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Oscar Mann Oct 2015
I will always think fondly
Of the park bench
Near the sad man’s statue
Whose beard of stone
Was sloppily painted
By a bunch of overenthusiastic pigeons

That silly park bench
Where we first kissed
And had our first public argument
About nothing at all
And at the same time
About everything we thought we had

At first our memories
Turned the grass greener
And the skies bluer
And sometimes it seemed
That sad man smiled
Though it might have been an malevolent grin

But soon it became tainted
A symbol of fleeting love
Of passion’s mortality
Its habit of swiftly disappearing
Like cagey, distrustful pigeons
And illusions fuelled by sentimentality

Now I understand the sad man
And consider his faith to be cruel
To want and crave and hope
Yet to be sentenced
His life writ in stone
Near an empty, broken bench
Seán Mac Falls Jan 2015
Late night at the Bar,
The neon sign said time to go,
Funny, when I got there it was all
Welcoming and overenthusiastic,
Garish, like a parade of clowns
With balloons that just got lost
Loosed, to the winds.  I had a few—
Too many and wrote a broke poem,
All alone surrounded by the clank
Of wood from a pole and clicks of levers
As the glistening 'patrons' shimmied their
Tithes to the used machines of *****
Pinned and the green tables pooled
And the women, who desperately looked
At only you, after you looked at them
And the indifferent, tallish Barman,
Who kept pouring smallish dreams
In a shot glass.  I stumbled, swirled out
And kissed the tar as was my want,
Every newcomer slogging in
Simply ran with not even noticing,
As I laid on the ground, they knew
That their time was soon coming.
That's called simpatico, or is it
Solidarity, maybe, whatever?
Anywho, I dusted my self off
And hightailed it back home
Before the broad, my old lady,
Jezebel, caught me on the sly.
The 'Queen of Sheba' was already
There— prostrated on our bed
Waiting to nail me.  My only excuse,
The muses— she wasn't buying,
I said baby, 'I ain't tryin' to sell
You no lie.  The words, they come
And they go, like a train that never stops
But you best be going, you best be jump in'
On that steel Goliath and ride that son to the gates
Of pearl and peace, them goldilock rays and then I said,
Hush, my little 'rock-a-bye' lady, you shush now,
My fresh night moon of Lilly flower, we's gonna
Make like nubile creatures, all naked and free,
There ain't no clocks little darling, there's
Just you an' me and all the rest of herstory,'
She bought that line!
Seán Mac Falls Nov 2014
Late night at the Bar,
The neon sign said time to go,
Funny, when I got there it was all
Welcoming and overenthusiastic,
Garish, like a parade of clowns
With balloons that just got lost
Loosed, to the winds.  I had a few—
Too many and wrote a broke poem,
All alone surrounded by the clank
Of wood from a pole and clicks of levers
As the glistening 'patrons' shimmied their
Tithes to the used machines of *****
Pinned and the green tables pooled
And the women, who desperately looked
At only you, after you looked at them
And the indifferent, tallish Barman,
Who kept pouring smallish dreams
In a shot glass.  I stumbled, swirled out
And kissed the tar as was my want,
Every newcomer slogging in
Simply ran with not even noticing,
As I laid on the ground, they knew
That their time was soon coming.
That's called simpatico, or is it
Solidarity, maybe, whatever?
Anywho, I dusted my self off
And hightailed it back home
Before the broad, my old lady,
Jezebel, caught me on the sly.
The 'Queen of Sheba' was already
There— prostrated on our bed
Waiting to nail me.  My only excuse,
The muses— she wasn't buying,
I said baby, 'I ain't tryin' to sell
You no lie.  The words, they come
And they go, like a train that never stops
But you bestbe going, you best be jump in'
On that steel Goliath and ride that son to the gates
Of pearl and peace, them goldilock rays and then I said,
Hush, my little 'rock-a-bye' lady, you shush now,
My fresh night moon of lilly flower, we's gonna
Make like nubile creatures, all naked and free,
There ain't no clocks little darling, there's
Just you an' me and all the rest of herstory,'
She bought that line!
Travis Green Mar 2022
I bound to his majesty
His passionateness enraptures me
He completely surprises me
With his immense succulent dimension
The way he oils his rugged, seductive chest and abs
Rubs himself all over
Swirls his tongue in circles
Dances for me in his fashionable black boxers
He is my sparkling, charming marvel

I am so overenthusiastic by his swagtastic magic
He pulls out his huge **** pipe
And swings it from left to right
His swing game spellbinds my mind
Stuns my pumping heart
He moves so smoothly
His delicious rippling physique
Makes me hot all over

He strokes his stiff chocolate rod
Gets all into it
Uses **** steady motions
That makes me fervently
******* his hard, heavy anaconda
Taste its bright wild bewitchment
Salivate on his hot delicate head
Slurp on it, kiss it, bask in his bliss

Drink in his divineness
Rub and stuff his big ******* in my mouth
Submerge into his enrapturing magic
Zaddy is so vastly splashy
His tallness, his sinewiness, his smoothness
His hypnotic tattoos, his effusiveness
His dark, stylish beard
His silky, manly, and bewitching lips

His allurement so immerses me
His masculinity gleams in my mind
Like a perfect bright moonlight
Shining on the surface of the sea
His mathematical galaxy
Carries me away to infinity
I wanna be enveloped in his machoness
Drown deeply in his ocean
Of majestic perpetual paradise

His dreamy ambiance enkindles me
I surrender to his explosive pulling power
As I **** his **** more and more
Until he oozes thick creamy milk
From his electrifying fire hose
On my perfumed, licentious lips
Audrey Jerome Mar 2014
The phone rings
at 3 am.
followed by a half-awake, "Hello?",
a muffled conversation,
and knuckles barely making contact with
my door.
She can't bring herself to wake me up
from a quiet sleep and the daydream that has been my life.
But I'm already awake.
And deep down I already know.

Fast forward an hour later.
I hear the out of rhythm steps
of your boots making their way up the stairs
and finally into the house.
We meet in the kitchen.
The wall of Smirnoff and beer
greets me like an overenthusiastic child.
Then I see your body,
a shape I almost don’t recognize;
your eyes look right past me
like you are talking to someone in the next room.
“I don’t know what will happen” you said,
as mom explained to me what was going on.
“I don’t know what will happen” you said
as you leaned on me like a crutch on our way to your bedroom.
“I don’t know what will happen” you said
when I left you to sort this out,
to put the pieces back together,
to sober up.
I crawled back under the covers,
painfully aware the ache that
has found its way to the pit of my stomach.

I hear another knock on my door,
not so gentle this time.
The door opens and I'm
greeted by a wobbly hand
wrapped around the barrel of a gun.
“I don’t know what will happen” you say,
as you place the gun in my hand.

I want to drop to the ground;
to curl into a ball and
let my tears lull me to sleep,
Only to wake up tomorrow
and have this all be a dream.
But this moment is as solid, and real
As the gun now under my pillow.
My heart races as it tries to outrun
someone else’s demons.
I don’t sleep that night.
Travis Green Apr 2022
I want to take you to my bedroom chamber
Where I can bask in the sweet pleasures of your masculinity
Focus on the way your body moves in magical motion
Like glowing soul-lit poetry
Taste the enchanting wetness on your thick, libidinous lips
Trail my fingertips on your pleasantly youthful and frank face
Kiss your beardalicious beard hairs
Rub your powerful, prominent chin
Your broad, strong, and salient shoulders
Inhale your unparalleled intelligence
Stream in your hot, aggressive impeccableness
Exalt in your unutterably solid and promising charm
You are a complex poetic masterpiece
Composed dopeness, sexalicious similes, and metaphors
Allow me to taste your warm sweet goldenness
Press my mouth on the lush turgid tips of your *******
Make you gasp and grab my bare loving arms
Cherish your wondrously cut and treasured chest
Feel you as you melt in my midst
Let me have your stellar dreamy skin
Fall into your hot saucy astonishigness
Massage your manly, shapely, and sinewy thighs and legs
Rattle your palace with my overenthusiastic passion
Lick your magnificently iridescent and rock-solid abdomen
Make you explode like  intoxicating and scintillating champagne
Peruse your pure, buoyant beauty, your delicious, exhilarating nature
Gently caress your tight, strong ***
****** deep into your iron-hard chamber
Relish your rigidity, your essentially brilliant and dazzling tattoos
Let me take you down, trail my tongue around
Your poetic and exquisite art
Drift deeply into your dreamlike and desirable powerfulness
Travis Green Apr 2022
I can see him now in my mind
Bright paradise in his copper chocolate eyes
Ebony elegant eyelashes
Rich, creamy cheeks
Sweet, dreamy, and manly lips

I want to journey through his amorous chamber
And melt into every enchanting encounter
Taste the wickedly intoxicating whiskey on his flesh
Suffused with cigarette smoke streaming into the air
I hold him deeply in the treasure trove of soul

Bring his head to my desirable flowering *******
I compose smooth lucid rhymes on his divine hairy chest
Take in his dreamy masculinity like hot electric jazz
Savoring his thrillingly overenthusiastic nature
He is of great stature, glittering like dazzling
Disco lights at a limelight nightclub

I have never seen an invincible king so clean
So supreme, so infinite, imbued with splendor
I simply feen to take him to the next level
Where we emerge in ecstasy
Such an irresistible visual seduction
As I bolt down his machoness
His gushing lushness
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is a magically extraordinary summer day
Filled with supreme shining dreams
Smooth sensational superstar
Radiant ingratiating marvel
Suave toned muscle that draws me
To his towering desirableness

I want to kiss his solid gorgeous abs
His deliciously incredible chest
Feel his flow of dopeness in my soul
Sensually stroke his hard glistening arms
His astonishing arched shoulders
Taste the nape of his neck

Breathe sultriness down his massive strapping back
Grip and squeeze his sleek exquisite ***
In his majestically glorious closeness
I am so overenthusiastic
Glazed on his grand entrancement

Our lips lock and kiss steamily
Our mesmerizing eyes meet
As I rub his grippingly gorgeous goatee
His electrifyingly enticing eyes set me aflame
I dissolve into his flawless rhapsodical unconquerableness
Rob Cohen Nov 2020
Eight thousand puzzle-piece
fill the memory carded banks
of discarded blank
cyberspace Alzheimers.

An empty room with silhouetted views,
creating illusion imitating
of a promise to reinstall the words lost
to safety proof
false parachutes.

Without canvas-sized,
indestructible evidence
or ink-based remembrance -
only erasable by flames,
flood or
unsigned credentials
fallen hand in glove
overenthusiastic forgetfulness.

there remains to be seen
a virus immune to tonic,
or innocent naive dreams
capable of murdering,
and deleting every letter
conceived by keyboard finger-*******.

Here sits a love sick ******
with his head in the clouds
which would rain purple-hazed
words on the handful around;
those who remain concrete laced
flat on the ground in silence
while the sky promises rain -
yet only delivers clouds thundering sounds
of yesterday's romantic morose cries.

The dreams and visions of publicized ambition
to files of hard-drive suicide -
by pornographic escapism,
prism-shaped with temporary reflection
of a soul due to expire.
Teadless and tired
in need of eternal service with supervision
by technology and savvy technicians -
mechanics of the afterlife,
while sighs of a Leonard Cohen existence
drown out the cries
of a bad cup of immortality.

Red-eyed mornings with deleted history
and go go incognito
of a different kind.
free of decision or any conscious mind -
without a driver at the wheel
deciding the turns,
for any burning yearning sensation to stay,
go, hop-off and arrive.

The destination won't be seen alive.
Even as stains of lead will remain after death
with every orchestrated fable and tale
told by its grey-eyed author immortal,
while multidimensional gurus of ancient fires have stories and songs
done wrong by sins
of broken-telephone
though burning in hearts, souls,
and every orifice available to spark -
still end up with the scent of unholy ****.

The blank void of all memory is all that remains
throughout every special momentous occasion with hard-copy refection
or recollection of that holy time and spiritual place -
I await judgement and punishment
or divine rejection,
for falling in love and forgetting to save.
in 2018 my laptop containing my life's work (8,000 poems, 3 novel manuscripts and all of my recorded song demos +-20) fried and died in digital suicide. At the time I had never heard of 'online clouds' etc. and after a few months of taking it from one computer store to the next, I accepted that it was gone forever.
The months that followed were spent blacked out on a one-way trip to my early death (I wasn't even 27 yet) and I had no intention of ever writing anything again.
one morning, in Nov / Dec 2019, I woke up and saw the above text typed into my phone's 'notepad free' app. I had been beyond drunk the previous day / night and I had no recollection of writing it. I found a wine stained page with the handwritten first draft as well. Which is some of the worst handwriting you'll ever see.
after this I started writing again. therefore it has a special place in my heart.
Travis Green Feb 2022
The thought of him being with me
Makes me hanker after him tremendously
I want our bodies to be tethered in perpetuity
Feel his legs smoothly sliding against mine
His hands on my thick, chocolate thighs
His sweet-scented beard on my *******
His dreads against my stomach
He makes me so overenthusiastic
The way he stares at me so passionately

I crave his countrylicious chocolate
His stellar heavenliness
I venerate how he navigates my homosexual nature
How he massages my distinctly feminine *******
Grasps my neck and licks my lips
The way he surrounds me in his zealousness
Lures me into him tighter
Makes me beg for his solely glorious
And gratifying loving

His masculinity emanates the greatest handsomeness
His nakedness stimulates my gayness
I want to stay lapsed into his straightness
Feel his essence in coalesce with mine
Let him arrest my vessel
Place me in his jail of saucy erotica
Run his fingers between my thighs
Penetrate my center of wetness
Make me gasp as he clasps my ***

Terrorize my territory
Push his largeness inside my guts
**** me rough
Put me on to his intoxicating drugs
Let me feel his lustful thugness
Tell me when he is about to bust his sumptuous nuts
‘Cause Daddy, I want to catch it all inside my mouth

— The End —