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Opgedra aan ‘n kind  wat gebliksem moet word.
Deur: Desperaatheid en vrees

Jy klim in en uit die ***** van bestaan,
beide die rede vir liefde en
die kind wat sy baar.

Jy is ‘n drievoud van godelike hervertellings
, want wie kan regtig liefde
in ‘n enkel sin verhaal?

Geminag , die seun van liefde en haat
- jou einste bestaan ,van die vroegste
paradoksale meesterstukke.

Verewig , verewig tot ‘n kind
tussen die Groottes wat
blindlings onder jou boogpunt swik.

Vir elke nasie ‘n ander droom
Vir elke geloof ‘n ander naam en
Vir elke mens ‘n ander god.

Amor , oh Amor!
Die sinnebeeld van liefde
wat die mendsom verbly

, maar Eros jou ramkat
jou hupse hygelbek!
Jou erotiese aanraak!
(die begeer ek)

En ek?
Met my koker van lig en van goud,
wat hulde blyk en bou en bring
maar bestorwe le voor my Laurel
oor ‘n lood-stomp pylpunt vir haar ‘n treuerlied sing!

Amor, Amor word wakker!
My son le liefdeloos in my bros hart
, wat instaan teen logika
– sterk op die oorlogspad!

Jy wat na my heuning reik
-met honger hande vieslik gryp
en ek wat jou met angel steek
in desperaatheid jou nat vel breek…

“Oh moeder”, roep die wetter na bo
vir die planete om aan te ****:
“Oh moeder, Oh liefde “ ,spat die sot se treur,
“ *** kan so bietjie , so klein – so seer!”

En die heumel druis soos die moeder lag
haar humor eg , maar haar woorde sag:
“ My naakseun, my hinksperd
My fallus met vlerke!
Jy ,nog ‘n roosknop.
gaan ook so te werke!
Aanvaar die poëtiese justitie
Stil nou liefstetjie
Lamtietie Damtietie …”

Amor, Amor!
Weerstaan tog skoonheid se wieggelied
en wees my genadig!

Begunstig my ten einde laaste
, selfs vader tyd is verveeld
met die son se enkelpad!

*** lank nog wil jy sluimer?

Amor, Amor!
Tel weer op jou leisels
en bring liefde op die wind
my wereld lê in afwagting
vir die dolfyn en sy kind!

Wees my genadig, Amor!
Deurboor my leemte met goud,
,want die bringer van lig is slapeloos
en my hart is droewig en koud.

Oh Amor, Amor!

Ek weet jys nog jonk,
maar *** speel jy dollos met lewe se vonk…

Amor, Amor!

Word wakker!

Vir die liefhebbers van die Griekse- , Romeinse mitologie en aanhangers van Eros...
DIe pleidooi van almal wat valentynsdag haat... geniet die epiese klagbrief aan Amor!
My art
is the way
I re-establish
the bonds that unite me
to the universe. -A.M.

Before she fell
They were
She, for her sudden rise
And he
in turn
for his shaggy, loping omnipotence
The sure-footed authority
marked by silver squares heading nowhere.

She was the little Visionary
and he, the Blue Chip
So very messy
The Tall and The Small

If you were sitting at the bar
Somewhere around Mercer Street
And those two came in
Went off inside all the heads
in their line of sight
A palpable mental groan
As they hung up their coats
And waved at various tables
Making their way like penguins through
recalcitrant faces
eyes focused on a glass of beer.

Again, it will all end badly, we thought
Nursing our drinks.

Piling out of the last bar
brawling on slick cobblestones
under the yellowish streetlights
of Prince or West Broadway
Arguing about nothing and everything
“I will out run you Old Man!”
You could hear it bouncing off the sidewalk like reverb
Whispering around corners
“You will be surpassed!”

Birdgirl, I too look to eternity,
he states full of drink and exasperation.
I step and step again. I am walking there.
I am not a bird and you will see that I need no wings.

“You will be surpassed!”

Blood and more blood
A face planted with busted lips
Your body crushed into the earth
Over and over
Having fallen
Waiting for burial, entombed in flora
To be disappeared
But not just yet.

What had you unleashed Mija?
What did you already know?

I’ve got a devil inside of me! SHE GOT LOVE!
I’ve got a devil inside of me! SHE GOT LOVE!

In editorial spreads
we saw flared American jeans in Rome
You said that they understood you there
And in Cuba too
We understood you very well right here,
you know.
It’s not so hard.

The doorman said he heard someone cry out
And then a soft thud a moment later
From the deli’s rooftop next door
Crusted guano
Broken, forlorn and misguided leaves
Cigarette stubs with pinkish ends
A stray tabloid cover page and that
peppery NYC grit in your eye and nose and under your fingernails all reclaim you to a concrete womb
Welcome back!

“ICARUS DOWN” read The Post

How easily we lost our envy
after those 34 floors
Strait shot

It was all foretold in the telling
Now folded into a history of sorts
That of an earthy primordial Fertility cut short by a ruddy man
rather than a thousand  compulsive chalklines drawn around a singular and knowing corpse
There are ramifications for deals
made in feathers, b lood
puddles and mudlood
A recipe for the
reunion of force fields
Folding you back within its arms
Where you belong
What an excellent day for an exorcism.

I’ve got a devil inside of me! SHE GOT LOVE!
**** jy die **** van yster-gordyn wat val en die aarde omhels ten laaste sy afwaartse versnelling.

Dit maak seer mamma...

Gewere word neergelê as ń universiële teken van hoop en vrede , maar verlang na ń lid van die geledere.

Dit maak seer mamma...

Ons was almal naïef; in ons drome was daar plek vir twee,
Ń eindelose see waar ons kon wegvaar van die ontbindinde spoke van gister, waar ons ons hande in soutwater-poele kon was iewers langs die kus van versoening...

Dit maak seer...

Niemand sou kon raai dat die jare se snellertrek en loopgraaf grawwe jou eens sagte vel kon magnetiseer nie... *** kon ek voorsien dat jy ń bietjie van die geweld gaan steel het om vir jouself te hou nie. *** sou ek weet dat jou vingers jeuk sonder die dooie staal wat dit streel nie...

Een skoot
Twee skote
Drie skote
Ń eenman vuurpelaton reën op my neer en dring deur my ope arms...
Jy het nog altyd ń plek in my hart gehad, maar nou het jy dit beset met lood en alle onskuld uitgerook met brandende kruit...

Dit maak seer...

Dele van jou hang nog swaar op al die plekke wat saakmaak en seermaak en trek my af grond toe...


Liefde ek het altyd geweet ons het mekaar se ruë gehad... ek hey net nie geweet jy was besig om ń rooi kruis vir jou fissier op myne te verf nie...

Dit maak seer mamma...
Brent Kincaid Apr 2017
I used to be lysexic
But I’m betting getter.
I sometimes get letters
All gangled up totether.
I often lose tontrol
Of the taction of my ung
I had this tind of krubble
Sever yince I was sung.

I backed things saidward
It muzz wore than embarrassing.
It got me picked lot upon
Subjected to hate grarrassing.
Sometimes wumbers nould
Lood just like wetters
Back when I was lysdexic
But I am betting getter.

Not just lysdexic am me
But I Spoonerise tum soo.
And unce that sets started
There is lo sittle I can do.
It get’s ard to understand me
And it isses some eeple poff
I really bish I could weegin
To **** to stalk like a toff.

I used to be lysexic
But I’m betting getter.
I sometimes get letters
All gangled up totether.
I often lose tontrol
Of the taction of my ung
I had this kind of rubble
Sever yince I was sung.
(Actually, I am still a bit dyslexic still, but apparently I learned a lot of tricks back when being dyslexic could get you punished and shamed. As I say here, I’m betting getter.)
Falling from the skies,
Comes devastation,
Walls crumble,
As lives shatter,
In an instant.

Just out of reach,
The fires I long for,
Stretch for,
With breaking fingers,
Turning to dust.

Shards pierce skin,
As chaos spills into,
Restless streets,
Monuments mean,
Nothing to rivers of blood.
Bailey May 2016
Heads up heads up h
The fear
Takes my t
Blood away blood away b
Slow down slow down s
The race
Give me g
Another day another day a

Blood away
Another day.
with Captain c:
Angelo D Arcega Sep 2014
Canst I prithee a mere carpe diem?
A taste of nary for a fere's mien
And there thou art - cometh from Eros's hem
Love is a touch and not yet a touch then

For I beseech thy f'lood - flesh and the blood
And not the dearth in the midst of the earth
For I demand these arousals to flood
Like stream of ditty from a lovers' birth

But then should I bequeath hide this desire
A devil or angel - lurking inside
Fathom is to perceive, love is not ire
Still is to stay for love hath to abide

And if a time - eternity shall fall
I'll kiss the day and die when the night crawl.
Maytin Paige Dec 2013
He tangles his fingers in with mine. The clouds above shifted.
                   Do you love me?
I play with his fingers. Stretching them out, comparing his to mine. I bite a thin layer of skin inside my cheek.
                    No. I don't.
He looks away and sighs at the slate blue sky.
I rub my hands on the back of my thighs, trying to calm down. What had I done?
He stands in line at Sbarro. Only I would run into him here. I lood around the food court, trying to find someone else to focus on. It'd been almost two months and I was the one falling apart. I stand to leave, failing on trying to find someone.
I push in my chair and try to walk out the door casually, but he ends up in front of me. He passed me as if I was a stranger, but we both knew I wasn't. We both knew that he saw me.
Before I can stop myself and head to my truck, I call out his name. He turns and looks at me without saying anything. I stare, unable to speak now. He turns back, going to his car.
I follow. Just as he sets his sack and cup on the roof, I yell out.
                   I was lying to myself!
He looks up at me.
I rub my lips together.
                  When I said I didn't love you, I didn't mean it. I was lying to myself. I've lost a part of me. Now I have no one to lean on to when things are tough. No one to talk to until the sun comes up. There's no one to take your place!
He looks away and clears his throat before facing me again.
                  I can't sleep at night because I'm thinking about you. I can't hear your voice, I can't touch your lips, I can't have you lying by my side. I was stupid, I was foolish, I was lying to myself.
He rounds the car to me. His breath is warm on my face.
                It's a little too late now.
I swallow the lump in my throat.
                  I'm just trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong.
A small smile, turns his lips up.
                You lied to yourself.
He kisses my forehead before leaving me standing in the winter air.
Johan Nel Apr 2020
Die grys winter gras
Kruip stadig in die groen in
Soos my lewe saam jou
Is daar geen versoening

Ek **** die ***** Koue
Hart van ys, las van die dood
So voel my binneste soms
'n Hart van lood

Tog loer die warm bal son
Skrefies deur blou spookasem
Die warmte sal weer kom
'n Vuur in 'n reënboog lugballon
© Johan Nel 2020.04.08 07:51
Yousra Amatullah Dec 2021
Verdronken in geest
Tongen blind gemaakt
Harten, met lood ingegoten
Doof voor eigen naam

Als waterdruppels hebben zij zich laten absorberen door het stof van deze dunya
Zij verkeren in droogte, enkel en alleen om mee te kunnen praten over de hardheid waarmee zij de ziel wensen te verpletteren

Zij hebben *** huizen kostenloos weggegeven
En zijn gaan leven in de bek van een slang
Achteloos wachten zij op de sleutel der goedkeuring
Vol wetenschap van *** mogelijke ondergang

— The End —