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dlx Aug 2016
I like the way you are
I like every single things you do
I like the way you move your way out
I like the way you stare something
I like the way you explain sonething you love
I like the way you hold your breath and laugh at the same time when the teacher is coming
I like the way you blooming up my mind
watering my brain with lots of flowers
And soon it'll become a woods,
Birds singing, lion roaring, and the deep voice of a rainy forest,
And the glooming of a river flows
Make me wanna stay forever young and with you,
cause you're beautiful and you know it.

I like the way you miss
I like the way you love
I like the way you need
I like the way you see

- dlx
R May 2013
I had a fantastic dream last night:
Instead of just kissing the
Top of your head I
Dared to kiss your forehead,
Go lower,
Kiss the tip of your nose,
Go lower and stop.
I laughed a bit,
Smiled and knew I was a goner.
But then
Sonething weird happened.
I saw your eyes searching me
You simply told me,
"kiss me"
I looked at you,
And said,
You smiled and kept pleading me to do so,
So I took your face and
Grabbed it smoothly,
You puckered your lips and
I gently put mine
Onto yours

I remember how you
Tasted in that dream-
Alot like strawberries (I'm not find of strawberries
But they tasted good mixed with you)
And you were so sweet.
so sweet.

I missed that chance though,
I wish it could've happened.
NeroameeAlucard Apr 2016
Patriotism these days is sonething of a damning schism
Because people think you're supposed to love your country blindly and not offer opinions or criticism
Now through this piece I might ruffle feathers and hairs I might split them
But i have a point to get a across so please listen

Now first let's address the problem of racism
It's been a long time coming but I've got a lot of thoughts to be written
First off, I'm all for being proud of your heritage and knowing your roots
And I'm all for knowing your family history and being proud like an army troop
But every time I hear someone say "the black panthers were racist" or "all lives matter" I really have to stop myself from ruining their day
The black panthers were a pro Black group in a time were thar term almost didn't exist
When being black was enough to get you killed by anyone who was a trigger happy half wit.
Secondly, you claim because they supported black power they were racist.
Well they advocated for black power when blacks had no power, and it's with ease I can say this.
Calli Kirra May 2014
He's missing something
They're always missing sonething
The only man for me it's lit up on the big screen
Kissing made up ladies in perfect fading jeans
Being young isn't so fun when you're seventeen years away from me
I sound so dumb
But, baby
Jon York Nov 2012
If you don't know
which road to take
then any one of them
will get you there
so choose carefully
or you will get lost
and you will never
know what it is going
to cost.

What will be will be
and sometimes we just
have to wait and see because
happiness is something to love
and sonething to do
and something to hope for
and we don't get
unlimited chances
to have things be the way
we want them
to be.

People say love hurts
but that is not really true
because loneliness hurts
and rejection hurts but love
itself does not
really hurt.

Everybody works so hard
to get their fill
and in the end all everybody
ever really wanted was a thrill
but the boulevard just goes on
and on and on and never
seems to end so
don't pretend because
it will be found out
in the end.

It was by chance
that I saw your smiling face
and you saw mine
and you made the call
and after talking
I was consumed by
flames of love for you
this beautiful Angel
that came to me
for love.

I know that we can
grow together and enrich
our worlds in these later years
with the love that we can share
if we choose to take
that dare.

I will love you
without knowing how or when
or from where and I will love you
without complexities or pride
because I know
no other way.

Every moment
that we are together will be
the most important moment
of our lives and eventually
you will come to understand
that love heals everything
and love is really
all that there is.

Our journey to each other
took many lifetimes
and we will complete that journey
and our coming together
was was not a question of if
but was only a question
of when so let
us begin.                                       Jon  York           2012
NeroameeAlucard Mar 2016
Am I okay? No, but I'm going to say so anyway
Because I hate feeling weak, it's insufferable to my pride
So any major change or disappointment
I usually hide the emotions
And take the pain in stride

Am i okay?  No.
And I hate all the attention around me when sonething is wrong
I don't like people's spotlights on me
When I'm down for too long
If at all, I prefer to do my suffering in the dark

Because that's what really suits my often disappointed heart
Creep Dec 2014
Was going to write you sonething special,
All bells and whistles...
But what's the point?
You're never gonna appreciate it anyways.
Bring me to life
By evanescence (hope i spelled that right ^^")
Hira malik Jan 2017
I know this haphazardness is inherited
Like a swirling derwish
I keep encircling my lost emotions
As if someone trying to find sonething,
Non existing, extinct, unborn, un-uttered!!
I try to speak and my words loose my ways
As if, everything despise me,
Even my own shadow!

Something in air is not good
As if a mourning lost child trying to find his mother,
And his naked feet all dust and dirt
His head messed up,
But still he finds for love, an eternal lost love!!

I am drowning, where? I myself unaware,
The bank of the reverbering sea, i cant see,
And while hearing the stardom of storm,
I myself loosing my speech, somwhere somehow, too bad, too badly!!
Ariel Taverner Apr 2014
It was destined to be a bad night
Too many emotions
Too far into their ******
Too many emotions destined to lead to numbness
The numbness that would cause me to drift into a horrible hell
That night I knew would be extra worse because my orange princess was feeling bad
So I turned to my last resort
The thing that would help me survive
Vast amounts of alcohol to numb my emotions do that they would not escalate
And Make me numb
And I told her
I told my orange princess because I trust her
I did not think that it would have such a big affect on her
She was distraught
Sonething I could not understand
How she could Care For me
Her exact words as clear as my horrible life was

I'm sorry that my poison is numbing the affects of the alcohol

Previously we made a deal
We said

we should both stop apologising

And as she Apologised I just said
Dont be dear one

She never asked why
I hoped she would
Because I want her to know that the poison that numbed the alcohol gave me the vitality to carry on
A more personal elaboration on "the rapture of the orange princess"

— The End —