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Well I've done many bad and many a good
I've seen the kingsmen stand around the throne
Thrown to his feet at my own retreat
Did King James do just for the Kings James sake
Fate brought me here for I spared the rod
Frankly I cared less than to let his dead body rot
But the smell of his corpse corroded my nose
Neglected his body it sat for weeks
So King James had called me to him so I may speak..
Told him a lie, a Lier I may be
But that only allowed him to use his Regal Authority

Now it looks like I'm on the regal run
Yes it seems I've deemed myself wrong
Gone from England, now under the gun
For I am on the "Regal Run"
Running from the law
Robin Carretti Jul 2018
The smells of lilacs, hyacinths A+ grade
Singing Sade smooth operator
A Bed money growing on the tree
in her shade
Fifty shades darker pick your lover
And know who is the shady mentor

We got enhanced our bodies
like the prancer the globetrotter
Flaming heats he's the romancer

In trance-like money commodities
So hooked on a feeling, her bedroom eyes
The hot velocity eyes set to the sunset
uncontrollably, Colliegable. sometimes
unbearable, you could read her
French Provential
bed of the Constable

His food like rich money for the soul for
his taking she is the loving so able
A-Bed saleable but
very innocently gullible under rulable

Seeing the Oak trees cherry blossoms so feasible
The sponsors  and teachers of the  Princeton University
their beds were racing minds Einstein like Cougars'

The shades of her lips raced his money abed
Like Truman said Romeo and Julliete lovers
You all attend this Gala or the jokes on you Ha Ha
She felt like the Medusa head on the side of her bed
The stars moon Luna Bleu she was the coolest
of them all

Going to the ball what a head start to lie abed
like a loaf of soda bread the fairest of them all
The revolution led to a disaster up ahead
She loves to drink in her ladybug mug abed
He was the slug a dug like two men in a
Volkswagen yellow Bug

New Abode 777 lucky hicks of the road
Sticks and stones won't break her
bed bones
Her money abed Apple I phones
Her spyware secret agent ****** tunes
Became a showroom
New York City hot fun in a bed event
What did Confucius say
The British Colony

Money ABed it wasn't payday
Without the money no company

The Budha insight
After hours all A-Bed hell of a night
Lullaby Lula Belle the dictator came
Seeing Antionette with her tea ***** set
The State trooper the day tripper
Overnight A-Bed traveler looper
What a commutator acts like the
green alligator Grecian times
Chariots and Titans
Purple passion the
liaison his name is Devlon
This wasn't a cosmetic mistake
like Revlon strangers in the bed
Like a head of the lettuce seedy felon
Skin peachy clean like a melon
The Estee Lauder dictator
Attention Riveria head beaded bed
For the Queen of Sicily
Borghese bewildered like a pony
The platter of cheese Gromit

Or going to the Estate sale for all
the Kingsmen **** it
The money jars of Mason
by his water (ABed Bitcoins)
The holy water he got thirsty
Mighty high bed of the mutiny
Humphrey Bogart here's looking
at you kid and well fed
What looms ahead
Those wedding bells
She said I rather stay in my
Feminine Flower
Tulip A-MEN Bed

Her key to the trunk treasure bed
She bunked into God her virginity lifted
the gravity of her sexuality
Her cheeks came alive
like a  plum pie
Money A-Bed to be wed
This is about A-BED what was said the better insight late in your bed your face turned really red all in a rollercoaster ride Coney Island Robins way. Money always talks and rumors spread give me Peanut butter Jelly sandwiches instead
Cíara McNamara Nov 2015
I am king of nothing
But still a master indeed

Like a craftman carves his work
I am the epitome
Of my own ghastly misery,
I and I alone am master of this fate.

The weight of my kingdom
Difficult to bear
Is the marker of my making,

And while I lay alone here
Surrounded by my kingsmen
I cannot help but laugh,
That shrill sound
Of nothing but despair -
Graff1980 Feb 2016
I’m so sick of
That nesquick
Caramel candy
That thickens our blood
****** sin birth
The bleached sugar
Kills my DNA
And burns out
My brain cells

I’m so sick of
That oil slick addiction
Fire breathing
Dragon needing
Four wheeled monsters
Till their horns
Burn my ears

I’m so sick of
That apathy
That tortures me
But not them
I’m nauseas
Cautious cause
Of the disposition
Of the disposable
Human herd

I’m so sick of
My desperation
Struggling to fill this nation
With wit and wisdom
To build a new kingdom
With no royalty or kingsmen
But kinship
And friendship

Maybe I’m just sick
AngelAutumn4 Oct 2018
Here me when I speak,
For I am the hidden king,
The advisor of the strings,
Which control this changing land.

By my own hand,
And in my own vision,
By my own right,
And slithering decision.

Your future is decided,
By my light-hearted words,
In a world so divided,
By kings of pawns-worth.

Let no man go,
Unpunished for his deeds,
His just reward or woe,
For twisted acts of greed.

Let no man decide,
That he is above the rest,
For it is only I,
Who holds the very best.

Of interest, of heart,
Of all that falls apart without my say,
I hold the strings,
And my fellow kingsmen  obey.

For it is I the advisor,
Who understands the truth,
I am the king’s decider,
My word is absolute.
J J Jan 2024
(One) (Ican'thelpitifyoumightthinkiamodd ifItellyouI'mlovingyounotforwhatyouare butwhatyou'renot)
Melissa with eyes silvery like water when it starts to steam
Mellisa with your chealseacut that locks sunlight with its evry strand
Mellissa with your mausoleum ***** that cages birds that spin young confusion round our ears

Avuncular heathen teacher cardholder
With your gnostic stepchildren that bare you in their undeveloped wombs
And the scattered mouths that trace psalms from your footprints
   in the the snow before they're stolen by ice

And your dreams you stir and share in restless sleeps wanting only to live another day

Mellisa who prims lectricity to stone
Mellisa who cries for noone less you know theyd return
Mellisa with your lips of dried budded rose
And your Gishian whispers that weave flame outlined by a gold only cateyes can display
Mellisa with your cashmere skin that warms and rewards every touch granted
And your lost lovers left behind
And your hands like gloves over arthritic fingers frozen from the freezing outside
And your nicotine stains that overlap into a bruise  thick enough to peel
and mark your worshipless shrine
And your drunken boats that sail upwards from the waves that chain them down and rip upto the endless starry skies

With your pierced tongue you scrape your teeth with as you tic and sing

You know Id ****** kingsmen just to stay on the run with you a while longer

Melissa with your cheap scarves and blurry trench that too stays motionless as you walk

Melissa with your bleeding gums that could kiss the dead awake
Melissa with your seedless grief and puffy cheeks that hover distant from the rest of your face
And your catfish bellybutton that I cant help but crush

Melissa with your empty questions that ring answers as you wish to hear them
Melissa with your guns in evry pocket and boots sheathed and stained
And your methodist lungs which bleed ash as your clear your throat
And your cloak that wears all the skinny traumas inferno held in its windows

How could I ever have misplaced you?

Whence seasons lingered til you wore the elements from their shells
And drew armature cerise from the clouds into the stitching that holds together our palms
And your bloodmoon mason jar that you swivel like wine
And your veins that guide submission into something maniclike

Mellisa you prove evry love before you was a lie

Mellisa with your reliance on those you take care of
And your batwing leather jeans and dogpaw fingernails
that twiddle your permed fringe
And your sallow skin slowly flaking and shedding
And your blistered heart that beats my ears like drums
And your careless screams in public vicinities that begged to have us both locked up
I would travel the world just to collapse by your legs

With your wooden bedbug leg lashes that clasp as they wither dust

With your monotonous lilt you speak with and laugh with

With your vitiligod birthmarks that tattoo your flesh

And your jawline that twitches as your eyes have no choice but to seal

And your ribcage that falls loose against your sheets

I would break evry bone over again and again and gather evry malady just for your cool palm over my forehead

O Melissa you never have to doubt whether Ill love another

O Melissa with your back turnt to the mirror, I'd hold you forever and a day

If you'd still like me to this time tomorrow.

(Two) (Farewell, be safe evermore.)
I woke up with my head and teeth shaking, felt like I was gonna die
'til I smoked a cigarette to start my day

Phlegm built up like charcoal bricks, hits my chest
Bittersweet like the smell of the night-before's lover on bedsheets with their side now empty.

No heating and thus my coldsore is frostbit, and the other hex's they gifted me rest 'neath tired skin
With revenge long out of reach--
Further than the distance of a hundred dreams  in fact

I'm surprised I woke up at all.

I tend to repress my dreams when I can, I'm a broken chamber rattling death so loud I'm echoed and either ignored
    Or laughed at--

o lord haven't I had enough?
o lord I can't make miracles out of tragedy, o lord I cant keep up with the pain that preludes my every step, o lord without hope, however misguided, I'd go insane and never come back  nor want to o lord take me in my sleep

O there are some secrets lord I know only you and I can keep.
Bless the griefs locked and left only to memory.

Little babe lost you're so beautiful and ugly don't ever **** yourself.
even when other's turn you away so scared for it to ever happen they'd rather not talk to you at all  
Dont you ever **** yourself. live a little as we dont have much life to live and besides, I think you're doing fine

   and I can't wait to see you doing much better,
When you get the time to get better I'll be there to help you up
And dust off your shoulders any residue from the fall...
I mean you can **** yourself if you wish  babe
But you're going to have to **** me first to get the chance

You can use me if you want to, I'm quite used to it just as I'm used to breathing in the same air as the dead
The used  and users typically have the same goal, after all
It's such a headfuck to know the one you loved never believed in you in the end
I know, I know
o but lord knows I still do and I will for as long as you're breathing
And though the clock is merciless you do not need to mirror it in a response of anger,
No' any longer than you choose to let whatever's done and gone still linger
Some will help some will crisscross
I bare nothing no more now but the best for you.
And my little babe don't you ever take your own life,
life's a gamble and some tries will come up short but I can't bare to lose you anymore than I can lose the will to breathe; please just let me listen or atleast rest by your side and no' say a word.
Ibitoye Olufunso Dec 2015
I am like humpty dumpy
I sat on a great wall
And had a great fall
Got no one to catch me
I fell, and got scattered
The kingsmen and the horses
Couldn't put me together again

I tried my best also
But I couldn't help myself
I looked for others around
But it didn't work
It was a misery to them

Lord,  my members are scattered
My life is shattered
My hope no longer matters
Only you can re-member me
Only you can put it together
Only you can make me whole again
I wait for your intervention
I had heart surgery when I was 38, OK
I was actually 37 but somehow 38 sounds better
As if those few extra months arent walking me to my demise
I didnt expect to live past 20 so I've been on borrowed time
For the last 10 years I've been an alcoholic
Misanthropic, and full of vitriol
Sometimes you made me laugh but I get why you dont call
Some days I can forget you, sometimes I cant at all
Its been two years since you ghosted and somedays I still wake up and wonder why
Then I look in the mirror and I know that you were right
For all the pain and how much I bury the dark
You saw right through me and knew that I was lost
And things arent good now but they're getting better
I keep searching for a new you and a way to be put together
You were the glue that stuck the little pieces
Im a ******* humpty dumpty and all the kingsmen cannot retrieve me
So I keep moving forward because I dont know what else to do
I have sleepless nights soaked in sweat and I'm askew
Its hard to go to work buried in anxiety and depression
If I believed in god I'd be asking what's the lesson
6 more years until I return to the last place I was happy
I hope somebody wants to join that adventure
I spend too much time in my feels and know I'm sappy
I'm too pragmatic and know I'm a bad investment
Im a middle aged angry alcoholic
I stay up late hoping somebody will call
But I wont answer my phone, I dont deserve to feel alright
I've stolen hours from too many others and I am on borrowed time
Benyeakeh Miapeh Jan 2021

Where I come from
A place of many believes
Divided into quarters
That are identified by taboos and believes
Men are men/ women are women
Paying loyalties to their surprime head
But it is a beautiful place to call home
Because there's no where like home.

Where I come from
The believe of Christianity
Is like the gemination of an
Unknown plant in the desert
Outpouring in hot sand
But it is a beautiful place to call home
Because there's no where like Home.

Where I come from
Sambas and animal skins sound
Better than drumps and pianos
We gather every evening for stories
Told by elders and kingsmen
And make imagery of stories like movies
Indeed it is a beautiful place to call home
Because there's no where like home

Where I come from
Good and evil are flammable
In the air like gas
With evil dominating like stars in the milky way
Live there is different from the outside world
You talk less to live long
But it is a beautiful place to call home
Because there's no where like home.
Story of reality and believes
Caroline Shank Sep 2020
The Towers dropped to their
knees in abject despair.  Gone
were the friends who decorated
the windows, hallways, and
who wore flowers in their hair.

Gone were the days and nights
of light shows on hanging
gardens.  The Towers fell down
in pieces that no Kingsmen
could put together again.  Time
screamed in tatters of suits
and dresses.  The restaurant's
water boiled.  The Maitre 'd dropped to his knees, fell
through the floor.

The Towers were gone to
soldiers everyone.  More
elusive were the fragments
of burned bodies.  The screams
tore through the morning.
Sirens drowned the bells
and still the sounds of sudden
grit-filled voices cry.

The Towers brought more
sorrow to the flowers still
showing in the tears of lost
souls watching an end to

Never to leave the shadows
of nightmares, the Towers
will live on in perpetually
beating hearts.   No one
forgets the morning the
sunlight was betrayed by the soulless murderers whose airplanes slit the air like silver bombs. Rogue foreign pilots with death scheduled for our
September morning.

We will continue our elegiac
song of Remembering.


Caroline Shank
Mary Anne Norton Sep 2020
Just walk all over me
Leaving your *****
Footprints behind
For me to clean up
Breaking my heart
And scattering the
Pieces all around
For me to pick
Up after
Tearing me apart
Piece by piece
Till only crumbs
Of humanity
Are left
Too broken to
Even piece together
All the kings horses
And all the kingsmen
written after someone told their story

— The End —