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Ben Palomino Mar 2023
You came to me
with waves upon waves of emotions

yet I couldn’t see through your sea

You told me to dive deeper
I might find something more than just me

But is that not the nature
of the ego-naut
to explore indefinitely

making a home
in a place
where a home shouldn’t be

Deeper down know I see
All is

I started writing
this poem for you
made it all about me
Adrian Asher Aug 2014
A scream scares the day away and makes the night a dark eternity.
Mating calls lurching behind barstools talking about nothing and jumping deeper into conversation over the bovine carcass at Applebee's.
Desolate honkytonks fueled by Percocet and chlamydia, fat musicians and anthems of Beer drunkenness hanging over the toilet to ***** their soul away for a buzz.
Coal diggers and gold diggers painted in black and red and the pinks drips down their leg to a puddle of shame. Crying in the corner for a fix with their broken knees and backs and their black lungs and their pharmacies of solutions that end up being their prison. Poisoning the air with the smoke of death and masculinity with broken hands punching the walls until the blood pours.
The **** of the body and land in unison in mind, flutters from our corner of the world to the coast
then to the heavens where it again rapes. Where it forces itself upon the consciousness of a nation
That buys it up and sells it again for naut. Souls of the lost gather for your final baptism in pain, together,
Ready and willing for more.
Trailers like tombstones in the distance at the end of hollers buried beside their dignity in the mines. Eternal monuments to good enough sprouting from every seed wasted in the divine Goddess who is reduced to the ***** of Hazard and surrounding counties.
Repeat the cycle of suffering.
Churches of skeletons praying for that divine **** of death,
reap what ye sew,
Harvest of the men in plenty,
eat for your fill!

I­t has been a cold winter, and I have traveled to the land of my heroes, who live now only on the page and in spirit alike.   I have bussed cross nation, gone to Boulder and Denver and dear Allen Ginsberg I found out the time. I search for the street where I can find you, curl up in your beard, hear your stories, and hitchhike with you to Nirvana. I have snowshoed high and happy with friends and have no regrets only that I didn't stay longer.  Played music on the top of mountains and felt them dance under me. I have been reborn with life and friends and it is good enough. Dislocated souls connecting in the ephemeral plane somewhere between Kentucky and Colorado in dreams and though and music and poetry and body and soul.
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
ISIS Juggernaut


Logan Robertson

Xenophobe-a person having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries

Zygodactylous- In birds, applied to feet in which two toes point forwards, and two to the rear. How this concept applies to the poem is that ISIS can strike from every direction, swoop down at any time, with eyes and a network lurking from every tree branch so to speak. Sad.

Sad was this last Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, 253 innocent victims, as mankind watches in horror. These birds of a feather flock together, and their flock is getting bigger, and I wish that it would fall and end.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Throwing stones at Philosophers

Critical conscience is not an admittance of ambivalence,
But a philosopher once said:
“You threw a rock at my head Fred!”
A road along a path is but a journey to nowhere,
If your cart is broken by a donkey or the donkey is dead.
In all the worlds that I have imagined,
Surely all things are possible,
Except finality of bravery;
A human once said.

If I read your body language correctly,
You speak only of the bee disease,
But a bee society has never ever been set free.
So what use is it to me?
I am no slave, nor have I ever been free,
In this world you have created,

I…am a human being!
And once upon a time I was quite happy,
Until you chanced upon a whim to throw a rock at me.
“I never did!”  Lied he.  “And so what if I did?
I never meant anything by it.
I just wanted to see if I could do it
And whether I should or I shouldn’t is irrelevant.
I could, so I did
And if it got into your head,
Then at least I made you think.”

As I quietly pondered and thoughtfully wondered,
I was stunned, simply floundered at his absolute arrogance!
And a plundered thought was thus born…
Is he right…?

I will return his helpful hint with a tenfold of my own!
And so began The Battle of the Naut and the Earth
And upon Gods breath I roamed.
All that remain are a pile of bones,
Covered in boulders and sprinkled with stones.

If a man cannot agree, then folly!
I will become a beast and the nature of the thing,
Will forever be seen and heard!
But never truly understood.
I’d better read another book.
Look out duck!
“What?”  Said the thought bubble.
Never been at one with seeing double,
But now inflamed with insight,
I was clearly in and seeing trouble
And as sure as light, there came another stone,
From (this time) a complete unknown.

Oh the contradictions thought philosopher Uno,
As he strapped his helmet on as if he could predict the future;
And sure enough, just as peace had been bartered for and sold,
There came a clink, followed by a blink, and a thud and a lost think…
“Forget this!  I’m going home.”

So as I was roaming through the seven layers of Hell,
I thought I’ll have to ask directions to save myself.
Maybe a goodish citizen will pray tell me where the Hell I am!
Oh, excuse me young man, I was wondering if you can,
Or rather, could, tell me where the Hell I am?
The man he simply smiled and then he loudly laughed,
As he burst into a thousand screaming insect eggs!
This is not a laughing matter!  I said,
And pretty soon they were crawling up my legs.

So I ran and I ran as fast as I could,
But it did no good.
They were a part of me now and to each other we were each stuck
And it was all I could do to not let out a high pitched scream!
So I did.
And within a glimpse of time immemorial itself,
I had managed to escape from the dream.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
DuBray Oct 2018
Don’t become a tree

But rather be a cosmo-

— The End —