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Surya Lights the blazing candle in the sky
and our day begins
on a pillow of clouds my spirit
bows at His vast blue altar

In fact, gods, goddesses, earthlings
and all the inhabitants of the Cosmos
kneel and prostrate at His glorious, life giving Feet

Today Lord Surya ascends to His northernmost
temple in the heavens
Courtly tablas boom, traditional Indian trumpets blare

Sweet sticky aroma and flavors of
sesame and jaggery confection
overflow in banquet halls on earth and in Kailasa

Colorful kites, bits of starry confetti
drift downward from the celestial celebration

David and I, our hands folded in prayer
stand on the front lawn offering our salutations
to the Golden Lord

By Serendipitous good fortune, my brother Chris just happens
to pass by at this moment and stops to join
us in our Sun worship

Happy Makar Sankranti
May Surya Deva's auspicious saffron rays
bless you with Peace, Love and Prosperity
Gowtham Ganni Mar 2018
The bitter neem reminds of those days -  
the day your heart broke
the day you have to leave your family
the day your beloved pet passed away
the day you felt your life purposeless
all those days filled with sadness

The sweet jaggery reminds of those days -
the day of your first kiss
the day you achieved a dream
the day your kid first walked
the day you received the first paycheck
all those days filled with happiness

The spicy chilies reminds of those days -
the day you were criticized
the day you couldn’t find a solution
the day you waited long in queue
the day you were rejected after many attempts
all those days filled with anger

The sour tamarind reminds of those days –
the day you are completely lost
the day your dearest friend betrayed
the day you failed in everything
the day the problems seemed unsolvable
all those days filled with disgust

The pinch of salt reminds of those days –
the day you are left alone
the day you failed an exam
the day you have to speak facing the crowd
the day you felt crisis in life
all those days filled with fear

The tangy mango reminds of those days -
the day when a stranger  helped you
the day you received an thank you note
the day you met a very old friend
the day when a wish suddenly becomes the reality
all those days filled with surprise

Combine all -
the experiences of life in a single dish
Gourab Mukherjee Jul 2016
Neither I had respect for them
hardly I knew what were they
Breached my concerned motivation
Ultimate freedom from eternal salvation
I opposed it day by day
It still finds me in a new way
I hardly remember that lady
who passed me a disease to smoke daily
Curiosity what at all pays
The green leaves forever stays
It was a surpassed obligation
I tried to survive through meditation
Purely surprised with the effect of unknown potion
People call it "HALLUCINATION"
Being a stranger to myself
Hardly I opposed for a help
Meddler was the "MARIJUANA"
through which I attained 'Nirvana'
Suddenly after a strong realization
Succumb to temptation
Found a heavy drift towards it
Literally transformed into a revived kid
Found myself a vagary
With no sweet in this new jaggery
Lame with the new thoughts
And, still carrying on...

Come well in time
Bring transparency and
Taste of ginger decoction
Freshness of fennel seeds
Sweetness of jaggery
Be my life's luxury

— The End —