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Shields and shields of ice,

On every inch of your skin,

Hiding sin after sin,

Combining two losses for every single win,

Such shame to hold vice,

And to not renounce virtue,

Naively walk in to the lies you unconsiously pursue

Give in to what we all do,

Sense of happiness and control,

Over time your little charade depletes and gets old,

Presenting those smiles covered in gilded gold,

Only fools them,

But the face in the mirror always knows,

And I can always tell

That the look on your faces never cease to echo,

In the part of me that's less dark and less shallow,

You and I,

We  aren't so different,

We both wish you'd break and be yourself,

Prove to everyone that you are capable,

Let all that ice melt into the  cracked pavement,

Finally free you and I from this self-enslavement.
Love is chapped
It's rough and enflamed
I lick its surface with my tongue
My saliva only just stung
So as I wait for the flames to disitigrate
from my unprotected lips
Your balm fills in the cracks
and sheilds over them
and the rocky terrain becomes calm.
Cosmogony of My Emotions: Teleological Theosophy of My Personal Theology
Death cannot defined. Being of ultimate consequence it is above causation, yet reigns supreme as an effect. It can only be affined: Aqua, Ignis, Terra, Ventus , Umbra, Lucem/ Hydro, Pyro, Gaia, Aero, Erebus, Aether, all swirl in dead languages spoke a thousand years ago yet they all have been read by our generation in our youth.
The veil of death is a tabernacle in which only the high priest returns from walking, all others are drug back rope around their solar plexus. All paths of death are two fold.
First, from the feet of the Teleologic Cosmos of Emotion we grow towards the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. From the abyss we stare at the knees of the concave exterior of healing. Like the twins of June, hate and pain, are the two closest modes to death, but not the most direct. I feel fear is the ultimate neighbor of death. The flow of Consciousness lies first in the womb. Concealed from the light, darkness sheilds us from the illusion of Illumination. Hate feeds into pain as Pain feeds into hate, like a sibling rivalry. The knees (pain and hate) bend not to cushion the feet (death) but to stop the pelvis (fear) from shattering under the weight of the back bone (Stillness).
Adapted to the new ways of my mother's demon of lust wedding sloth and gluttony. Sin is the seat of unconscious control, or lack there of like a drunk blacked out asleep, already anticipating his next drink. Hate is Ache followed by ate. Pain and hunger are two sides of the same page. What can I say, everything happens for a reason. Even if I feel it was treason yet I'm no regal prince, nor a Mercury lying closest to the Solar, I drenched myself in my own masochism: physically mentally spiritually, and had done so for years. The basis of your emergency alert was quite founded, yet not without ignorance. Yet to me, you felt i was going to rise through fear to descend into pain and find my new year 25th, death. But the beauty is in my birth with one hair on my head I left the manger a man, no wig, feeling for the first time while the police speak to my mother searching like the warriors dispatched of Herod. My blood spirit is free, having saved Adam through the pyramid  I dethrone Satan by the sip of the crown of the feathered serpent. Yet you hate he who fell. I fear the vile nature of the burning fields respecting the ignitor of the flames as the sole cause of err that lead or Savior to accomplish who no one else could. For without the fall of the unholy, wingless, cut from tip to tip, Iesus-Yeshua-Judah would not be your most beloved. Without the pain of Christos (the annointed), Khristos (the enlightened) would not achieve ideology of the cosmos. Pain rises to fear shortly, and shifts into hate in confusion as siblings squabble, as I had done internally for a decade. Yet through the gift of the heart heavenly Saul is able to see the life lesson to use the lower part of our mind to find the Big Blue. Pain ascends into love if and only if death can bounce like glue. If you aim for the Sun and the Moon you can only be a child of astronomy, yet you showed me my dreams to buy you a ring of Saturn and hand it to you on a Sunday. I believed my pain laid plain and bare could convince you of you're convictions. My mission in the deepest recesses of body was for you to give into your fears so we could slip into the underworld of sin sipping red wine until the mounring in my heart rose Rex by the fading starlight. I dream to live a lye, basic as alkaline, I wished to be a battery. I saw myself freed of my woman battering heritage ceasing the cyclic self fear that posited the ferocity of my fore fathers, due to the love of a woman most beloved and true. I felt you could be the instrument to my Burning Lyre, my love Plutonic I felt my crow caw. As I held you in my arms singing with you in harmony, setting the bond between the viscous cycle of Pain, paying dues with Hate, to rise like smoke to face fear starring death in the face like a shadow below. The night sky black with how to Know, twinkling with the star light of Love. Only above the vault of heavens clung Joy, Hope, and Live.
Without poeticizing further, what I term the Basement of Abasment consists of Death at the roots (red inverted triangle) rising into Hate (orange w/ red center) and Pain (tan w/ red center), with the connection of Pain and Hate forming a cross with the direct bond between death and fear (yellow w/ small red center).
Proceeding up the towards the chain of being, leads to what I call the equator of emotions. Cling/stillness/resolve is the grey region connecting all body's of feelings as the Moses, the leader of the Exodus and the appellation of the celestial globe. It binds Love and Know laterally to one another, while connecting the Vault of Virtue to the Basement of Abasement.
Long drives, music, coffee and cigarettes,

Moving forward, not looking back to see any regrets.

Wind in my hair, horses in fields,

Traveling light, no need for weapons or sheilds.

Watching the sunset, love songs blaring
through the speakers, on full blast,

Inhaling nature, my mind is in slow motion, whilst my car is moving fast.

Driving down Highway "Peace of Mind,"

Final destination: Solitude!
This is where "Me" you will find!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Timothy hill Mar 2017
The blanket of space, where never rased so "placees after hours" you listen the blank taste settles there hate.

Conflate, the reams of the varibles.

Disagree, with the hammer of dawn.

Dust mist the area.

Immunity, was parched the thrist it needed a pass to enter with grain on hands you go to your converters.

The build began, its safety features include "secrete safe" house concepts.

So don't be silly or nodding because the scale use there own grips.

The yard puzzles most as Un seen.

Cars pass by yet no one sees the area.

How was this able to occur none will know.

Many men and women, praise there skills made in full detail.

Don't look away as the sun will change its pace more than just metaphorically.

Day after day the music, was played to the person of high grade, sheilds.

As shadow's came we light his path or aura enegy.

Disburst there attempts with tricky special ops.

Codes were recited, to open the plasma coil and the power was as is.

Above* the words read Care Is To Be Used!

Misinformation, spell to Earth, as Kings and Knight, change there views and faces.

Here as rain starts pain grew and Plains redone.

Illicit, there plains where yet with grim details Un masked.

Poker hands faces look easy.

Oh, dear lord it is that of pity.

Black ships and twister of reality.

Shade there (Egos) and stain there display.

Decate, as we go to the other room he begins his home made craft.

Shoulder, heavy as made precession, was resized for the purpose of matter displacement.
This is of course a novel.
this guy combs Sep 2014
lately all ive been doing is ******* up, Burning Every thing, seems like with one Touch, soon as i get one person to stop being mad at me, Bam its like another 3 all ready have a Bone they want to pick with me, forever in my mind fighting conflictions of Decisons i never wanted to make, but this world i live in has no intentions of letting me out the Gate, Fate has no Remorse it stands still while you take your Course. we never know how its going to play out, we just happen to be there for it, Rather its bad or good, we there to take it with full stride, you standing there infront of a window thinking whats wrong With suicide, Till you Realize u can go out like that, Maybe its to much pride, Maybe i can get her to see the man i use to Be, Before the scars that time left, and Sheilds that remain Kept high, when you avoiding being loved, u get comfortable with Misery, u wait for bad things to Happen, Acting as if you aint Worried about it, Untill you Face a Sittuation where you can do noting but worry about it, your mind is the first to turn, the min your eyes close, your biggest Fears take over, Main Stage pain plays, and ya heart sings, before you know it, the words that leave your your lips stained, ill do what i can just dont take my Love away, one thing ive learned on this path i seem to walk, you can Avoid love all you want, But it has a funny way of keeping up, it will never show its self untill that unknowing feeling reveals the feeling that it is and turns out it was love its self, so the question becomes what is it i was running from, or was i just hurting my self?
Emma Jul 2016
Something about you always had me
Looking longingly for your eyes
For your touch, your smile
Your heart, your laugh

Even when we were in tears
Friend zoned but sheilds down
As our hearts poured out
Below the stage and on

The year never talked
I never forgot, i always watched
Everydance seeing you and her
But not your smile, not the one i knew

Suddenly everything changed
You sat 10 feet away i know
Because i counted the steps everyday
And eventually i didnt have to

On a bumpy buss
More than our butts were shaken
But our hearts too, the realization
Thay i belong With you

The month of hell
I knew what to do, but couldbt bear it
Heart torn in two
giving the bigger half to you

The best decision,
Crying in my car but knowing its okay
As you stood from far away
I could see the worry in your eyes

The last month of school
Kept low, to be kind
But everyobe knew
But i was happy, cause i was with you

And now, now, i know
That all of it was worth it
I can wake to your green eyes
And your smile, and whisper "i love you"
rachel redwine Nov 2018
Rest assured of your demeanor
a presence that once seemed so kind

As I look deeper and deeper
I still cannot find your reasoning to lie

Silence sheilds and hides
you away from me

Another day beside you

Another day lost to night

Is there any way I could break through?

I can't escape your frame of mind

All I know

All that I shown
To you
Still feel Unknown.
Astounding Apr 2021
How Deep?

Snowy mountain peaks
White and glimmering
Slowly start to weep at the winters ending
Though what's underneath is just as pretty in sight
I think I'll watch nature weep for just one more night
She is the beauty that Earth's surface shows
Though below in the deep are things no one knows  
It's almost like Earth wanted it to be nearly impossible to know all secrets she holds

The pressure of the ocean and the rivers of magma that flow
Shes untouchable really
A beautiful lie told that she is pure and giving
Though one day she'll explode and destroy all life teeming
Only mere surface encounters
If you go too deeply you won't last hours

It truly seems crazy that we know more about Outterspace than the ocean
Proving how hard Earth is to reach and deadly when opened
Earth is fragmented and broken
The water the bandage that sheilds her wounds but you'll never know how deep they go
What monsters lie beneath to an humans woe?
She cracks along her seems as she shifts with every change
Reminding those on the surface that she holds their weight as on Her surface she starts to deteriorate
It almost makes you wonder if we deserve our fate
For Earth does not discriminate
She is as forgiving as she is not
She earned her place in the perfect spot in Starlight
That gave her the possibility to provide us all with life
Chosen by destiny to hurl through space to provide life and eventually take it away
Paul Glottaman Jun 2022
They lie spread across
bloodied battlefields
with the fallen and
The Nephilim of old.
Swords caught on bone,
sheilds that cover
against the heat of
liminal hellish landscapes
still within sight of the
large golden gates
behind which sit,
on impossible throwns
surrounded by hosts of
horrifying misshapen
monsters of eldritch
origin and madness born,
The Father and Son
and the third ethereal
component which completes
in some small but huge
and mysterious way.
Among the carnage stands
our hero, his sword turned
so the dullest part faces
toward the legion he
stares down, his shield
strapped to the bleeding
useless arm hanging
limp by his side.
His cape ***** behind
him in some breeze
which brings no relief,
it seems impossibly long
and so too does his shadow.
And look, o' sons and daughters
in the darkest part of
his shadow we are huddled
against the noise and the heat.
Between us and the bitter
finish our hero digs his
feet into the dark, dusty ground.
His countenance grave
but determined. His brow
a tight triangle, his lips
a small drawn line,
his eyes narrowed.
We desire his victory
but expect his defeat
and we know we will
both be safe and also
tell his story, regardless
of the outcome, because
of the time he's providing.
But that should he lose
should he fall in his attempt
we will love him
for all of time.
Stand tall, sons and daughters
but know always that
the hero, our hero,
he shakes, ever so slightly.
His eyes are set
and grim but they are
glossy with tears he'll
never be allowed to shed.
He stands amid death
and consigns himself
for us but he still
must die alone
and afraid.
But then, o' sons and daughters
so do we all.
KorbydAngyle Oct 2022
Tis Best to Find A Book Not Graceless Netflix
Snickle it snuck by the text of tickety tucked
Burmese and Maine **** Panther and Typhoon
The guise of the ill imbrications of tiles of lore
Betwixt the center and cast aghast into the seas on naught
Sheilds fell short and velocity of the beast did comport
Thee with little hope of finding truth or vanquishment or champion lore..
At behest of the demons the civility once again was swept out the door
I have not braver notion than the jasmine and fools language
Yet distinguished are the bedfellows that save us they fight the truly savage!
With nor Godless notion
nor piety in tow the folks amassed to have a go!
"I can accept only an acumen and candor from the least of the less to
the greatest of all angels that upon grace I swear!"
They had decreed in the hope of making past dilemmas
But the unctuous beacon the Harold of evil the overpaid and underscored rose again
As faith had put it they were stifled not by nuance or systems
Only the deafness and the undertow that had created
  an egocentric and thoughtless causeless follow through.
If every story we read is turned into a movie then you don't have a place you live your life with the written wonder and fascination of reading.

— The End —