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Mike T Minehan Apr 2013
I like a whole lip-smacking smorgasbord of words,
such as preposterous and scrumptious,
sumptuous and curious,
roiling, rambunctious and trumpeting,
priapic, satyric and seraphic,
satyriasis and mimesis. Now this mimesis is the imitative
representation of nature and behavior in art and literature,
which is a pretentious way of trying to say what us writers do.
But hey, we don't just mimic things,
we can be sagacious and salacious, too.
Accordingly, I also like *******, which has a liquid sound,
and I'm not being facetious to suggest that
******* has a close connection to callipygous.
Then, for those who are suspicious of the libidinous,
I also like curmudgeonly and bodacious,
loquacious, precocious and pulchritudinous,
lubricious and fugacious,
scripturient, radiance, iridescence and magnificence,
lissome, lithe and languid (but not too limp),
shimmering and diaphanous, effulgent and evanescent,
flamboyant, fandango and flibbertigibbet,
(although this is difficult to say when you’re drunk),
voluptuous and vertiginous, slithery, **** and glistening.
And when I include crepuscular, strumpet and strawberry,
I may as well add whipped cream
as well, because this can be laid on in dollops,
and dollops is really an excellent word
along with slurping and *******, too.
Actually, I'm very flexible about words,
because in my lexicon, low moaning noises are OK, too.
These sounds come from the chord of creation
which is a sort of reverberation from the time of
primordial ooze, which I would like to squish between my toes.
Then there's protozoa, spermatozoa and also
wriggling flagella everywhere. So there.
But words don't even need to make sense,
because sweet nothings can say everything,
and heavy breathing can be ******,
even rhapsodic, ending in delirium.
Titillating should be in here too, because we all need
some tintinnabulation and tickling of the senses sometimes.
I've also decided that fecund is my second favorite word after love.
Fecund sounds abrupt, but it buds magnificently
in ******* and bellies to burgeon in absolute abundance,
everywhere. This brings me to *******, which I like, too.
I'm also partial to proud words, including bold, bulging and
brazen, along with a bit of swaggering braggadocio.
Then I like some big words, like brobdingnagian,
although I hope I'm not sesquipedalian.
Salivate is a word to celebrate as well,
along with onomatopoeia that helps choose some words here.
Drooling is highly evocative, too,
and it's not being provocative to observe that
even weapons drool when they're in the wrong hands.
And I shouldn't leave out *******, as you would expect,
because ****** is a sort of rippling word
that rhymes with spasm. Both sound deceptively simple,
but by golly, they can be intensely gripping.
And really, it's alright to writhe to this occasion
because all of us writers should endeavor
to have some good writhing in our oeuvre.
Even some bad writhing can be lots of fun, too.
But I almost forgot to mention yearning and burning (with desire)
and vulviform, velvet and venerous.
Yippee, yee har and hollerin' along with other exclamations
of exhortatory exuberance should be in this index, too.
Now. The words I don’t like include no, can’t, never,
stop and mustn’t. Also, irascible and intractable,
unmentionable, ineffable, inexpressible, incoherent,
immutable, impotent and impossible.
Then I don't like importune and misfortune,
and I don't know who thought up unthinkable,
because this is an oxymoron.
Inscrutable is also a complete cop out,
especially when there's no such word as scrutable.
Gawping, gaping, cavernous and cretinous, obsequious,
grovelling, pursed lips, circuitous,
obfuscation and isolation, unpalatable,
cruelty, tyranny and hypocrisy,
should also get the heave-**.
And I definitely don't like parsimonious and mendicant,
which are miserable words.
Quitting doesn't get there either,
and shut the **** up and ******* should also be taboo.
Also, hopeless is, really, well, it's hopeless
because it denies hope, and hope is buoyant and boundless.
I mean, sometimes hope is all we have.
But the word I dislike most is ****,
because this is an insulting word, and
to be taxonomical,
the negative score of this word is astronomical.
Hate is also right up there on this list. Hate is abominable
because it tries to destroy love, and love is indomitable.
is the
of them all.
Yeah. So there.

Mike T Minehan
II felt good after writing this - it was a bit like purging the personal dictionary in my head. I think all of us could write our own list...
Ayeshah Jun 2014
I reminisce quite often

of your touch


the unabashed ****** experimentation's

we've shared.

I know my worth,

so don't you go forgetting,

I had you with your mouth agape,

your toe's curling


you cried out my name...

call my conceit one of a kind,


I know the way you stare,

the way your  eyes lustfully & licentiously devourer me,

the way you crave me


how you cling to the memories of us,

in bed.

Your priapic lust for me


equally accepted & measure,

almost to a point where

I could have ******-combusted


you always seem unable to stop,


you must know,

I have a very arcane little list and lucky for you

I've let you in...

hahaha lucky indeed & better for me.

My concupiscence  language


metaphors simplify & convey my lustful intent.

In simpler terms just know I want to repeat are coupling,

I'd like you to to bend me over and stretch me to my fullest.

open me widely


dance with in my silken  Venus’ cradle,

entangle me into

a dreamlike haze,

in which my  fantasy and reality are indistinguishable.

I know you've  harboured about me & the many ways,

all the very excitingly different ways you could defile

and desecrate my ripe tight little body,

I see more clarity and certainty of what might happen,
if ever

I'd allow you to spend the night with me again,

I still remember our passionate nights together,
oh so very well,  

I can see it,

I taste us and worst yet,

I can feel your animalistic


sometimes brutal ****** assault on me,

I still feel you deep within

my seductive tight little love box.



cannibalistic-cunnalinguist master,

causing havoc within me,

as you attack hungrily

between my thighs,

sending me spinning,

sending me on a  intoxicating high.

Our last encounter,  

left me unable to breathe,

barely able to walk and yet I have no regrets,

well maybe just one,

and that is;

all good things must come to an end!

(until I heal.)

Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
had to do something to incite you hehehe, hope you liked it , trying new things, thanks for reading!
Ayeshah Apr 2013
It's getting late.
We've ran around
all day and he knew from
the time
I called him
early this morning,
how much I wanted to be with him,
doubt he took me serious
told him after
get out of class we would
head back to his place...
called him on my break
told him
would be seeing him soon,
he sort of giggled like yeah right
worked on my assignments
my mind was else where.
typed on my school PC,
thought of how good
feel inside of me
began to feel myself heating up,
getting a bit wet
between my thighs...
As soon as I could;
rushed out of my seat,
down the steps
to my car,
doing my best to keep my speed
80 mphs.
picked him up
just as he got off
the city bus.
He jumps in my car
kisses me
on my cheek,
couldn't think
my mind was wishing
kiss me everywhere.
said breathlessly,
he stares at me
them beautiful eyes
says hey babygirl...
love when he calls me that.
rush to finish all we had to do
once at his place
he cooks
trying to do his best
feeds everyone.
he's attending to dinner,
rush in and out the shower.
run to his room
ready, heated
lie naked on my back watching out his window
I can feel him enter the room as I'm
staring at a dusky yellowish setting sun.
can feel him in the doorway,
his eyes are glazing
over my body...
For a split second
feel vulnerable,
weak even.
takes over
like a she-wolf
leap up as if by magic
off his bed.
He's ready for me,
He giggles
pushed me down,
He holds me there
he lifts my legs up around his shoulders.
barres his face in between my thighs.
*******, licking
moan so loud,
think the neighbors can hear me...
Oh well
he doesn't stop,
only moans out
while his tongue dances
in & out of me,
my *******.
He's teasing me
it's building up...
I'm about to burst
he's ready for me,
as soon as
cry out
he lifts
his head up,
arch my pelvis
up to meet his
hard, long, thick,
solid ****,
he slows me down
picks me up off
the bed...
In one swift motion,
he's deep inside of me,
I'm airborne,
lifted into
his protective strong arms,
his muscle aren't even taunt
he allows me to grind
while he moves
in & out of me,
along with me,
like we're racing
trying to beat each other
but somehow we match stroke for stroke...
as my ****** breaks
moving deeper.
I'm ready to burst again.
He watches me
he leans over my abdomen;
he caresses my *******,
He takes off his wire frame
He looks at me with them eyes
that can melt your soul.
feel the warm vapor
of his breath nestling on
my neck..
He licks
the hollows of my neck,
leaving trails
of his wondrous kisses
down the valley of my cleavage,
******* one
then the other,
moving onward to my *******,
the while hes pumping
in and out of me..

Oh OOOoo mmm Ahhhh ooOoOo "
I cry out
his **** becomes ramrod.
close my eyes
feeling him stretch me
his rough treatment
turns me on even more,
can feel my ***** becoming wetter,
Feeling his **** penetrate deeper than before,
I'm so wet I feel myself over-flowing.
My ***** aching for him to stop but I'm not ready to give up..
then wait for a few seconds...
breathings so hard,
we're gulping for air..
whilst his ***** nestles inside
my quivering ***** ,
my *****
tighten around his ****,
I'm listening to
him breathe.
We share a look
I'm ready just as he is...
his muscle become taunt
lifts me like weights
up & down,
while he moves
in and out of me
slamming into me
feel myself
swells as he fills me up
so completely
with his hard ramrod shaft..
so deep is he
can't talk, moan or breath,
only whimpers of moans
the sunset evening sky...
softly at first; then
finally call out
his name
scream: *
yes yes yes O'Yessss
He grunts
moans watch
look down at his priapic ****,
my mind plays a little trick on me
imagine it entering me
at a magnificent speed,
I'm turned on even more
while watching
this assault on my *****,
he continuously thrusting fast,
so **** hard
can barely
take anymore.
imagine it entering with
the force of the

maybe another day like;
"April's Fools"
Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright ©
K.C.L.N 1977 - Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved ®
Mike T Minehan Oct 2012
I must state right at the outset
that I’ve never actually been
on a female poet
or even underneath or inside one.
But I thought about this
at a poetry reading once
when a particularly sensitive
and gentle girl read her poetry
and I wondered how well
the delicacy of her ideas
and subtlety of her poem
would translate into
the carnal and profane.

It was sensuous to think about this
and savor some wine
with her afterwards.
I felt distinctly like
a priapic, dangerous Dionysius,
or a satyr sizing up a nymph.

But I licked my lips and
said I liked her poem,  
then I knocked off the wine instead.
Kim Cancer Oct 2019
This is not a story. This is not literature.
This is a spit in the face.
A kick in the nuts. A punch in the ***.
A shooting spree,
of consonants and vowels, aimed at snowflakes.

This is to be loathed. This is to cause anger.
This is to be deleted, blocked, downvoted, canceled and hated.
by coding corpses in Silicon Valley

It is my hope a Twitter Mob forms,
curses my name, relegates me to Louis CK status.

This is my ***** and I take it out
a dark web palm reader for the snowflakes.
This is my ***** and I take it out
to **** on the face of all Boomers, Gen Xers
and especially the Millennials and Gen Z

You who have grown with smartphones akin to limbs,
priapic pineal glands, ophthalmic screens…

You who have “emotional support animals”
I hope your emotional support animal
mauls you to death like an Alaskan grizzly bear
and you ******* die like that execrable Australian crocodile ****

You who have “safe spaces”
I want to rig your safe spaces
with prepositions, adverbial pipe bombs
and laugh as they explode like an Ariana Grande concert

Yes, YOU, you snowflakes…

You who have transformed young America
into a coddled wasteland
of mock outrage, moaning prudes

You who subscribe to video game streams on YouTube
You who pay punk *** PewDiePie his millions
while the greatest living poet in America works as a janitor!

You who fight over bathrooms
You who bastardize legitimate arguments,
shame those who marched
shame those who righteously died

You who vote Republican and Democrat
You who watch CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News
You who wish to silence creators
You who are triggered
You who can’t take a joke
You who can’t fathom opposing views
You who Yelp, write online reviews
in braille
You who protest Sarah Silverman and Dave Chappelle

You, you snowflakes: I want to reach into your toilets
to smear myself in your ****
and kick at your ***** and ***** as you whine online about my blackface

I want to punch your nose
paint myself in your blood and attack your colleges
with wadded up copies of The Naked Lunch and Tropic of Cancer

I want to hack Spotify
replace every playlist with Public Enemy on a continuous loop
and blast 2 Live Crew
from loudspeakers down every boulevard in Northern California

I want to hog-tie conservatives, make them watch gay ****
I want to hog-tie liberals, make them watch monster truck rallies

Because your phone can block
Your phone can delete
But energy cannot be destroyed

And ART, speech, thought
Are the purest form of energy
The very flesh of emotion…

Currency both malefic and supernal!

And now, snowflakes
now I tie your noose
I grind my knife to your throat
I aim my AK at your temples
Just to tell you this:

Sticks and stones can break my bones
But words will always nourish me…

Let there be commerce!
For the snowflakes...
Dave Robertson Jun 2020
Let me sell you a fraction of truth
slanted to fit the froth-rage box
you live in

I’ll dress it in grave tones,
even implicate a scapegoat
so your priapic blast
has a focus

I’ll use fonts from Comic Sans
to Times New Roman
to ensure you bite the hook

When you look in our mirror
the hate will be palatable,

and as we gorge we’ll starve
Dave Robertson Feb 2022
Mary Beard’s on TV
discussing which art
could be suppressed,
never seen and placed
in secretum

The brash *******,
raw ****** ******,
Roman Charity
and priapic rampancy
does, I suppose, provoke thought.

My submission:
anything etched
by class 9Y,  Period 5 on a Friday
Bobby Copeland Mar 2020
These awkward moments, in spite
           of ourselves,
When we see enough,
Surprise pops out, head
Of Jack, priapic toy
Held down by hinge and clasp
Until it's cranked again
With music or a spilling
Verse, some ***** minded
Woman's tongue complicit
With the subtil, chosen
Charmer of Arcadia, good and evil
Bifurcator, dancing in the grass.

— The End —