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Mitel Chakma Dec 2014
Many days I spent running after somnambulist shadows
Which sometimes seems as closer as my heart.
And it sometimes looks stumper and hoax.

The word of thy mysterious gazing at me.
Many times I went to you to ask for.
But I was failed and knee to your stubborn.

Your adamant makes me afar infinite miles from you.
Everything what you have seems ruth to me –
And that ousted me from your heart forever.

Thousand more times I tried to disclose
The meaning of my amorous feelings for you.
Thousand more times I kissed you through the wind.
I don’t know those are reached at you or not.  

I feel you always and all time –
When the blue stars shiver in the distance sky.
When the mid-night wind sings around.
In middle of the night of Spring when leafs fall down.
I can hear your delicate voice always and everywhere.
Though I know in my heart, you’re no longer.

I forgot the Class, Society, Religion, Country and Community.
And I made a drastic mistake.
Alli Westerhoff Sep 2014
Let's talk about the letter x.
It's one of the weirdest letters we have in the English alphabet. It's a prized letter in the game of scrabble. It's a stumper for some kindergarteners who need to know that one word that starts with it to move up a grade. It's a symbol for a spot. Sometimes it's treasure, sometimes it's a target. Sometimes, it's a word. Sometimes it's a rating of a thrill or a cheap way to get off alone with some tissues. Sometimes it makes things extra small, and sometimes it makes them extra large. Or sometimes it's a way to describe someone.
Like an ax to the wood we severed into thousand of splinters. I never thought I'd call you by that letter. I had a different future in mind. One with yellow green and white. One with your forehead pressed against mine as I pushed out creation. One with a chalk board wall full of poetry, lyrics, and sketches of light houses with suns rising in the background.
Now all I see is a big red x over all those dreams.
My treasure map is torn and burned and I can only see the target, but will never find the way to your heart again. My scrabble board is missing letters, and as I search for a way to forget them I keep putting down the letters to your name. I can't move on, like a child stuck behind their innocence and unable to comprehend what is next. I have to only imagine our bodies touching like those two thin lines on a paper. Intersecting like a comet to the atmosphere, colliding but burning up with terrible destruction.
My poetry doesn't have rhythm, and the rhyme has gone awry. All I keep seeing are ******* x's over every line I write. Because none of them put me and you and love together again.
The letter x is so strange. It's a weird thing we chose it to be a way to describe the end of something. One line going one way, the other a different way. But somewhere they meet and for the brief encounter there is hope that the lines will curve into love. But the lines have to move on, and so do we.
Amanda Bordrup Apr 2015
Klokken er 05.19
Jeg skal se dig senere
Du forventer at vi skal kysse
og plante afgrøder på hinandens tunger
Du forventer at vi skal grine
og springe hovedkulds ind i hinandens arme
Du forventer at vi skal blive forelsket
under lagenerne til solopgangen
og at det moment vil forblive det eneste
vi nogensinde vil huske
Du forventer ikke at mine procelænslæber
og mine glasøjne og mine
krystalliserede lagener vil blive ødelagt
og efterlade dig med tusind stumper
Ej heller at solopgangen vil glemme os
lige så hurtigt som den forsvinder igen
Til D.C
Emma Aa Jul 2015
Som en storm over land,
rystede du min verden
og som en sky på himlen,
dækkede du for solen

Med dig kom ødelæggelsen,
du bragte sorgen med dig
og i hånden havde du
kun tusinde stumper glas

Du regerer i mit sind,
du styrer mit indre,
kritiserer mit ydre
og aldrig (altid) vil jeg være alene
Bob B Dec 2017
The sheep at the ranch were all in a dither.
They had to decide on a leader, and two
Candidates who stood before them
Worked on persuading each ram and ewe

To vote for them to serve as leader.
Working together, succeed they would,
Said one. The other said that if any-
Body could save them, he alone could.

For some odd reason, the second sheep
Won to all the animals' surprise.
The wool was pulled right over their heads
As he continued to propagandize.

"Do not listen to what others say,"
The newly-elected leader declared.
"Evil wolves are out there to **** you."
He was able to keep the sheep scared.

Some atypical sheep were skeptics
And didn't believe the leader's baloney.
They more they heard the leader speak,
The more they thought the leader was phony.

"Something is terribly wrong," they said.
"The leader's garb seems off-kilter.
He cares NOT a jot about us;
What's more, he speaks without a filter."

Gradually, sheep disappeared.
Their whereabouts was a stumper.
Meanwhile, their leader became
Louder, bolder, meaner, and plumper.

The sheep then chose one of their own
To see if the leader had major flaws.
He noticed that under the leader's clothing,
The leader had not hooves but claws!

Many sheep refused to believe
Their ruler was phony and not on the level
And blindly followed the leader's commands,
Basically signing a pact with the devil.

Too late they learned the problem of choosing
A leader filled with distrust and loathing
Who didn’t have their best interests
At heart--in short, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Ah, poor sheep, if you had been
Careful not to have taken the bait,
You could have spared yourselves much trouble
Long before it became too late.

-by Bob B (12-18-17)
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
A Publisher and A Writer walk into a bar…
They both say “Ouch!”

Please My Omnipotent Publisher;
Please give me a break.
Give my poetry a chance to show,
I'm not second rate.
This book will sell and my words will be heard
And your company and I, will reap the rewards.

Let us start a new duo,
More famous / infamous than Bonnie and Clyde.
I must be published, before I die.

My legacy must be left, so my memory lives on.
I'm sure there are people out there,
Who will like my Poetry in E-Motion.

Please arrange a meeting, so I can discuss with you my work.
Please read my poems and songs, to see if I deserve,
You standing beside me,
When ‘Poetry in E-motion’ begins to sell
And standing in front of me with lawyers,
When they say go to Hell!

This poem is the warm up band, for releasing my novel.
I guarantee the sales of ‘Poetry In E-Motion’,
Will be more than trebled;
‘The Life and Times of Stumper Chubble’
And by my following novels,
Poetry, songs and My Own Bible.

So far I've written 600 poems / songs.
All I'm asking you for is to listen to one of them.
If you read another of my poems
And don’t think they are good enough…
Read just one more…
And it could change your world.

If you like one poem, you might like the rest;
Then maybe I can sign a contract with you; if you wish?

And if you like them all…

Well, then I'll write you a thousand more.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Estella Aug 2024
The old stumper, vexed by rivers breath,  
Carinated by basant, fallen mould hums  
As footprints dance. Cherished laughter,  
Sprinting legs, shoes in mud—  
Tiffs between friends, rafting,  
And waterfalls submerged,  
The lake reflects like a mirror.  
Cohexed by a fishing rod.
Welcome suggestions and feedback

— The End —