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kate mckay Feb 2015
by kate McKay* & *The Creep Who Lovs You
their is something guiding me home
to my lover , my happiness
my heartbeats for it
stronger the closer I get
the fiercer so no one can destroy it.

Its a melody, a rhythm
That shakes through my bones,
Skipping around, never the same,
But I listen,
And follow the beats to wear
The heart lays.

it takes me to your arms
were our heart beat the same
the melody's of our love some
are the same and complete the other
we close our eyes
let our heart do the talking
for once

When our careful waltz
Is interrupted by
falls, fumbles, fights
Everything will rearrange itself,
The music we heard,
It still plays.
Just a little bit softer this time...

*the more we move the harder it is to hear
looking into our heart see nothing
our memories is my happiness
my lover .. I hope I can still call you mine

But mine is nothing but a word,
I hold our memories
Clutched in my hand,
Heart in my palm.
The song stuck on repeat
In my head...
You will always be mine,
But I might not always be yours.

**This song drives me crazy
as I try to reach you
from down on my knees
were I'm begging you o never let go
because I wont be able to let you go
not now
and not ever
I had so much fun doing this. The creep who loves you is amazing at this kind of stuff. thankyou Hope everyone like this it was my first cobalt
David Bojay Sep 2021
there's no reason to remember about what I've desired
just like I forgot about the desire to write
I've allowed myself the freedom to do
(when I want) (focus when it comes)
it's what feels to be, spiritual progress
radiant feelings
coming and fleeting
thought forms melting before all I'm seeing
attitude is vibration
the root of creation
divine formation
through useless information
making sense without mystical procedures
wasted leisure
(false ambitions deriving from unnatural greed)
open myself to persecution
only to realize I my"self" am an illusion
so it begins, the dissolution
calm and ready
secluded in the mysteries of this great theatre
life, a series of memories arranged in the practical
harmonical manner
(if that's a word)
(keep typing)
what do I live for?
a production of symbolism
entertained in the prisms
that so happen to reflect human mischief
live to diminish
built up anguish
a hopeless wish
meaningless stitch
can't manage the baggage
inside the cerebral attic
static between breaths
the moment I'll let
settle in the sun that meant to set
(a wedding in the sky)
lost love so divine
tears rushing down my cheeks at night
reflecting on universal signs
eternal truths
I sigh
a moment at a time
you can't change, only modify
generous time flies
realizations combined
directions for decisions in mind
(this life)
incline, decline
experiences desgined
curves, opposing straight lines
how would we even define....
what truly aligns
the spirit
continue, live like there's no finish
characters to diminish
predict my wishes
my heart
longing for what isn't
what was
no longer there
couldn't stare at what I couldn't bare
missed true love by plenty hairs
mistakes were obvious
I was oblivious
thinking of what could've been
Limited trains of thought
All I used to sought for, cost a lot
it was you, who inspired some tunes
formed by the formless wind that creates the dunes
Inevitable doom
Under the moon
I succumb to you
act upon intentions and responses
perhaps it's way too soon
flowers yet to bloom
ideas flowing out the womb
mistakes to broom
room to improve
a struggle before you wake
less and less to rake
In and out of fantasies
can't trust in (reality)
question my sanity
study my anatomy
Zoom passed meaningless blues
I’m on my walk...
I feel better now
examine the highs before I drown again
calculate the vitamins
narratives written with my fancy stolen pen
this is.... idk
Poet-Whisperer Jan 2015
My languid darling,
With your videre as you pass by
Pausing, freezing, looking back at me
Through harmonical movements
That made it seem as if you were dancing
Turning here and there ambivalently
Trying to ease your own boredom
As you listen to the sound of music.
Rima Sahamandal Aug 2017
I can see you,
When the aurora let the dews shine,
Dispenses the elegance and charm divine,
And also while I go for a holy shrine,
And can see you in my bottle of wine..

I can hear you,
While careless wind blows, frantic and free,
And amidst the harmonical murmurs of the tree,
And those agile waves of the sea,
Whispers in my ear the voice of thee.

I meet with you,
When traumatized, agonized I sob lonely,
And condemning the play of my ruthless fate,
Frustrated, I puff a cigar and release the smoke,
Which always conspires to take your portrait.

I can smell you,
When the drops of rain wet the ground,
And lingers your essence, distinct and profound,
And in gardern delicate flowers of bright hue,
Forgets their smell & casts the perfume of you.

I can have your touch,
While the mild & charming evening breeze,
Touches my skin and makes me seized,
Or at dawn while aurora touchs my face,
Medicates my scars and like you embrace.

You left me alone, and make my world sober,
Didn't thought of me, and returned never,
But when I intend a new life to find,
This intriguing nature always makes me remind,
About you..

— The End —