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Guss Nov 2013
Stardate whatever.
The Klingons are attacking and my tricorder isn’t functioning.
Conjectural and anointing the furrows of my phaser blasted brow.  
There you are.
A messy image in the transporter beam.
Gleaming and swaying amongst the particles of dust.
“I’m impossible to save,” I say.
“So save yourself, this planet is about to blow.” I say again.
It seems our universal translator isn’t working.
Otherwise, you would have left me.
Trusting is the hardest part.
I’ll do without it.  
Beam me up Scotty.
Natasha Teller Dec 2013
surrounding us: a billion stars
in a time when a trip to mars is like walking around the block
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive.

we’re beaming to a planet’s surface. now listen:
i know about inverse tachyon beams
i know about coded klingon screams
i know about going to warp factor eight
i know about redshirts' survival rate.
(no. chance.)

i’m beaming down with the main crew
to the surface of minerva II
we've got a malfunctioning interstellar transceiver which is distressing-- dysgraphing? dismantling…
…i don't know.
scotty said it was defective.

so we’re on this planet,
standing on one side of a thick forest packed with monster janeks,
starfleet says we need to fix this thing yesterday, and we’re in a panic—
and **** it, mccoy is a doctor, not a lumberjack,
and kirk says we should just burn through the middle with phasers,
and spock says we must preserve respect for all life forms no matter the situation.

now please remember kirk’s the captain.
that means he runs this show
but kirk always listens to spock,
we spend two days walking through the forest.

surrounding us: a billion trees
in a place where a strange disease is rare as feathers in a flock
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive.

halfway through this dark-lit trip
things go wrong (obviously)
and an alien with shellac for skin captures the captain.
said alien grabs a vine, ascends into the canopy of the trees,
and for one glorious moment
i believe kirk’s the dead guy in this episode, not me!

but spock, in his calm and logical vulcan voice,
orders us to exercise any necessary force to recover the captain.

we reach the janek village.
being a good redshirt, i rush in, phaser blasting, ready to complete the heroic rescue of our captain—
and get killed instantly.

as i was dying, i heard the sound of thousands of janeks dying beside me
saw spock help kirk off the ground
and the last words I heard were theirs:
“captain, are you in need of immediate medical attention?”
“nah, spock, i’m fine—”
“mr. scott. the captain is hurt. beam us aboard immediately.”
one’s arm over the other’s shoulders,
they vanished.

surrounding them: a billion stars
in a time when a trip to mars is like walking around the block
and captain kirk and mister spock are arguing
about the prime directive—

but the prime directive
was never the real objective.
My very first attempt at slam poetry, back in the day... this was written for a sci-fi slam. Live long & prosper.
kirk Feb 2019
The five year mission continues, Mr Spock has got the conn
A shuttle craft is in pursuit, cos Captain Pike has gone
The illusion planet Talos Four, the Keeper there awaits
It's there in the captain's log, with other known star dates

Sent on a secret mission, Captain Kirk is on the bridge
Federation space left behind, we're too far from the ridge
Violating enemy territory, now our crew is on its own
The Enterprise Incident three Romulan ships, crossing the Natural Zone

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield, half black against half white
The Gamesters Of Triskelion, three brians gambling on the fight
McCoy had to use the Teacher, knowledge he had to gain
Medical procedures so advanced, to reattach Spock's Brain

We must feed Vaal The Apple, because it's our forbidden fruit
Gem could heal with just a touch, The Empath who was mute
The City On The Edge Of Forever, is where Edith Keeler Died
Did Kirk cause Ben Finney's death, a Court Marital will decide

If its The Way To Eden, then why have we found hell ?
Can we survive The Immunity Syndrome, an entity that's one cell
My thoughts to your thoughts, melding the ties that binned
An ancient Vulcan technique was used, in Dagger Of The Mind

Elaan Of Troyius potent tears, will make you fall in love
An endless fight where no one died, in Day Of The Dove
The ultimate threat The Doomsday Machine, a dangerous planet killer
A Parallel universe bearded Spock, beyond the Mirror, Mirror

Is Kodos the mass murderer, in The Conscience Of The King
A Taste Of Armageddon, is what computer wars will bring
Playing cards with Fizbin rules, for A Piece Of The Action
The Cloud Minders needed filter masks, to gain clean air extraction

The virus in The Naked Time, made the crew go wild
A baby was delivered, and it was Friday's Child
We've seen This Side Of Paradise, Spock's emotional from the spores
Flintlock weapons were introduced, for  Private Little Wars

Who Mourns For Adonis?, When there's no one left to grieve
The White Rabbit was late, when the crew was on Shore leave
For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky
Doctor McCoy was terminal, and thought he was going to die

We've explored the planet surface, red shirts have been deployed
All life has been extinguished, Cestus Three has been destroyed
Get the ship away from here, engage Warp factor two
The Enterprise we cannot lose, or any of her crew

Can Scotty change the laws of physics, when we all boldly go
Seeking out new civilisations, for life that we don't know
It's not life as we know it, but it's worth investigating
Mr Spock may raise an eyebrow, when he finds it Fascinating

Is There In Truth No Beauty?, when the galaxies edge is reached
Can Kollos the Medusan help, now the barrier's been breached
Kelvins have took over, it's By Any Other Name
Hurled from the Andromeda Galaxy, but the barriers the same

Psionic abilities were enhanced, as well as Mitchell's eyes
When we went through the barrier, with the Starship Enterprise
A silver glare is all it takes, to control the ship
The Phaser rifle has been sent, to loosen Mitchell's grip

We're leaving Delta Vega, where is the next star base
The Warp drive is offline, after the barrier in space
Heading back on impulse power, the engine's have been wrecked
We need emergency repairs, cos there's other Stars not Trekked
Due to the positive response to my last Star Trek Poem I have written this sequel, as before many episodes are referenced throughout these being:

Season 1:
The Naked Time
Dagger Of The Mind
The Conscience Of The King
Shore leave
Court Marital
A Taste Of Armageddon
This Side Of Paradise
The City On The Edge Of Forever

Season 2:
Who Mourns For Adonis?
Mirror, Mirror
The Apple
The Doomsday Machine
Friday's Child
The Gamesters Of Triskelion
A Piece Of The Action
The Immunity Syndrome
A Private Little War
By Any Other Name

Season 3:
Spock's Brain
The Enterprise Incident
Is There In Truth No Beauty?
Day Of The Dove
For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky
The Empath
Elaan Of Troyius
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
The Way To Eden
The Cloud Minders

I did say that there are always possibilities, it seems that possibilities have now presenting themselves.
The first Star Trek poem was intended to be a one off and this poem would not have been written without the support of you the readers and the positive reactions to my last Star Trek poem, I would therefore like to thank each of you for your continued support and maybe at some point we will beam back to these adventures. . ?
JL Mar 2012
Everything is good and golden and bright
Even now when the wind through my window seems
So quiet and filling
When I **** myself for stupid ******* lines
Of thoughts no one understands
Wicked claws black teeth
It's cold night at your hair
And moonlight in your fingers
Where sunshine comes down
And wraps as it lingers

I wish voice could pierce your mind
Like a twilight zone mosquito
******* brains from the innocent
In a small country town

Broken plant pots
You once through down the mountainside
And she said I listen to it for ours
That window
That moonlight
Ones that a pack of dogs howl at
And nuzzle the silence
Beer Cigarette beer b eer cigarette breed
Beer cigarette
Now I'm speaking in a language I can understand
Where I can break cheekbones
And shoot at anyone who steals from me
Old boy


Grow up

Be something

Go somewhere

Care about someone

Make something matter


Dream phaser

Time delay

So once upon a time this blonde girl is going down the road. She sees another blonde girl out in a field, you know sitting out there just rowing this ******* row boat. Yeah, a row boat. So


So the blonde driving by thinks "what the **** I'm gonna go see what that's all about." So she drives back to the field gets out and yells to the girl in the boat
"Hey why are you rowing?
She replies
Why aren't you?

So the blonde driver gets ******* when she starts to think about what the row boat girl said.

In a huff she begins to get back in her car and yells

"Hey, I would come slap you if I knew how to swim!"
Infamous one Dec 2017
What's on your mind? What's your story? So much to say dk where to start. What aspect of my life are we talking about. Family not close but I do love them. Why am I single been in love been hurt, so many relationships that were pointless and meaningless decided to wait make myself better. Recovering alcoholic staying sober one drink feels like failure consuming me can't go back. A good guy trying to stay good by avoiding bad habits. Working hard to get hired full time but always working harder than the full timers. Giving my all expecting nothing taking pride in my work. Don't care for the credit things needed to be done. Friends will always have a special place in my heart can't replace stuck but need to keep moving forward getting older feels like time is running out. Never too late been waiting it.  All my life working hard for this moment. Get on the next level focused on success once you made it you keep on building on it keep pursuing your dreams even if to others they don't mean anything. All the bad fades away not like my mom or dad but did make the same mistakes learned fast that phase passed.
PhiWrit Nov 2016
Haven't freestyled in a while
since my name was Kyle
1 out of 10 in the room I'd revile
but I got the world swoon over this goon style
9 out of 10 be jealous of the attention
I be getting how fast these legs run a mile
**** it give me 500 miles
and I would rush 500 more
just to kick in the door
Of whack rappers, hit the floor
That's the D-E-C-K I pray to start my day
not doing this for pay just to play and say
what I need to say the state of the States
Got me in dismay as they pave way
For old goose stepping ways
Like **** learn history
About ****** and his story
Of the rise to glory of the Fascist party
and the deaths of Jewish minorities
That they had as priority
Along with any other minority
that wasn't white skinned with ***** grin
or Aryan origin on that topic it's La Fin
because South Park had them Laughing
and sanding me in wood shop
So going to that school had to stop
so I dropped out by expulsion
which fueled the propulsion
Out of my mom's place
At sixteen I started to chase
'Cause that's all that made sense
I couldn't live on cents had to make dollars
Dreamed of being a baller shot caller
Show poster on the wall sir
But my crafts had to be refined before
I could start my spiritual war
Let my mind soar like a kite
In the white clouds past nine
Turned the phaser to eleven
As shrooms shot me a glimpse of heaven started making bread sans leaven
sick of toaster leave-ins knead the flour
need the flower extra sour
though diesel to ease all the pain
And refrain my brain
From seizing and freezing
The mainframe of my nervous membrane
I swear I'm not insane
but it would take me days to explain
The pain that had me nearly slain
so ride my thought train
'Cause I hate planes & listen to the refrain
you feel this profane pyre burn hotter than
blue flames from the butane or propane
Not real champagne lest it be made in France mane
where they sniff the Caine more than oxygen
I am the Champion.
Jonny Angel Jan 2014
Shoot me with your phaser on stun,
then drag me to your starship,
tie me down,
inject me with serums,
hook me up to machines,
take me out of this world,
help me to reach nirvana
on the dark side of the moon,
experiment all you want,
I am a willing specimen.
Tonight's the night I take a chance,
A risk greater than the high school dance,
But dare I try, after this stanza
I'll stop firing my rhyming phaser,

I've always been one for lesser liberties,
Not unlike your favourite celebrities,
Such as the right to whistle my merry song,
On those warm summer days that drag out too lon-
No not that! Why can't I seem to break,
That longing for order, could my values be fake?

I'm a rebel, not a conformist of society,
I'm one for a cider not a hot cup of tea,
Notice that I'm getting better all the time,
Those lines only made up a half rhyme,

I'll force myself to ruin this pattern that I'm in,
Perhaps a subtle cuss will do: "Friggin'!",
That didn't seem to work I guess this is a sham,
Perhaps its inevitable that all poetry should rhyme...

Wait a second...
I honestly don't know what I was thinking.
simo Apr 2016
i am my favorite song
i am rhythms and patterns, strategically placed
i am mezzo-piano
i am fortissimo

I am dynamics and crescendo
i am all the words i don't know

i am the sound of my guitar
with the "phaser" **** turned up

i will be amplified, i will be loud
and looped
and manic.

im the noise you can't get out of your head
i am sound
i am a whisper and a shout
perfectly blended

i am velocity
i am the build-up
and then the drop

i am the echo in a dark room
i am my favorite song.
my favorite song is disjointed by copeland if you wanted to know.
Ottar Mar 2014
piles of paper over my head
cover the box I lay in,
to do not, is to cause dread,
become the administative burden,
to carry around,
but never get carried away,
trundle, then bundle cellulose
fibre in a fundle,
measuring the fundal height of...

the pregnant pause, each time I am
supposed to pick up the phone,
can't go it alone, standing up for
  somebody else, who is unable
                        actually disabled,
"Just Like Someone Without Mental
Illness Only More So"  

drawers of receipts climbing over
one another to be fed to the
unfiled file folders, holding older
paper dreams, paper woes,
Origami folds, of the forgotten projects,
cranes, phone receivers, and say
isn't that a heart,
clumsy feet, clumsy fingers,
cluttered mind, to much paper to bind,
up and hold together, the edges of the
paper cuts, that bleed the last of the free
dreams, the nice dreams, the two week
vacations dreams, buried under reams,
of aging paper,
                        no point to be a paper chaser,
                         set the phaser on ****,
                          and send it with the will,
                            or ... send in the clowns, there has to be clowns,
                              maybe I'll get around to it next year.
"Just Like Someone Without Mental
Illness Only More So" by Mark Vonnegut, M.D.
Kelly McManus Jun 2019
Going through phases
small then medium then large
until were phased out
                                   Kelly McManus
Jammit Janet Jul 2020
Feeling the rhyme build up in my chest,
Ready to erupt and take the next step,
To blow you all away with my phaser-like cannons of joy,
That will infect your very being and shake you to the core,

Where logic and emotion crossover in time,
To wrap you in a positive state of mind,
Caress your cheek and mend your heart,
Tender loving care,
A secret art.
Timothy hill Jun 2017
Paid by the source to do great things.
Change from a life made out of tears.
Now, all I can do is hold my cup's up for cheer's.
Wattle little ducky my rap gonna blow you away.
Like a hurricane, only filled in with your pain.

The eye, is yours alone because I placed it in there.
So now where, to extrude your rage my words ripped your matter, apart in a hatred type of stray.

God's ships and Ark's came to your aid not quick enough because I'm insane.
Am, that spark in the black sky night.
So lead way for the new type, of freight ill evade you away just let me show my skills they'll take you away.

There's 1:44 section on the clock hold, the mic while I take off my sock's.
Your "first to start" ill listen to your speech be carefully word-full and clever for, I'm a knight an my sword is my "phaser effect" to make you bleed.

Also did you figure out your current air speed.

Wow, all those builds just, where blew away now set still at your hover place.
A rap song.

— The End —