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Yeah it's one shot one ****

Plottin' against my enemies will soon to be killed
Bullets feedin' ya last meal
Dope rhymes sedatin' like pharmacy pills
Since hataz got no chill heads I'll drill  now you leakin' out like oil spills
Or a radiator angelic caters none could create a
Flows nasty as mine poppin' a multiplicity of shells I'm one of a kind
Thoughts intertwined  
****** into a demons intervention contenders in suspension from the soul lynching
Caught in the realms of heaven and hell & you can smell
The ashes burning fermentin'
time runnin' slower than molasses
My murders be classic enemies dramatic causin' static
Shoot more than Bird combined with Magic
Workin' my Johnson on the tracks tonsils sittin' as a hip hop consul underground magul  
**** longer than Repunzels hair follicles
Cookin' up sigils into a *** of gold no rainbow snortin' sir nose
D'void of Funk rattlin' the earth from the bass in my trunk blazin' skunks
Abraxas I'm embracin' one of my goetias when facin' ain't no replacin'
Fools givin' chase
and to tastes of demonic faces
My flows replenish like **** laces
Blunts turn into ashes dump it out on the masses
Epidemic mase deaden your pace hazardous like toxic waste
Adversaries don't wanna face
Off like Nicolas to Travolta livin' in an ultra violent culture
Cleatin' into ya flesh I be the stalkin' Vulture mulchin' ya
'til ya
  A dissembled particle blank photo in the article from curvin' emcees with my surgical
lyrical sickle stare into ya eyes as the blood trickles
Down ya body you easily brickled rhymes artificial
My soul sour as a pickle no tickles
Could move me or influence thee my legacy
Lay cinematography like A. Hitchcock in the 50s huh
Ya soon to be a death reel for thrills
All I need is one shot one **** forreal!!!!
Jennise Jun 2015
Awkwardly awkward
Awkwardly me

Walking at 4am
Through the treacherous streets
Equipped with mase
In hand and at ease

Awkwardly awkward
Awkwardly me

Lack of sleep
Lack of time
Nothing but madness
Madness of all kinds

Drearily drifting
Lonely, its true
Love that is lost
Dreaming of you

A mind of mine own
Don't worry I'm fine
Gone mad but still sane
A madness sublime

Not another to fathom
So blissfully sweet
Awkwardly awkward
Awkwardly me
Jackson Freeman Oct 2012
I singe with a hertly lud whan ycham herty,
And I arme whan singinge is ne ynewe.
Carole whan my corage blissieth,
And I shal deye whan his blase deyeth.

Druerie shal be his a-brune billets.
A stable blase that shal sustene my spyrakles.
A schrewe destroyere that kesseth so dimliche.
A þeauful kempe with an as-spire swerde.

Gostes of i-þank als ouer my vingeres.
Al-only dulce conceiptes fletene in my gostes.
Sumdel real cannot be als amaddinge.
Sumdel real cannot be te-tealte!

Is the mannish þonc als mase and puissant
Sweuenen of suic a selkout conand?
Dest Moder Folde cune of hire child?
Hire misty doter who berne and bilde?

The hoom is not where the herte is.
The herte is the hoom bote motif
The herte, the hoom, the ende, and the sepulture.
A luft who is the mest derure in the Folde.
I'll post the translation when I can ****** find it on my other computer. Enjoy this piece, though, even if you can't understand it!
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
baby you've got to stop believing the lies that you aren't enough
how many times do I have to tell you you're my everything?
day in and day out I'll you how much you are loved
how my heart without you is nothing
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
its strange how you shut me out
its baffling how you won't let me care
its aggravating that you're amazing
and you refuse to see the perfection there

its odd that you're so closed off
its weird that you don't even see
its frustrating that I fell for you
and you refuse to accept love from me

I don't understand how you can't see it
I don't know why you diminish your soul
I don't see why you push me so far away
and you refuse to realize you make me whole
Iwo Edwin Oct 2014
We've lost weight,
and our faces are pale
to hide our aim,
we protect the ace,
with the strength of our mase,
they said we shouldn't talk

Just some minutes to eight,
Pure water and cigarattes,
Not so much at stake,
like a dozen empty crates,
waiting for a bait,
but they said we shouldn't talk

We stood next to the gate,
and five men approached us,
with conspiracy theories
that made our heads burst,
out flowing with disgust and distrust,
but they said we shouldn't talk

They said,
hope for Gods grace,
Like the coperate slaves,
big ties and long sleaves,
or banshee wailing upon hills,
this is pure craze!
we are gaurds of this gates
and you say we shouldn't talk?
As the world turns
Enter into my mind
Travel through lights speed
With high tokes of weeds
No seeds all o have is a ***** seed
Breeded by slavery
Now lets retrace back before i was black
I was a ****** colored black now african
But i claim my identity stolen
Ya gotta call it what it is?
And these suburban kids
Dont know history of america
They the violents ones notorious for loading up the guns
Kkk went to the police force badge n guns
Every time a brother run
He gets shot in the face with a can of mase
Or a bullets hit the face
Closed casket them cold heartless *******
Get away with ******
I ask my homies to get together
But instead we ****** each other
Huh what about june teenth
When supposedly slavery was oppression free?
But im i still see us in slavery mentally
Ch ains still attached to our brains
Cells trapped in an invisible cell
I see hell risin' on earth
Look at the indians n mexicans they got no worth
Now they mad cuz they reclaimong whats theres
In the future seeds will be the heir
**** america im bringing the truth
salute to all my troops
Doing they time you only got one mind
But if you disconnect the main line
You'll open ypur soul to the real ****
And so what if you a revolutionary
You may end up in a casket
Battle the ups n down
Know what goes around comes around

Now that we know the land of the free
Is illegally acquired
My spirits too. Strong to retire
I got fire
In my soul listen to the story being told uh
We got the power to devour
And break the mold
Of the bacteria diseases all man made
And since i cant find the shade
I keep my body in the sunshine
To radiate my senses til my brain pinches
I know every thing is history is lie
Why so many blacks had to die
Blacks invented the elevator ice cream
Stop light stop sign?
But how we get so asinine and rely
On the goverment when Garvey was trying to multiply
Us as a nation three colors for our struggle
Red is blood green is land and black is for the man
Makin' for our hard times this the image
That youngin dont want
They rather listen to corny lyrics
Bang ***** pack guns but scared to pop one
At the enemies frenemies
Open yo eyes up so ypu can see what i see
I see the pain coming to a dead end
Sun wont shine much more
Darkness covered with clouds
Yes i think aloud apply the shroud
Cuz the worlds one big sarcophagus
Waitin for the guns to bust and trust
The day will come cuz we all hellbound
What goes around comes lets get it

From cold wickedness and sly pack more magnums
Than PI Infamous wise guy see the world's cry
From a Thousand yard stare light year glare none can compare
My flows a magnet hard not to get attracted
Thoughts subtracted from the rhymes abstracted
This ain't an act or a tactics my southpaw be raw
Outlaw living out dramas with out laws
Invoke perdition from the hidden commissions
Y'all still wishin'
Upon a star snake bezel shinin' cane like Jafar
Yo I wonder if they know who we are
Braced into my race now they getting a taste
Of an intellectual toxic waste get sprayed like mase
Ya loosin' sight tryna fight the might
As my cells excite off of a dope write soon to snipe
All the hype got more mack skills than Dolemite
Bringin' back down from the Htown we ******* up
Without the driver I'm
Learn from my past mistakes cuz I grew wiser
impulsen til at skrive med store bogstaver for ligesom at lade noget af al den kaotiske energi der sliber mig op indefra som sandpapir ud
som om livet gentager sig
ikke flere emner end tre, der ligesom bare kører på repeat
med forskellig indpakning
jeg kan skrive en hel sang om, hvordan jeg fortrød at mase en bille
fordi jeg ikke gad smide den ud af vinduet som normalt

men jeg føler at jeg har hørt det hele før som om vi drukner i ekkoer
i nedslidte ideer i nylonstrømper der løber i bølger af opbrugte stemmer

sådan en undren om, hvorvidt enhver sætning indenfor de eksisterende sprog allerede er blevet sagt eller skrevet eller tænkt
om nogen har artikuleret denne sætning i samme præcise formulering
eller om der er
r u m m e l i g h e d
til mig
Arcassin B Oct 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

Sitting in the pew thinking how I made it this far,
The warlocks could be anywhere in any chair for a start,
You gotta protect and guard these demons away your heart,
They'll rip you all to shreds and watch your body coming apart,
So please , talk to a good pastor about your troubles,
I see the good in you like a good Samaritan's double,
Thinking you have the ***** enough to play god,
You never know , some of these pastors in the US might just be brujas,
That's Spanish for witch,
I fear for the little kids,
That are at a mature age to where they know their God-given purpose,
We know that karma's a *****,
And you'll get yours if you do this,
You have nothing to fear or have to give to the anonymous,
Well, get right with him on judgment day taking you astray to the
Sunrays in all of its glory , you use to lack alot in faith,
For the perfect girl that you kiss all day , with Daddy issues and purse
Full of Mase , on the south side where they put guns in your face,
Let the peace be still and your faith don't break.
Mitch pity Jun 2016
I just keep telling Me. "Its only getting better" -"3x"- when its not.

     Every day i tell myself.........i will finnaly find my soul.

Such a lonly ****** up place, where the women carry mase..

Deep inside this box somewhere, i finnaly found my soul.

   I dust it off, an use it up, what ealse must i do.

With a lonely ****** up soul like you, its the only thing to do.

   Maybe wright these ****** up words i say. Become something more one day?

Ha what a joke i say, with a lonely soul he may, Never be nothing more they say.
just a ****** that will pay, what ever comes his way.

just another ****** up day.. why cant it go away? Because i stuck to my soul, guns an all i roll.

Blacked out, hear me laugh out. "Im just another fool."

I can Not pay myself, much less me or you. If i could, i would.

beat myself away from you. just to save you two, from the struggle that i go threw just another fail.

  What more can i give an take, when i have nothing more to make? Such an angry soul i tired to give it way

  Take it back or let me pay. just to give it way.
As a baby I always felt something shady
Cuz lately my minds been circling
The drain like a patient going derange
It ain't strange unnatural things are hard to explain
Got **** I never liked this life
Full of drama and strife
Everybody out for self
Semi to rifles on the shelf
Nobody cares anymore
Folks subjugated to war
Mentalities tore from evil blessing they pour
Unto our household
Got men who can't be men
And now they give all the power to women
When the most high himself
Put man in charge
If ya see an alpha male like me
I'll be charged
With impersonation of wisdom
But I see ******* miles away
So don't fly with me .cuz I won't say
Nothing to incriminate my self
I do dirt cuz I'm troublesome then some
I ask myself why the **** am I hear
I wish they would have aborted my ***
So I could disappear
In to an unknown destination
Situations lookin' shady
Don't knock me
I didn't mase this world
I knew violence before silence
Rivals before I even seen um
Cartoons killin' kids minds
And then they wonder it's a resurgence of crime?
Hit the dial if you was a problem child
It ain't yo fault ya was bought
A one way ticket into this world
I tried to go back but the spirit said that
I was put on this earth for the revolution
So prepare for the execution
No excuses I'm ready to die
Since I first opened my eye
Mouth full of poison from the foggy atmosphere
And still I ask why why the **** was brought here?
I don't shed tears no more
I keep lighted candles pistols and pentagrams on the floor
So if you want bring the war
I ain't backing down
Taste the led from my rounds
**** being happy
Thinkerbelle Mar 2015
I am somewhere i do not belong
I don't doubt this
I know
It has been a year
Since i have been haunted by guilt
Guilt for myself
Guilt for my dad
Guild for everything that has happened since then
I wish though, that i had been smarter
That i had mase the better choice
That i spoke
Of my own
And have not acted
Upon my mother's accord
But i know it is not her that i must blame
But myself
Because i had a voice
J was 17
I could have said no
I could have stayed
But i thought what i did was for the better
And now i have stuck
Drowned by my guilt and self loathe
Imprisoned by my own mind
But as people not know
The ocean, as calm as it is you see on the surface
Has many deep dark secrets

#wordvomit #selflove
They gave me a pensions since I caught a case of lynchin'
In the afterlife now pain is my new wife
Made to shed tears on this earthly atmosphere my home ain't here I seen blast of nine through a boys ear
Ain't no guilt to be felt my presence leave welts on the back of ya mind gotta grind since the nine nine
Til infinite my enemies turn me into a killer B
Astro style wild as Gomer Pile feel the deaths smile young and crazy like Drivin' Ms Daisy in the eighties in the back.of the Mercedes
You'll see me shinin' an *** another enemy to see the cemetery no worry I'll bury
Ya safe and sound in the ground holding the crown and ya no where to be found
Get around the world like Mase cuz ****** was the case
That they gave theeeeee

Now that I'm living my life in hell's time
Broke the prison sentence no repentance gotdamn Lord's of the boards
Wanna slash my vocal chords but I hopped aboard
The nighttrain with bullets to ya brain causin'" migraines made for pain can you stand the reign?
Once I shine it'll be brighter than Sunday in the noon til I touch the tomb I'll let my wombs
Dry with the wraths of wisdom some play dumb only to succumb to my madness catchin' gladness and wickedness fools get flipped
Like flapjacks makin' paperstacks got racks for days
You can't see me like Shaq to Shayes fall down my legacy is potent for certain
Slow ya pace before I **** ya face cuz ****** was the case

Tangeray got me feelin' loose on my P's and Q's tryna miss the early news cuz I can't choose
Which sides I'm addicted to feelin' the pains of a struggling ***** tryna make a billion figures but it seems hate
Love to follow and evil loves to swallow til ya mind hallow
Walkin' on egg shells bounded to hell raisin Cain inside of my brain can't see things clearly **** O'Reilly I see you hiding quietly mad cuz ****** is the baddest my status
Rap iller beat killer fill ya with nothing but cosmo bars I could even light up the stars
Naw it's just a dimenisons sittin' pyramids in place so I can transition see me now see me not this for my ancestors that rot
Stuck in a certain swirls of the Underworld and unborn babygirl
I'm comin' sooner than you think so don't blink cuz I'll be in another place without a chase Judge and prosecutor can't even look me in my face a waste
******* mad so they try to pen with another ****** case
Yosef the pain deliverer tactical as my homie Mcgyver through years I got wiser
Smoke buds now I'm wiser despise tha
Haters that try to keep me down under
Once my rhymes cloud ya mind feel the thunder
Soon to rumble enemies become humble
Once I shock they cells see visions of hell ain't no bail
And you can yell but death will be ya last holy Grail set like a ship to sail
On ya brainwaves once my nine paves a pathaway
A lyrical injection smoke rhymes like the blast of a smif and Wesson any testin' only to get a blessin'
Initiated into the skies while ya fantasize realize
Im reaching for a status beyond the rockerfeller enterprise
Noble guys who really undercover mob guys
Feel the heat rise glands sweating cuz my mic is threatening
Once the vocals is laid pray em like raid
Leave em crawlin' for days with yo body in an eternal daze
Like Bufotenine cross through any timeline
Or dimension need I mention keep foes searchin' like an expedition so ******* keep on wishin'

Yo I tote mics like crack in hot spots
Soon to drop bricks off the blocks tell me who can stop?
This freight train emcee from running and gunning
Ain't no fronting fakers only be bluffin' soon to get a snuffin'
From my swift tae bow lyrical combo so
Know ya role or else I'll make ya body Rocky
From the shot gun it likes to get cocky
Cuz can't none top me or stop me ya flows too sloppy
Ya just a carbon copy burn ya whole anatomy
My tactics are ancient grafted with egytpian to aztecs
Check my the techs I select that could even make spirits sweat
Fools dying in disgrace
**** moving at a snails pace been around world like Mase
Even if I cop a case I got millions laced in a vase
Of my casa bashin' cacas who ain't nada
Son of Noreiga birthed with drugs and slugs
And hung with suit and tie thugs
Ain't nothing funny like Doug in the buns of Patti
She call me mack daddy banged her to Teddy
love TKO ya know my flows swift as a wind blow
Fools step ended with crushed pipes so
Learn the rap principal ***** I'm invincible
Take this l before ya be living in critical
Kao primer uzmimo zenu koja ima potrebu da zadovolji svoje primarne potrebe, da bude srecna i zadovoljna.
I zamislimo takvu ispunjenu zenu koja se u drustvu deklarise kao "nicija" da je krenula u potragu za osobom koja bi zadovoljila njenu primarnu potrebu.
Prvo pitanje do koga dolazimo jeste, koga ona zapravo trazi?
Logicno bi bilo da ona prvo trazi one slicne sebi "nicije"ali razmotrimo i druge opcije.

Recimo da joj u oci upadne  prvo osoba koja je "necija" i da dodje do zadovoljenje potrebe. Obratimo paznju kako "nicija" zena sad nije vise u prvom planu, nego sta se desava uz prisustvo glasovnih promena gde "ne" prelazi u "sva", da, da, kako osoba "necija" samim cinom prelazi u "svacija". Neko bi rekao "jedna, manje-vise" nije to za " "svacija" za svacija je veci broj kao ono kad se do 5 kaze 3 coveka, 4 coveka, a od 5, 5 ljudi ili 5 svacijih, to je to, to je isto.

Pogledajmo sada opciju 2, zapravo kada dodje do spajanja dve "nicije" osobe, ali pogledajmo iz jednog blizeg, intimnijeg ugla. Da bi zadovoljenje bilo dovedeno do vrhunca, da podsetim opet, da ovde pricamo o srecnoj I zadovoljnoj zeni,  neophodno je da obe nicije osobe, drugu osobu dozive kao svoju teritoriju, kao deo sebe, ne bi li se prepustile I uzele sve ono sto im treba, sve ono sto ih dovodi do vrhunca. Vec vidim da su vam jasne I ovde glasovne promene I da “nicija zena” mora da u ovakvim trenucima postane “necija”

Razmotrimo sad I situaciju 3 da “nicija zena”  trazi zadovoljenje od osobe koje je “svacija” , Na prvu loptu reklo bi se da je ovde u pitanju neko savrsenstvo prisutno, gde “nicija zena” nije ljubomorna sto svaciji imaju I druge, ne zavidi im, nego bezuslovno voli I velika je podrska svima na tom putu slobode pa I samoj sebi.

Ali nemojmo se zavaravati  to je samo za posebne , recimo Isus Hrist, on I ako nije vise ziv I dalje je svaciji, pruza ljubav svima,  a I dovodi mase do vrhunca, ima ono desavanje kad svake godine ulazi svestenik u njegov grob, zatvore ga, pritom on nema  nista cime bi upalio svecu, nego desi se cudo I sveca se sama upali sama I kad svestenik izadje svi navale na njega ne bi li dobili plamen, pitam se sta rade sa svecama kada se plamen ugasi?

Zakljucak iz ovog bi bio da “nicija zena“ moze postojati jedino kao nezadovoljna, nesrecna zena, ona kojoj vise nisu bitne njene potrebe, ona koja ne dopusta sebi da uzme sta joj treba, ona koja odustaje od sebe, ona kojoj je tesko da poveruje da ipak moze biti necija I srecna, i da je to ok,  I da zbog toga ne mora da postane debela i umre pre vremena.

mh 2017
Yo tdogg, ya know what I'm about to, oh, jam on that *****,
Yeah my heads been loose, troubles cleaned with the goose,
Gray day, mayday mayday, always see a payday cuts by klay,
Thompson, always into somethin, catch the 10s bumpin,
DVDs with the 30 TVs, in my Benzie caught many frenzies,
In the clutch, doubt dutch, what thefuck is going on,
Yo all went wrong, so I gotta play the sad song, funeral home
From the black and silver chrome, now ya buried alone,
In the center zone, earth's now ya manger, faced with danger,
Ever since I seen a stranger, all facts no fiction, crucifixion,
Mayne listen, devils had me by my neck, close to hells kitchin,
Dodge the pitchin, of a heater, slide out home Derek Jeter,
Clean cut with the Caesar, lyrically I beat em all, rise to downfall,
Like the sunrise to sunset, shut down empty threats, so much regret,
Beggin, from my foes on they toes,expose armageddon,
Ain't no letting, up my guns see slash for fun, yo I'm bringing 'em
Catch the runs, ***** dripping, diarrhea style, from da rippin,
Mics crushed like Pippen, yo stay slamming them I'm dipping,
Out the scene,mad machine, mean as Gene, can you see the beam,
From the flash light,souls shining like a million lights,
Gass that, pass that, lyrical content I blass that,haters maskthat,
Hide ya face, what a disgrace, catch the cans of mase, oven
Tough loving, smooth hovering, ghost in the flesh, test
Ya will, you ain't got the heart to ****,yo I'm so real,
MJ thrills, from the bumps of my jeep you'll feel,blood spill,
See his body windmill, thrown in the Hoffa fields, stone cold deals,
Haters better chill, **** bout to get real, man ya steel,
I'm handy as randy, savage like my girls sweeter than candy,
On the hunt, like bonnie **** and stunny, now ya runny,
Bloods I bleed that, cant count that, money in too many racks,
I bomb with flows, octane remains, the highest in *******,
Prices, spit the nicest, flex the Lexus the hypest, who out ripe us,
Plus,the guns is a must, the reign cant stop mayne, flex the range,
Rove word to domino, put that on my nino, word to pastor Jenno,
I see more notes than Ben franklin, got em blanking, shankin,
Mack daddies, caddies 70s long body, move like an Audi,
Engineers these reindeer, games light my flame,my names  
Golden, chosen like the purest calf, these suckas make me laff,
Master my craft, of many of sweet nones, *** weighs a ton,
Still number one, public enemy sons, scope thru the media dons,
Used to wanna feel like Hollywood, Chaka khan and I'm gone,
**** songs, is what I do,freestyle near a theater, or a hood near you,
I spin too, donuts peelin', three sixty wheelin', shake heavens ceiling,
Keep the block hot, without touching spots, it dont stop,
Top ten gallon hat, while I'm in the stinkin' Lincoln, girls blinkin,
Cuz I'm looking so fly, ostrich seats, with the baddest beats,
Naw ya cant compete,I complete the madness that sweeps,
Like a broom, let off the scent ya perfume, up in the zoom,
See the vultures, pecking at ya skull culture, violence ultra,
Kin to the styles of capone, black Italian mafioso, oh so,
Clever, however I'll still endeavor, money over riches, kiss this,
Felix watches, catch the blotches, on ya spotless, for goodness,
Sakes, watch for the jakes, on the break, for hells sake,
I'm guarding even my own wake, see my funeral, with criminals,
Wild style, tiny gs to youthful juveniles, dont cry now,
Just shed a gun, blast itat the sun, so I feed my holy ones, cons
Cant step to the real reaper, let my wings fly by, now im in ya eye,
Stimulate fear, like its last day here, dark images will appear,
Hovering over the sinful lands, plot the plans, soul stand,
Amongst the loss, city of peasants, slave become pleasant,
But I'm the master waking up the presence, futures past,
Check the blast, dock ya by the rivers, once I delivers,
Magic, make em tragic, zipped the plastic,I'm  a *******,
Daddy should of had meplastered, bed sheet ruckus, ****** us,
Now I'm rushing hours like Chris Tucker, *******,
Derivatives my narrative, gangsta, so the check the carriages,
I laid on, many girls hyped up, when they hear the songs,
This brother stay flexing, nesting,my chariots at the Marriott,
Hoes loving it, exquisite,  watch the foes kiss it, gun mystics,
Class touch, like Melle mel, on the cell, ring the liberty bells, Marvelled the marvelles, always excel,
Never see jails, no story tales, take ya on a shipment, that never fails, dressed with the purple sales,
Growing on ya mind like nails, untouched check the dutch,
Not much,you can do, once I come through, ****** as a piru,
Shoot you, now ya see through, my villains will bleed you,
Evil loves to take a stab, mismatch vocab, see me up on the lab, caught cab, caravan of a goetia strand,
Never been a fan, of fake *******, ride out the glitches, riches
Pitches, sugar pie honey buns, yo big yosef signing ya puns,

***...........**  *

Mother Says

Mother says biko hapumaka
Je suis fatigué
These things keep revolving
Maybe not like a revolver
If i could only take a sling shot
Hit this situation in the groin

Mother says biko cherum
Be patient oh!
À perte de vue
Tout macherait comme sur des roulettes dit maman

She who would do the impossible
She who would beat the odds
She who is my god in second.

She who starves for her child to eat
She whose tears soften hard rocks
She who is my god, the second

Mother says, jowo oko mi kan se daradara ti o le se
And you'll make it out somehow
O so ti o ba ti mura
Hold my hands, close your eyes
Et laissez-moi vous guilde à travers ce monde sans âme

'Orisha bi iya osi laye yi'

Mother says, jowo mase binu si ibinu
Sabali, soyez patient en tout temps
Be careful enough not to stay out too long
And don't do things you shouldn't,
Do miss me when I'm gone.

Godwin Henry Osaigbovo Pa Shakespeare
Obiozo Osariemen Emmanuel Dr.Jay
She who starves for her child to eat
She whose tears soften hard rocks
She who is my god, the second
Decapitate the leeching *** medusas
evil Seducers tryna turn my gem into stones
Been rolling stones since papa was never home
I learn to play my ear to the street chrome
Either way I had to write my own passage
Of a savage turn the page to lunatic havoc's
Saw my own death once I took my first breath
Into this ghetto world moves like a swirl
Acid axis saw the abraxas advoid the taxes
maxes Heads out here priced up lounging in dice
Entice spit nice
Burning suckas with the lyrical poltergeist splice
Mental verbs spread once the herbs fill nerves
Suckas know they finna get served curved
By my ragin' antics skipped the semantics
Got **** beats I romance it so don't chance it
None freaks it harder than eye spy flies
Black suits with mob ties see me improvise wise!!!
Word up!!

I turn loose jimmies into crickets
Stinking with the mystics hieroglyphics
Raps I flipped it crispy til they feel it
On that Ruffin flow steelo feel me so
Stay mellow with the juices to go out pores
My rain beyond a blood stains cranes
I mentally cater to a hater makes me greater
But them be the same haters that Sega
Genesis once they get a whiff of this
Got 'em loosing touch over the pulse rush
My guns stay on the hush silence a crush
Didn't know I had much clout mafia
Ain't no stoppin' tha rhyme tractor factor
To the war machine glitter and gleam seems
Like hate loves to follow loves legacy
But it guided me to show me my enemies
Quick to shake ya hands grinds over the face
Misplaced ya pace I see ya disgraced
Smack these fools with a tax lien Like Mase
Chilling with my women in a golden drapes
They keep me a secret like Xscape *** tapes
Got em saying baby baby baby I can't wait

(The ****** that's whats happening)
Embraced with dark energy Jedi synergy
See what it does to the industry phonies
Cop three Maloney bunch of  bolgnia OG
Moved from a TG switched sceneries
Now I'm standing like the Haiti revolutionary
Scary could make a ghost flee the cemetery
Mase like Perry smoother than Barry i carry
Melanin dominant genes plot a killer theme
Provoke a poor man dream eyes to spleen
Feel what i mean? I'm clean to a kosher
Violence ultra respect my culture vultures
I throw on my enemies with dead energies
Or garlic shots a vampire leeched for desire
Competition in dire need laid my seed
Let the demons of seth breath in and out
I ain't wilding out this the slanging south
Where fools might catch a gun in they mouth

Wordsmith infinite see my hearts in it
To win it stick it like a wicked senate
Or a black pendant Satan's begotten son
Next to Big L never hold L's spark well
With gats til bodies swell can you smell
The flesh cookin' from the bullets hookin'
Kareem Abdul- Jabbar look afar pace the stars
sharpen once i pierced the sun and the moon
Legends of doom justice of the enemies
Cronies gun retains my legacy accuracy
John Madden playmaker microphone booms
Even shook up a volcano blooms kaboom
Hotter than hottest degree from a suns
Frequency who better to be lay down the black papacy
Its the return of the
King so others become a cling
To the magnitude of an o-ring sitting in pockets
Guess what ******* I'm clocking ya duckets

Seven billion to one times infinite equals me
To a maximum degree rhyme creeds
Feeds my soul out of control stroll
Down the valley of dark portals scrolls
Of me written back before jesus bc
Even romans gotta acknowledge me
Simply set the wars digest multiple scars
much gore im tryna set back the score
Pass even stevens more reasons
For ya to die as i seasoned ya breathin'
Cracked ya egg yoke smoke a joke loc
I ain't the one to play with ****** Lee Ray
Alias Chuckie come and hunt me
Keep dolls around me at least 20
Ready to serve fools loosing they nerve
Yo my guns feel a perve itching for a *******
Duece bucking watch chickens ducking
Plucking off the rest of ya feathers pleasures
Death taste it's like toxic paste
Internal bleeding with so many teethin'
Tryna conserve energy to uphold their idiocy
Never me i be chillin' smoking doobies trees
Gettin' windy once I inhaled the presence's heavenly

— The End —