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Robert Guerrero Dec 2012
Pray to a god
Pray for mercy
Pray like a *****
Whos life Im ending

Nothing can save you
From the very monster
Your hatred created
Your rage fed
Just pray for whatever

In the end
Your life is within myy hands
Your heart somewhere off in the distance
In the hands of a girl
Who may have not love you anymore

Pray to whoever
Pray to be heard
Pray for a savior
Pray like a *****
Because your life is over

Pistol to your temple
Hands shaking
As the whiskey goes down
Wrist bleeding
Might as well say a prayer

No god as your shephard
No love at your funeral
No tears when you die
Just another day
That everybody will forget

Look up and meet my face
Look up into these eyes
Do they look familiar?
Because its a reflection of yourself
Going crazy from it all

Pray now
Pray for whatever
Pray not to die
Pray you *******
Pray for the last time

Nothing can save you
So pick up the phone
Make your last call
Call that girl
Who you gave your heart to

Maybe her voice
Will calm your demons
Silence the voices
Echoing in your head
That you want to scatter all over the walls

Do you really think
That she loves you
She wont even pick up the phone
She doesnt want to talk
To your pathetic ***

Listen to me
Im you
Face to face
No hallucination
Just a reflection

Im everything you are
Im alive
Yet Im dead
Im whatever I wish
So come on and pray

No one will hear it
No one will answer
Just make the attempt
Or pull the trigger
Because your wasting my time

Pray to her
Pray for her
Pray to be loved
Pray just pray
Like a *****

Come on together
We can pull the trigger
End each other
Yet we are one
So take another shot

This could be
What saves us
This bullet
These open wrist
That appear to never to run dry

She broke your heart once
So you kept breaking it
And you know
Just as well as I
You dont deserve anything

This moment
Is your last
So say a prayer
And pray for your right
To deserve anything other than death

Dont bother praying
I'll pull the triger for us
So I can rest in peace
And never see your
Weak and pathetic face ever again
Andrew Schwab Dec 2012
I'm taking time to think this through, in hopes that I can mend.
All the hurt that hides inside of us, will this ever end?
I know that I did let you down, as you did to me.
Like a light beam that shines for-ev-er, and all eternity.

Please just stop and think right where we fell,
Cause if not we'll never get too well. Oh well.

Cause living in constant worry feels, like a stab in the heart that will not heal
I can't even say sorry. I've got to live my life, I've got to live my life.

So please take some time to feel my fear, as all my anger turns to tears,
you never really proved to me, you wanna be in my life, you wanna be in myy life.
Dondaycee May 2018
(Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmm, hmmm hmmm hmmm hm)
I’m looking at paradox and choice, like
“What is choice when you voice light?”, like
If I am consciousness and I’m living unconscious it seems as though it’s inevitable to feel destroyed right?
How can I operate this body and mind if I’m blind,
If I’m missing the menu? Seriously, how can you expect me to identify a sign in life?
I’m stuck in insanity, I’m doing the same **** over and over again,
Expecting different results, I’m Donkey on a coaster with friends,
Light says be calm, ego says we on, people say leave mom,
Pause, mom is a reference towards the feminine energy, it creates, the masculine manifest,
I’m talking omni, god, light, androgynous life;
This is something you can’t transgress because it doesn’t exist but do transgress, because it’s something Man possess,
Man as in mankind, which is both male and female,
Logic; being left brain idea; which means form, is why we believe in hell and punish ourselves, and why we hinder our “self” before we evolve,
Amigo told me have a “vision”, Padre dismissed me like the path was missing, ***** I’m tiptoeing, doing everything in my power; avoiding rash decisions,
And I recently just found out my path was missing because my half was splitting, that’s everything look…
I’mm juust trynna finnd myy “self”...
I understand that it’s destiny to experience this life,
The difficulty in I committing and finding a wife,
9 times out of 10 I see I before U,
Ask yourself: “Did I see I 9 times out of 10 because my focus was on locating the letter I 9 times before U?”
That’s crazy huh? Welcome to Mind,
Understand, this is because of the English language,
We have no linguistic forms which is why it’s difficult to decrypt the ancient,
They’re us, we documented this information in everything, you name it,
Of course through ignorance, which is the cause to the effect of us learning about the stories that were fabricated and famous;
It requires that verbs and action words be associated with nouns,
Because of this, there’s NO LINGUISTIC FORM to figure **** out,
We’re talking aboriginal, the beginning where archetypal concepts were pure,
This is why imaginations important, if you haven’t yet, please read my poem Einstein’s Recipe, because imagination is the cure; treat insanity, look,
All I’m saying is, use the muscle in your right brain,
Because these forms/ideas cannot be perceived by the senses,
Only pure reason alone,
If you want to discover home; yourself, and elsewhere you must relieve yourself from senses,
That means, let go of the material world, what has manifested to vision,
Turn your attention towards your inner eye to create a vision,
And understand thought and its position,
How it's the quantum world; creation, before decision,
The best description; it happens before you’re even aware it, listen,
That means you are experiencing reality from a different vision,
“Awareness” is what’s missin,
With it, we’re able to access our genius and learn how to  navigate reality,
At that point we’d conquer mortality,
It’s both religion and spirituality, a neutrality,
Theoretically speaking this would lead to physical, mental, and emotional totality,
Reincarnation isn’t a belief, it is law; and these universal  laws express modality,
We are the seeds of vitality,
Wake up, wake up, wake up, because the "sleep" you is killing me, killing us, killing everything man Imm juust saaying I neeed help…
I feel uncomfortable, talking about a being I never met,
Because I believe we would’ve married if she never left,
And it pained me when she came in dream,
Because this was a reality,
one that's not commonly seen to respect,
one that society deem as a strech to accept,
Yet, still, what I felt was very real,
This experience varied feel and real because this was a sense of knowing,
A sense I couldn’t detect,
I guess what I’m saying is that there’s no such thing as death,
Well, at least in my reality because I met her in a different way and feel equally blessed,
Trying to possess the ability to confess, to simply contest the I in invest,
Lady, save me,
Ii waant you annd noo onee else…
Imm juust saaying I neeed help…
I’mm juust trynna finnd myy “self”...
(Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmm, hmmm hmmm hmmm hm)
Gigi Tiji Oct 2015
mm...! you generate an action potential in me

seriously, you got me doin' some
crazy ion exchanges through my axon

you got me spewwin' neurotransmitters
into the space of our synaptic gap
pew pew!

we don't have to touch to be
oh myyy
my dendrites are standin on enddd!

oh myyy oh myy my myelin sheath is very well developed ;)

this electrochemical transfer is snappin' like whiplash

Sorry, my phone doesn't have internet and isn't a smartphone, I don't get your emojis and don't get your links, I try and I wish I could be there for you, yet i rush away as soon as i feel down, knowing i need you, i still run way i try and push, but, i cant..break.. away, i run and i hide from my problems all day, im not a true man i... just... can't.. takeee ittt.... but now that I've met you i try and fight them just as their human, i run and i fight instead of running and hiding, i bring the fire when i feel cold, i fight my own battles as just as show, youre the only person knowingly that stays right by my side, im sorry i cant be there just all of the time, i push and pull yet you seem so far, im breaking the barrior for the walls that are hidden in the corners just waiting for you, to behind yet just a random one while i continue my persuit, i just keep running and searching for truth and on that one random day i found you and fell for my heart, not knowing the feeling i asked for help, all of a sudden im making you blush, im making you laugh and feel emotions, i try and push for me to break our sadness knowing i can onllyyyy fix myy seellfff~
I wrote this for someone, it means a lot to me, sorry im not using a poem style font for this, I write storys more then poems
mike Sep 2016
the ocean is my neighbor
and the sky lives in my attic
and I build many houses in my head.

I watch the sun set sail
its glow creeps in
through my window
its ******* in my backyard
and sleeps in my shed..
when its tired and it
wants to go to bed.

I make sure that its happy
and I keep it well fed
because it makes me happy too
its true yellow orange and red.

I used to breathe in paleness
the colors of life from me fled
my thoughts were snakes
my body started rotting
but now its shed.

at some point I had had it
the point is I was an addict
but I quit cuz I was tired
of all the times that I was dead.
I quit cuz I was tired of being dead.

now I'm aliiiive.
busier than a beeeeehiiive
haaanging iiiin myy living roooom...
making me
til a fire starts in my pants.
but I don't care and I continue to tango with the moooon.

Life's so sudden
and far too soooon..
Trees laugh when I trip they think it's funny when I slip and take some acid then I laugh at them instead.
Someone's someone's savior
Saved me when I was an addict
I had had it up to here from all the times that I was dead.
Well I was just tired of living dead.
Scarfiend Sep 2018
From New York City, spanning across the globe
And into the hearts of millions of fans
Redefining humour
And pioneering sarcasm;
Sarcasm against which all future would be measured!

From happiness to uncertainty
From 'sup to soulmates
To being there for each other

And Ohh Myy Godd!

Here's to showing us all
What it's like to grow up
And be ready
And to pivot until you fit in

Here's to making us laugh and cry
And journey along one hell of a roller coaster
To stay sane through ups and downs of bein' a 30 year old grandma

To a not so much a kook Mon
To a reformed Muriel
To a responsible Greene

And cheers
To Phalange for all the quirkiness
To the mental Geller fighting for his true love
To Ken Addams for that Europe story!

Thank you
For the virtual sea-saw ride
For showing us the true world that *****

And Yet having coffee is all we need to stay put.
Hira malik Sep 2020
Eradication of what haunts you
be it you or he
she or we
the sensitivity of  feelings
encounters you differently!

I fascinate perfection
existance of no fear
and happiness...
what use is of such completeness that incompletes you?

The rain has message
of that nostalgic day,
when i bothered not, to bathe in rainy day
my mind was bewildered yet very calm
do such days on daily basis ever stay?

peace? within? or in him?
such blurry questions take me to nowhere
and today is the first day of new Fall
i packed all my summers essentials
my friend is visiting now with all its glory....
coldness we both will celeberate with a warm cup of tea
will discuss the randomness of this strange life
over a thoughtful read
and than
the uneasiness will crawl under my skin
oh myy dear accompanier
life is strange, its true,
but the searching souls can never taste the actual hue!
Hira malik Dec 2018

today after a long time, i took myy tools and went out on pasture-land, sat there infront of sunset..vivid icy brezze touched me and i shivered not out of cold but on strange play of Summer breeze.... i took off my shoes and felt the wetty grass-field under my soles..they tickled and i giggled...

i am going again on that voyage that we used to plan once.. the enticement, thrill and joy of its imagination is making me so restless that cant even i sleep at nights... sun is still blooming and will be ,once ill be on expedition but ill miss ur naive smile u used to pass on even in ur laziness.. my heart yet again on enthusiasm and it is meeting to the rays of heaven.. last night i held arm of an angel and  i travelled ur land.. it was an amazing feel, still i can feel the scent of those daffodils....

dear, i wanted to tell u that as u used to dream and fantasize of color fields and believed that every color has its own beauty, today i dare to contradict the statement of urs with great pain....  i made a statue today with my these tiny tools and attire was bright too, but even after my diring efforts cudnt shape the weariness to brightness.. i chose red ,yes dear red, ur favourite color, but it mocked itself ,the presence of sadness.. i made it naked at the end with this conclusion '' colors dnt makes look everyone happy''...

my heart bleeding so is my  eyes teary, for i never thought of denying ur little dreams, tiny pretty dreams.. but i am leaving my tools behined again where we met, in memory of u, or may be i am giving up, for i  failed in naming colors, i failed badly in bringing brightness with mere those colors u admired... i am a looser for i took long to learn the lesson of life in ur colorless eyes!!

nvinn fonia Apr 2020
oh myy godd i m nott a   dog but i m treated like a dogg
I liked your status
in 2007
I didn't know how ****** we were then

I can't fit the world in my head
Can't fit the world in my head
If I could, it would explode
And all the people would come back
And we'd just be here again

But don't... take myy word for it.

These days I wanna stay in bed, and
I just need a place to dissolve my head in

I can't fit the world in my head
Can't fit the world in my head
And so some things don't belong.
I think one of them's this song

And if you think you can mess with me, you're wrong.
I'm the only thing around for miles and miles.
And if some of them seem minor
Then I'm sure to make it major

So don't front you love it, **** my bones are strong.

Everything I used to want to learn broke
But they still let me ride the same wave.

So I guess you'd say I'm saved
But my Spanish ain't too great.
And I'm fading glory, some things don't add up.

I guess I should change my **** perspective
I guess that's how you get to heaven
But I'll never get back to 2007

I guess I could change my **** perspective
Hey isn't that how you get to heaven?
So I'm never dying, I'm staying here forever.

— The End —