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Dreaming is good.
But dreaming is bad, because it hurts.
Dreams die.
You grow up thinking you are invicible, forever amazing.
You grow up realizing it does not work that way.
You grow up to realize the people around you want you to be safe.

Life isn’t about being daring anymore.
Life is about having a safe future.
Pick a safe job.
Live your life.
Enjoy it when you can.

But the fireceness of life leaves you.

Adults burn the fire in you.
Cold water on your dreams, wash them all away.
Adults throw you in the wilderness to make you realize.
Realize life is not a game anymore.
Adults burn the fire in you.
They feed your insecurities.
Cultivate your fears.
Then feed them back to you.
They’re scared. They don’t want you to face a wall of disappointements.
But they won’t let your try, either.
Adults burn the fire in you.
Not consciously.
And suddenly you, with all your dreams in your heart, face doubt.


The worst feeling.
Worst than love. Worst than hate.
Sinuously cracking your hopes and dreams.

Doubt, creeping in your mind, burning bridges.

Doubt, expanding every time you hesistate.

Doubt, forever in your head.

Doubt burned my dreams to ashes.

Doubt washed them all away.
Danielle Shorr Jul 2014
Dear Chicago
I have known you since birth
Was placed on this earth at the corner of belmont and clarke
Between thrift shops and sports bars
Amidst high rises and churches
At introduction was enamoured
Fell in love at first sight
Fell in love with your capacity
Your buildings
And skyline
Fell in love
With the way the pier's ferris wheel
Glows against lake michigan
How I felt invicible
The first time I ever rode it
A tourist attraction to say the least
But to me, has always been more
Has always been comforting
I claim to hate the cold
But the snow blanketing the trees in the winter time
Is a beauty unlike any other
Is painstakingly unbearable in it's temperature
But worth it
Worth the below zero windchill
Worth the frostbitten hands and hour long commutes
The weather has yet to prevent celebration
Couples bond over frozen lips with kisses and hot chocolate
Skates click against glass ice in Millenium park
I have always thought
That the city looks best dressed in christmas
In street lights
In holiday
In togetherness
In road rage turned blessing
It is hardest to hate what is shared
And freezing cold has a way of providing unity
As does autumn
How nothing has ever been more breathtaking
Than how leaves make death look graceful
How they make fifteenth story falls seem desirable
Something about the air
Feels different in the fall
But regardless of season
There is always warmth in the food
In the deep dish pizza that settles at the bottom of hungry stomachs
In the hotdogs that cannot be imitated in any other town
I have noticed
That some things can not be replaced
And this city
That I have grown up loving
Is not one that deserves to be changed
But still
Is imperfect
Is molding
Growing in ways more negative than good
In ways unwanted
Gang violence is no longer a rarity
Earning us a top spot on the list of high ****** rates
It seems today
That gunshots and sirens
Are the only music to be heard in the streets
That the jazz born here decades ago no longer plays
Only silent cry of mother losing child
Only unanswered prayer
Reports of daily shootings have become routine
Safety is not one of the stronget attributes
And a girl like me
Would be unable to securely navigate the streets on her own
Survive in this community turned war zone
I have loved you
For as long as I have known what love is
I have painted picture after picture of you
Admiring your intricate details
Your originality
Your parts that can not be found any place else
But there are flaws
That have forced me to leave
Have driven me thousands of miles away
You must understand
That I needed someplace
That could offer me protection when alone
I may not be in your arms
But you will always
Hold a place
In my heart
You will always
Be home.
Writing is easier than yelling out every emotions
Writing is calming, a soothing voice –your own- dictating what to write
Writing is an escape.
Your thoughts move from their dark place inside your head,
your neck,
Your arm,
Feel the tension of your wrist as they go up, up,
Up into your waiting hands, fingers ready to translate the vague into the precise
Words tumbling down the ink of your pen.
Writing is the blade I slash across my wrist to feel the pain
Writing makes it visible.
My emotions.
On paper.
Right. There.
Like a line of blood dripping down the numbness of a hand rended useless by the power of sharp blades.
My blood is my ink, and each day I bleed a little bit more onto the page, a little bit

l                o n g e r

Each day I shed my invicible suit to put on my poet cloak
For a few hours I pretend I'm a writer
I bleed to death everynight and then come back to life the next morning
I die everynight I peaceful sleep and when I wake up the blood is new.
The blood is fresh.
The blood is black.
And I bleed again and again my anger, my sadness, my incomprehension, my fear, my love, my hate, my loneliness, my grand feelings
I bleed them out
My blood is my ink.
My blade is my pen.
My pain are the words.
My redemption is the beauty of my pain
I lie down and realize my blood doesn't disappear, doesn't wash out.
No one can erase my death.
Because I am once again alive
And I will bleed forever.
alex Nov 2016
there's a sky
inside your head;
starless, cloudless.
stretched lands
inside your mind
that are a little
too large
for the one small you.
you're no god
despite how
people tell you
you're invicible.
you are just a man;
and men die
out of isolation.
you can't speak
out loud, because
nobody's there
to hear your sounds.
so you live
under your own sky
on your own land
that feels a little
too large
for the one small you.
inspired by a character i made.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
~to The Fallen

No one is invincible.

The world makes soldiers
of willing nineteen-year-olds
because they believe they are

I have heard them die
screaming for their mothers,
crying out to a deaf god,
begging for another chance,
amazed this could happen
to them.

If you had heard them
whimpering and bawling
in their final moments,
completely baffled
by death,
you would understand
what they learned too late:

No one is invincible.
- mce
danny Jul 2015
He was known
Girls kissing his foot
But he doesn't like it
He doesn't like the word famous

She was just a girl
Boys not even glancing
And she likes it
She likes the word invicible

When paths meet
She's stuck between loving
And staying
She can love without staying right

And he's left barren
Lonely and lost without her
Even if he was used to the lights
He can't live without her

And the lights

Are blinding them

But what do they do?
Will they let go?
Or stay?

Is love enough for them to stay?
Or is love not even in the list of reasons
For one to?
this sounds like a trailer/book summary **** ((im sorry))
E Aug 2017

Her feelings she hides

Covers the fear with pride

she has been beat down one too many times

her flame seems to be dying out with time

Her dreams she can't find

she feels so left behind,

shes loosing her faith

shes falling from hope

her knees are getting weak,

with pain in her heart she spoke

   "Where are you?"

They dont see the tears she hides

they dont know the pain she feels

she hides it all inside

with a beautiful mask of pride

Faith sees the invicible

and recieves the impossible

but shes loosing sight of her spirituality

and has began walking in the reality of vanity

Shes loosing her faith

shes falling from grace

and once she loses this part

it will all fall apart.
Niranjan Dec 2023
I saw a lynx as you left..
The dusk fog lighter, a bitter sweet brighter that makes it clear...
  Under the nest, by the trees.. The mythic lynx who sees through walls..
  Unravels hidden truths, the clairvoyant cat.
The nest up, holds our folk.
Each twig making sense, each twig an essence.
The wind may come, it could knock the nest.
The mythic fox in the blue, light dust, lighter fog,
Shows of a fire from faraway land.
The wind may come, carrying it, it could come.
Ashes could be carried in the following wind to the next cove.

Seedling are born when a hand plants them.
A stranded seedling is an act of war, not of logic.
The war s within, invicible within the folk you've built, above the lynx in the nest you've built.
Remember, the lynx is mythic, it has clear vision.

   A child's eye captures amazement in all..
   A broom is a horse, a stick is a sword.

A farmers duty is to water and love.
As it is essential, it's another twig, another part.
Unguided rage will bloom in those,
who were never touched by the farmers hand.
As that hand disipates the folk disipates.

One more thought, the lynx sighs.
Your horse neighs, the path is thick.
It neighs when hope seems far.
The path is thick the fog is bigger.
Travel safely, reach home early.

The lynx bows when in retreat,
I bow in respect.
The wind is coming, have to prepare.
The fallen twigs can be put togather again.
Michael Perry Feb 2020

to stand here looking down-from this height
one feels invicible with a feeling that comes over
of god- like;  to realize what it took to create life
from the seas, to the sky, the bird, the fish, the tree, each
blade of grass to the flower, the bee, the moth- snow and rain
the sun and the moon; all of life-laid out before me until
I realize I am but a mere mortal- made human; being unable
to comprehend; all the majesty of that;  which is impossible
made real, the possiblity-of a little faith-to answer the unanswerable

by Michael Perry
Andrea Sep 2020
The eyes that i met, told me a story that the world took granted.
That smile had a longing to find love that was abandoned.
Tears flowed on those soft cheeks weighing all the fears of life.

So, i stepped in to kiss his pain, show him that life renews the moment you give it away.
Waves of sweet emotions rushed out of me with the feel of his warmth
Wrapped in his arms.

Little did he know that my promise was a way to freedom and would feel a sunken peace for all the reasons.

Sadly to know he didn't have concious. He lost his sanity young when the world around him was just torment and cold.
My mind determinant to convincing that he will change to a beautiful being, thats when a voice within echoed
'No more, it's invicible, let go.
For once I am gone, it's unfixable'.

It hit like a bolt of lightning, it struck me frightening. How did i live these year's not knowing he was blinding.
Acceptance was at battle with firm denial, not wanting to believe that all he was a rehersal for survival.

A lesson learnt in the hardest way possible, just to lead me on the path of being stronger and an intense lover.
Ever grateful for a journey that now shows me clarity and closer to the essence of the almighty.
Michael John Jun 2024

i do not mock the sun
a war no-one or nothing

i know as much as the
late of residence

on our wall-
upside down
charging at the

near invicible
and surrounded
by monsters..


i have a hat and
the captain´s shoes
but that means nowt

i am in
i am blue
i am out..

— The End —