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Patricia Drake Mar 2013
Your nouns are spread
On sheets
Of white impeccability
Attached complements provide
Of beauty
And we both inflect
Our verbs
With precision
In perfect concord
We take specific (pre)positions
Towards me
Around you
In out in out
Denying every possibility
Of negations
Limitations in scope
And we end existence
In a loud
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
The road to truth has many  immure & acquiescent turns
Many tough battles with fire has left marks from many burns
Gruesomely the darkest hours of life are in the nugatory lies
The state of mind conforms with with deception as it so complies
It repeats on and on in the wild confines of a diabolical sequel
Its seems life is so riddled with impractical & daunting ways
People with poisoned minds, so narcissistic & shameful as it stays
To intersect with a soul of opulent  loyalty & truth is seldom & blessed
But the severity of impeccability & prevarication having a fine line,
is a realization so strongly stressed... 
©Michael P. Smith
Travis Green Aug 2021
I have lost myself in the creative composition
Of his body, his strong, deep, and attractive features
His orange peel eyes that carry me into his flaming
divine fire, the sleek sideways of his smooth
Invitational cheeks, his light peach-pink lips
So clean-shaven and fine alongside the façade
Thoughts of drifting into the wonderfully
Warm-hearted city of his vast, energetic presence
His royal yellow, brick-beating chest, slender
Cherished, a landscape of adoration

I wonder what unseen dreams lie inside his
Treasure chest, what blooming bridges
Can I cross to reach the boulevard of his heart
The heavenly brightness brimming through his
Mighty and exalted kingdom, so unbelievably
Prodigious, a profound tenderness gushing
Through my bones, a starry constellation
Of equations scintillating forever so sweetly
In the majesty of his impeccability
authentic Feb 2016
I write, not to deploy pity or ***** commonplace conceptions
I write to potentially discover the sole rationale as to why I am who I am
What variety of experience and array of struggle has molded my self being
And who is to say that I have or have not become who I was intended to
There is a fine line of losing touch with society's notion of impeccability and drifting towards the horizon of individual pediment in assembling the parts of your inner soul
The pieces of you that may never see the light of day but still continue to participate in your decision making and how you articulate ideas
Every part of the whole is significant
Yet we continue to sprint towards the standards of conformity
Our lives, slowly becoming a smaller line of which we walk upon, holding tight to mediocrity
Because the only thing to do when the curtain is falling is say what the audience wants to hear
And I fear that perhaps I and clinging to the same things I curse over without being aware of it
So, I write, not to deploy pity or ***** commonplace conceptions
I write to potentially discover the sole rationale as to why I am who I am
Perhaps I am who I think I am, whomever that may be
All I do know, however, is I am not who you think I am
Let me paint you in watercolors,
I want your hues of blues and reds to drip into clear ocean waves.
Let me spatter your soul on the walls of buildings
As abandoned as that hole in your chest.
You were always psychedelic.

I want to rebuild you from paper mache
Placing all your pieces around the frame
Of what I wanted to build you into.
So I can resuscitate the times when you loved me back.

I’ll sculpt a smile into the stone
I am using to reconstruct you,
So never again can you cast an ugly word at me
And all my poetry
Will be etched in your eyes.

But I can’t get your eyebrows just right,
My paint brush hurts my wrist.
My chisel and mallet cause me carpal tunnel
And I break off your lip in pieces.
The paper mache slides in wet globs to the floor.

Part of me is glad I can’t recreate your impeccability.
Now I may be able to see beauty in something,
Or someone,
A demure river converges with the sea and turns into a scepter of intrepidity.

My eyes try to follow every ebbing wave into the strands of illimitable resurrection.

The wind carries the clouds toward a ruffled terrain and turns sunshine into rain.

Reckless movements seem to convey the act of solicitous tenderness.

A forsaken lighthouse on a deserted island tries to revitalize the ship that never arrived.

The enlightenment seems to brighten up its separateness

From the world of decreasing congeniality.

The resplendent pasture seems to absorb the colour from the verdant trees.

Scintillating dewdrops variegate the cusp of the grass like an exhilarating crown.

The inaudible murmur of pastoral life wraps the passing day in its tranquil impeccability.

The lucent stars seem to burn the vacuousness of night with its satiating fire.

Nature seems to have become the harbinger of my lost words

That long ago manifested my dauntless but wretched love for you.

The uncanny omnipresence of the unbarred memories seems to amalgamate

The unreciprocated past and the abeyant present.

Stirring thoughts in an invigorating mind seem to lose its scrupulousness

In the midst of these harrowing days of ruthless truthfulness.

The metaphors of nature seem to have juxtaposed with the feeble pieces of my fragile heart.

The ineradicable retrospection of moon-sharing nights seem to have emerged

From the irreducible darkness around me.

The twinkling shadows of inseparable hearts seem to converge

Into the enticing hills of the unlit valley.

The honest moon seems to have lost its sagaciousness in the night of relinquished lovers.

The closing day is enamored of the festering odor of onrushing annihilation.

The transcendental road to salvation merges into the heath of transcalent despondency.
The poem is all about how we look at nature and create a picture of our own feelings by using those natural things and connect them to our own heart, our beloved's eyes, and our inseparable presence in the world.
Feggyr Citack Dec 2017
We don't like jokes in India
Our beloved leaders are so pure
We cannot stand the slightest tainting
Their lilly-whiteness might endure

Our happy comrad may be an ape
Perhaps a rabbit, a dog or a snake,
But even if he were a crocodile
His impeccability should never be at stake

Our happy fists will help you to recall
The mercy and the strength of our leaders
Grace, wit and reason we don't need
Now go to Pakistan, you and your readers
Satirical Facebook page Humans of Hindutva closed down this week after death threats from supporters of the Hindhu nationalist movement. A sad but fitting way to close this bad year for freedom and democracy.
PJ Poesy Apr 2017
Grass cuttings savor an essence, if it were not for the flavor of gasoline added to it. Chores multiply in the garden as days snug up to summer. Warming theory of companion planting goes further than marigolds with tomatoes. Nasturtiums nuzzling cornstalks nicely agree. However, it is the editing of more combative creepers that keep this gardener flustered among the mustard greens. I'm inclined to let it all go, but the peanut grass gets so thuggish, someone needs to teach it a lesson. Yet, full eradication seems too vicious as hummingbirds do adore its frosting of bells. It's a nectar aggrandizement they throb upon in throngs. So, who am I to commit holocaust? After all, with the loosening of soil it provides when pulled, aeration is a welcome aftermath.

So it is continuous, and outright perfection in the pull and push of entirety. Now if I might trade that gas mower in for a push one, a transcendence of impeccability may occur. I might even breathe better.
Travis Green Apr 2021
I get so hypnotized whenever I’m seeing you
Your impeccability is so exceptional
I picture myself being in your kingdom
Supplying you everything that you desire
‘Cause your magnificence is so inspiring
You’re so superior in every area
Your skin is so lovely to look at

I wanna hug you and kiss you
I wanna stay clung to you
And listen to your melodic song
Run through my system
All you gotta do is let me fulfill your needs
I’ll be gentle as I calm your mental
Robin Carretti May 2018
We need to stop making

assumptions or
Can we be saved from

To me, this is not a


Love play reaction


Or love liability

◊ ♥ ♥

Self-love to love yourself

Interaction caught you in

the deepest thoughts

All by myself

Come forth the temptation

What becomes more

Fifth heart operated
Five doctors
Opened up someones
Good heart Bill Gated

Computer the chosen one
Pressed her five keys like the

How  God really

knows what every heart shows
he loves you

One agreement never

thoroughly thought
5 times the Sentinel
She held her words bright

"I Am"

Two of the most powerful

words with love


Promises five wishes lift

Please respect it as a gift

But what is really behind the

words bowling(Pin)interest
5 strikes you out

Let's say goodbye to sadness

Show gratitude

Your spirit opens to gladness

Respect is the one greatest

Accomplishment such kindness

Show who you are

the glow of appearance

And pardon me if you refuse

to eat "Emotionally"
Personally so caught up

With someone else's five
sweet and low packs
of poison

Looking for love but we really

don't know love give me five

reasons why?

Be immune to the other

people opinion



Life was simpler
with giggles

Now all you see is
War of roses

How it blooms into
the hell of

Five lives of

Are you being clearly unheard
Jaybirds Robin redbreast
Flamingo pink seagulls hawks
could really talk
take me away
To think

I forgot some
My mind erased like

To buy love the Gal of the


Were you the pep me up

Pepsi Topsy tipsy
Kentucky derby

The next level spiritual

Rules of the Rumi ®
Take me like a poem

She moved right through me
So peaceful and calm

Her Mona Lisa fifth
the painting she needs
to smile

Her five fingers took
a palm reading

The ½ of her heart needed

mending love
5 top ingredients
So well commended

The five agreements

Something like you

never seen

On the news
Fox five
Box ageless five
Sox Dr. Suess
I will take the fifth
No loss

That ***** of light
Jekyll dark lamp post

His incoming headlights
Seeing a ghost

He saved your salvation

Oh! Lord what could I afford

The soul of silence

Going downward

But really "What's up?

Got changed to onward

Your divorced finger cup

Dark coffee with the
eerie glow
Wine corker
Fifth floor
Only one lover

No tootsie roll lost
the soul

Feeling like the

All the chips were
out 5 morsels

Love of baked cookies
Love portal

Reaching Twenty five
No morals

So solid in your ways

Always on the fifth days

of the month

He was the bouncer

What an influencer

Healthy sipping your


With vitality but lonely

inside like a vegetation

So ironic

More energy veggie juicer

You felt "ET" or

Glazing in the grass

The E-book

the weight coming

Personel trainer he was

Slim Fast five times

24/7 Even Steven

Hearing the fifth symphony

You need the hubby

Hello Poetry
For God's sake,
we keep

Veterinarian take me
not him he went to sleep
The Veep

The Parrot palm tree
Designer 5 pairs of shoes
Shopping Bell Towers spree

Talking over like a
voice over the game
is over

The snowbirds


Those spreadsheets

Spreading heat and waves

of love what's above


Picking up on the fifth ring

Knowing its always him

on the I phone those

pearls shined for him

Filling in the gaps

That was a different swing

But we will make up the time

The Beatle beats I want to hold

your hand around the Garden of

Eve last love to bend

Your gifted heart to send

With no attachments
enclosed with


Midsummer dream no manic

to this planet

Rumi spiritual existence

My four agreements

To Love

To Honor

To give

To rightfully be happy
to live
I will take the fifth to another dimension just read on dream on I rather be the 5th  person I have my reasons five fingers to breathe on we all need to move on
Miguel Cardozo Dec 2016
Your lips,
Their touch,
The bliss,
It muses me to poetry.
Summons words which bare my mind,
My heart,
My soul,
For you I'd write a million, and if I ever stopped to speak, I'd fill the air with praise!
Raise your image to the heavens, for the world should know it's grace.
Perfection is the word you wear, so beautifully.
Yet you humble in your impeccability.
So I beg you, do turn your head to me!
Let me revel in such beauty,
My heart awaken in your loving stare!
Let not my skin forget your lips!
Instead, have me burn in lustful passion, as each new kiss becomes my newest bliss
And as such my newest muse.
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your stupendously adrenaline-fueled attitude is
So super seductively smooth, so enthusing to groove on
To cruise through the coolness of your pulchritudinous
Such soothingness you bring to my mind, body, and soul
With your heavenly delectability, impeccability, and impressionability

You cast a salacious spell on me, send me into unstoppable
Blossoming raptures, make my senses spin, fence me in
Your dreamy shimmery dimension, put me in a whirlwind
Of monstrously thundering sensations, with your lurid, lucid, and rigid
Exquisiteness, you are a fully loaded dopalicious showstopper

Your verve converses and staggers my inner world
My heartbeat pounds harder the more I delight in your rocket flight
Fraught with your top-notch macho sauce
You are a blazing hot tornado sensation
Armed and dangerous, a flaming radiant maze
Overloaded with top-shelf brick-red fieriness

You entice my emotions, spin me around in circular thugular motion
I drink down your boiling hot potion of alluringness
Feel my mind enveloped in fervent burning smoke
My body longing to lock with yours, let you shock my chocolate box
Make my heartland jostle in your unconquerable astronomical
Astonishingness, astound my sound box, let me drown
In your bounds rife with profound drawing power
Travis Green Mar 2022
Your masculineness is seamless bewitching magic
It’s explosively beastly and undefeatable
It punctuates your unlimited and rare power
You devour my creation with your enamoring flex
Your boldness makes me float
Your release of deep masculine notes
Makes me choke on my spit
Your astonishing solidness shimmers
Increasingly all around me

I am so moonstruck by your seduction
Your ample, valuable, and long-lasting stamina
How I wanna sink into your **** impeccable melody
Feel your hands close to my flesh
On my monstrous stunning *******
Heavenly caresses against my sweet tasty *******
As I clutch your broad, awesome shoulders
Your salubrious neck, your dreamy pink lips
Your shimmery electrifying eyes

I crave unbounded pleasure with you
Kiss me and never let it end
Make my frequency meet you
At the midpoint of glorious magic
I am so hung up on your delicious vivacious splashiness
Your swagnificent masterpiece ravishes my mind
You are my golden globe of dopeness
My lively ardent tenderness
A slim splendorous spectacle
I wanna revel in your impeccability
Drift away into your supreme sweetness
Travis Green Apr 2022
You are my wild fire in the night
That brings my deepest desires to life
I want to revel in your nakedness
Taste your warm sensational flesh
Take me in your waves of hypnotic erotica
Fuel my system with your exhilarating enchantment

Press your mouth all over my bold, tasty *******
Bring me heavenly pleasure
With the tender feel of your hands
Rubbing my soft and voluptuous body
I become so helpless in your hotness
Watching how you sparkle in the darkness
The way you gaze at me with fascination
Makes me quiver excessively

Your red hot passionateness is all I need
Cascading through my system
To make my feminine sweetness blossom
Like brilliant luxuriant flowers
Your lion brown eyes are all I can see
That shines sublimely in my mind

I want to stroke your soot-black beard lovingly
Marvel at the way your freshness flourishes
How you bless me with your rareness
Your fragrant spectacularness, impassioned madness
That moves wildly through my bones
Revel in your impeccability
Let your masculineness touch the softest parts of me
Ujjal Mandal Nov 2023
All say the NIGHT is nothing but you
After repellent darkness a day new,
The firefly that takes the PRIDE
Is none other than luminescent light,
A bud gets its fulfilment lonely
In darkness is YOU(mother) the latency,
The sun has got the ball of fire
The cloud is devoid of guile white
Sailing in the space so bright:
Whiteness of impeccability is yours
The golden wings that the sun endures,
The moon is smiling among the stars
Glowing like thousand of night flowers.

O Mother: the beauty of the beauties
Give me endless strength as the bliss
To ruin the weaknesses inside me.
The ointment to the grave wounds
Is MOTHER KALI the power no bounds
I bend my HEAD down to thee!
labyrinth Nov 2020
Diminishing sincerity
******* polarity
Excessive irrationality
Abundance in disparity
Ever-increasing barbarity
Fading income inequality
His, her or your vanity
Addiction to popularity
Translates to peculiarity
Governmental irregularity
A lot of corruptibility
Destitute of quality
Surplus of insensitivity
Lack of responsibility
Never ending animosity
Disengaging actuality
Too much sexuality
Accelerating obesity
Elites: Malicious fraternity
Utter contemptibility
All about profitability
Causing instability
What a pity
True solidarity
Complete clarity
A lot of integrity
Quite some serenity
Stronger immunity
Back to respectability
Definite profundity
Old-school verity
And impeccability
Absolute race equality
Mutual generosity
Much less paucity
None of docility
Financial security
Fixing credibility
Growing authenticity
Waning negligibility
No images, real identity
A little conventionality
Maybe some spirituality
For sure, intrepidity
Equal opportunity
Lasting prosperity
Happier humanity
With fine dexterity
All necessity
If not!!!
Inevitable scarcity
Impossible maintainability
Increasing immorality
Spreading brutality
Thus illegality
Sheer inequality
Additional vulnerability
Air and nature impurity
Much less inhabitability
A separating community
Everything’s overcapacity
Additional promiscuity
With less heterosexuality
Way more criminality
Presumably more oddity
Leads to inexplicability
Rising radioactivity
Unstoppable ferocity
Along with hostility
Political den of iniquity
All that potentiality
On the verge of criticality
Oh boy, a poor posterity
More than a possibility
Around the vicinity
Shame on complicity
The End!!!
Travis Green Mar 2022
You transport me from my present state
To stupendously supereminent dimensions
Where your incomparableness enraptures me
You ****** me with your hot ardent masculinity
Chiseled, well-muscled, and man-nificent
Rude juicy lips, charming moss green eyes
Sexually appealing eyebrows
How I crave to revel in your impeccability

Become frozen in your showiness
Taste your sensational senses
Feel my body shudder in your relentless seductive thunder
Give me incredibly lascivious emotions
Let me feel your magical movement
Clarify your masculine affection to me
When we ****** hard inside my world
Glide your passions in the inner parts of my wonderland

Grab my **** stacked *******
Bite into my sweet lickable *******
Swim in my sea of vastly gratifying magic
Boy, I want all your ardent hotness
Drink every bit of your ****** love juice
Become stewed on your smoothness
Ravish me, bad boy
Tame every part of me

Make me unstable
Make my world become asymmetrical
In your **** flexible manliness
Unhinge my dimension
Feed off my lecherous flesh
Elucidate your creatively comprehensive dreams to me
I wanna fade into your forevermore freshness
Become disjointed in your wildly entertainable passion

Satisfy me, allow me to be your gift of treasure
I don’t wanna answer to no one else, but you
Teach me what your love is all about
Make my femininity concede
To your dangerously flaming masculinity
Travis Green Apr 2022
I long to caress your glowing golden-draped debonairness
Your impressive, sumptuous chest, your lovely luminous neck
Your hot charming arms, your beautifully majestic arched shoulders
Feel your fresh electric fragrance float in my sensual space
How your eternally ardent and sparkling flame burns brightly
In my seamless dancing light, highly enlightens my psyche

You are my alluring superstar, a Casanova in my globe
I want to orbit your rich, swirling chocolate factory
Collide with your fineness like a multi-vehicle crash pile-up
Create infinite enchantment when our bodies combine
Allow your melanin hands and mouth to meld with my flesh
Feel your saucy sloppy kisses all over my lush ***** *******

Your long tempting tongue twirls around my tumescent tips
While I lick my lips and invite you deeper into my access of sweetness As I wrap my legs around yours and place my hands on your back
While I stare stimulatingly into your impossibly deep brown eyes
As my body shudders with your every electrifying touch
While I revel in your aesthetically appealing impeccability

— The End —