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Ken Pepiton Jul 2023
Vu. { as long as any story's told wrong}

- suffer not a novice to teach

No bet. Nothing wagered, no pledge to be paid,
no bet was made between the unspeakable name,

core processing access id-entity… we'll call Truth.
And time, if there were a wager, Truth be against Time.

- thus we develop a worth for attention.

The way life works super resiliently, bouncing back
after starry chaos leaves a constant possibility
for truths beyond our scale of instant relativity
to manifest as seems with none the wiser,

the sun could flick us from existance, and be
acting as naturally as all such suns act
after a while, maybe

seven minutes ago.
listening to me bellyache and moan,
woe is me I am good for nothing.

Hmmm. I could just die, but then, there
would be just cause to believe me selfish,
and selfish is something I try not to be, in fact.

Information flow, twists awry through held truths,
never taken apart to reset the spring.

Nietsche was wrong about a lot of things.
Knowing he had a voice he could
convince himself was otherwise,
he had a real raw idea of God.
That's good.
Not useless, mostly used up. Flame.

That's what the real old *** in me said.
Fretting naught,
letting go all wishery wasery,
growing old effortlessly,
be causing, as wishes are supposed,
same as prayers properly aimed, to
be collected to be
be answered, as information related
to pain in the brain or heart, or core
mental effort processing part, which
detects and destroys the infecting barb.
Just in time.
Release relief, unbelievable lies,
pile into icy dams, late spring
in truth
past all thorny issues,
life is not intentionally difficult,
ants - the super colony kind
run vast ecology balancing systems,
on auto pilot, pure intuitive duty drives.
On a global scale, spreading without war.

We can see we can be better rich than poor.
We can see we live on a wet ball spun
along a spiral in a spiral in a spiral, and so, on
and on and on, looping the grand loop, a little
farther along than last time,

our eyes have seen the glory, our children
can imagine thought speed, information passing

as time carries matters to gravitationally bound
points past which nothing is ever the same,

because you, cause me, to cause you to imagine
we share a plane conscious level,
as we stare across the heavens from JWST,

just adjusting reasonable focus, is it asking
too much? Asking to effect the healing
with truth that cannot be denied, and be truth

Whatsoever, whensover, so today is fine,

infinitely fine, as a whole time bit, with us in it.

Who arranged the world's laws of nations,
not men in my general class, retired disabled
boys used in immoral warfare, and paid glory

and allowed to march in war winner parades,
even though, Wounded Knee and My Lai,

fester under America's Exceptional Blessing.

Agricultural superfluity, aided by machines,
and the modern incarnation of king control,
war debt, cost of plunder,
always need latest enemy detection tech.
- Confidential is above us all down here.

Who you gonna call to collect on reneged
deals, see the big picture, be visionary,
wars are lost for want of a nail, a nail
that woulda been seen missing, if the smith's
bills had been paid in time for precharge inspection.

Who allows evil to prosper,
who prospers from peace never made?

imagine you're the powerful and magnificent
leader of North Korea, or a Metro-mega Church.

You quote Lincoln, and agree with the great
promoters of idle time boredom prevention,
knowing you can fool some of the people,
all of the time. And some of the people
a predictable percentage of the time,

and all the people, after a while.  

Oakridge radiant Gospel,
"you listen too long
  you do eventually die."

- and thus it came to pass
- none found fusion, pfft.
Deep mindtimespace silence

Nonsense to any, therapy to me,
the effectual fervent prayer,

which is really
closer to need announcing, auto
awareness, missing pieces, up
ethos more or
pathos, up path of logos,
as winds winding times
recurrency circuits
up right
is not.
Down is not. Here is midway,
midterm… middle distance
**** sapien augmentedus
in the net spread
in the sight of radio beacons.
submicrowave accuracy,
acutron concept of counting
seconds worth of your attention

Practically stretched
past tensile strand strength

stretching to a C-note,

calling all my musing friends,
come hang with me,
in my tree.

In the forest of humanity,
the ant intuitive interconnecting -umph
-- last stack, let patience prove possession --
---- Pa-airing Suckacessfull…
Yeah, blue tooth vestibular augments.
-- I can hear birds now.
Who is on war's side, if this were after
I made my case and closed it,
this is the future when we have
global access to once secret libraries.
5g- ****… radio directly individuated,
as once first accounts were coded, so
now, we are our comm device's user,
we filter using truths we used
and proved just so, we lived

asking truth to show itself in ways
a mortal who labored fifty years,
could be led to expect, jubilee,
I am free, and I am not uncomfortable,
U may read my mind and find news,
formed from used theories untwisted,

and stretched to the extent of one man's
heart fire, expanded with knowledge,
edified with activated agape, lief be,

take a second, what's such a bit of being
left alone, at second glance, become,

some kinda curious thing, clap trap.

****, all wishery is yours, it's time again,

to review the prayer/wish fullfillment section.

Did you, dear, oh, dear, what, what makes
dear the lessons life teaches for your attention,

no price, a quote, a song
"Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you without money,
come, buy, and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost!"

Isaiah 55, thriving on hope deferred,

refer again to the references,

decide yourself if you believe James I of England
was at any point a person you could work for?

My task is not to teach, unless my life proves
worth my continuing continuance, thinking

plinking, *** shots, clang… in the olden days,

when a family could live by a prentice knack,  
for taking things  apart, to play new roles,

as whole days that may be shared with wary
few, readers readied by experience, to become

as ware, soft, observant, paying eyeservice,
alert for entertaining clap traps when we all laugh.

Okeh, in a dark bijou-kiva, place where aspirations
are presented to the gathered together
to be entertained, de-brained, turned off, and

let be so, the picture show, as it were,
in the so esoterical initial induction, holiness exposed.

It is all in what you did not know, that makes
what you know now, worth living

Yep. Fishing for a whole reality blessing
as living water
does occur to us as time,
we live in the flow, but we row,

because war rules the world we were born in,
and all the churches of messages etched in spirit,
written in light, of course, as on the silvered screen,
live to preach divine rights as old as lobsters's
stacking urges…
tapping scratching

And fire and memories paradiddling
cloudy smoky misty
shapes and shades noise uselessness knowing inspiring
zingers written on the door post, for good luck.

I read a coloring book, once, at a mall, in La Jolla.
"Grandma keeps a Kosher Kitchen" had a scene
to color yourself into, as a curious child noticing,
the little thing Grandma touched as she came in
from the garden of herbs and flowers for bees,

"what is that for?"
In the uncolored coloring book, it was so nonchalant,
"Good luck."
Grandma's grasp the lucid concept.
- food you know not of, love… luck
Thanks given. Praised be.

Long stories, should only be told as true,
if you, personally… lived to tell it, with no sugar on it.

Bitte, Schön. And so it goes. Kosher us, unclean other.

And what am I? Wild child left between the pillar
and the post of an aspiring great man, whose hopes

were dashed, when he crossed a line, in other peoples
ways of sealing soul stealing redemption agreements,

with a shotgun one potential solution…

by the grace of good luck from any source such
luck appears to have kept me breathing, aimlessly

as I imagine a spirit might decide, in truth, one breath
let go , allows a sense to follow, as glowing cardboard ash,
as the teller zones across old causes fought for and won,

which winning needs another singing, which cheek
this time? Which last laugh is led upto, now,

as I acknowledge the precious readers who form
the recognostic think thank thing,
deja deja
This has a sunset with it on Facebook and
Ken Pepiton Feb 2024
-------- tea and Sisyphus

Bruno paused, at his interface
with the printable word form,

he paused thinking in writing
"this is so important, I must underline it."

I thought it, of first importance.

The concept of all fruits freely eaten from,
but one, knowledge, right of all sorts,
all species fruit, branch, root and leaf,
all intervvining chthonic molds to make soil,

goodgottamight jus' gimme a blackland farm.
let ol' pharoah done be drownded
goodgottamighty , oh yah,
jus' gimme a blackland farm.

Science, long now, sudden
eruptions of just too much to think about,

like the size of the Earth in his hands,
relative to the post JWST visualizations we share,

bring it in, too wide, ballein, throw out a thought,
an Earth baseball sized, no problema,
in your hand, your mind hand, your typist hand,
keyboarding second nature, like a callous
on the *******
of a scribes writer hand.

Often offered up as proof, see this finger,
this proves I wrote the whole pile crushed,
in the shipping and storage of Ashurbanipal's
collection of books, which Solomon told him,
when they were swapping wives and concubines,
was a vanity and a vexation of the spirit,

But this calloused finger, the mused mind reminds,
this finger proves I came through history,
I did not make history.
I remind myself one reader is plenty, keep things rolling up hill,
get to the top. Drop it, watch it roll, meander on down, at a peasant's pace.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2023
Charming-tempering, same t'me
shine it all on and laugh - just laugh
like nothin' or nobody, -just laugh like U
Being placed, perfect as a crystal,
at the causal phase, shifting position
spine serpent stretch wetdog shiver,
toe wiggle heel rolls focus read
local order as close
to smooth as smooth
does tend to be
in crystaline stonefacings
------- otium -no sorrowitit, none
Arms down. Study war no more
-------- the word, neg-otium opposes,
as time is money, otium accepts time,
one by one, dear reader roles renew,
as emptied, swept clean,
whistle, and find the birder,
cruel birder liming the mulberry,

whither the spirit was said to say yes,
to what the prophet promised.

I could do that.
Where I live, I could offer fleeces,
for folk who know the right thing,
but need a sign,
Gideon is, in the Bible and its sources.
An ensample,
a hero to judge by, some of what he did,
well, he was not saved, so, what can ya say.

Shoulda read Steinbeck, more and
Steinbacher less {The Child Seducers 1974}

The soft life, never taking up arms,
never losing everything,
struggling, some times for minutes,
hours, days, weeks, months…

years, decades, if you count upping
from flat, lowest low a man can go,
no money, no means, no rare talent
to sell, no helpful uncle with a business,
selling chotskis, laundering cash,
selling art to hold such whited money

Building grand extended universities,
certifying sticktoitifity tested and ranked,

draft picks, in the game, good old chums
bet with, each owner of a team, seems
above us all, too far to wish to be, really

if you have reached a pleasant enough
spacetimemind encompassing interesting time.

Sorting sales pitch from product performance.
Every body must get ******, by all those who
never missed the mark,
hell, they never allowed the story told whole,

caused, most assuredly,
by heads of states, human crystaline structures,
held in touch, kept in constant we mind,
for the people,
for the lost,
for the rich… who lead us toward good just wars,
to settle trade deficit disputes,
by all rights granted priests, to anoint kings,
anointing, soothing balsam balm.
Those trees are gone, the village oath kept.
Set aside, sacred, set apart the holy, who
form the aspirations fed early flocks reformed,
oleo, for butter, it's better.
frogs fall in this fat, sizzle, sells it like anointed
deep fried chicken
under pressure
churches, ch ch changes, ur between ch
charges against the foe,
because the Queen said it must be done.
'their persevering valour and chivalrous devotion'

The British and French, in turn, saw Nicholas’s power grab as a danger to their trade routes, and were determined to stop him.

The spark that set off the war was religious tension between Catholics and the Orthodox believers, including Russians, over access to Jerusalem and other places under Turkish rule that were considered sacred by both Christian sects.

From <>

Back to Radioman, during one of these days

From going up and down
on the face of the earth
the prosecutor brought witness, face to face,
as one abstracted
from the host, all the sons of God,
- the devil's in the details
the real mind behind the JWST, allowing any
with seeing eyes,
to see as far as any human in ever, has ever seen.
Elucidation, light, where none was known to be.
{had me at Gobekli Tepi} wiseasany, se si
Is this not the truth loosing locked visions,
as all the minds involved
in the current global wedom,
we, each thinking individually,
at the point
of being you, deepest sorrow, highest joy, exper-
i-ence, me the imaginary number, clickt
science if cient
to snap
a tense, taut, tight, too high to hear, note
of dispairing singularities, wedoms,

crumble, leaving you,
there alone, wondering, if wondering is worth
any time, taken
from your ever

words, writhed, deep as wonder, once,
as a child, on track to experience,
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, when Disneyland cost $3…

Today all who paid $3 still say it was worth it.
At the time.

--- Ma Joad said

"Lots of things against the law,
we cain't help adoin',"

some laws make means and meaning,
seem too much for mere mortal,
to imagine,
the smart ones, we imagine, they
was aknowin' all the perfect will
of a god
who used a few real learned men,
to round up all the pieces,
of the nation we was, were,

when we were the only chosen to survive,
as far as we could see,
at the time,

I alone was left to tell thee,
each time, providence left one messenger,

go tell the man enlisted to proof the whole
mind of man used to do what seems right,
-proof it
behave have and hold being had, by holding
us, the we we would die for, that we,

is free, but from fear, and most fear is tied
to lies about a meaner than hell God.

And that lie fails, about the time,
you up and ask your father, what
is tempting about stupidity,

worship and praise, glory and honor,
for attaining mind numbing skill,
in will worth- pulled taut on all sides,
and your bit

your one eight billionth, hangs by this thread.

It hurts to feel another's pain,
to feel it in vain, hurts worse,
to not stop
and think, full selah, sit and wait,
real people
when the bubbles pop.
Some others win, like,
there was no bubble, so this
is as real as any angel ever sent,
to find the cause, the pain, signals,
some ongoing cause, a burr,
a sharp, broken edge, a piercing barb.

A broken river bank, hold sand filled bags,…

Floods of wish I was, wish I was
of wish I was, wash me on
the drain, by and by, by and by,

we reach the wetland preserves,

and most any kind
of disney-designed hook, spooky
make believe
is the happiest place on Earth,

make 'em all believe,
something broke, boss, we adrift.

--- it's dramatic, audience wide angst,

we make old men weep,
we know their kids shall not forget,
once when Dad broke, and he was

every thing I did, I did for a lie!

--- yeh, drama, we all got drama,
we come to see where Jesus was stayin',

the next day, whither he had been led,
it is said, by the spirit, in English

--- None of me, experienced the Seventies, that is
on TV… so, I must not have been there,

that's what I am saying,
I prove me to me, as I take my measure,
stretching that first point, eh, you know,
the point of any thing
the point of you,
piercing every thing, and the augmentation,
mental re-co-owning knowing used right,

once before, when we were thinkinking Dharma,
thinkinking the plot, yes, yesh, si da
not drama, Dharma, got it… rolling
we manifest best in the instant, that
we both knew, we co-knew, we re-co-gnosticated.

Mindtimespace rushes at us.
Poetically, not prophetically.

The game believers make evangelists, to play,
as pawns,
and we all know this game, most better than
many know the first reason to ever play go.

A tale, certainly, but only by the surrounded
resources rule, the living using up the dead,

and the tendency to chaos looses all hell,
for a season, some say, a thousand years,
and more say some,
learned in the kino, kiva cinema, state theater,
{Kingman, in Arizona, the 48th star, so State
hood- Thus State Theater 25 cent matinees
6x8 or 8x6, how's it hangin'
stripes below
or to the left, like from a balcony, Old Glory.
Privilege it was,
to a child from sixth grade, to serve,
in the daily flag furling and final folding,
at the first and last bells.
Routine as was the Pledge and faithful fold,
each fold with a moral - added at funerals,
-you learned that late in life, really, then

Noon was signaled by the air raid siren,
traditionally, for how long?
I can't recall knowing
it ever stopped sounding at noon, to train time.

I had some friends one season, late high school,
through the first few months stateside, yeah,
what's with the hippyshitsfirst thing, every time,

Sgt. Whykill, meet Pyro, we all three served,
with Puso Perez, and Kid Wesley, and Tom Green,
and Wierder Harold, the radar guy…

SO, Pyro, what brings you to mind? Gotta point?
Hippyshit. Yeah, 'made my peace, knowmsayin?

Jesus remains, just alright, aight, a we, we form, agree,
or deem me the fool. And he the liar, and you

bought your map from a comedian,
on youtube, working in context of attention callibration
sigh and think it so SYTF, too true to retell,
but where there's a will to prove God's right use
of Hellfire and brimstone, hit me,
as my friend Johnny Whykill,
Forcer Recon, Airborne Ranger, Security for Leon Spinks,
who has not walked, since,
oh some time, around Obama, maybe, today, le'methinks

So, Sergeant Whykill, what did you and Pyro,
adjust to hook now and then in my book of life,
one point last total loss.

Here we are having what has been termed,
one hell of a good day, as when what the hell,
became what th'phucghk ai choke joke human element
in audio, we aspire to number in the first eight billion,
ai audiobook epic poetry reading to Warhol movies,
on eight year loops…
and so it is, dear friends, we bid thee fare, well as you may
wish the rule were otherwise,
it isn't currents reoccur, same clouds come and go,
the throbbing beat
means life, has a next minute, you dead, you think.

Shoulda been, not morbidly, just
why not me, why those others, each killer turn,
mark twain say turn they still calling ramming speed…

selah, when
ever when one frames a mind to filter on patterns,
this one, the mindtimespace constructs using these,
give one
a very pleasant, yes, please all granted, all thanks accepted,
all the glory goes to god, Your call, think a name,
bet me, this atmosphere, as we live and breathe, one name

sh- listen, hippyshitgoneguru, oh K'we got at linkmlook

CAN and do or may and do we not know so much less

relative to today, starting all day ago, and I am fine,
for asking… Pyro, met Johnny Why. and they had
a sheershitshow, Pyro having been named pre-Nam,

this is all after, this entire sheltering structure,
think Chatahoolic said right, deep shelters upslope,
dug from softer tufa stone, layers of ash weight
long after the last aligning tides pulled life from higher

than the last high-water mark,
you see,
that is my east horizon, Arizona is my back yard,
this is like heaven to, me and when I sleep I sleep,
I have not dreamed in years.
Having a bag, a bundle of knowing, shown worthy
of some spec of attention,
by riverminers someday riverwisemen say, someday.

Drift away, weigh my day, sweet dreams, if you do.
no where else to go, worth the trouble to find
Ken Pepiton Jan 4
If the world ends today

Friday, January 3, 2025
2:10 PM

There is nothing
to worry about any way.
Next is set, and never misses its chance
to ever happen meaningfully
in living terms.


The Grab, a documentary, very scary.

Reinforming model we form, me and you

we have this world, this life, in common,
we have no army, we have no means
no wisdom, knowledge and understanding,

to say,
hey, wait a minute, bosses of the world's

corpora, all the legal weforms, with I rights.

All legare ligamental tied node to node,

on old rules of war and conquest, ordained

say the bodies of various religious right enforcers

children reared to believe the magic, miraculous

revelation granted mystic saints visited by spirits

manifested in imaginable form, as when a child
reports a dream, in which angels look just like

the ones on the Christmas cards, and
the one on the Mormon Temple, with the last Trump

about to blow the bubble believed too sacred to pop

stop, civility, and Thumper's Daddy's Rule, calls stop,

if ya cain't say sumpin good, don't say nuthin'tall.

But, but, but, in fact, by the way, that
is not the Christian God's least favorite word,
but, I mean,
but isn't YHWH's least favorite word…

No way, I think, said as a single exclamation, way

I let be thought true, through a patient bet you made

at the title, no, is yeh, ja's favorite word. Yes,
really you feel it when you say it, right?

Yes. Slight mind smile.

If the world ends today…

what if, right? What now, do we finish
or wait, right, we all know, the world could end today,

it is not unthinkable with a little fact checking

Annie Jacobsen's Nuclear War: a scenario

whenever you realize you never really envisioned

the result of righteous reprisal America holy
exceptionalist mindform, granted the football,

at the two minute warning,
an hour and ten minutes after some witty hacker
decided to prove,

everything is 5G accessible, in the future,

If the world ends today, all the faithful trusting

prayers, may or may not be surprised

to read this on HelloPoetry, deep
in the Amazon Web Services Cloud,

assisting informing mindforms messaging

information affirmation,
state the vision,
express plainly next, from your personal
Habakkuk habit, y'know, plain make it

POV, JWST, extensions free add on,
micron and below crisp focus, via lash mite lens
over lay meditative practice,

learned during mind wandering following floaters,
wondering if those are squashed bubbles,

disc galaxies as may be conjectured using

breath and conscious true rest, con carne
means together with flesh, meat vessle,

mind form, we find ourselves, corpora in.

We may agree to think time prevents a line,
originally intended to make a mind form think

linking haps from per and may back to when

we made up our mind to participate,
in the final accounting last judgement version

of the book of life,
in virtual Read Only Memory,

for a very long time, mental rewards,
constituting the umph in triumphant minds,

inspired, filled to superfluity
with child faith truth,

… real life, did you ever witness
a second grader learning Santa is a lie?

Lo' the reason for the lie, what is that,
why… in the first place enculturate so

he-in-ous, seri ous, just in, ever extends…

This was chapter three 2025, my POV
shared to be rethought by better thinkers

in association with retired Alta Vista Spider
Taming Retirees, living on ever after terms.
A whim, I wonder if it can share on X
72 minutes rethinking a minutes worth used,
under obligation to prove my own worth
under certain dares once taken to trial...

Whistle while one thinks alone, whose tools
one uses
to amuse oneself, alone, walking
beamused Yeatseanly in sane state

slouching, toward the place of the skull,

wishing Mammonic economic persuasions
were less bitter.
Acquired tastes. As seen on crossclass telly.

Cold day old pizza
a functional supply o'coffee
press two buttons make two choices
type with one hand to slow thought

so you can tactile think qwerty clan, common
coding daemon inset early on, advantage,

we had appletalk by 1986 Space wars,
followed by some basic silicon beach brains

When they stopped building space shuttles
in Palmdale,
in that building so big it had weather in it.

Weather systems harness idle power
to make a real difference as a team,

mindsmeld, conjoined quarks organize

chirality and polarity we agree, all good,

not simple, but one step beyond, we find

sublime… explanations

patience… wish to know enough

To speak into the cosmic probability

Today we spent a minute choosing

Splurge, spend a minute,
praying at the shrine, leaving
evidence in light of life lived wishing.
Ask an honest old man, when
did he know the value of a minute,

and odds are good, he says he never did.

An hour's worth of entertainment now,
all attention paid, containers, vessles,

bottles and jugs and bowls, not a few,

fill from faith fed children's innocense,
art makes sacred secrets seem wejusknew
fret not, only believe, eventually, we know

it never was True that the Good God Jah,

cursed the curious nature of mankind 2.0.
You know, the globally propagated order
of knowing first things first, intuitively

******* wind and signaling life, eeelah,

wordless wonderful word-like noise,

I breathe and have being, love me please.

I do not want to be a mother,
I do not know how to,
I do not wish to,

but, most of the time, the probable

reason for being born, brings evidence,
reason with me, think and see, look
love, see
this way, ask why life is so hard, learn…
love to
become better by trial and correction,
straight between the points, not beside,
evil details chirality causes, left orders
right, right controls e
precision programmatic cascades bemuse
plural mindforms and Christian salt or sage
-- slow down we thunk too fast, we past
the point of no return, ever after learning

us, we, the reader's judging logos value adds,

word for word, one followed by another, two
then followed by ten which form whole true

paradigms of push and pull, and squeeze
and stretch, to mature, in time to serve,

the national good citizen informing press.

Watch, and become, beware war's profits,

cautiousness conspires with desire
to be cared for, to be comforted,
sidereally attuned to time's pace
for entire immediacy phases
of life
in flesh,
nothing inbetween the real thing idea
carnal mind developing along lines
of reason,
used when words developed stores
of ways, worth the effort to think
pastless points pure nous uses
to say this is that,
mine is mine, thine is not,

just then a thought, ugh, urges emergency,
encouraging urges
we can ask
our augmented intelligence storage system,
etymologically acting men'ally as if
is it possible… and, as it is
with loops that slip,
and knots that bind threads together,
winding and winding
strings twisted fibers into toys, first, once
stretching attention spans, in mindcraft once
some child down the DNA
from us, once
in a string looped
saw a pattern lacking logic,
from us, form sense,
information query code ?reload ¿? 96 tears
yen to squeeze gentle easily entreatable
why, two hands, no, nowhyspent
we know, we intuit. gnodjoy
knowhy builtin gnosnot j'use
Ai in the flesh, if one considers
sources for desires discernibly fine
enough, LONGFORM, acting point/.

As entropy decreases,
beauty increases.
As order forms cordage,
and cordage ropes,
think one edge
to tie toes to feet to ankles to leg to knee
to thigh…

hip bone to ladderly spine, modified by now,

as muses used to make reminders remain now,
line upon line no space letting lying mindleakers
we mostly all recall a string tied around a finger
to remember to turn in a permission slip,
-inhuana cuneiform buy one freethought
-in sense made with non chron ease, SYTF
to remember to put the money in the offering.

Because, if you took that money, once,
and used it to, for instance, see a movie,

let's use 1920, see, that little girl, is my Granny,

she was ten years old
in 1920,

she is tied to me today, in the merest of ways,
by means of memories, I choose, from many,

you can do this, as we both live and breathe, but

many times, while writing immediacy puts me
in the course through human events, at a point

whence I imagine you, strange as cousins
several ramifications back in time, divergent

ontologies, fractally evident truly uninique, you

and my words, shortly after, mere wisdom means

knowing how curiosity connects through dopamenergic

cascades of hope, hopen helping ease transition,

from striving to inspire, to aspiring from lowest

common factor, or set of mindable states, hunger

we share, the sense since Infancy lacking power

to take and think, all my needs are met
for awhile whiling a day away safe and warm

and globally connected to true myriad ways life
makes usable in plain text tech, direct mind life

loosening laxgnoshit re
al the details, subject, thrown under, standing
straight edged ray vectoring rules
for standing, mean each word,
make it worth the time to use it
breath wide we breath
strong and warrior proud, while peace is thought.
Why is vain, cosmic as is post JWST
at scale, who we may imagine we are,

as seen from some distant star, here we are,
this is us, we can imagine enjoying, the feel,

fingers on the home keys endless tickertapes
and backspacing nnnandgates, seconds called

wait a minute, freetime

tieing knots to petons you may assume exist.

Line upon line, quoted in my multinational soul,

Isaiah, reasoning, together carnal warfare
versus immaterial substances in sapience, being

peace, per se, peaceably, easy to treat familiar,

we feel the peace we let be, we do
or we don't.

Distraction, amusement, same same, we think
engulfed in bemusement enjoying our time
worth of a minute, multiplies into a life's worth,

ex amined, lived, mind active weform being,
crazy kind, calm, collected, right on upto
examined vitamin mental activation, right
perpendicular to gravity, immediacy, nothing
not touching vectorially directly at a quarter
no medium is the media, touch thought
turn toward the actual axial age
of technical enlightenment,
we make wisdom feelable
rising form, found shapend
in the shadow codes *** culture,
coagulation of ways and means to ends
curds and whey, Alte Vista spider, timeless code,

in effect, curioser and curioser, the edge
of ever,

in once
upon a time etchings used as lures,

did Blake make you believe Eve mother of evil?

Or did your infantile curiosity animate an etching?

Itching to recall if our credentials allow questioning?

If, this instance, once reading, again, recalling once

I knew knowledge and life as the best of things,
Wisdom, sheform spirit of life in the way things make

positionable behind pre-posed essential mind locked
beliefs, the fruit of the action, believe,

believed to be intuitive, perceived
receivable as externalities, tying hope prosperity,

to trunks filled with spiritual dread knots,

knitters and crochetier gnosisnot clots,
itching to be picked at… as if embodying,

the whole idea mankindness is in one sack.
One bubble
of all probability
on top
of recyclability, logos nous science
of all we believe
by now we may know,
by rote, rethinking a thousand heroic faces,

each posted publically, eventually evidence,
we did see that then and therefore take some

for what comes next… whoa, danger,

persist, the novel reader's mind set, peace,
no rush, a mellow pace, cloudy evening
no need to read the end, at this point.

Life in the flesh, the inside pitch
for all it's worth,

yeah, easily said, approaching

Augmented Intelligence Information

Use in an endeavor
to shake hands,
after the augmentations legal tech
pasted known known grown grew

on a query, what day is this really?

Day of Life Calculator… in the bubble
of all we know, we can leap to the answer
to an authorized query as to how many days
have I been in becoming me, the  memory?
- there can be ringing in our ears
- and humms from electricity
- we assignal mortal mindforms
Wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove?
Accepting peace as patience price, we pay

for knowing no just war ever was, honest man,
any honed over time and telling tumultuous times,

most finest edge
in imaginable peace space,
mental touch point immediacy, nada betwixt,

save stories we have
to stop
to think, we are a new way words work wonder
if we try
to weform reform whose peace works,

who can swear
to his own hurt, and admit it,
not worth it, lying
about truth forcing one to lie

or be so single minded as to lieve be a lie


you came to see in my reflections
through ghucking ****** time dime story worths,

to reach this page, so you could read it and think
it does not confirm nor can any deny, truths

used artfully con tu permisso, y'know'stru
to device this mecanical logic, code, demand,
under wecan me do
stand, from bottom mind, fundamental we,
word users framing bubbles

of all we know, abstractions from the remains
of total chaos, whence fears form the realms
sub con science
of below together mind science, we remain
creatures capable of choosing, choosing
to read already enough, wu wei
peace be thinkable easy way
go be, go do become what becomes
of the alienated mind set free from fretting…

complexity solves nothing, loose the tie,

the final fiction used to be the hero,
in this story, as we thunk, we thunk,

the marvel literacy involves the back story,
a minute at a time most days, decided
by the third we aware attempt
to leave the peace wider…
from the pop

Therefore, today, January 18, 2025, would be the 24,318th day of life for someone born on June 27, 1946.
mmmnnow that error stands exemplary proving,
GIGO, basic assistant intelligence requires proof,

if you plan to think this hard at twenty, is it easy?

WHY? Worthship metrication time's pace

what day of your life is today.
A we form constitutes common sense.
awe we think pitiful.
assumes my peace pervertible.
Per turbine windings loosed perturbib
le break,
just iusta thank, read…. ready on four

To determine what day
of his life today would be
for someone born
Day of Life Calculator
Worth on examination… vvondefool life
To determine what day
of his life today is f
or a person born
on June 27, 1948, we need
to calculate the total number
of days
from that date
to January 19, 2025. {
or today we may assume okeh
using relativity adjustments}

From June 27, 1948,
to June 27, 2024,
is a span -resource
ibid, said thought new
to this single twisted fiber
span examined life, insurance
relative to quantum chances met
as expected, at the intrance immediacy

once, with nnnand gates, is all we need.
Once in this span specifically this few, could be
any life's numbered days, taken today, with interest

revert to jello time,
tune to the time of day and consider
the lucifity in signalling in the night, here am I
in evers found between those same phasesims
there are 76 years.
Among these, 19 years are leap years
(1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024),
and the remaining 57 years
are common years.
Therefore, the total number
of days worth what ever this guy put in
76 \times 365 + 19 = 27740 + 19 = 27759 \text{ days}

From June 27, 2024, to January 19, 2025, we need to count the days in each month:
- June 27, 2024, to June 30, 2024: 3 days
- July 2024: 31 days
- August 2024: 31 days
- September 2024: 30 days
- October 2024: 31 days
- November 2024: 30 days
- December 2024: 31 days
- January 1, 2025, to January 19, 2025: 19 days

Adding these up:
3 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 19 = 206 \text{ days}

Therefore, the total number of days from June 27, 1948, to January 19, 2025, is:
27759 + 206 = 27965 \text{ days}

So, today, January 19, 2025, is the 27965th day of the life of a person born on June 27, 1948.
was I a conception, let us take a chance,
Hemingway secret, how did she get pregnant,
there is no pyschenumbing hornyteen ok scene
an apprehension, me wishing to live in these days

a probable cause, intending
to attempt a making
of a thought that engulfs peace as you believe,
peace on earth really oughta feel, right,
¿before it make sense  
   to turn quest mode on
    going in to a series accent
of yen yanking fractalling thangs
the class or ways life has made thinkable these days,

we imagine, uploading, but not
wait, when quest mode stops
>? too much to ask… worth
for very long days
these days, news
eefeed fee free we flee
engulfing us informs times taken when recollected,

ever bigger bubbles
of what we think we may be,
quasi redeemable idle words, needing reading
taking may, in a certain mindform common sense,
I may read and rephrase formal mortal mindspace
experience recorded using human complexity sense

weform the conceptual tools we use to make sense.

Ah, then we post, to prove. today  a curios
whim from 1946, led to the unmentionable act,
indescribable, but to the mature mind, thirty years

past the blast doors blown off Ernie's brains.
Comments please

— The End —