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Tanya Mar 2017
Vandag het jy verjaar
Nog ń druppel van die bas tot die blaar
Ek het jou gaan soek in die branders
Ek het vergeet vir ń oomblik ons lewens is nou anders

Net vandag het ek gevoel
Hulle sê die eerstes is altyd ń warboel
Tog was alles weer okay
Die oomblik toe ek van die branders af ry

Mag die lewensjaar vir jou voorspoed bring
Mag jou menswese in oorvloed sing
Van hier tot daar
Ek hoop jy het lekker verjaar
JeanlBouwer Oct 2010
Met boeke vol helde, soos ek en jy
Potgieter, Trichardt, Smuts, Kruger selfs De LaRey
Almal met die doel, om hul volk te bevry,
Die Afrikaner, uit te brei
Om hul families, van leiding te bevry

Selfs, De LaRey
‘n Lafhart, wou eers nie beklei
Later die held, wat die boere, verder wou lei
Familie man, vader seun broer en gesant

Ja, die mense was ook bang
Maar met passie,
Met drang
Met dit wat slange vang
Het hulle als aangevang

Kyk na jou vriend
Kyk na jou maat
Kyk na die, anderkant die straat
Dis jy, wat hul toekoms baat
Dis jy, wat hul vereen, ou maat

Die Afrikaners, was plesierig
Dit, kan julle glo
Nou gevul, net met gierig
En al hul misnoe
Ja, dit kan julle glo

Waar is ons eendrag
Waar is ons mag
Waar is die dae, toe ons nog lekker kon lag
Waar is ons helde, van vandag

‘n Held, in elkeen wat die taal verstaan
Elkeen, wat n weg vir Afrikaans wil baan
Elk, wat sy man wil staan
vir die taal, wat min verstaan
‘n Kultuur, wat net ons verstaan

‘n Kultuur, so ryk aan helde soos ek en jy
Helde, wat die Afrikaner wil bevry
Helde, wat nie bang is om te baklei
Helde, soos ek en jy!
jonchius Sep 2015
building purist æsthetic
proselytizing solar-powered heliolatry
commemorating historic concert
sensing dark forces

fokken lekker antwoord
pumping sensory overload
featuring high-tech dee-jay
admiring gelato micro-truck
laxing laying lazing

"doing something nasty"
continuing quality content
entering another cathedral
journeying without borders
"exactly one year
since visiting vatican"

appreciating full-time gigasphere
awaiting pyongyang performance
depicting unlikely crowdsurfer
foreseeing exponential improvements
furthering esoteric agenda

sensing profound incompatibility
data-mining people's infidelities
anticipating futuristic caffeine
perfecting invisible propaganda
researching mind-control techniques
polishing ******-social weaponry

sensing social embargo
flourishing frantic fanfare
admiring longitudinal monument
parodying marketing slogans
cycling through österreich
eyeing dystopian disneyland

streaming crosswords extended-play
herding glass kittens
deleting idiosyncratic fragment
loremipsum-ing laconic loudmouth
receiving ultramodern telegram
eigo-ga wakarimasu ka?

guzzling duck-fat fries
encouraging panic selling
(juxtaposing past incarnations)
getting black-and-white privilege
renewing boutique account
relishing cinema poutine

re-entering hibernation mode
opening old windows
continuing zoo motif
absquatulating excessive excesses
nullifying originality claims
proliferating protean persona

disappearing sidewalk alphabet
shrugging opprobrious moments
enjoying vertical alignment
re-entering cyberpunk paradise
approaching island sun
soaring beyond monoliths

trivializing extraneous argy-bargy
decreasing character limits
dumping generic accounts
uglifying commit message
escaping into idiosyncracy

moonshining great lake
exuding idiosyncratic propaganda
living nineties' dreams
making occidental cuisine

envisioning idiocratic president
expropriating your time
ascending homely helix
singing fat lady
second half of August 2015
allan harold rex May 2012
Muggy murky dawn clogged with gloom the abbey

Where his grampy sleeps ,


the drizzles fizzle

As native orchids embosoms and blossoms in his lost vault.

like a curfew drawn in the church

The pew lost its crowd

With the paws of time.

Lone man sleep

In deep latin chants they petrify you

Before sheol purifies you

And litany literature lecture limbs you

When in overprotected embankments of battlements

They dry their garbs

Where your lore forayed growth

And sweat smeared smelt breathed wealth

Chagrin dreams washed ashore

lay as upon a cold mornings recollection on a tabloids sold column

which drew your freckles bolder

In a savour of remembrance

For your zealous zealots

Who on an another 'all souls day' reoccur revisiting

the truth of their establishment

in prayers
The good Lord adorn you
Let Lekker dreams cradle you
Your consorts concert never consume you
And earth never haunt you
Siska Gregory Dec 2016
Die fluister van my hart...
Ek raak stil en luister *** fluister my hart.
Die liggiese geklop in my keel maak my bly oor die lewe wat ek voel. Myne praat van die ope lug so blou, ek hou dit vas, en van die wind wat vry waai sonder om toestemming hoef te vra.
Van die son wat vroeg oggend goud op kom met die begin van nog n nuwe dag, wat warm bak teen jou rug as jy dit die minste verwag.
Van harde hande werk in die kombuis na die tuin wat vra vir bietjie liefde en gesels.
So is die lewe vol lewe, vol kere vir lekker lag.
Ja dit gee mens krag om die mooi te sien, in elke dag. 2016-11-28
Thomas Davies Aug 2018
Ek skrik die 10de Augustus wakker.
Iets voel verkeerd, so swaar, so leeg.
Met 'n knop in my keel raak my gemoed swakker.
Min het ek geweet, dat treur so swaar kon weeg.

Vaagweg **** ek, "I look to you"
"And when melodies are gone"
"I hear you in a song"

Ouma was ons eie Whitney Houston
Haar sterk gees was ons rots.
Al het ons met tye lekker koppe gebots.
Sy was my vestiging, ons familie se trots.

Mag die rose in Bloemfontein altyd ouma se naam onthou.
Die pragtige rooikop dogtertjie in liefde toegevou.
Ouma se omgee het my soveel keer gered.
Die dankbaarheid gekoester in my mooiste gebed.

Mag die voëltjies altyd bly sing
Terwyl ouma se stories mooi herinneringe bring
Ouma was altyd bereid om te help
Vol genade het ouma, harde harte versmelt

Mag oupa altyd verlief bly
Sodat ons verdwaaldes, ook die regte prentjie kan kry
'n 53 - jaar, onvoorwaarlike liefde verhaal
So opreg, en eerlik, die mooiste mylpaal

Dankie dat ouma my aanvaar het vir wie ek is
Al sit ek heel wat die potte mis
Dankie vir alles wat ek by ouma kon leer
Dankie vir elke drukkie, vergifnis, keer op keer.

Dankie vir elke koppie soet tee
Vir al die miljoene trane wat ouma moes afvee
Dankie dat julle vir my alles kon gee
Dat hulle harte net liefde kon skree

Dankie dat ouma my veilig kon hou
Ons verlang alreeds, en sal verewig onthou.
Ons bly, onvoorwaarlik lief vir jou.

Ek gaan ouma mis, al my liefde, Thomas.
Written by myself and Kayla Hofmeyr
Siska Gregory Dec 2016
So word ons wakker in ons tent en dit reen...aggenee!! Maar dis koel en ons voel gelukkig.
Ek is vuil, so amper dat ek wil huil, maar huil van lekker soos n krekker want dis vakansie tyd!!
My hare is so waar deur mekaar, maar wat maak dit saak want niks gaan my keer om vir n gogga te wys *** deur mekaar ek rerig kan weesie...
Tanne geborsel en room half gesmeer, laat die dag begin want dis ons en ons ford bakkie die keer...alweer...
Kies n rigting en so voeter ons daarin...
Saans kom ons by die kamp moeg geploeg die bosse in om nou rustig te raak met n koeldrank in ons hand.
Dan word n vuurtjie gemaak deur die braafste ou ini land om n vleisie te braai vir die fraaiste meisie, hand aan hand.
Mens voel gou dankbaar vir klein dingetjies soos n stort... n warme een, die oop velde of selfs die digte bosse, die veld blommetjies so geel of die gras so lank en groen, die voels so mooi volle kleurrig en die jakkals so skaam maar nuuskirig.
En wanneer dit donker word le daar baie voor soos die uile se geluide, die sonbesies wat hulle vlerkies saam klap of dalk n hihena wat na oorskied kom krap.
So geniet ons die bos vol avontuur gepos net vir ons en ons se dankie aan ons Skepper vir n skepping net vir ons. 2016/03/14
To best times...together
Nog net een trekkie
dan nip ek hom nou.
Ek belowe voor skemer
sal ek ook ophou.
Ophou wat?
Ophou bid?
Ophou smeek?
Ophou om die maan te krater
-te breek?

Nee man net nog ene
voor sy kom.
Die maan en haar blinkers
en haar pikgiet swart blom.
Die rokie streel my kolle
en strepe ,- my seer.
Dan kan ek lekker slaap.

Nog een tretjie voor
die nag my kom haal.
Nog net een tretjie
voor ek moet besin
oor die moeilike tye
en vir my sondes betaal.

Die nag wat ons almal op
die highway van die lewe kaap.
Nog 'n ou entjie
voor ek ook gaan slaap.
sobie Oct 2014
You know where you're going.
So when it comes,
Acknowledge and appreciate
The day that I come home late at night
for the 113th night in a row
and there are bumps and bruises kissing my bones,
there are dirt and grass stains painting my knees and clothes,
there are patches on the gear, on the pants, on the skin
from rips of rad that stroke my discomfort and
grant me a fight to win against fear.
and there are eye wrinkles forming around
bags of forgotten sleep and sexytimes
that make me feel worthy of nothing more,
yet everything more still comes.
And I clamor in the doorway hand in hand
riding giggles with an innate and undying flirtatious hilarity
into a house that radiates warm simplistic comfort
but has no locks
so I may come and go
to and fro
from everyday new adventures and
new states and new sights and new lives
but always back to the dog-fur lined rug
that tickles my circletoes as I ****** a tasty beer
to wash away the dust that coats my guzzling esophagus
filling my belly with the mountain’s leftovers
and satisfying my hunger for another day
but not until the sun rises and it is morning and I must be alive
to smooch the lips of the most important creatures
puppies, kittens, boys with fingertoes,
whose love is constant as
the beating of my wild and beefy heart
and the breathing of my battered and blessed breath
with the silence and rest within it
,between each passionate burst,
as understood yet persevering as
any will we have to live our lives beyond the mundane.
They are Nature’s gifts that make me owe her
something greater that gratitude,
so I go out at morning light each day and play with the winds
and babysit the plants and learn from the birds
who send me off with homework about listening
and about singing songs out of selfless selfishness
not for other people
but with the intent to make people listen and
make it change them for better
whether they want it to or not.
and sometimes the lessons are tough,
harder than rocks that teach them.
Sometimes the work goes untouched on my desktop
and I get lost in Milky Way patterns
made by the Sun’s best friends on a drunk getaway
but then I find my way back by a road of traced constellations
on the moley chest of the ultimate mountain man,
who flips back open my books and
points to nirvana among the pages of life’s endless studies,
emphasizing and underlining key points with
pens of self-awareness and highlighters of supportive independence.
Then bookmarks important parts with reminders of the first time
he licked his lips to savor the sweet taste of a tough cookie
he had tasted only once months before.
A recipe that had been fine tuned away in a hell he left behind
for new homes to be found.
A place he confronted again
to lead a lost soul out and into the world of living and loving.
And loving is what is done
when bears romp beside our sleeping heads and puke garbage belly
but make less of a mess than I do when giddied by that silverlining
that was merely a stormy cloud to those who predicted rain,
And I will not seek to tempt fate nor die unsure of it
but I was jigging in the right place at the right time and
the river of his rain has flooded me with forward momentum,
I will rescue those who cannot stand stronger than the current,
my quads are toned for they've fought the waves until I stood.
And after a hard day of nothing less than that and more,
Zzzztown will welcome me with
joyful snoozing, lekker slaaping, and the tightest dreaming.
And I will wave 'See You Soon' to B-town not alone, finally together
with batted eyelashes and heavy eyelids and sore bodies.
Travis Green Nov 2023
His irresistible unfuckwithable exquisiteness
Gets to me in the deepest way
His fresh, **** dreadlocks
Draws me nearer to him to feel them
Treasure his superb shimmering world
Of unmatched attractiveness

Rub his lustrous ****** beard
Gander at his enchanting pecan brown eyes
Completely mesmerized
Immersed in his visually appealing world
Of flashy spectacularness
His beaming brightness
Fashionable swagger
That attracts my attention

Commandingly enter my innerness
Titillate my senses
Investigate and confiscate me
Invade and blaze my nation
******* mouthwatering goodies
Take me, embrace me
Amaze me with his amorous heat
Drink in his rugged appeal
Tease my senses
Seize my sweetness

He is my weakness
Makes me cease completely
When he gives me that look
Rules me, hooks me
Be my super sultry superman
My clever lekker sexer

Merge with me, overpower me
Make me submit to his
Long, thick pleasure stick
Make my head spin
As his shiny, slick tip

Penetrates my tight entrance
Stir my emotions
Lick and hold my shoulders
Caress my neck base location
Hit me with his hardest shot

Wrap me in his massive arms
Permeate me with stimulating sensations
Please and squeeze me
**** me faster
Deeper and harder

My spectacular master
Rock my ****** zone
Beat my meat
Make me release rich, sweet bliss everywhere
Immerse himself in my delectableness

Stretch out my walls
With his hot, throbbing rod
Bury himself deep in my guts
Make me succumb to his explosive love
As he shudders and busts
His massive load in my glory hole
Tekan Jan 2019
My klein Ouma
smeer haar liefde
soos botter

Sy smeer van kant tot kant
en gee liefde orals,
wat langsaam versmelt in die deug
van haar sagte brood

My klein Ouma se liefde
vul al die gate in die warm brood

“Niks is beter as brood nie”
Is wat Ouma altyd se

En tog, is sy verbasend klein …
Sy eet net die krummels
en gee vir ander
haar gebotterde brood
so gesond
so lekker

My klein Ouma
Vol liefde gesmeer
An Afrikaans poem written for my gran
Corina Mar 2016
Laag na laag
verberg jij je
je verhult je
in fabels en verhalen
in halve waarheden
en stilzwijgend oneens zijn

Laag na laag
verhul jij je
totdat je zelf denkt
dat je een ui bent
pittig, maar stinkend
lekker, maar nooit om in de fruitschaal te doen

Laat jezelf zien
laag voor laag
onthul jezelf
laat zien wat jij te bieden hebt

Vouw je uit
laat eindelijk je kleuren zien
elke dag iets meer
en ruik
je eigen bloemengeur

Totdat jij eindelijk weet
dat je een roos bent
die in de mooiste vaas mag staan
Sean Achilleos Dec 2020
Ek is 'n alleen vlieënde uil
Ek ry op die rug van die wind
Niemand kan my hou nie
Niemand kan my vang nie
Ek lei 'n nagtelike lewe
Vol misterie
Deur die dag slaap ek
En ek **** ... ek **** nogal baie
Ek sit hier bo in my boom
Ek kyk af op die mensdom
Dom is omtrent die woord
Ek wonder hoeveel wysheid julle het
Ek wonder of julle weet *** groot 'n gebrek aan wysheid julle het
Dan in die stilte van die nag sing ek hoo hoo
Om die bygelowiges en die klein gelowiges te rattle
Veral wanneer ek op hulle huis se dak gaan sit
Dadelik skreeu hulle ... Iemand gaan dood!
Dan lag ek lekker in my vlerk vir die klomp simpel goed
Wat hieronder my rond skarrel ... Aih julle klomp liggelowige
My oë kyk deur julle
En ek weet dat julle my nie verstaan nie
*** kan julle tog ... Nooit!!!
Ek bly verre weg van die mens en die dom
Wat net wil moor en vernietig ... Di's julle natuur
Ek hou my een kant ... Want ek is een kant
Written by Sean Achilleos / 28 December 2020
Nienke Feb 2017
Lekker alles voor zoete koek blijven slikken
tot het zich een aan elkaar gekleefd mengsel vormt
een vastzittende brok in de keel
waarin men langzaam
in stokkende adem

Nienke Aug 2017
vluchtende mensen
naar een pilletje
voor balans, tegen het kwijnen
een fles wijn
om, voor de verandering,
eens met jezelf te zijn
het heil zoekend
in een grote groep vrienden
even niet bepalen
laat anderen de beslissing maken
een joint misschien?
zelfconfrontatie gaat me raken
ik gok liever voor tien
een kameraad vierentwintigzeven
om mijn innerlijke stem te ontwaken
God zeg me, wie ik ben, waar ik sta
stop het nou maar onder het laken
ik zelf heb al vaak genoeg geprobeerd
het te weten, te weten waar ik ga
op de langertermijn
nog steeds niet in balans
gek he?
als we blijven vluchten van onze dans
het hoofd bieden aan een eigen kans
ver weg in het duister
nog wel
en dan
*** voel jij je weer licht?
ben je dan ook werkelijk in
of houd je het masker voor
om meer te krijgen
iets van gehoor
met alle prikkels en falen
vrijheid en eenzaamheid
toppen en dalen
laat mij
het allemaal lekker zelf bepalen
zodat ik kan zeggen
dit ben ik
zonder die ergens anders te halen
arme mensen, voor de verandering
kom op de proppen
met eigen verhalen
btp Sep 2019
ik ben ******* *******
ik ben ******* gek
ik ben ******* gaar
ik ben ******* raar
en ik ben ******* moe
ik heb ******* hoofdpijn
en ik heb geen ******* social queue
ik ben kankerskaffa
ik zie alleen een waas
mn depressie is de baas
ik hou van SOA's
ik drink bier met een dikke lul
ik smoke van dat groene spul
ik ga hard op je *****
ik neuk je moeders snitch
word wakker in een ditch
gelukkig kan ik lekker snuiven
en de coke van mn nagels wuiven
Travis Frank Sep 2018
June was upon us once again,
Signaling the approaching low roar
Of vrooming vans coming to set up apparatuses
Designed solely to lift the cracks of
Dismembered and swollen youth,
Replacing the wear and tear with three days of lekker bliss.

I never missed a day.
On Friday, I saw the remnants of the monster’s mangled victim –
A patron of the Terminator was hurled high into the grapefruit sky,
The pink and orange hurl telling a tale
Of after-lunch airborne woe and chemistry.
Hell, man! – what did you eat? Gross.

Next day I was shipped out to Vietnam,
Where I saw brother consumer brother
In a wave of splashing paintballs
Whilst I pondered what to engrave on the tombstones.
Poor, artless souls –
Why not settle scores on the dartboard and win a teddy bear?

Fair’s final day dawned.
I rode, roamed and remembered
Above all else what matters most –
Rides come and go,
But carnival candy floss from foreign fields
Comes but once a year.
I smacked the beautifully basted schwarma first before picking season.

Oh, the joy!
Pink and white swabs turned into sweet acid
On my wet tongue which begged for more and more
Sugared garments
As I suddenly realised I needed new uniforms for next term.
Take me with you, cotton candy – I can’t stay here.
Daan Jun 2019
Ik zit al weken op de werf,
werkend aan verderf,
op zoek naar lekker klinken,
wil mezelf graag in de *****
doen verdrinken.

In Troje had je nood
aan slechts één dompelhiel,
daar had werk geen ziel,
was niemand lief
telde enkel je naam,
werd je vanzelf zelf-destructief.

Waarom hecht ik dan zoveel waarde
aan in goed gevallen aarde,
in indruk wekkers zonder uur,
faam van onbepaalde duur?
Bloes uit en baantjes trekken
Daan Feb 2024
Pak wat je
snappen kan en
smeer gekruide boter
tot elke bittere vezel is bedekt
en wat smelt ertussen
uit muist, lekt.

Konden wij zo maar
zomaar alles bevatten.

Omdat dat lekker is,
toelaten wat
wat gekker is.

Schenk een knuffel
aan wie ze nodig heeft,
een luisterend oor
aan wie iets wil vertellen.

Laat het oordeel jou niet vellen.

Wij zijn geen lapjes brood.
Ieder heeft vaker (dan lijkt) de nood.

Let op, niet alle metaforen werken
en als jij het bent, probeer
dat zelf dan op te merken.

Nog een les is: een mes is
ook om te smeren en de kam
niet enkel om over te scheren.
Ons hoofd dan weer een koelkast
die je af en toe best uitwast.
Noem het lenteschoonmaak of grote kuis
dan voelt het misschien wat eigen zinniger.
Travis Green Dec 2022
Your kickass splashy masculineness
Makes me wanna lapse into your strapping magicalness
Digest the delectable eclectic depths
Of your tastefully unparalleled
And sexalicious captivatingness

Slim succulent Prince Charming
Your tempting sensual touch
Entrances my mind, body, and soul
Your uncontrollable glowing dopeness
Makes me wanna stroll my hands
All over your handsome heavenly flesh

Feel every inch of your supremely
Prodigious and splendiferous sweetness
Kiss your manly tasty lips
Slide my fingers on your divine thick beard
Your lekker yellow cheeks

Look intently into your dreamy dark eyes
Find myself lost in your maze of enchantment
Your muscular seductive thugness
Untouchable luscious hot stuff
Your unsurpassed passionate masculineness
Has me entrapped in your breezy splashy majesty
Wishing to **** your throbbing joy stick

Shake it in my face, taste it on my tongue
Feel it run down my throat
Make me choke while you ***** my head
Push me down on your dopeness
Make me worship your flaming and undying machoness
Your vast, mantastical rareness

Moist glorious alluringness
Grab hold of my supple, top-heavy hush puppies
Squeeze my brazenly blossoming rocklike points
Give me your erotically ******* and storming hot love
Turn me around, tell me to bend over

Stuff it deep in my guts
Let me ******* feel it
Affect me, caress me, test my homosexualness
Render me helpless
As your thick glistening *******
Devastates my delectable softness

Enrapture my innerness, shake my world
Move my feminineness
Melt me in your adventurous seamless tenderness
Draw me closer to your electric majestic finesse
Smack my gorgeously stupendous rear-end

Bang me relentlessly
Make history with my creamy, velvety architecture
Oh, ***** nasty Zaddy
****** in and out of my guts
Make me love every ardent hard-hitting stroke

Hear your masterly masculine moans
How your soft earthy hands slither all over my back
Make me gasp and grasp your flexing, fragrant arms
Marvel at your savagely strapping thighs and virile veined legs
Fiery and daring lover boy
So surpassingly bedazzling and dashing

Your rigidly kissable and slick exquisiteness
Has me caught up in your litness
Feeling your hardness
The way you go crazy when you penetrate my tasty candy store
Make me punch drunk when you run through my existence

Make me back my thang up
To feel you deconstruct me more and more
Let me embrace your heavy-duty pulchritudinous rudeness
As you look into my magical jet-black eyes
Show me how you utilize your macho godlike pipe

Send me into a dreamy and mind-bending trance
Rewind your game, bring me into your wild inviting flame
Let me feel all of you in my sweetness
Freak me steady, come get my ****
Make me take your ****

Open my ****, blow my back out
Enshroud me in your desirableness
Preside over my insides
Make me extra wet with your energetic
And sweet-smelling incredibleness

Take me into your blossoming
And eye-popping boulevard
Of bright buzzing splendor
Fence me in your sensual king-cellent immenseness
Sniff my deeply delicious and perfumed skin

Send me, moist narcotic prodigy
With every hot, masterful touch
You make me so high on your delightfulness
The way you move your impressive velvet hammer in my tightness
Got me feeling it while you hit it from the back

Got me mad bent while you exhibited your belligerent nature
Your flowingness is so cold
Your smoke steals the show
The way you tackle my ***
Make me your *****

Demonstrate your magic tricks
With your impeccable made-to-measure flex
Settle your incredible hands
On the smoothness of my perfect tender flesh
Make me so spellbound by your profoundness
As you spout out your frothy macho sauce
In my safe-deposit box
Travis Green Mar 2023
I wanna be in his life, enticed by his tight masculine spice
Scope out how he smiles, pretty brown eyes that hold my attention
Sweet appetizing lips that make me wish to kiss him for days on end
Revel in the way he flexes his reverent chest muscles
My confident, dominant marvel, I love how he slips out of his gear

He showcases his nakedness, and shows me what he is made of
Make me covet to rub every fraction of his grabby passionate majesty
Taste his brazen blazing engagingness, the coruscating shape
Of his flawless ardent geometry, a sprightly shining delight
That shines sublimely in my sight, so ripe and biteable
Like a highly flavored navel orange, like a tempting luscious pear

A big, juicy magic wand to swallow, a large and macho **** sack
To clasp and cherish, to feel its warmth against my jaws
Feel it rest on my tongue, feel his worshipful dope-worthy dome
Deep down in my throat, astonish and punish my bouncy banging
Busters, manhandle my stiff quivering tips, spit in my mouth
While I steadily go down on his sloppy, wet, and monstrous thruster

Let it fill me with wonder, let it lead me into its ****** high-pressure Thunder, rain down its untouchable robust crunkness on my lush Fetching structure, press his thickness against my smooth chocolate
Chin, let me sink into every unmerciful lekker inch
Let him control me with his extra heavy smoke
Make me choke while I ******* it, wreck my throat

Allow me to savor it like a creamy, decadent caramel mocha cake
Munch on his aggressive majestic hunkiness
Make him **** deliriously, unearth his picturesque work
Of saucy showstopping art, rock his big veiny pipe
Make him so hard as **** as he floods my mouth
With his dangerously inviting and spellbinding arousingness

Slurp him down, again and again, make it throb, slob
On his astonishingly remarkable dome, feel the
Relentless resilience of his brilliant magnificent dreaminess
Feel the perfectly enrapturing magic of his masculinity
Venturing deep within my innerness, my beaming keen king
His sheer strong structure is worthy of mention

A considerable readable sweetness that is my weakness
Hella hypnotic sensations thrilling through my inner space
The more I dine on his almond-brown swinging hammer
Turn him on more and more with my lurid alluring homoness
Bewitch his deliciously physical features, trace his **** *** kingdom
With my deft soft clingers, I search into his fervent moist valley
Of magically mantastic enchantment, the rare tatted curves
Of his spectacular sculptured form, vicious nutritious exquisiteness

My kissable squeezable heavy-hitter, I got mad love for him
I am so intrigued by his extra lit kick-*** splashiness
The way he tastes in my mouth, shrouded in desirable unbounded
Power, such glowing and mind-blowing fire in his deep brown eyes
I **** on his tasty teasable thickness, making him thunderstruck as ****, make him erupt with his explosion of bright, bubbly nut
As it covers my proud and delightful face
Travis Green Sep 2022
I want to swallow your diabolic rock-solid pocket rocket
Let it massage my jaws, tongue, and throat
Stroke it while I ******* it
Lather it with saliva
Tongue it from side to side
Up and down, drown in its divineness
Push me further forward on your engorgement
Provide you full suckable service

Treasure your heavenly joyful gorgeousness
Tall, masterful, and experienced ebullient king
You arouse my mainland
With your wild foul language
Divide and conquer my homoness
Make me pine for your lurid immortal machoness
Lapse into your artistically compelling
Waves of vicious magnetic delectableness

Dangerous and untamed kryptonite
Take me into your sudden, destructive storm
Without warning, allure me, explore me
Feel me all over your obscenely heavy stretcher
Open my blower, feed me your smoke
Tell me to shut up and ****
Take in my raunchy moans
Work your high-velocity hotness in my bones

Slap my throbbing full-bosomed polygons
With your deftly delectable hands
Tweak my ***** lekker crests
Show me who is in charge
Unleash your wildness
Permeate me with deliriousness
So feverish with mad crashing passion
Render me dickmatized

So overly hooked on your hardness
The bone-rattlingly monstrous sounds you make
So flamingly enticing and unquantifiable
Delicious bewitching Romeo
Unload your internal, supernal, and fervent emotions upon me
Let me feel your raw, unbridled, and explosive forcefulness
The deep ceaseless breathing
How I concede to your vindictive, merciless heat

Make me feel tantalizing things about you
That are unexplainable to my domain
Make my delightfully smoky kingdom
Rumble with sudden and staggering delectation
You **** my mouth furiously
Got me buzzing and shuddering up a storm
The more you stuff your raging beastly instrument
In my luscious muzzle, fill me with overwhelmingly
Intense delight as you gush out your sweet sausage sauce
All over my serenely sensual face
Travis Green Apr 2023
Top-hole macho boss man
A savory sight that makes my mouth water
An exquisite, delicious dish
That mesmerizes and surprises me
That awakens me with his hugely hypnotic heavenliness
With his slick, earthy perfectness

My seductive muscled heavy
I covet to undress thee to feel thee deeply
Smell the incredible refreshingness
Of his top-shelf expressive manliness
Full, lush lips to kiss and tease

Rich, thick beard to love and touch
Mesmerizing black eyes
That invite me into his maze
Of magnificent and reverent entrancement
**** arched eyebrows
That make me wanna stroke them all night long
A dreamy vigorous chin
A lekker neck to lick and fill with hickeys

His mantasticness and splashiness
Has me so beside myself
His lusciousness and thugness is
One hell of a drug that corrupts
And deconstructs my silken succulent structure

The feel of his robust muscles against my hands
Gives me a killer hot *****
Feening for him to lay me down
On his impressive king-size bed
Arouse and deflower me

Make me his most prized possession
*** me up like crazy
Make me erupt when he shoves
His mad thick carrot deep into my guts
Conquer my inner walls

Make me call his name
Feel his untamed bang-up wildness
Devour me, overpower me, shower me
With his exalted and consummate love
Give me his destructive hot stuff

Make me his number one head turner
**** me extra harder
Sink his teeth into my sleek juicy ****
Pull at my taut chocolate tips
Make me feel the unrivaled power
Of his high-octane hurricane

Stretch the limits of my imagination
Creep into the secret entrance
Of my vibrant delightful nation
Embrace me, slay me, shake me down entirely
Make me so wild about
His sexually enticing and devouring virileness
Travis Green Sep 2022
Take me down like the boys in blue
Shake down my framework
Place me in a state of mystification
The more you gaze at my open soulful space
Make my headspace so cranked up
Strongly in great need of your engagingness
Your flaming unbounded delight
Insane high-profile game

Your machoness in the raw
Has me impossibly enthralled
Remarkably mad dope showiness
Your smoking noteworthiness is unconquered
Lush deluxe muscle, hunka scrumptious gunman
Unfuckwithable fluidity of movement
I have an intensely strong yearning
For your poetically pleasing immersiveness

A sweet tooth for your coolness
To feel your heavenly confection melt in my mouth
Feel your monstrous truculent thunder
Let you strip me of my saneness
Render me ****** and drunk
Wrapped up in your indefatigable rareness
Stranded in artistical aesthetic ecstasy
Imaginative and thrilling **** boy

You are a dreamy, undefined paradise
Bursting with extraordinary sparkling charm
Undiminished authentic supremeness
I bow down to your ruthless and stupid long *******
I cover the sweet, responsive surface
With frothy, hot, and thick spit
Lick it from the side, show you how
I idolize your virileness

How it smells so refreshing
In the roadway of my cakehole
Heavy hypnotic vienna sausage
I will do anything for your hardness
Play by your absolute brutal rules
Let you vanquish my mouth
Make my throat go crazy for your smoke

******* it and choke on it consistently
Take you to a divine and astounding wonderland
Feed me your incontestable velvet heat
Pull out all the stops to pleasure
Your indefectible lekker flex
Glaze my face with your hunky junk milk
As I smile excitably, bound to your glistening regal beauty
Travis Green Jan 2023
I ache to sway to the endlessly contagious, playable, and
Invigorating beat of your lush, thundering stunningness
Evanesce into your incredible ethereal delectableness
Embrace your tasty unbreakable foundation
Encased in your bodacious vivacious nakedness

To coalesce with your pleasantly arresting flex
Your grandly enhanced and breathtaking finesse
You bliss me out when you scope out my homoness
Make me stutter when you cover me
In your impassioned carefree spectacularity

Lean in between artistic and rhythmic dreams
Where your far-reaching and sweet-smelling breeziness
Seep into my lovable lekker vessel
I pine to lay down beside your profoundness
Fill your untouchable maximum crunkness

Lure me deeper into your bang-up sun-kissed hunkiness
Feel you overpower my satiny ebony frame
Take me into your unmatched upbeat mantuary
Where your bedazzling and ravishing muscularity enraptures me
Alluring, scorching, and chocolate Daddy

Your ultra-fine and revitalizing strikingness makes my mouth water
Such a brilliant clean dreaminess
Tall, charming, and equipped with wicked delicious heat
I come to life when your action-packed masculine thugness
Surrounds my existence, when you drink me down
Like effervescent smooth-textured wine

I long for endless, seamless, and dreamy
Days and nights with your ***** robust seductiveness
In togetherness, bound to your impeccable angelic freshness
Feel your sexiness coalescing with my nerve cells
Exuberant commanding muscleman

I wanna be your top-drawer sparkling property
Let you manhandle my femininity
With your hairy magical immaculateness
You blanket me in steamy hot ecstasy
Make me covet your monster thundering rugggedness
Like a dangerous flaming drug
Leave me so bombed-out
While you deflower my vibrant, shining empire
Travis Green Dec 2022
Your cracking masculine attraction
Makes my mouth water
Makes me thirst for your incomparably
Immersive and spectacular noteworthiness
Saucy thoughts of your red-hot sparkling machoness
Conquering my fetchingly fresh softness

Savage splashy lips to brand
My homosexualness upon
To kiss your glistening exquisiteness
Look into your dark, dangerous eyes
Feel you bite my earlobe

Excite my mind, body, and soul
Make me moan loudly
When you tightly grip
My generous, soft pillows
Tongue my turgid velvet tips

Finger **** my wetness
Eat it up, make love to my guts
Let me drown in your strikingly
Fiery and high-powered excitingness
Rearrange my game

Mesmerize my flame
Let me smell your incredibly majestic machoness
As you slide your iron-hard magic wand
In my voluptuous vault
Confound me, hypnotize me, ram me

Hold me spellbound, lock me
In your strongly fond ardency
Make me writhe, divide my distinctly dreamy design
Check out my dopacetic eclectic collection
Of admittedly ****** hotness

Slither your rigid monolithic thugness
Into the seamless center of my sensual feminineness
Make me hurt hard
Make me world beg
For your hypnotically prepossessing flex

Feel every lush, yummy inch
Of your deliciously sweet breeziness
Enticing virile desirableness
Rub your supple, sinuous muscles
Against my utterly luscious structure

Such insane veined pulling power
How your phenomenal pecs press
Against my softly smooth and blooming flesh
Let your thick delicious *******
Drive deep into my inner walls

Make me cream and scream
Feel your hardness harboring
Further in my heartland
Make me burn for your entrancingly manly stamina
Turn me on with your strong stroke game

Make me bang me ferociously
Make me feel your unconquerable rock-hard muscle
Make me so enamored over your nakedness and straightness
How our moans mesh to perfection
With your large, hanging *******
Bouncing in my grasp

You got me so obsessed
With your monster honeyed heaviness
The way you shove it in me deeper and harder
Every move so masterfully executed
Must-have market-fresh finesse
Mesmerizing melt in your mouth majesticness

Your deliciousness is so unbelievably
Nutritious and vicious
How you swing it makes me so sexually aroused
So high on your long-lasting aromatic majesty
How you show out and splash out on my attractiveness

Indulge me in your red-hot macho carnality
Rummage through my stunningly scrumptious tunnel
Beat me, imprison me, touch me roughly
**** me unreservedly
Drink me deep into your system
As I worship your tatted smashing masterpiece

Bright, tall, and hairy rarity
Tremendous, staggering, and truthful smoothness
Your suggestive and brilliant incredibleness
Makes me wanna stream in your infinitely splendid sea
Of thrillingly interesting dreaminess
Feel you release your lekker lover boy sauce
All over my soft, alluring rearguard
Travis Green May 2023
Whenever he is in my eyesight
I can’t keep my cool
I am so hooked on his ruling rudeness
His **** *** stance
His fresh *** finesse
His fashionable flashy swagger

I lapse into every mad hot moment
That I am encompassed
By his luminous lekker lovingness
So obsessed with his confectionery
My deep-voiced extraordinary *******

He is so unbelievably yummy
Like a strawberry iced mocha
Like a bourbon bacon cheeseburger
When he licks his luscious lips
He has me walking on air

I can’t stop mantasizing
About his youthfully smooth
And gangbuster grooviness
His rock-solid eye-popping muscles
Hold my attention, float my boat

He is a top-shelf next-level flex
That has me hungering to uncover
His luxuriant seductive world of thugness
I wanna travel into the rarest splashiest fractions
Of his far-out state-of-the-art galaxy
Become lost in his sexually exciting machoness
So enraptured by his premium prepossessing perfection
Travis Green Sep 2022
Brutal, red-hot, and ****** megastar
Your unstoppable, macho, and olive-toned body
Enthralls me in the wildest ways
Aesthetic, rhythmic, and irresistible slickness
Remarkably ardent and sparkling
Immeasurably flexalicious and freshalicious
Enthusing musical muscles
Queer and charming astonishingness

I want to polish your bulging brick-built biceps
With contagiously amorous kisses
Taste your hypnotically broad and bewitching chest
Stately sensational greatness
Mean sinuous venerableness
Fearsomely seamless, continuous, and sensuous flex
So wildly tight, electric, and energetic
Insanely inviting and powerful

Your lovely fancy ambiance activates my gayness
Add fuel to my vessel to fire up my aliveness
With your smoothly sweet and lekker lips
Strongly flavored and titillating mantuary
Eatworthy, praiseworthy, and immersive prodigy
Wicked wheat brown eyes
You drown me in your luminous
And wondrous awesomeness
Makes me so possessed by your unbelievably
Hypnotic, compelling, and triumphant enchantingness
Travis Green Jan 2023
Your lustrous monstrous untouchableness
Has me lost in your lekker luminous lovingness
Your effusive smooth movingness
Your brilliant enchanting takingness commands me
Apprehends and entrances me
Exhilarates and motivates me

I lapse into your everlasting magical savageness
Where your incessant incandescent incredibleness
Leaves me flabbergasted
Entrapped in your vast extraordinary rareness
I love the way you stare at my gaytasticness

The way you smell so supremely sensual
So delicious, rich, and ****
So mouth-filling, pleasing, and tempting
A legendary high-quality dish
That fulfills and whips my system

Silken shimmering skin
Peachy passionate pink lips
Charming and sparkling eyes
Full, flawless, and macho beard
Sinfully succulent and expressive gent
A perfect treasure to cherish

Edible and sexible flex to respect
Lustful, licentious pleasure lover
A honeyed crunk confection
You hold me spellbound
So hung up on your bold ghetto soul
Travis Green Jan 2023
Dramatically dapper gallant
Sweet lubricious lips
Enticing eyes, black as night
Heavenly beardalicious
Lekker velvet neck

Delectable shredded chest
Divine man-size biceps
Flashy statuesque abs
Long, thick, and stupefying pipe
Dangling *******

Strong, indomitable thighs and legs
Splendid supple feet
Immeasurable irresistible formidableness
You are all I need
To hold on to for eternity

To share our worlds
Melt into each other
Lose ourselves in pure revered rapture
Kiss one another in the most ****** ways
Gawk at how you flaunt your thrilling teasable transcendency

You wink at me, and I sink into your adventurous infinity
Transpose your machoness into poetry in motion
Show me how you exercise your fire and desire
Flaunt your hearty hot sauce
Enthrall me, taunt me, make me feel your sexually arousing power
Travis Green Feb 2023
Whenever he pops up on the block
He instantly has me in the zone
Wandering aimlessly in his ardent brilliant kingdom
Resplendent with blossoming badass-bound delight
So freshalicious and sexalicious

His erotetically evocative hotness
Has me lost in thought
Impossibly sauced up
So enthralled by his tallness
His debonairness and rareness
His spectacular hairy splashiness

He is the epitome of lekker legit litness
He has my homones hopping
With his rock-solid showstopping body
His unstoppable prominent confidence
He moves just the way I like it

His sweet talk rocks my heart and soul
He is the coziest dopeness
That makes me float and hunger
For his monstrous crunk smoke
Delicious tattooed smash

I am so caught up in his flawless
Disarming heartland
He has the hottest extraordinary swagger
That makes me fantasize about him
Being mine when I close my eyes

When I look at his dreamy delectable lips
And wish to kiss them endlessly
The thought of his muscular hands all over me
His enthralling macho smell
His elegant compelling beard
His broad phenomenal chest
The lustful muscles surfacing his stunning structure

The king of first-class gallant jack
That makes me wanna rap with him all night long
Feel what he feels, see what he sees
Catch unexplainable feelings for him
That makes me love him more and more

Wrapped up in his ecstatic mantastic radness
Moist heavenly sweetness, my weakness
Such a breezy bewitching hot boy
I wanna travel in his bedazzling
And thrashing territory

Never come back to my hometown
Stay with him, let him manipulate me
To his own advantage
Let him have his way with me
Do whatever I need to do to serve him
Travis Green Dec 2022
I hanker to feel your flaming untamed game
Step into the open doors
Of your glorious red-hot mantuary
Serve your immersiveness
Bow down before your profoundness

Give you all of my feminineness
Feel your splendidly silken hands
All over my slender and graceful limbs
Feel your ***** robust seductiveness
All up in my headspace

Make my mouth water
With your unconquerable crash-hot sounds
Your enthralling ahhs and oohs
Pure masculine splashiness
The way you rub your thick liver disturber

Flex your mad moist muscles
Let it mesh with my flesh
Keep me steadily guessing
As you arrest and finesse me
Caress and *** me

Make me catch feelings
For your exquisiteness
While you approach me
Control me, hold me in your dopeness
Push me against the wall

Shove your juicy long throbber in my tightness
Pound it again and again
Make me take that ****
Make me feel that ****
Make me swim in your
Wicked steaming masculinity

Feel your vibrant vile veins
How your spit your slang
Run your game
Make me wanna marry your immersiveness
Listen to the way you groan

How you draw me in closer
To your glowing and smoking seduction
Got me lusting for your rock-hard saucy chocolateness
Tall, sweaty, and incredible as ****
Sink me into all your dreaminess

Lean me into your untouchable love storm
Make me hunger for your more and more
As you pull at my heavy voluptuous jugs
Squeeze my delectable points
*** me up, destructive luscious daddy

Make me give it all up
Make me feel each resounding, mighty stroke
Your unbelievably lethal heat
Cause my legs to shake
Put me in a dangerously desirable trance

Let me feel your smooth *** groove
Feel the way you get lit
How you hit my sweet spot
Rock my boat ferociously
Encompass me in your enchantingness

Romance me, lay into my gayness
Captivate my nerve cells
Let me fantasize about your violent enticing delight
Your swiftly graphic splashiness
How your massive juicy nuts

Rub against the back of my soft delectable thighs
Make me so wild on your powerfully
Magnificent transcendency
Suave chocolate marvel
Keep me exhilarated
With your bang up-to-date engagingness
Your majestically mesmerizing manfulness

Boldly blissful belvedere
I cherish your thick *** piece
The way you stare into my eyes
Work my inner world
Use all your killer monolithic muscles

Make me thirst for your transfixing tattooed thugness
Vicious sun-kissed heavy-hitter
Your gripping and hard-hitting virility
Gets to me deeply
Leaves me dancing incessantly
In your flexing, frenetic dreamland

Freshalicious hairy charmer
You are so ******* bomb
So sick and slick with your ****
With your sensuous accent
How you pin me down
Pour out your lecherous lekker leche
All over my mind-blowing five-star rearguard
Travis Green Sep 2022
I cherish your ultra-rocking Daddy Sauce
Fragrant and passionate splash
Wondrous mysterious [eerlessness
Profoundly stupendous sensualness
Rich rigid ripper, **** velvety dreadhead
Thick domineering thighs, boldly hairy legs

Your kingdom is measurelessly prepossessing
Fresh, lekker, and incredibly intoxicating
Encase me in your blazing bombproof badness
Formidable, sinewy lover boy
Radical masculine heat, remarkable
Broad abdominal muscles

Lithe and mighty chest
Glistening brick-solid biceps
Contagious vivacious stamina
I want to taste your straightness
Like sweet and greasy meat
Like rich, spicy, and savory sauce

Pleasingly tasty sensation
I earnestly await venturing
In your all-absorbing lurid world
Of succulently keen dreaminess
Sheathed in your expansive high-pressure steam
Naughty crash-hot boss

So rugged and powerful, so blessed and fresh
Tether my homosexualness to your sexiness
Press your heavy ***** weapon
Against my longing lecherous flesh
Make my inhibitions melt away
As you regulate my divine flowery mainland
Travis Green Dec 2022
Enchanting fantasy boyfriend
You are a muscle-bound man
Of rare and extraordinary fashion
Golden showy machoness
Interestingly eclectic and poetic

Dazzling and heavily fragrant
Sparkling, priceless delight
Flawless ardent suaveness
Surprisingly warm superstar
The purest and brightest sunshine

Your desirable powerful shiningness
Electrifies and overpowers my mind
Makes my eyes wander all around
Your bright high-powered profoundness
The insurmountable excitingness
Of your divinely delightful liveliness
The seamless, seductive scent
Of your earthy and majestic incredibleness

Hypnotic narcotic wonderment
Your sexually bewitching masculinity
Catches my eye, keeps me hanging
Gets me going, turns me on more and more
Your heavenly arresting flex
Mesmerizes my thoughts and feelings

Your chiseled kissable slickness
Fills my inner world
Immerses me in your fervency
Beckons me to the depths
Of your blazing hot major-league sensationalness

I lose myself in your high-level
Prepossessing finesse
Lean into your aggressive infectious delectableness
You hold me in awe
When I gawp into your charming dark eyes
When you bend me over

Drive your diabolical throbbing python
In my vault of hotness
Make me long for your unstoppable
Red-hot wonderment
Your flaming bang-up vitality

How you hypnotize and resize my insides
Push deep into my guts
Cause me to lust for your lusciousness
Lovingly touch your wild, hunky muscle
Feel your demonically gaudy kisses
On the nape of my neck

Your immensely skilled and strong hands
Cling to my fresh juicy coconuts
I feel the overwhelming pressure
Of your lekker pecker head
Hitting my walls at all astonishing angles

Beguile and divide senses
Let me admire your massive splashy sack
How they bounce and blow my mind
Make me sweat incredibly
As you etch your vivid and blissful dreams
Into my creamy, sumptuous dimension

Hammer me harder
Worship my bold, wondrous rearguard  
Press your muscled tattooed flesh
Against my sweetly perfumed architecture
Your soft, moist lips meshed
With my beautiful, buoyant shoulder

I feel your hardness tour deeper
Into my feminineness
The way your devouring eyes meet mine
With an incomparable assertive stare
Make me so enraptured by
Your masterfully magical masculineness

Make me linger in impeccably
Compelling dreamworlds
Stimulate my brain waves
Spray your tasty man mayonnaise
All over my bodacious and coruscating creation
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna ride the wild and striking waves
Of your contagiously captivating
And scintillating engagingness
Feel your praiseworthy amorous straightness
Surging through my veins

Blessedly high-test treasured finesser
You are my ultimate reverent joy
My fiery lightning bolt of glorious storming machoness
Richly stunning crunkness
That makes me lose my head
Over your strongly evocative dopeness

Sweet, hypnotic, and astonishing prodigy
Unforgettable aromatic masculineness
So robust, seductive, and incomparable
Desirable, earthy, and virile delight
Wonderful ***** charmingness
Erotically mantastic and splashalicious

I wanna feel your thick, mountainous
Thighs pressed against mine
Your heavy and sensuous hands
All over my soft, lavender back
Claw my temptingly feminine neck

Hold my throat, kiss my wondrous, **** shoulders
Let me feel your thrilling narcotic sauciness
****** your long, rock-hard night crawler
In my cozy velvet envelope
Put me on lockdown, pound my juicy smooth caboose

Drain my domain, tame my game
Divide and conquer my mind
Hypnotize me all night long
Spread your strong, alluring sexiness
All over my keen, refreshing architecture

Impressively delicious and moist hot boy
Make a wound in my luminous smoothness
Intrude upon my homoness
Break through my guts
Tear my sweetness to pieces

Make me sexually stimulated
Bust through my back door
Explore my blossoming and enthralling hotness
Feel my divinely delectable melons
Gaze at the way they sway
In your fresh and fragrant space

Intensely pleasing and transfixing slickness
Your clean electric masculinity
Makes my mouth water
Makes me impossibly charmed by
Your warm, beguiling unconquerableness

Ardent, crash-hot, and sharp chopper
You are a man of mad dope smoke
A kaleidoscope of glowing showiness
You make me weak in all my secret sleek spots
Make me so blissfully happy
With the way you enrapture me deeply

You slam your monster lung disrupter
In my tunnel of lush, sultry succulency
Make me feel so ****
When you caress me so sensually
Give me firm ferocious *****

Make me lust for your ****-crushing robustness
Feel your undauntable macho ****
Poke my perfumed inner walls
Smack my splendiferous steamy *** cheeks
Tell me how bad you want my ****
******* lekker sweet nectar

Get to know the softest parts
Of my sensational and venerational greatness
Coat my blooming ***** hole
With your macho-worthy showstopping provocativeness
I love how you rule my thoughts

Eat away at my gayness
Prey on my heart and soul
Take up my whole attention
Make me hold my face down
With my bubble-blushing backside up
And gush out your ***** **** nut
All over my gorgeous, mouth-watering structure
Travis Green Oct 2022
I have a thing for your sweet, protective sexiness
Astounding and crowning profoundness
Extravagant ebullient enchantment
Enthusiastic, crash-hot smash
You are intensely inventive and interesting
Infinite, transcendent chemistry

Rare worshipful masterfulness
So entirely ardent and heroic
Tall, passionate, and savage
Untouchable, luscious muscles
Seductive honeyed buns
High-quality, godlike prodigy

Your gloriously oiled and taut sauciness
Enthralls and knocks me out
Immaculate, silken, and tempting kryptonite
So mesmerizingly delightful and tight as ****
I hanker to guzzle your lustfully lekker-lovingness down
Like a spiked hot chocolate
Like a sweet and fruity alcoholic drink

So angelically impeccable and majestical
I need to be with your phenomenally pristine pleasingness
Feel you touch and stretch the depths of my innerness
Bewitch the smooth, luxurious roots
Of my feminine existence
Make me bound to your aesthetically
Prepossessing heavenliness
Travis Green May 2023
He is my favorite sensational romancer
My luscious muscled stud
My spotless smoking hot sauce god
I wanna worship his cherishable masterful world
Rub his robust pecs, his top-class abs
His attention-grabbing hairy thighs
His palatable staggering legs

I lose track of time when I stare
At his gratifying and mouthwatering entireness
So wickedly slick and appealing
Tall, polished, august, and untouchable
I want him so **** bad

Crash into his treasured high-pressure realm
Of sexually pleasurable arrestingness
Capture and ravish my attractive ***
****** his lekker driller in my delectable nether regions
Give it to me tremendously

Make me scream his name
While he tames my insides
Hit my spot, rock my heart
Enthrall me nonstop
My irresistible, unstoppable charmer
My luminous libidinous slicker

I love the way he flexes his freshness
With his prodigious rapturous sweetness
Take me without hesitation
Make my body shake as he captivates
Every inch of velvet luminescent flesh

Make me drift into the richness
And slickness of his sensual attention-getting excellency
Consume me from head to toe
Grip my supple scented swingers
Lick and pinch my proud brown peaks

I moan with considerable passion
Catch feelings, prone to his glowing and roasting heat
I dig his aesthetically pleasing bewitchingness
Feeling him deep within my innerness
I cling to him, feen for more of him

Wrapped up in his brazen fragrant embrace
I feel every emotion there is the more
He plows my tightness like a huge, earthmoving bulldozer
Make me so far gone on his seductive fashionable charm
Drenched in his sweat, exposed to his dopeness
He reaches an overpowering superb crescendo
And blows his load deep inside my cream pie
Travis Green Dec 2022
In my beguiling brown eyes
You are the newest, smoothest cruiser
That cajoles me into your dope, robust beat
Your explosive engrossing land
Of distinctive dreamy enchantment

I feen for our serene, sensual dimensions
To mingle and spring up to utter loving ecstasy
Cherish your majestic reverent incredibleness
Slip into your kissable rhythmical exquisiteness
Filled with wildly enticing and shining delight
That haunts my mind all through the night

You are my visually gripping lover man
With marvelous marketable machoness
So unapologetically freshalicious
So lekker and refreshing on the tongue
I hunger that much more
For your unsurpassed fantastical splashiness

I check you out like an awe-inspiring oil painting
Groove on your breezy manly moves
Your catchy compelling, finesse
I vigorously wish for your expressive
And energetic sexiness to enter my veins
And mesmerize my flourishing flamboyant frame
You hit me with deep hard-hitting lovesickness
Leave me so hung up on your bang-up, foot-stumping hunkiness
Travis Green Jul 2023
He casts a spell on me
Has me caught in his web
So mesmerized by how he manhandles me
Got my heart beating like crazy
Lost in his powerful hurricane of flaming amorosity

His macho chocolate architecture
Makes my head turn
Makes me yearn for his tender lekker perfection
He is the lighter to my cigarette
The sugar in my caramel mocha latte
The vanilla milk to my chewy and soft molasses cookies

He doesn’t have to say a word
For me to lapse deep
Into his immaculate mantastic paradise
Of unsurpassed hazardous splashiness
Flaunt his bareness

Capture my imagination
With his mad hot rareness
Swing his magic stick
And make me so ******* lit up
****** it deep into my succulent tunnel

Stretch me out, make me call out his name
As his heavy, tasty pipe break down my walls
Spank my backside, bite into my spine
Stroke me, choke me, make me hold on to him more
Be my hot chocolate bodyguard

Pound me hard as ****
As I dwell on how many ways he completes me
How he makes my body shudder
Arrest me from head to toe
Fill me up with his heavenly love

Make me feel the overwhelming power
Of his hardness in my belly
Make my *** cheeks jiggle
The more he commands my feminineness
Press his big juicy ***** against my flesh

Captivate me, devastate me, intimidate me
**** me at an accelerated pace
Come to an exhilarating elevation
Spray his man milk all over me
As I concede completely to thee

— The End —