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Kyle Huckins Feb 2010
All I can think to do at the table
is stare at the bright orange Reeses'
cups package and the Payday
bars illuminated by light
from the vending machine. I sit,
wondering whether they drip

inside their package. My arm drips
to my pocket. I bring money to the table,
ready to decide just what is it
that I want to buy. I prefer Reeses',
but it's been long since I've tasted the light
caramel and crunchy peanut of a Payday.

This decision would be easy if I had a Payday.
As it stands, my money is dripping.
If it's any indication of how light
my wallet is, I can barely bring one back to the table.
It's a tough decision. I've been craving Reeses'
for weeks. I haven't decided, but this is it.

I walk up to the machine. I'm done sitting,
It's a question of this or that. Payday?
Heads. I reach in my pocket. Tails, Reeses'.
I manage the quarter out. How could I know I'd rip
a dollar in the process? Back to the table
for damage control. The tear was light

enough not to be serious, just a slight
rip. It's easier to flip a coin while you sit
anyway. I toss it in the air and it lands on the table.
Heads. I smiled, my decision was made. Payday.
I walk back to the machine and drop
coins in, not making eye contact with the Reeses'.

As I get up, I feel terrible. I've betrayed the Reeses'
cups I've enjoyed since I was a child, the delight
that kept me going when there wasn't a drip
of tea left. I think I'll go downstairs to sit
and eat my new sugary master, the Payday.
This time I pass by, not return to, the table.

I look back, past the table, at the orange Reeses'
packages, then glance at my Payday. It's light,
I won't have to sit to eat it. Ashamed, my eyes drip.
Jeff Claycombe Mar 2015
tootsie pops, pop rocks, rock candy
sweet tarts, smelly farts, war-heads, sour patch kids
reeses pieces, reeses stix, snickers lickers
fudge pile, chocolate smile, peanut butter bile, sugary style
baby ruths, almond joys, soy bean sauce, creamy steam
ill give u a payday, mayday, hay tastes good with parfai
milkyways stay gay to play games with sunrays
icing splicing with knife dicing
makes cakes, cook steaks, rumcakes
****** sprinkles, rip van winkle, diddily dinkle
gummy worms, germs impregnate firm, permed urns
angel food, carrots, pineapple upsideways
fruits, *****, parachutes, scooters, jello shooters
goobers, corn on the cobbers,
veggie wedgies, pepper leppers, squash boxes,
fry foxes, fleet rocks', carrot tops',
dishes of fishes,
witches brew platypus and fat kush
pushy slushies riding skateboards on gary busy
fussy hussies getting blushy about cussies
cereal made of creoles, bread straight from dreads,
rice is nice with spice, yeast is beast,
last but not least, wheat is a treat,
kiwis, shmiwis, dodos on go phones, starfruits,
bartlejuice, grape drank, sushi stinks.
ill eat anything.
showyoulove Sep 2013
If I were a chocolate bar, life with you would be so sweet
Being around you, I feel like quite a treat
Gotta love Hershey's: the kisses and hugs
And on Valentine's Day combine with Doves
Like Reeses or S'mores, we compliment one another
Flowers, wine, and chocolate for a significant other
If I were a chocolate bar, life could be Grand
Although on a hot day, I'd melt a little faster than planned....
As a chocolate bar I'd be broken and shared
Spreading gooey goodness to everyone there
Maybe being a chocolate bar isn't quite for me...
... But it's fun to imagine just how it might be!
Brandon Webb Nov 2012
I spent over a hundred dollars
just on chocolate
for her
last year

every once in a while
i'd surprise her
with one of those organic peanut butter bars
she liked

i'd buy em from aldriches
during photography
or video productions

never told her where i got them
because they gave her something
to depend on me for

i never tasted a single bit of that chocolate
i haven't been aldriches in months

and i haven't gotten one of those thankful hugs
since that last one
in july
that was half kiss, half hug
and less thankful, more lovestruck
but also silent, tear filled, melancholy, foreboding

that was after i bought her reeses,
the only time e ever went to qfc together

i don't buy chocolate anymore
i've saved alot of money lately

but i've lost so many hugs,
avoid half this town
and no one relying on me like that

she was my life
it's time for a new one

©Brandon Webb
this is a response to Green Tea's poem "Five Dollar Chocolate". good job making it to the homepage :) and thanks for making me think this one up, this was the one part of my relationship with her i hadn't written out, i'm glad i have, hope this is the last one about her.
hurts like
e   m   p   t   y
cup of coffee while another sits
cold in the late afternoon light
full and a little bitter
like your stomach
it stings
too much wine -- or *****--
against chapped lips
at 10:45p.m.
finding a ****** wrapper under your bed
of trapped in the corners of your sheets
or cigarette cherries falling onto fuzzy
while Johny Cash
sings you into drunken sleep
11:30 p.m.
it throbs like heads
and unanswered text messages
and bruises on your knees
the day
blinking dizzily into grey-morning-afternoon-night
waking up in a single bed
when the fires have gone out
makeup is smeared
and you realize you forgot to put on socks
it feels like that look on your face
when calls go unanswered
and pretty lingerie makes your skin look
when a dress meant for a party lies
crumpled in the corner of your bed
or your bathroom
damp and wrinkled
from showers taken at
to burn out the lonely that
your hands in his when you stop
being alone
or like perfume on a
black tee-shirt that you
borrowed months ago
it is comforting like cheap coffee
and relaxed smiles
of an entire box
of off-brand reeses cocoa puffs
with almond milk
of the taste of peach cigarillos
it is sweet like sweet red and dark chocolate
on a tuesday night
when you are in your underwear
or like listening to sad music
while shaving your legs
and buying a bottle of nail polish
because of the pun in the name on its
it is also addicting like
the smell of their sweat or
seeing their car parked at the gas station
and holding your breath
to see them
or counting the *******
band stickers on their bumper
to the beats of your heart
untill the lights turn green
it is like listening to ingrid michaelson
in a cold car or sitting
in a cheap orange chair in a coffeeshop
by yourself.
it is like drinking a bottle of wine before
5 p.m.
or watching the sun rise
over naked
january trees
when you haven't slept the night before
or the night before that
or the night before
or the night
Katy Sep 2010
Sticky, sweet Laughter
Ferris Wheels and fried Reeses
Welcome to the Fair
Alice Curtis Jul 2012
Sprites fly through the living room
they glow green with magical dust sprinkles.
One lands on the end of my moms broom.
She blows it a kiss and it flys away.

Brownies climb the desk with little ropes
they sneak off with my reeses pieces
but they leave behind a bag of hopes
that I'll be a famous poetess someday.

Faerys are real, they just hide really good.
If you believe in them sometimes you get to see them.
If you go for walks in the woods
you might get to see faerys play.
This is my first rhyme poem! Thank you to everybody on this site, and your awesome poems. I learn so much from you guys everyday. :)
Sid Eli A Dec 2013
"Hm", the girl says in your bed.
Red wine and yummy chocolate - what a great mix
Moving and grooving to the beat of the music
Oh, la la.
A pleasant smell in the air, flowing, in and out into me
Colors of your blankets, subtle navy blue, velvet red (you might disagree)

Reeses, what a treat! Something devils would eat
Talking food, one of my pleasures, Ethopian - I want to eat!
Let me speak for Ravenswood, it treats me well and keeps
me toasty!
And Juanita's, Fiesta bag, crispy not too greasy
Crunchy in my mouth, mmm!
An offering of a chip with special sauce, thank you sir!'
Sauce man, confidence

He says he had heart problems
The consequences of the pleasures of food
"I need to end it but I don't know how to"
"It'll come to you"

Your roommate,
Kate Mac Aug 2012
This is the thing about mothers.

They’re a blanket for so long. They make the best pumpkin bread and they do your hair too poofy and littlekiddish and they’re the ones you should avoid when you want to ask for something like going back outside after dinner or getting Reeses in the checkout line at the car wash. They teach you the harmonies to stuff like You Are My Sunshine and Amy Grant and they have the prettiest voices that sound like falling asleep with the window open. They’re M-O-M and that’s the only title, that’s it, so Mary or Baby or Somebody’s Ex or Daughter or Crazy seem foreign and wrong wrong wrong. You want to correct the speaker- Her name is MOM.

Then that day happens- you both give a real, genuine belly laugh at something. The same something. It’s startling and you like it but you hate it sometimes. Because you laugh more and more, and soon you’re getting Cranberry Limeades after the 8th grade play practice together everyday like best buds and she starts saying kind of bad words (like ****** and ****) that sound like she swallowed something wrong or they tasted bad (at least to you), and it reminds you of when you used to play “who can go the highest on the swingset,” and you tried to be brave but you had that feeling one day someone would accidentally go all the way over. And you keep on tripping over all these laughs that keep bumping you closer to her age and it’s like she’s coming closer to yours, too. And then some of those names people always called them start to maybe make a little more sense. Maybe they do look a little like a Mary, a little, only when they’re telling a story.
See, be careful though, because this is where things get tricky. Mary and Mom live inside the same body, and separating them out is dangerous because you’ll start to run out of room. When they go from Mrs. to Miss, for example, and their last name changes and is different from yours- you have to make sure you can still fit Miss inside that one little body. And worse, when the others start to use words like Crazy or Lost, who aren’t allowed in the same zip code much less body as names like Mom and Hunny pretty soon you’ll forget who you’re talking to and when you’re talking to Mary about your “first time” then Mom steps in the whole dynamic shifts and Daughter speaks up to say too much about Grammy’s drinking and Crazy leaves dad and stops making sense altogether with words like “new” and “change” and
“own person”.

So when they call to ask if you got the Valentines flowers, tell her they were beautiful and tell her you miss her, cause Mom sent those. And if you keep them on the line long enough and they talk about their fight with their sister or some thick, sticky gossip they overheard, it’s Mary, so respond accordingly. But they aim their fakesmilevoice at you (that’s just for the phone and church) and talk about “trying something new” or feeling like you’re the only one they can “bounce ideas off of”, clench your jaw and “mhm” and lay down so the tears don’t fall out. Cause sometimes Crazy just needs to wear herself out so that M-O-M can say she loves you, she’s so, so sorry and she misses you dearly. And that we’re gonna get through this, baby, we’re strong.

When you hang up, you’re allowed to cry some. That’s fine. Then you write a letter you don’t send (don’t dare, it’d **** her) and ask a few of them, gently, to move out.
I'm glad we made the uniting
Life without it unexciting
I love you so much
Almost like a crutch

Chocolaty cup filled
With peanut buttery goodness
What a dream

But wait there's more
The first has a partner
Another sweet addition

You can have it
On one condition
Let's be like Reeses
though i wanted to be the toughest on the block
i didnt get a check til i was face to face with a glock
**** i hear deaths tick tock
beforehe pop
he gave me some mercy?
maybe it was the lord speakin' to me?
through telekinesis
now i gotta prepare for this thesis
scatter my drama like reeses
better believe they'll be back again like a whistle in the wind
times goes on life flows on
and ill be rappin' til they early morn
cant stop wont stop the music
its in my soul down for this ghetto blues
gotta short fuse but dont loose
control my mind and body
gotta focus killuminati
aint nobody takin' **** from me
ill die for this **** my family
thugs og to tg and the little homies
who gotta push dope in the blocks
in the late night yea the ghettos in a struggle
but them ******* canr even see it with a hubble
as i bust like a bubble ya know im addicted to trouble
yea we dont give a ****
about the law
51 states with a million plus ****** dawnin' an AK
takin' heed to the words i say
and let the blood spray
it was a good day dont go astray
even though we get worried
just tradin' a little tasteof war stories

Rest in peace
To all the homies deceased
As the ****** rates increase
I can hear the painful heartbeats
Of the families that be mourning
Til the early morning
Uh wish i could change the worlds view
But most of our minds is see through
Cant build a foundation
Cuz the feds cut off our communication
Break through litigations
**** im spendin' cash
Just cuz the courts get a sensation
Crooked *** system still in segregation
I got mad aggravation
So my ammo is store galore
Just incase u muthaphukkaz want warrrr
See me soar
Over these cowards like eagles
In my thousand yard stare
You can see a glare
Of my death images inside my head
Im hurt from all the pain
Ask my passed kinfolks
We still in the same gang
Which i could hang
With my homies on the block
Who was murdered by the nine
As the sunshines
Bright the next day
I feel my judgment day coming soon
Open wombs cant yield the bleed
When i bust ill make the whole nation fatigue
My mind feeds
Off knowledge of the books
Check out these crookes
Power to black man
Aint no loot for us in Afghanistan
Or Iraq dont hold back
As make a new category  
Just a trade of a war story
Illuminati  bingo
Years of denial and anguish
Have succumbed my emotions
Nights full of loneliness
Days in total darkness
Tear drops fallen
Unspeakable pain
Heart wrenching thoughts
When will it End

The lies I still heart
The pain I still feel
The blood I still taste
The bruises I still see
Oh when will it end

I'm down,
Hit rock bottom
Stepped on like dirt
Thrown aside like garbage

I won't stay down
I refuse
I don't deserve this
I will stand once again
I need to find my inner peace
I need to find my strength

I'm stronger than this
I can rise once again
I can find my light again
No more self hatred
This is the End

And my shadow was his blanket
like the silver spoon in his mouth
the reeses he bit like a beast
and the milk was smooth to his lips
he drank of my soul down south
my curtains he swayed openly
where light had shed on his eyes
yet against my will he drank
of my wine he licked, my lips down low as if the candy store were miles away
I pushed and cried and tried to brush his mannish longing off of me
tried closing my curtains for calming thoughts and dulled razor blades
I can't put down the damage denied to have erased
beneath or upon my skin sizzle in teeth marks of the beasts
mirrors, blasted into pieces shared
for every man who stuck me
and every mark of the beasts only turned to memory
that I am allowed now
to forget and never repeat
and in wake, the curtains lay open for a new day
and this time, the curtains are the ones on my window, and not mines

The dark grey skies
Consumed me
The tears in my eyes
Confused me.
My legs gave way
There I lay....
But death surely refused me!

On my back I laid
As regret
pricked my spine.
of nightmares
Poisoned my mind....
What have I done
with this life of mine!?

A small frightened girl
Cried out in the dark space,
I don't know her voice
I couldn't see her face...
Anxiety and anguish
Caused my heart to race!

In the shadows of the dark
Her silhouette
Shined bright...
Like thunder,
she spoke with authority...

Slowly and wearily
I stood to my feet.
This little girl
This little person
She's the inner me!

No where left
To fall to from here
Nothing left
To fear....
But fear.

Calling upon my God
I remember!
His love is generous
His mercy,
Lasts forever!

The pains of this world,
Were placed here
for me.
To strengthen
my faith.
To set me free!

I will not be oppressed!
I refuse to be depressed!
This stress....
Just a test.
To prepare me
For what's next!
All the anxiety,
Laid to rest...
Finally realized the power
I possessed!
No longer feel cursed,
I know I am blessed!

I am stronger
Than this!
I'm my own person,
Not his!
Tired of receiving
His fist!
Look out baby,
I'm ******!

I opened my eyes,
Cleared the tears
I had cried.
A new chapter
In life.
No longer a victim
to the lies.
We were once victems. We are not anymore. We once were affraid, Not anymore. We felt and we're touched by hands that raged us, not anymore. We were scorned for being simply a woman, not anymore.
Kristen Jul 2015
You deserve reeses cups in the morning
and baseball adventure evenings.
You deserve light hearted conversations
and PDA.
You deserve honesty in every way,
and to be loved passionately.
You deserve to be reminded
how handsome and incredible you are.

Im sorry it took so long for me to see that.
falkor Jun 2015
the way you snort when i make you laugh too hard
the way you look up at the stars and tell me how insignificant you are
the way you make me feel ****** and happy at the same time
the way you get sad when somebody says hi to you and you realize you didn't say hi back
the way you make me feel important when i'm not
the way you talk about something you love
the way you get scared, when thinking about whales
the way you hate yellow skittles
the way you love reeses christmas trees
the way you love target
the way you utilize the word "melancholy"
the way you hate jelly on a pb and j
the way you feel about death and the unknown
the way you observe art
the way you talk about your love for stories
the way you fell in love
the way you make me feel
-a list of the things i love about you
Makayla Aug 2020
You showed up with a teddybear, Reeses, and a strawberry candle
Left without your hoodie and cologne
And this is only the beginning of my little collection of you
Not sure what I was going for exactly.
to all my people livin' in satans prisons
keep yo mind strapped
and tapped out let the guns rain out
as we pour a blessin'
got the whole nation stressin'
cuz real thugs cant be tested and
this for my deceased homies
n homettes take a sip of moet
with a blunt to blaze
to the old times ****
i wish they was here to kick a few rhymes n my mind
half dead envisioned myself ****** red soaked in Egyptian sheets watch what every enemy speaks
knowthe rules *****
and dont follow no *****
i got the laydown its the art of war
muthaphukkaz aint listen
or payin attention
to the end times how many signs?
do we ******' need
but too many strung out off that bomb **** but popped out the seeds
n regrew my own thoughts
in the garden.of my mind
watch out for one time
cuz they itchin' to put a brother on the flal line
this for all my real gs
that aint scared to die
and if we die watch the thugs
in the hood multiply
check yo eyes
ya braille son god callin' me home soon to heal the wombs
but i know my purpose is greater
so **** a hater
i got the tactics of a true soldier immortal words
being spoke through inhales of smoke neva choke
uh i feel dead people tryna reach me teach me
the worlds coming to E N D
but betta believe ill dump
til my whole army is with me
and the clips is empty

though i wanted to be the toughest on the block
i didnt get a check til i was face to face with a glock
**** i hear deaths tick tock
beforehe pop
he gave me some mercy?
maybe it was the lord speakin' to me?
through telekinesis
now i gotta prepare for this thesis
scatter my drama like reeses
better believe they'll be back again like a whistle in the wind
times goes on life flows on
and ill be rappin' til they early morn
cant stop wont stop the music
its in my soul down for this ghetto blues
gotta short fuse but dont loose
control my mind and body
gotta focus killuminati
aint nobody takin' **** from me
ill die for this **** my family
thugs og to tg and the little homies
who gotta push dope in the blocks
in the late night yea the ghettos in a struggle
but them ******* canr even see it with a hubble
as i bust like a bubble ya know im addicted to trouble
yea we dont give a ****
about the law
51 states with a million plus ****** dawnin' an AK
takin' heed to the words i say
and let the blood spray
it was a good day dont go astray
even though we get worried
just tradin' a little tasteof war stories
Cyclone Dec 2019
I find it funny how Snickers is my favorite candy but I eat Reeses far more often. I believe that since eaten in moderation, Snickers will remain my favorite cause I'll never get tired of it, I'm always sick of Reeses. With all play put aside, I find it hard to apologize to you cause my definition of sorry remains fixated on the type of sorry that means you aren't anything and probably won't amount to anything so I find no purpose in me telling you sorry for saying you were wrong when you actually told me something right that I needed to hear about concerning these sorry motherfuckas that would use me all the time. So since I'm lost with inappropriate context of wordplay, I find it appropriate that silence will be in play for now until I feel that I'm sorry as it pertains to lacking the skill to communicating with others, especially loved ones. And after that, I really will be sorry for the initial problem, and for not saying sorry when the time was right. Better late than never I guess, it's still time to make it right...I'M SORRY.
Avestani Sep 2018
Look through the glass can you see me
Look through the book do you read me
Can't stop my flow it's revealing
Let's both break through our ceilings

Can't stop this symphony
(The opera clock started at 1)
Cant catch the melody
(who told you, that this was gunna be fun)
I want a killing spree
(the story they told was about true love)
Get this away from me
(the last scene is boring let's go do drugs)

With you and me there's something special
Note I didn't say it was good or bad
You and me need to see some professionals
Objectively speaking you drive me mad
Im shining gold, your aura is red and blue
I see you sidestepping my words you crab
Let's take a vacation I'll be right next to you
**** all your feelings, pack seperate bags

Taking tests to see who's the best
I'm lost in an ocean my arms need rest

Fall down and ill pound you in the ground
I'm hopeful today cause you wore a dress

Take two am I acting like you
My friends just all told me I'm playing the fool
Why the **** is the spotlight on me
I'm just in here crawling to try and get free

Kick open the trapdoor on the mainfloor
Phantom is here and he's scaring the crowd
I guess I get real loud when I'm angry
Don't you do the same

I got a million little pieces
Who helped pick a title to your thesis
I know you favorite candy's Reeses
Just tell me, do we even need this
Poetria Jun 2020
Our love was nothing
more than faded letters
kept in a drawer,
eating dust to survive.
We pretended it died
out of famine
as we discreetly moved on
free of guilt.


I still have the scars
hidden under my sleeves;
begging for attention,
like a kid in the aisle
of a candy store,
eyeing a bottle of gummy bears
and a pack of Reeses.

What is there to miss?

I don't even know
the curve of your smile
when you said a cryptic 'hi'
almost a month ago.
When you pulled me close-
but not too close
because you were afraid of love
more than losing it.

Our hands
weren't made
to touch;
a curve and an asymptote
always r e a c h i n g,
a depressed biology
of 'crown shyness'
moving from trees
to human fingertips.

And so i
planned to leave...

only to see
your addio note
and spare keys
sitting comfortably
on the breakfast table,
having a pep talk
with a cup of cold coffee
and a stale egg omelette.

You won
in our race
to goodbye.
Published at
Username: Poetria
Fuzz Butthead Oct 2024
Got tricked, no treat, now my mouth is clean
A twisted deed to give Listerine on Halloween
I know she can afford Reeses and Kit Kats
I’ll torch feces in dish rags
Leave it on her porch and record the greedy witch gag
Turn your demons & lifes unrelenting ******-
into Reeses cups & peppermint sticks
Seize the day licking lips & fingers with-
a 'chocolate face' , a lovely horehound day it is ,
Ride the Pepsi river with a Butterfinger paddle
Dabble in culinary witchcraft , cotton candy fields , a sugar cookie-
shield in the Land of Frosted Flakes & Fiddle Faddle ..
All Hail ! The Three Musketeers & the power they wield !
Copyright January 13 , 2023 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
glass Nov 2024
like coffee filled with caramel
reeses cups and cookie butter
two hundred forty calories of coca cola
like a cupcake

surely you must understand

i have nothing to say for myself anymore.

— The End —