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exhausted mare foals
scenting oats hay leather wood
from hay loft girl spys
Grace Echols Jun 2014
of the dogs
very quite
really pretty
I think foxes are really cool
Hidden in tranquility it plessures my mind. Peacefull and obscure just the echoes of my thougths. No sound no interuption just the spark of the dark , it fills my heart with wondering plots. What to do, what to say on the upcoming day but this little spark distracts me so in plain white my mind stays no thougths no plans just me and the serenity and gaze of the spark. I dont ask for ligth for this is the only need, some peace and quiet shadowed and unseen. The ligth is too brigth and it hurts my eyes not to mention the noisy people at dayligth witch if I havent mentioned I despise. Morning birds are the devils crys I prefer the owls the nigths spys, all I need is the sparks dark shine to make this moment torn twine with I. Just meditation it and I no ligth just this exeption of this spark and its ligth shine.
Joyce Joadiyce Dec 2018
A little day the Milky Way
Stars and planets planets to stars
Way Far moons the Martians
Out there of the Galaxy universe

You may share my poems

Copyright 2018 Joyce Joadiyce
Joyce Joadiyce Dec 2018
A little day the Milky Way
Stars and planets planets to stars
Way far moons the Martians
Out there of the Galaxy universe

Copyright 2018 Joyce Joadiyce
I cry myself to sleep some nights,
Thats the price I pay to roll the dice.

Should i take my life tonight?
I'm defeated from my insides.

My mind, can not rewind time,
Im denied the prize, of a second climb.

Trying everyday not to lose my mind,
I whined one to many times.

Should be a crime to deny my rights, I'm losing my mind, with these guys.

Inside my head, behind my eyes, they tell lies and become spys.

Their not nice, they want me to die.
Make me cry, every single time.

Your not real, but I still feel,
Only i can take lifes wheel.

And hope for this sickness in my brain to disappear.
F these voices
The wiretap traps me and my conversations betray me, society's got it in for me, they want to listen to and watch everything I do and they think that's something new, but its been going on forever where the people fear the unknown and whether they know it or not this is the society that we've got, snoops and snouts and busy bodies,
nobody wants to see what society is doing to us and me who couldn't give a **** if they want to waste their time and look can see it, I am it and I'll be fit for the camera spys who want to score a point by pointing lens intending to listen in and what can we do but pose and smile.

In a silo twenty kilotonnes of high explosive yield sealed inside an  
ICBM waiting for the wiretap men stands sentinel, watching for the strike,
I like that we are being projected on some console, toll free we are free to blow the world apart.
Kyle Johnson Mar 2018
A mountain sits way up high.
Flowing streams of stress flows through his shattered body.
So much wear and tear breaks him down.
Its always cold no matter how close to the sun.
Stuck in his worrys he can't move.
He pears over the clouds and spys a leaf.
Oh how wishes he can be a leaf.
Fly around to see this world. Have beautiful colors which burn so bright it will start a fire deep inside. Float with such ease in a carefree summer breeze. 
Dance anytime it pleases.
Taking chances of romance.
There's never any grief.
He loves the leaf.
Joyce Joadiyce Jun 2019
A moon by
A star that
Galaxies spys
Telescopes the night

Copyright 2019 Joyce Joadiyce
hunny Aug 2016
I *** up a sheet
toss it behind me
as i become absorbed in my thoughts
once again
he walks down the empty street
it is dark and he is lonely
not nearly as lonely as he was at home
he had to get away from the screaming
he sees the ball and picks it up
reads it and smiles
throws it back down
she wipes the sweat from her hairline
grabs another tray and shoves it
in the oven
hears a shout
smells the warm butter
sees it
unwads it carefully,
delicate hands
and drops it back onto the floor
he gets ready to throw the punch
he spys it
stay quiet and don't move
averts his eyes
reads it
gets angry
when he looks up she's gone
Aprl Aug 2017
It's so funny
I notice
How beyond the fall of rain
In the early autumn crawls
Masquerading as spring
In its aroma
And deep sins
Cleverly masked
in the sulks of summer
Drawing the blinds
As the sunlight suffers
The tender warmth retreating
As I think:

It's so funny
How when I look at the snow
Floating down with tire
In the grey air's mumble
Little dots
With fragile patterns
Escape the clouds
And begin their travels
Unto the hands of
Curious courtesy
Smelling of : Fresh
Smelling of : Clean
Biting nosetips and ears
In rebellion to our intrusion
Drawing our flushed cheeks in rose
Scraping the back of our throats
As huffed air makes a cloud of smoke
And I notice.

We sit and notice
The little things
The things that make us so alive
The things that should amaze
Our busy minds
But accustomed spys
Glide over
our glazey eyes
As we notice.
As we ignore.
As we forget.

It's so funny
how you squeeze my arm
A warm touch
A "I love you"
A little sign
Affection, care
A foreign antibody
In past worlds
The slight look of worry
In your still young eyes
Wrinkled thinly with smiles
And squinty files of past denials
Mingled with tired unknowing
As you sigh
Something always on your mind
And I notice.

It's so funny
How the little things
Are all around
******* in every second with its surrounds
Recalled in such eloquent manners
As you can't see
The fear in my eyes
Wide and loud, locked in control
barred in scare
The pain in my lips
Stretched into a weak smile
a clear mission: reassurance
Without any of my permission
My teeth comply in choppy channels
That I won't keep the beast inside
But will of course
Too cowardly for any recourse
The scratches on my case
And the divots in my wings
Are sloppily covered
in a bleak attempt of sure
In panic of unknown reaction
As I secretly wait
As I secretly hope?
For you to look
No one notices.
Amelia of Ames Jun 2022
God cast out Lucifer
And neither dared apologize
Over fast centuries
God's anger yielded to pain
Which told him all the more
He could not see Luce again

They were too different
The God and now Devil
Family so close
Separation was cutting off
A gangrene limb
Even when no longer painful
It was harder to move in the world

Unable to do
Tasks that used to be simple
The inability flashed the memory of separation
They would silently watch each other
Having spys tell them
When the coast was clear to try

In rare times, they would have to meet
Duty forced it for both
Then, Lucifer would stare through God
To the blank wall behind
Past to oblivion he smoldered in
That's all God was to Luce now
A nothingness

When God felt that stare, he shivered
He escaped him as soon as he could
Anxious to leave his right hand again
Lucifer, in eternal age, would never apologize
And what could God apologize for?
He was no capable of sin
He would not apologize for his holiness

And so God merely wept

— The End —