Now here at the end of all things that Future
whispered falsely into our ears
cat’s got our tongues and
all that’s uttered is
“One day you will find happiness...”

Goodbye Dean-o
From your stray cat, your girl, your mo-mo
I’m not meant for a leash and a bowl of milk, but it was nice to indulge for just a little while.
Saturday, December 21 Military Time 2319

(According to website:

Hark the herald angels sing
yea, only one hundred ten days,
I started counting until spring
as proclaimed courtesy
yours truly, a fellow Earthling.
Mine tolerance to endure
brutally cold weather quite plain

decreases in direct proportion
as orbitz around El Sol increase,
hence subsequent heft to weather
old man winter doth wane,
no matter majority mein kampf birthdays
lived hashtagged Southeastern
Montgomery, Pennsylvanian.

Climate change slated
to ratchet up temperatures,
thus quaint Currier
and Ives existence dated,
whereby relics portraying
old man winter curated
within (ironically enough)
climate controlled and heavily gated
surveilled environment freighted

replete with trappings created,
back in the day when bomb cyclones
nsync with polar vortex precipitated,
where global warming naysayers skated
on thin ice ignoring strong voice dictated

by diminutive Swedish
activist Greta Thunberg severely castigated
passive grownups, said
slip o' lass generated
cult like following despite

her petite, yet enervated
larger than life presence, especially venerated
by young people cohort, who felt infuriated
unheeded apocalyptic warnings
inadvertently kickstarted,
motivated, and promulgated
green revolution proudly designated
government, née said youth
zealously, vociferously, righteously,

opportunistically arrogated
take charge attitude
(think) wartime economy escalated
forcing drastic paradigm shift
diminishing nightmare demise calculated
to reign death and destruction,
nonetheless untolled cruelty
permanently and wantonly eradicated
multitudinous swaths of life forms.
Christian C Apr 2020
“Why are you still here?”

The train still reverberates across rusty rails,
On schedule but abandoned, resounding far throughout the city,
Just as the streets are empty and surveilled,
The people sick with fear and fear of sickness.

“Why are you still here?”

There is nowhere to run in a pandemic,
No space safe for a burden as I,
One who protected themselves by escaping,
Vacancy in the cityscape no longer offering sanctuary.

“Why are you still here?”

I don’t have a home to return to,
I don’t have a family that will love me,
Though I am not the first nor the last to be lost,
Transient strays, surpassing the maladies of blood, build chosen families.
John Morrey Jun 2020
We Don't Think, So.....
                                   we just do.
We work and we toil, we sweat and we boil, breaking the rocks and turning the soil, check out and check in but don't think.

We fetch and we fix, don't take time off sick, we carry and take, must stay awake, we eat and we drink but don't think.

We do what we must, don't know who to trust, constantly watched, observed and surveilled, always expecting to be told that we've failed, we don't stop for a minute and think.

We can't afford to be ill and we won't be a burden, we don't bother to peek behind the curtain, where the powers that be are quietly herding, sending out warnings that we're in danger of drowning, that we'll sink if we stop for a minute and think.

We're told not to worry, just crack on and hurry, that we're vital parts of a chain made of links. So we don't think, we just do.

— The End —